#『 rippling images reflected in water: visuals. 』
eterniityblooms · 2 months
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as an Apology for my lack of activity, have the ref image i made for shara for artfight
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justforbooks · 2 months
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Bill Viola
Video artist who melded the material and the spiritual and applied modern technology to Renaissance subjects
In 1957, on a family holiday, Bill Viola fell in a lake. He was six years old. Sixty years later, Viola, who has died aged 73, recalled the event. “I didn’t hold on to my float when I went into the water, and I went right to the bottom,” he said. “I experienced weightlessness and a profound visual sense that I never forgot. It was like a dream and blue and light, and I thought I was in heaven as it was the most beautiful thing I had seen.” And then … “my uncle pulled me out.”
It seemed an unpromising start to an artistic career. However, in 1977 Viola began a series of five works called The Reflecting Pool. Four years out of university, this was his first multipart artwork, its constituent films occupying their maker for three years. In the title piece, a shirtless man – Viola – emerges from a wood, walks toward a pond, makes as if to jump into it and freezes in mid-air. The pool registers his entry nonetheless, its surface rippling as though disturbed; the flying man fades slowly away; and, after seven long minutes, Viola emerges, dripping, from the water and walks back into the woods. The Reflecting Pool drew on the near-drowning of his six-year-old self. It was also classic Viola, its most notable features – slowness, water, a numinous spirituality – recurring in his work of the next half century.
It was the subaqueous blue glow of the screen of a Sony Portapak video camera, donated to his high school in Flushing, New York, that first attracted Viola to the medium. He was raised in the neighbouring lower-middle-class suburb of Queens. It was not, recalled Viola, a cultured household, but his mother, Wynne (nee Lee) “had some ability and sort of taught me how to draw, so when I was three years old I could do pretty good motorboats”. A year before his near death by drowning, a kindergarten finger-painting of a tornado won public praise from his teacher. It was then, Viola said, that he decided to be an artist.
His father, a Pan Am flight attendant turned service manager, had other ideas. Fearing that an art school education would leave his son unemployable, Viola senior insisted that he study for a liberal arts degree at Syracuse, a respected university in upstate New York. “And in saying that,” Viola would admit, “he saved me.”
As luck would have it, Syracuse, in 1970, was among the first universities to promote experimentation in new media. A fellow student had set up a studio where projects could be made using a video camera. Signing up for it, Viola was instantly converted: “Something in my brain said I’d be doing this all my life,” he remembered. He spent the following summer wiring up the university’s new cable TV system, taking a job as a janitor in its technology centre so that he could spend his nights mastering the newfangled colour video system. In 1972, he made his first artwork, Tape I, a study of his own reflection in a mirror. This, too, would be trademark Viola, bewitched by video’s ability simultaneously to see and be seen, but also by his own image. The I in the work’s title was not a Roman numeral but a personal pronoun.
Tape I and works like it were enough to catch the eye of Maria Gloria Bicocchi, whose pioneering Florence studio, ART/TAPES/22, made videos for Arte Povera artists. When Viola took a job there in 1974, he found himself working alongside such giants as Mario Merz and Jannis Kounellis. By 1977, his own reputation in the small but growing world of video art led to his being invited to show his work at La Trobe University in Melbourne, his acceptance encouraged by the offer of free Pan Am flights from his father.
The invitation had come from La Trobe’s director of culture, Kira Perov. The following year, Perov moved to New York to be with Viola, and they married in 1978. They would stay in the house in Long Beach, California, that they moved into three years later, for the rest of their married lives. In 1980-81, the couple spent 18 months in Japan, Viola simultaneously working as the first artist-in-residence at Sony Corporation’s Atsugi laboratories and studying Zen Buddhism.
This melding of the sacred and technologically profane would mark Viola’s work of the next four decades. Viola listed “eastern and western spiritual traditions including Zen Buddhism, Islamic Sufism and Christian mysticism” as influences on his art, although it was the last of these that was the most apparent. At university, he said, he had “hated” the old masters, and proximity to the greatest of them in Florence had not changed that view. It was only with the death of his mother in 1991 that he began to feel the weight of western art history, and to acknowledge it in his own work.
