#「Blue Oni(OOC)」
abyssmalice · 20 days
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this is blue tartaglia (not to be confused with red "childe" tartaglia). please treat her well
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nekofantasia · 2 years
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@twinfoxtails​ @smithalspersonal​
Like MotherMaster like DaughterShikigami huh?
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gold-rhine · 10 months
You ever think the Itto we get in events isn't the Itto from his story quest? Little things that feel real ooc like him stealing from his friends or that dumb drum. The only time after that I felt This Is Itto was during Heizou's hangout. Godteir hangout btw. I love him to bits but man does it hurt a little. They're also missing a golden opportunity with his blue oni bro that doesn't exist anymore I guess.
oh 100%, i am so salty about Itto writing. I think that like, no joke he is one of the hardest characters in genshin to handle writing wise, bc while outwardly comedic and goofy, he is also incredibly kind and empathetic AND has an unbreakable spine when it comes to protecting people. He has tragic backstory! He has themes about minority in-fighting, refusing to assimilate and radical compassion! He's a hard balance to keep, and he was written incredibly in his own story quest, but I feel like when random hoyo writers who mb don't have a tight understanding of his character write him, they just do the comedic bit or fail to write him as multi-dimensional even when trying
like on my prev blog I was ranting at length how hoyo fucked up Itto's writing in chasm event. And I recently replayed it and like... you can SEE how they tried and failed! You can SEE how some writer had the characterization notes for Itto, but just couldn't make him come to life. like they OOC-ed him into a clown for most the quest, then they had a bit where he steps up during xiao and yelan's argument about how xiao wants to sacrifice himself, but instead of arguing against self-sacrifice, smth that he did VERY coherently in his own story quest, he just punches the wall and passes out. And then kuki explains that like Itto hates seeing ppl harm themselves, and that he has his heroic moments to help others and like. why IS SHE TELLING THIS. Why didn't you just SHOW us with Itto's own words and actions?? Like you can see them reading character notes and failing to dramatize them. Such a shame for real.
tho speaking of events, i think the ghosts event where he immediately adopted three yokai kids was good
but also yeah, Heizou hangout was absolutely top tier, and Itto was on point and absolute joy every second he was on screen. I miss him too, when will Good Itto Characterization come back from the war
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charlotte-official · 6 months
THE STEAMBIRD: 11/19 - 11/28
ooc: afiehafieho late again.. oops. hwfehw this weeks issue is not it ngl ive done better
Kamisato Ayato, the head of the Kamisato clan, was accused by his sister, Kamisato Ayaka, for being “loud” with the Kamisato’s housekeeper at night. This housekeeper is Thoma.
It started like this: Kamisato Ayato called Miss Kamisato a disappointment to the clan as a whole. At first she was nonchalant, however, simply being a tad wounded, saying “ouch, fuck you too and your boyfriend.”
Thoma, the alleged boyfriend, responded, a little sad, asking what he had done since he had not contributed to the insult from Kamisato Ayato.
Ayaka, with an eye roll, commented that she could hear the two from her room. 
The older Kamisato, flustered, tried to cover it up by saying they were “fighting.” Thoma frantically agrees, and Ayaka, seeing through the two’s ploys, sighed, having “never imagined her brother would be a bottom.”
Arataki Itto, leader of the Arataki Gang (or how he calls himself, Arataki Numero Uno the one and oni head honcho Itto), suddenly burst in, hollering to the Deputy leader of the Arataki Gang, Kuki Shinobu. 
Itto, frantically, asks Kuki what taxes are why people are telling him that if you don’t pay them monthly it’s a crime. 
Kuki Shinobu, exasperatedly, asks Itto if he’s been paying his taxes. Itto replies that he doesn’t even know what taxes are and thought that “granny oni” handled them for him. Kuki Shinobu sighs and face palms while Itto continues to pester her, asking what taxes are.
Takuya, the blue oni, admits to Shinobu that he too, is confused on what taxes mean. Arataki Itto quips in, asking how to even SPELL taxes.
