#「i reject mahoutokoro as the name of japan's hogwarts」
karmagrind · 6 years
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When your inner weeb starts imagining Mahoutokoro uniform designs.
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xanwu · 6 years
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Oh hey, it’s XANDER WU, the 5th year CIS MALE SLYTHERIN. I always thought HE looked just like the muggle, WONG YUKHEI. I’ve heard they’re CHARISMATIC + COMICAL, but also CARELESS + GREEDY. 
Xander was born into a family of aristocratic pureblood wizards comprised of both his parents who were well known in the wizarding community in Asia as well as his older brother. 
Despite being his parents' second-born child, he was favored greatly and often spoiled rotten. There was nothing he wanted that he couldn’t have, just by batting his lashes and pouting. He continues to think this behavior will get him anything he wants outside his family, even though that’s not the case. 
He prefers to go by ‘Xan’ and cringes at anyone who calls him by his real name considering it’s mostly used by his parents and professors. 
Since a young age, he had weird premonitions and visions but never truly understood them. He kept this ability to himself and still does considering he doesn’t really want to come to accept that he is a seer. 
His father works as a part of the Ministry of Magic sector in China ( his mother basically a trophy wife and known fashion designer in the wizarding world ) and both he and his brother were raised in China and spent most of their childhoods though they were both accepted into Mahoutokoro School of Magic in Japan, though during his 2nd year they both transferred to Hogwarts due to their parents move to England. 
Xan can speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, and English proficiently. He also happens to know a little bit of Thai. 
He has a rocky relationship with his brother who he’s constantly being rude to and finding qualms in the fact he’s so clingy. He has no need to establish a relationship with the other considering how different their personalities are. 
He is a grade A-asshole. Not only can he not be trusted, but he’s also self-serving and arrogant fuckboy. He’s not blatantly mean to anyone but he’s snarky and his habit of running his mouth has a way of getting him into sticky situations. 
He bisexual but doesn’t get into relationships easily considering the fact he likes to just mess around with people. Snog and ditch, that’s his motto. 
He acts like a dumbass most of the time but he’s secretly really intelligent and doesn’t want anyone knowing his true strengths so that he can potentially use them against anyone who crosses him. So acting stupid and feigning ignorance is usually his go to. 
Has a dislike for Muggles that he’s inherited from his parents but also finds them fascinating and secretly keeps up with pop culture in the Muggle world. 
He’s only had one serious relationship in the past and he ended up cheating on them and regretted it almost immediately after but would never admit to the fact that he was in the wrong.
wanted connections
A best friend that he can just be a dumbass with or just a dumbass/fuckboy #squad 
Exes - whether he just messed around with them or the ex he wronged
Someone that his parents expect him to get in a relationship with (most likely innocent personality) that he dislikes but secretly has a soft spot for 
Someone that is like the sibling he’s always wanted
Someone who he was close with in the past and now hates him
Someone that he’s always flirted with but they aren’t having it and always blow him off and he’s just like baffled over their outright rejection 
Someone that sees the good in him and he can always confide in 
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