Having struggled with a creative block since the late 1980s, he found that the grief of his mother’s death freed him. Summoned to her side by his father, Viola filmed first the dying woman and then her body lying in an open coffin. This footage would be used in a 54-minute work called The Passing, and then again the following year in the Nantes Triptych, its three screens concurrently showing a woman giving birth, Viola’s dying mother and, in between them, a man submerged in a tank of water.
The first of Viola and Perov’s two sons had been born in 1988. Nantes Triptych was, or appeared to be, a meditation on birth, death and rebirth through baptism. If the subject was traditional, so too was Viola’s use of the triptych form. His references to the old masters would soon become more direct still. In 1995, Viola was chosen to represent the US at the Venice Biennale. One part of the work, Buried Secrets, that he showed in the American pavilion drew openly on a painting by Jacopo da Pontormo of the visitation of the Virgin Mary to her elderly cousin, Elizabeth.
Not surprisingly in these secular times, Viola’s subject matter was not universally popular. The art world was particularly divided. When his videos were shown among the permanent collection of the National Gallery in London in an exhibition called The Passions in 2003, one outraged critic dubbed Viola “a master of overblown, big-budget, crowd-pleasing, tear-jerking hocus-pocus and religiosity”.
The pairing at the Royal Academy in 2019 of his work with drawings by Michelangelo from the Royal Collection drew the barbed comment from the Guardian critic that “Viola’s art is so much of its own time that it is already dated, dead in the water”.
Predictably, he was more popular with the public at large, a survey at a Viola retrospective at the Grand Palais in Paris showing that visitors had spent an average of two-and-a-half hours at the exhibition. Churchmen, too, were won over by Viola’s work, particularly those of the Church of England. In 1996, the artist was invited to make a video piece, The Messenger, for Durham Cathedral. In 2014, the first part of a two-part commission called Martyrs and Mary was installed at St Paul’s, the second joining it two years later. The project, thanks to ecclesiastical wrangling, had been a decade in the making. “The church works kind of slow,” remarked Viola, mildly. “But then I also work kind of slow.”
That mildness, and the religiosity of his subjects, may have led critics to underestimate the rigour of his work. Like Viola’s art or not, he was a master of it. His appreciation of the promise – and the threat – of technology was profound. Viola chafed against the primitiveness of early video, seeing each development in the medium as an opportunity to be grasped. The close-up portraits of The Passions series, for example, made use of flatscreen technology almost as it was invented.
By contrast, the binary nature of the modern world bothered him. “The age of computers is a very dangerous one because they work on ‘yes or no’, ‘1 or 0’,” Viola mourned. “There’s no maybe, perhaps or both. And I think this is affecting our consciousness.” The dissemination of video as an art form had not been like the spread of oil painting by the Van Eyck brothers 500 years before, he said, video having appeared everywhere and at once. True to these beliefs, Viola saw no contradiction in treating Renaissance subjects, and a Renaissance belief system, with the latest inventions from Sony. “The two are actually very close,” he said. “I see the digital age as the joining of the material and the spiritual into a yet-to-be-determined whole.”
In 2012, Viola was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s disease. His work after this was increasingly made with the help of Perov, a fact that lent a new poignancy to the themes of memory and loss that often ran through it.
Viola is survived by his wife and their sons, Blake and Andrei, and by his siblings, Andrea and Robert .
🔔 Bill (William John) Viola, video artist, born 25 January 1951; died 12 July 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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chuthulhu-reads · 7 months
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[ID: Two full pages from Fruits Basket, with a small chunk of pages between them to indicate that these are the starts of different chapters. The first shows a large, unshaded image of Tohru with her eyes closed, her image fading into a ghostly, dark-eyed image of her mother, overlaid with a pattern like rippling water. Tohru is thinking, "The feeling... of leaving someone behind." The second page mirrors it, with a large, grey-toned image of Akito looking down, facing the opposite direction to Tohru, and her image also fading into one of her father with his back to Akito. The texture over the image is of dark clouds and rain as Akito thinks, "The feeling... of being left behind." End ID.]