In an attempt to spell the word, Kuki Shinobu face palms, obviously tired of his shenanigans.
Takuya taps him on the shoulder, and tries to tell him how to spell the word. Itto, however, stubbornly tells him that his method of spelling the word doesn’t make sense and ignores him, adamant on not admitting he’s obviously wrong.
Kuki Shinobu, tired of the Gang’s shenanigans, buckles down and writes out an “Arataki Gang PSA.” Which, obviously, explains the premise of taxes.
Arataki Itto stubbornly proclaims that he refuses to read all that, and Kuki nonchalantly says that she won’t be busting him out of jail next time. Itto immediately takes back his statement and rushes to read the PSA. 
After Itto reads the PSA, he blinks at Shinobu, telling her that the government doesn’t know he makes money.
Kuki blinks at him, and then tells him that technically, if the government doesnt know, he technically doesnt have to pay taxes but is also illegal, and that maybe he shouldnt be proclaiming such a thing so loudly in a public place.
Following suit, the two pretended that this never happened at all.
With duplicates and clones n such being all the rage as of lately, it was revealed that another Arataki Itto of the Arataki Gang was discovered. The two pointed at each other and opted to immediately beetle fight. They then flung attack names at each other which were.. More often than not named after body parts.
In fact, even Liyue’s top legal advisor has got herself a twin! Yanfei, Liyue Harbor’s top legal advisor, found herself her own duplicate. In fact, the two are still figuring out what’s going on!
Oh but we can’t forget the first pair! That, being the bard Venti from Mondstadt, and his.. Nameless counterpart. The two are a little less alike, anyhow, Venti being an absolute drunkard and Nameless bard being.. Dead. And also more responsible.
But of course, to top them all, is Il Dottore! The fatui Harbinger with all of his clones!
The light of Ksharewar, Kaveh, is revealed to have not eaten in 2 days. The first to find this out was none other than his eldritch horror of a cat, Adi.
Adi scolds the architect and tells him to eat. Kaveh, being a little.. Out of it.. tries to eat air. Adi, with an exasperated sigh, calls his “roommate.” (Alhaitham)
A fact the Architect has been desperately trying to deny.
The prior scribe and current Acting Grand Sage, looks at the sustenance-deprived Architect and tells him to eat and that he cant just. He cant just eat air.
Kaveh denies it and goes back to trying to eat air.. Before Alhaitham says he’ll make him soup if he goes home right now and eats.
Kaveh, absolutely bewildered, folds immediately, and rushes back to their alleged shared home.
Pantalone- or the Fatui Harbinger known as the Regrator- according to my sources, consulted his fellow Harbinger Sandrone. 
Following the consultation, which I assume was a pep talk, Pantalone went to go talk with the Doctor, or Il Dottore. 
Entering the kitchen, the Regrator faced the Doctor and got on one knee. Reaching into a pocket, the Harbinger pulled out a box containing a diamond ring. 
With a heartfelt proposal, the Regrator asked for Dottores hand in marriage. 
Dottore, dumbfounded, could not believe his ears.  It was only after Pantalone repeated himself a second time that he was able to respond.
Even then, however, he was unable to believe that Pantalone would really propose to him. 
After a few loving words of reassurance, the Doctor caved and said yes. 
And thus, the two are to be wed!
Itto and webttore argue about eating watermelon crusts and purple and blue haired man from another world argues with itto
Sandrone wants to be dottores harness.
Itto asks if Kaeya gay. Kaeya then turns the conversation around to accuse Itto of being gay.
Diluc is asked if he is the darknight hero. By Itto. He swiftly denies the accusation.
Itto tells Lisa she is sexy. The conversation devolves into Lisa telling him he seems like a man kisser and itto frantically trying to deny the allegation.
