#『 seeker of forgotten knowledge: nine shadows,calamitous wings. 』
eterniityblooms · 4 months
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since i don't have any visuals anywhere for any of my rain world ocs, here's the ones i Do have refs some for!
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eterniityblooms · 4 months
,, pick a god and pray . "
-the artificer . to whichever muse you'd like ,
〔 raw lines sentence starters! 〕
a rattling, horrid hissing noise emits from nine shadows' masked face, sputtering in a cadence that sounds... almost like a laugh? the vulture's head lifts upwards, staring down the maroon slugcat with an expression somewhere between the amusement of an apex predator watching a smaller creature, and some form of... curiosity, something beyond the calculating, predatory gaze vultures normally have.
a god? pray? which of the thousands shall it be? they cannot reach us here.
vulture communication is intricate, but relies heavily upon body language due to their limited ability to vocalizeーable to produce little more than that awful, wheezing hiss, like something that's been inhaling smoke for its entire life (though with the right genetic modifications, perhaps more...)ーthus, this message is conveyed through a series of precise feather movements as well as some wing movement, their eyes never once leaving the slugcat. curiously, though, the perched vulture does not attackーmerely looks poised to lift into the air at a moment's notice.
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eterniityblooms · 5 months
hi, hi! Great to see you got your ask blog up and running~! You mind if i ask some of those multi-muse questions?
4, 16, and 20? (Aiden Anon)
(ps, good luck on this blog! Hope you have a lot of fun!)
〔 multimuse blog questions! 〕
hiii thank u for the ask aiden anon send in all the questions you like<3
4 - which muse is, physically, the strongest?
by all technicality, i think zorah would be, or maybe lady dala, simply because of strength in relation to size, but if we took that out of the equation i think it would tie between zorah and shara, considering they're both dragons with gigantic rocky mantles/shells, though shara can move much, much quicker than zorah does (again likely due to size, though zorah is also obviously based on a snapping turtle so likely wouldn't be super fast even if small), and can jump (!!!) as well, even despite their entire body (compared to zorah only having it on his back) being covered in who knows how many tons of rocks
16 - what is a plot you’ve been wanting to do for [muse name]?
hmmm🤔 i've been itching to get to write pretty much all of my rain world muses, particularly nine shadows (a vulture) or gourmand, but my darling beloved kaboom is the one ive had more of a plot forーit isn't Much of a plot, mind, but i really, Really just want to do some kind of serious thread where he gets taken seriously as a muse; his ultimate goal is to get back to shimmering golden chimes, his iterator, but he doesn't even remember their name or face, nor has any idea where they are. all he can really do is wander, hope he finds people that can helpーi'd love for him to make some friends, so the world is a little less lonely<3
20 - which muse would investigate the scary noises? which one would hide?
vugel would absolutely investigate the scary noise, with the express intent of finding whatever caused it and throwing hands with it because he's an ebony odogaron and that's What They Do
ibushi, on the other hand, would probably hide; you'd expect an elder dragon like him to be less easily startled, but he was raised by humans (farmers, to be exact<3) and has always had a nervous disposition, and due to being raised not by his own kind his mastery of his abilities is quite weak compared to the average ibushi, so he's quite anxious and easy to startle
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