AUGH. It's HARD to get a photo of these pages together without my fingers being too much in the way but I love looking at them. The narrative parallels! Tohru and Akito are so different but they reflect each other! They are both drowning in grief and loss and the love for a parent they'll never see again! But Tohru's surrounded herself with people she loves and who loves her, who inescapably draw her forwards to move on, and Akito is clinging to stagnant, rotting bonds, desperately trying to force others to stay where she is! It's visually and thematically SO GOOD! SYMBOLISM!
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The Grace of Winter: Observing the Black-winged Stilt at Jal Mahal Lake
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As an avid birdwatcher and aspiring photographer, there are few moments as captivating as encountering a beautiful bird in its natural habitat. Today, I am thrilled to share my inaugural blog post, capturing a serene and unforgettable moment with a Black-winged Stilt on a brisk January morning near Jal Mahal Lake in Jaipur. This entry will delve into the context of this photograph, the significance of the setting, and the elegance of the Black-winged Stilt.
The Setting: Man Sagar Lake, Jaipur
Nestled amidst the Aravalli Hills, Man Sagar Lake, also known as Jal Mahal Lake, is a man-made reservoir in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Historically significant and visually stunning, the lake is home to the majestic Jal Mahal (Water Palace), which seemingly floats atop its tranquil waters. This location is not only a testament to architectural brilliance but also a thriving ecosystem that supports a diverse array of bird species.
During the winter months, Jal Mahal Lake transforms into a haven for migratory birds, making it a prime spot for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. The lake’s calm, reflective surface, coupled with the crisp, cool air of January, creates an idyllic setting for both birds and photographers seeking to capture their beauty.
The Subject: Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)
The Black-winged Stilt, known scientifically as Himantopus himantopus, is a striking wader belonging to the avocet and stilt family. Recognizable by its distinctive long, slender pink legs, black wings, and contrasting white body, the Black-winged Stilt is a picture of elegance and grace. These birds are commonly found in shallow wetlands, where they forage for insects, crustaceans, and small fish.
Their long legs allow them to wade through deeper waters than many other shorebirds, making them a fascinating subject for observation and photography. The red eyes of the Black-winged Stilt add an element of intensity to its otherwise delicate appearance, capturing the attention of anyone fortunate enough to encounter this bird.
Capturing the Moment: A Photographer’s Perspective
On that chilly January morning, the air was filled with a sense of calm and anticipation. As the first light of dawn began to illuminate the landscape, a gentle mist hovered over the lake, adding an ethereal quality to the scene. The Black-winged Stilt, seemingly undisturbed by the chill, waded gracefully through the shallow waters near the shore.
With my camera poised and ready, I was able to capture a moment that epitomized the serene beauty of nature. The photograph showcases the Black-winged Stilt in mid-stride, its reflection mirrored in the glassy surface of the lake. The contrast between its black wings and white body is striking, while the red eye draws the viewer in, adding a focal point to the image.
The Experience: Reflection and Appreciation
Photographing the Black-winged Stilt was not just about capturing an image; it was about immersing myself in the environment and appreciating the delicate balance of nature. The quietude of the lake, punctuated only by the occasional bird call and the gentle ripple of water, created a meditative atmosphere. Observing the stilt’s deliberate movements and graceful foraging was a reminder of the intricate beauty of our natural world.
Conclusion: A Call to Explore and Appreciate
This photograph, and the experience of capturing it, underscores the importance of preserving and appreciating our natural habitats. Jal Mahal Lake is more than just a picturesque location; it is a vital ecosystem that supports a rich diversity of life. As we continue to explore and document the wonders of nature, let us also commit to protecting these environments for future generations.
Thank you for joining me on this journey through my lens. I hope this blog post inspires you to explore the natural beauty around you, to observe with a keen eye, and to appreciate the elegance and complexity of the wildlife that shares our world. Stay tuned for more stories, insights, and photographs from my adventures in birdwatching and nature photography.