Madame Faruzan is appalled after being called old (with disrespect) by Itto
Xiangling and Yanfei begin their journey around Teyvat to go dirt tasting.
blogs mentioned:
@xiangling-official @yanfei-official
@autistic-arataki-itto @faruzan-official @librarian-lisa-official @diluc-official @kaeya-official @sandrone-official @dottore-official @webttore-official
@kaveh-official @alhaitham-official
@venti-official @namelessbard-official
@kamisato-ayaka-official @ayato-official @thoma-official-genshin
@kuki-shinobu-official @the-blue-oni-official
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yanderes-galore · 26 days
I understand if you can't do this one, but can I ask for a romantic concept of Jameson Locke from Halo? ❤️
I know most people hated him... But I actually didn't mind him? Then again I was like... The only person who liked Halo 5 so-
As usual, Yandere Spartans are so difficult to write without going OOC....
Yandere! Jameson Locke Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Violence, Slight controlling behavior, Manipulation, Lucid yandere, Abuse of power mentioned, Subtle yandere, Dubious relationship.
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I only really know him from Halo 5, but he does have some lore in Nightfall and the books.
I imagine a scenario I could use for this concept if you're part of Team OSIRIS.
Perhaps you've even had history with Locke, either also being part of ONI or being part of the same Spartan training group.
I like to imagine there was background between you two.
Just enough to share some sort of connection that gets progressively worse during Halo 5.
Locke is a natural leader, he focuses on the mission and doesn't allow emotions to get in the way usually.
He cares for his fireteam and inspires loyalty in those under him.
Locke's similar to John in this, however I don't think he's as strong as John.
He's also more emotionally available than John.
Your experience and bond has been proven through countless training sessions and battles.
Even more so when you're with Vale, Tanaka, and Buck.
Your bond seems relatively normal.
You've shared drinks with Locke, you've listened to his every order, and shown great teamwork
Buck may even comment that you two look like you're closer than you are.
Perhaps even dating.
You always shut down Buck when it happens and Locke does too, yet he can't deny he does care about you.
Locke isn't violent unless he needs to be.
His wiki personality says he prefers to negotiate and always seems collected.
He's good when it comes to not allowing emotions to cloud his judgment.
Although, with intense romantic emotions towards you, I can see him faltering just a bit.
When it comes to you he does have a clouded mind.
He knows you can handle yourself.
Although he can't help but worry.
A relationship with a fellow soldier is unprofessional.
It can sabotage the missions and you couldn't be on Team OSIRIS anymore.
Locke would try to keep things professional and not personal.
He is aware of the growing obsession he has over you, although he knows better.
Due to his nature he won't kill any humans around you.
He's a protector of humanity, he'd suck at what he does if he did such a thing.
Along with being labeled a traitor.
So instead he sticks close to you, trying to stay under the label of your leader.
He's capable of having relationships, he and Buck are both Spartan-IVs and Buck canonically is in a relationship.
He's capable of it but is worried about how intense it is.
Locke is a lucid Yandere, he is aware of his darker thoughts and does his best to smother them.
It... doesn't really work, unfortunately.
He definitely tries to use these feelings to protect you as a fellow teammate.
As you can imagine, he only begins to feel worse throughout Halo 5
After all... Remember all the battles Team OSIRIS went through?
The assassination of Jul 'Mdama, The hunt for Blue Team, The Sangheilios Civil War, The hunt for Cortana...
That last one even continues after Team OSIRIS splits up.
Locke, like most Spartans, can usually hold back problematic emotions.
He often looks at you in fondness, even during war.
He wishes he could be beside you normally.
Although even then... He fears he won't be the best option for you.
His behavior is slightly controlling and manipulative.
As your fireteam commander, you naturally trust and listen to him.
Sometimes he finds himself accidentally being a bit too controlling towards you.
He finds himself holding you back out of the fear of losing you.
You aren't just a soldier to him, you're someone he loves.
You may not know it, but he does love you a lot.
Too much, actually, as he begins to learn.
By the end of Halo 5 he still has you on Team OSIRIS.
You two are often with one another and Tanaka on the Infinity.
He isn't really possessive... Just concerned.
If you point out his bad behavior, he tries his best to correct himself.
He may actually be someone you could have a genuine relationship with.
He doesn't force you, not intentionally.
He would wait for you to come to him, even in all of the chaos.