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chengranx · 6 days
Blog 8: Supplemental Shooting Notes
Motivation for additional shooting:
After completing my initial shoot of Lake Hamilton, I realized that capturing just the lake's mornings and community activities was not enough to show the diversity of the lake in different weather conditions. As a result, I decided to do supplemental shoots that would specifically capture the unique sights of the lake during windy and rainy days. With these new shots, I hope to show how Lake Hamilton changes in different weather conditions, allowing viewers to see that the lake is not only different from one time of day to the next, but also has its own unique beauty and atmosphere in different weather conditions.
Shooting Notes:
WINDY DAY: I returned to Lake Hamilton on a windy morning to capture a scene of the lake in choppy waters. In stark contrast to the previously calm lake, the high winds rippled the lake and the water lapped against the shore, giving it more movement and power. Showing the vigor and dynamic beauty of the lake area in the wind.
RAINY DAY: Another shoot took place on a rainy day, with the atmosphere more mysterious and serene as the lake was shrouded in rain and mist around it. What makes this shoot special is the documentation of the critters moving around in the rain. Moments were captured when the animals flung the rainwater from their bodies. These shots show how the animals adapt to the rainy conditions in a way that is both natural and full of life.
Shooting Challenges and Solutions:
Windy Day Shooting Challenge: When shooting on a windy day, the lens is easily disturbed by the wind, so I used a tripod to keep the lens steady. At the same time, the use of a polarizer reduces the interference of light reflected from the water surface and ensures the clarity of the image.
Rainy Day Shooting Challenge: Rain is another challenge, and to protect my equipment, I added a waterproof cover to my camera. When shooting, I tried to choose to shoot under the cover as much as possible, the
Results and Reflections: Through this additional shoot, I further enriched the material for the project by not only showing how Lake Hamilton changes at different times of the day, but also by successfully capturing the visual effects of changing weather. These new shots add variety to the project, showing the lake's versatility and vivid natural forces. The next step will be to integrate this footage with the previous sunny day footage to create a more complete and layered short documentary.
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sunaleisocial · 3 months
What happens during the first moments of butterfly scale formation
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/what-happens-during-the-first-moments-of-butterfly-scale-formation/
What happens during the first moments of butterfly scale formation
A butterfly’s wing is covered in hundreds of thousands of tiny scales like miniature shingles on a paper-thin roof. A single scale is as small as a speck of dust yet surprisingly complex, with a corrugated surface of ridges that help to wick away water, manage heat, and reflect light to give a butterfly its signature shimmer.
MIT researchers have now captured the initial moments during a butterfly’s metamorphosis, as an individual scale begins to develop this ridged pattern. The researchers used advanced imaging techniques to observe the microscopic features on a developing wing, while the butterfly transformed in its chrysalis.
The team continuously imaged individual scales as they grew out from the wing’s membrane. These images reveal for the first time how a scale’s initially smooth surface begins to wrinkle to form microscopic, parallel undulations. The ripple-like structures eventually grow into finely patterned ridges, which define the functions of an adult scale.
The researchers found that the scale’s transition to a corrugated surface is likely a result of “buckling” — a general mechanism that describes how a smooth surface wrinkles as it grows within a confined space.
“Buckling is an instability, something that we usually don’t want to happen as engineers,” says Mathias Kolle, associate professor of mechanical engineering at MIT. “But in this context, the organism uses buckling to initiate the growth of these intricate, functional structures.”
The team is working to visualize more stages of butterfly wing growth in hopes of revealing clues to how they might design advanced functional materials in the future.
“Given the multifunctionality of butterfly scales, we hope to understand and emulate these processes, with the aim of sustainably designing and fabricating new functional materials. These materials would exhibit tailored optical, thermal, chemical, and mechanical properties for textiles, building surfaces, vehicles — really, for generally any surface that needs to exhibit characteristics that depend on its micro- and nanoscale structure,” Kolle adds.
The team has published their results in a study appearing today in the journal Cell Reports Physical Science. The study’s co-authors include first author and former MIT postdoc Jan Totz, joint first author and postdoc Anthony McDougal, graduate student Leonie Wagner, former postdoc Sungsam Kang, professor of mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering Peter So, professor of mathematics Jörn Dunkel, and professor of material physics and chemistry Bodo Wilts of the University of Salzburg.