Although without your knowledge he may manipulate you away from other partners.
He's very subtle with his actions.
His controlling behavior is subtle and easily hid behind his rank if he plays his cards right.
Plus, you've been beside each other for a long time already.
He'll wait for you... Even though he should shut down such a thing, he finds himself accepting the offer to date.
He actually acts... Normal.
He's caring yet knows when to be professional.
It feels good to have your lips on his and to feel your touch.
He's craved this since forever.
The most yandere thing I can think of for him is him subtly manipulating a relationship with you.
He tries to excuse himself for his actions when he has you, he never tells you he wanted this outcome for as long as he did.
You look so happy... He's happy... He isn't going to ruin it.
Despite your relationship, he tries to clear his clouded mind.
No matter the threat, he plans to protect you.
If anyone tries to make a move on you, Locke appears with a glare.
He'll have no one ruin this for him.
If anyone wants to challenge that... Then he may indeed get a bit violent.
He just won't be lethal... For the most part.
Blood on his hands, no matter whose it is, doesn't seem that bad if it means a successful mission... And you stay safe.
His feelings may be wrong... But he just doesn't care anymore.
He only cares about you and begins to prioritize you... No matter the cost.
They may label him an insubordinate... They may call him a traitor... Yet when did Locke like the UNSC anyways?
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prpfs · 4 months
Okay hello and greetings! About me: I'm Blue, 20+ he/him, I have ten and some odd number years of experience writing and roleplaying, I can do anything from lit to three-liners but I do normally prefer around 1-3 paragraphs as a middle ground just to keep it rolling and keep it interesting!
What I'm looking for! So because I'm deranged and love making languages and species and planets, I have several different alien ocs I'd like to use! You can pick one, or we can have multiple rps or whatever you want! Your oc can be human or an alien of your choice that you've created, I'm okay with any bug-like characters, fur, tentacles, whatever you want to throw at me! I will take any combination of pairings and even polyamorous romances!
My Characters:
*note-- none of my characters will have a gender or genitalia preference, use whatever oc you please! They are also all humanoid-ish with some non-humanoid aspects to them*
Onii'kvi: Oni is 23, headstrong and terminally ill. He has a rare blood disease that he's getting treatments for while also being an employed and active pilot in the Galactic Defense Corp (GDC). He's goofy and smart but tends to act rash and quickly, most often seen with Sai'urn, Onyx, Kavik, and Eq'aix. He's intersex (both parts), and a vers/switch. Any pairing goes well with him! Sai'urn Ne'ka'c: Sai'urn is... well, a Prince of Holarus, the most diverse and technologicall advanced planet in the galaxy. He's 30, and also captain on the GDC and a scientist, leading research organizations on his home planet when he's not on assignment in the vastness of space. Most often seen with Onii'kvi, T'ik'a, K'iian, Onyx and Eq'aix. He's also intersex, although with the bonus of 2 d*s, and about 80/20 top/bottom ratio. K'iian: K'iian is an engineer, he works on anything from pilot spacecraft to scientific machines and transportation tech. He's 25, transmasc aligned and a complete and total whore bottom. Most often seen with T'ik'a and Sai'urn. T'ik'a: "Tick" is first and foremost, a freelanced hacker. She's 28 now, but was scouted by the GDC at seventeen for hacking into their databases and getting her brother's record scrubbed. She went to CAAE space academy, as did everyone else at their own times, and went on after graduation to work for the GDC for years. Most often seen with Kavik, Onyx, K'iian, and Sai'urn. Whilst under them she created EN3Y, her fully conscious robotic best friend. Tick is butch femme presenting, and a total power switch (aka whatever position, she's in charge) Kavik: Kavik is a beginner-ranking medical officer on Holarus, but also travels onto the GDC's ships to bring aid and supplies where possible, sometimes joining for relief missions on other planets. He's 24, with a great personality although it looks like he could kill you with a single glance. He's most often seen with Onyx, T'ik'a and Onii'kvi. Kavik is intersex also with two d*s and is more of a power bottom but will top quite often, more of a 50/50 split. Eq'aix: Eq'aix, or "Nox", is a pilot alongside Onii'kvi for the GDC. He's 23, goofy, and there's a bit of a language barrier for him due to his species and home planet being the farthest removed from advanced civilizations like Holarus. He's most often seen with Onii'kvi and Sai'urn. Nox is intersex, transmasc presenting, and an 80/20 top/bottom ratio. Onyx: Onyx is Sai'urn's cousin, and a high-ranking medical officer on Holarus in their hospitals. He is 28 and prides himself in his works in curing diseases and researching others to find the best treatments. He's often seen helping Onii'kvi with his tests, as well as Kavik, Sai'urn, and T'ick'a. He's amab presenting and holds two D*s. He's also a vers/switch!
A tad bit more is I do enjoy making playlists, pinterest boards, talking ooc and making friends along with writing. I enjoy a good smut to plot ratio but that being said I love a good smut centric rp, don't be afraid to hmu if that's what you'd like or if you'd like more plot with your smut I'm good with that too! (But I do plan on writing smut regardless). WE CAN DISCUSS MORE LATERRRR
Please feel free to respond to this or add my discord: bluebird2972 with any questions or if you'd like to write together! I enjoy hearing from anybody!
discord: bluebird2972
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sapphicshav · 2 years
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── 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐂𝐄 | mitsuya takashi.
genre . . . fluff, suggestive themes.
note . . . so... mitsuya is ooc i've never seen this man paint in my life so enjoy artist!mitsuya i guess...btw this is so long i'm sry </3
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MITSUYA treats you as if you were the most fragile being known to man. almost as if you were to fall, you'd shatter immediately. to him you are an inspiration, the love of his life and most importantly, his muse. since he draws a lot of sketches for his designs, he makes a lot of sketches of you. he draws you, he paints you, he even paints on you sometimes. "y/n let me use your body as my canvas". you were taken aback by his words. he couldn't possibly use you as canvas for him to paint on, right?
after thinking it over, you stood before him wearing little to no clothes on your body trying to cover up what skin you had exposed in front of him. "don't cover up my love, you're gorgeous", he says with a warm smile. he gestures you with his finger to come closer to him, holding a paintbrush in his hand he asks, "which colours would you like, darling?". he shows you an array of body paints displayed on a shelf. you point at the shades of blue, he picks them up and reads them out. "ah cerulean, sky and sapphire, wonderful choices...these will stand out a lot on your skin, my love", he mutters to himself squeezing small dollops of each shade onto his pallete.
you take a deep breath feeling the cold paint and the coarse bristles being dragged across your exposed chest. you couldn't even look at him right now, he was so close to you that you could feel each others breath on and body warmth travelling from one another. head hanging low trying to hide your flustered expression, mitsuya lifts your head with a single finger and plants a kiss on lips, "keep your head up love, i want you to look at me".
a few minutes have passed and you have gotten used to the feeling of the paintbrush. he has moved from your chest down to your thighs, holding them delicately with his clammy palms while he paints daises on your skin. you look down at him and smile, appreciating the comfortable silencing as he treats you like a masterpiece. hours have gone by, the sun begins to set. you body is covered into colour, intricate drawings in different spots. on your chest is a painted ocean. your thighs are where daises resides and he is finishing the butterflies that are trailing up your arms.
he stands up and steps back to admire you. looking you up and down, taking you all in you. basking in the glory that is you, the love of his life. "i really like how they turned you taka', you're so talented". you say looking at yourself with a smile. "beautiful, isn't it?" he replies not being able to take his eyes off you. "yea, i really like the butterfl—" "i wasn't talking about the the painting, i'm talking about you, beautiful". mitsuya takes a step towards you, his hand finding it's way your hips reeling you in for a kiss. "you truly are my masterpiece, y/n".
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thank you for reading, rbs are appreciated ♡︎
taglist: @hajidni @zuuki @blvkeverest @pinkbalenciaga @https-oni-exe @and0mi @reeluvs
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OOC: I made an official ref for our dear Miyumi! We have 3 outfits (with years for when she usually wears them), a clear look at her irezumi, and some notes!
The polaroids at the bottom show some snippets of her life in the past- though the one from 95 is scribbled out since she doesn't like to think about that time.
Also! Miyumi herself originally wanted an Oni for her tattoo, back in the early 80s, though she never had enough money to actually get one. She was finally able to get her tattoos around 2000, and by then she saw herself connecting more with the Ningyo yokai than she did with the ogre demon. She tries to repress that sort of violent side of herself, but it'll show up from time to time, and so her dear omen bearing mermaid has some features reflecting that.
I should also note that Miyumi has a bit of a love for fighting, she can't get enough of it. These days she doesn't get to indulge in that old hobby of hers, but she is more than happy to join anyone with an invitation to any underground fighting ring. She also likes motorbikes :) For those who can't see the image, I'll try my best to describe/note the important parts under the cut.
From 2005-2007 Miyumi wears a red two-piece bodycon dress. The dress is glittery, and the skirt is held up with a black and gold belt. The skirt has two cutouts on each thigh, showing off part of her tattoos.
2008-2018 features Miyumi in a black, sleeveless dress, with a turtleneck style collar. She now has a simple engagement ring. The ring is a silver band adorned with a pearl.
2019-Present has Miyumi wearing a dark grey, cropped blazer, matching grey pencil skirt, simple white top, and dark grey under shirt. The blazer's lapels are blue and covered in glitter. She now wears glasses, and her ring is swapped out for a silver wedding band. Her hair is in a ponytail, and has a pearl comb pinned in the base. She now has two visible silver hairs within her bangs.
All the outfits have Miyumi wearing simple black heels, a pearl necklace, and pearl earrings. The necklace get more yellow with each outfit, showing the passable of time.
The text notes read: Miyumi Majima, Goro Majima's second wife. -She never looks her age (is 60 in 2020) -Former gang leader, hostess, and bar owner -Receptionist for a security firm as of late 2019
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emjiroki · 1 year
I love your theme by the way and the header is so cute KJSDNgjer also I copied and pasted the whole list then erased some lmaooo so you have a bit to answer but I hope you don't mind <3
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
💞 Who's your comfort character?
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
I definitely don't mind!!! (Thank you for the compliment on my theme btw! I just LOVE valentines day and all it's pretty colors 🥰)
I'll put this under a cut so it doesn't get too long 💕
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😅- well honestly I deleted my cringest story about a year ago and it is now archived somewhere deep in my Google docs. It was a Hawks x Reader x Endeavor fic that was three parts. The title was cringe and the whole thing just wasn't planned out very well
🦅- I try my best to outline! Trying to have some organization helps me keep things in line but most of the time the characters and scenes have a mind of their own, I'm just along for the ride.
🤗- advice I would give would be don't limit yourself! Write whatever you want and don't put yourself in a box. Writing something you enjoy truly is key to having a successful story because you put your all into it. And it's not all numbers, just because something you wrote and posted didn't get a lot of likes does not mean it wasn't good! Don't be discouraged!
💞- oh wow I have so many lol Shoto, Mikey, Enji, AngelDevil and Aki and lots and lots more. (Um also Simon "Ghost" Riley from COD but I don't talk about him that often)
😍- Favorite Character to write is probably Enji. I got labeled as a top Enji writer pretty quickly (and unexpectedly) and he's just fallen into the muse category. I feel alot of freedom writing his character and hopefully don't make him to ooc lol
🤲- Hmmmmm well I guess I could.... Knight Enji WIP it is
 Enji had a direct view of the door to the chapel from where he stood posted to the King's left beside the window, and he thinks he might have been the first to see you in the doorway. It was suddenly very hot underneath his heavy armor and he was thankful that he didn’t need to wear the helmet because he might have fainted. Was that his heart hammering behind his eyes, through his fingers tips, and toes? He was sure he died and somehow made it to heaven, broke down the pearly gate, and clawed his way through the clouds to get a glimpse of the angels as you walked through the held-open doors and seemed to suck the air from the room. The closer you got to the alter the more dry his mouth grew, the more his big hands shook, the more his stomach knotted. The stained glass of the church windows glimmered against your skin. Red, Blue, Green, He traced your features in every color, etching your beauty into his memory as a keepsake forever. He would crave it into his flesh if he could, down to the bone so after he’s dead and gone even the worms would know his devotion.
🤯- Genre I struggle with is any sort of mystery. I really don't know why I can't think of good plot twists to save my life. I usually have to talk out my plots with my husband
💔- an old Levi fic I wrote that I never released and is still archived in my docs. It's bittersweet and I just love him so much it hurts (also Oni's Heart pt 3 after readers been taken and Enji is depressed for a bit. Sad.)
🤭- em writes ✍️ is my go to tag for my fics so I can organize and em talks 👄 is my most often used I think
🥰- I LOVE reader interaction!!!! It makes me so happy! And YES PLEASE ASK ME THINGS! I'm always open to questions! And love discussing characters and plots and stuff! MY INBOX IS ALWAYS OPEN 💕
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fusiioneternal-a · 3 years
The last few posts remind me, I should probably talk more about how I would write Gogeta? Not that I PLAN on it....just giving an impression of what he would be like if I did.... 👀
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― First things first, he’d be perma-fused like Vegito. Why? Matching the other muse aside...assume some spacetime silliness happened and the fusion didn’t wear off after 30 minutes like it was supposed to.
― For obvious reasons, he comes from a parallel timeline to Vegito’s; one that follows DBS Broly. He emerged when Goku and Vegeta fused to battle Broly, but again, the fusion didn’t wear off.
― Unlike Vegito, who’s lively and a little rambunctious, Gogeta’s more composed and reserved. While perfectly fine with holding conversations, he’s not much of a talker overall, and is more of a “actions speak louder than words” kind of guy. In battle, also unlike Vegito who likes trying to harass and humiliate his enemies, Gogeta tries to get the job done as fast as possible and won’t chatter up a storm while he does so. If the Earth isn’t at risk, and his opponent is decently strong, he’ll play around with them for a while.
― He was honestly fine with the fusion being a permanent thing, just going with the flow, but Bulma and Chi Chi were naturally a different story. After Gogeta told them that he isn’t interested in being a husband to either of them (with the same reasoning Vegito has), Bulma let him live at Capsule Corp since it provides more for him food & training structures-wise than the Son house does. Of course, he still does his best to support both of them and their families.
― He’d basically be in a position identical to Vegito, except Gogeta didn’t get virtually kicked out of Capsule Corp for mouthing off to Bulma. He also has a better relationship with she and Chi Chi overall since he’s less childish than his potara counterpart, but he does maintain some distance from them regardless.
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abyssmalice · 11 months
(if anyone is a s.eele expy in g.enshin it's actually my two tonis /j (sort of))
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brutemper-a · 5 years
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((Me: i want to have more ships with kage also me: if your muse isn’t the blue oni to kage’s red oni then what’s the point?))
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lex-cursus · 5 years
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like this for an attempt?
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nekofantasia · 2 years
There’s a total of 5 members in the Yakumo household.
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nekofantasia · 2 years
Gonna hit the treadmill soon but 
starter call so I can get back to rping and stuff!!
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nekofantasia · 2 years
Teeny Weeny Heads Up!
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[This post is pinned!-  Date: 12/12/ 2021]
As some of you may know, I’m currently doing an internship to present my project to a shortlist and graduate from college as a programmer [citation needed]. Today starts my last month in the company so that means crunch time to wrap everything I had pending all this time. I can’t guarantee returning normal activity in January right away either since I will be revising my dissertation and schedule my defense for it.
So for my own good, I’ll refrain from doing dash stuff and posting my shenans here. That also means no asks or replies for the time being.
Not saying that I will disappear into nothingness, mind you. I’ll see if I can just focus on threads and plotting until my load is lighter. And if you want to hear from me, you can always contact me from discord. Or tumblr IM, whichever fancies you!
Thank you very much for your patience!  
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