A live transformation
In 2021, McDougal, Kolle and their colleagues developed an approach to continuously capture microscopic details of wing growth in a butterfly during its metamorphosis. Their method involved carefully cutting through the insect’s paper-thin chrysalis and peeling away a small square of cuticle to reveal the wing’s growing membrane. They placed a small glass slide over the exposed area, then used a microscope technique developed by team member Peter So to capture continuous images of scales as they grew out of the wing membrane.
They applied the method to observe Vanessa cardui, a butterfly commonly known as a Painted Lady, which the team chose for its scale architecture, which is common to most lepidopteran species. They observed that Painted Lady scales grew along a wing membrane in precise, overlapping rows, like shingles on a rooftop. Those images provided scientists with the most continuous visualization of live butterfly wing scale growth at the microscale to date.
Series shows the Painted Lady butterfly (Vanessa cardui); an optical micrograph of its scales; electron micrographs of a single scale; and the ridges on that scale. Scale bars 200µm, 20µm, and 2µm.
Image: Courtesy of the researchers 
In their new study, the team used the same approach to focus on a specific time window during scale development, to capture the initial formation of the finely structured ridges that run along a single scale in a living butterfly. Scientists know that these ridges, which run parallel to each other along the length of a single scale, like stripes in a patch of corduroy, enable many of the functions of the wing scales.
Since little is known about how these ridges are formed, the MIT team aimed to record the continuous formation of ridges in a live, developing butterfly, and decipher the organism’s ridge formation mechanisms.
“We watched the wing develop over 10 days, and got thousands of measurements of how the surfaces of scales changed on a single butterfly,” McDougal says. “We could see that early on, the surface is quite flat. As the butterfly grows, the surface begins to pop up a little bit, and then at around 41 percent of development, we see this very regular pattern of completely popped up protoridges. This whole process happens over about five hours and lays the structural foundation for the subsequent expression of patterned ridges.”
Pinned down
What might be causing the initial ridges to pop up in precise alignment? The researchers suspected that buckling might be at play. Buckling is a mechanical process by which a material bows in on itself as it is subjected to compressive forces. For instance, an empty soda can buckles when squeezed from the top, down. A material can also buckle as it grows, if it is constrained, or pinned in place.
Scientists have noted that, as the cell membrane of a butterfly’s scale grows, it is effectively pinned in certain places by actin bundles — long filaments that run under the growing membrane and act as a scaffold to support the scale as it takes shape. Scientists have hypothesized that actin bundles constrain a growing membrane, similar to ropes around an inflating hot air balloon. As the butterfly’s wing scale grows, they proposed, it would bulge out between the underlying actin filaments, buckling in a way that forms a scale’s initial, parallel ridges.
To test this idea, the MIT team looked to a theoretical model that describes the general mechanics of buckling. They incorporated image data into the model, such as measurements of a scale membrane’s height at various early stages of development, and various spacings of actin bundles across a growing membrane. They then ran the model forward in time to see whether its underlying principles of mechanical buckling would produce the same ridge patterns that the team observed in the actual butterfly.
“With this modeling, we showed that we could go from a flat surface to a more undulating surface,” Kolle says. “In terms of mechanics, this indicates that buckling of the membrane is very likely what’s initiating the formation of these amazingly ordered ridges.”
“We want to learn from nature, not only how these materials function, but also how they’re formed,” McDougal says. “If you want to for instance make a wrinkled surface, which is useful for a variety of applications, this gives you two really easy knobs to tune, to tailor how those surfaces are wrinkled. You could either change the spacing of where that material is pinned, or you could change the amount of material that you grow between the pinned sections. And we saw that the butterfly is using both of these strategies.”
This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation, the Humboldt Foundation, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
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jcmarchi · 3 months
What happens during the first moments of butterfly scale formation
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/what-happens-during-the-first-moments-of-butterfly-scale-formation/
What happens during the first moments of butterfly scale formation
A butterfly’s wing is covered in hundreds of thousands of tiny scales like miniature shingles on a paper-thin roof. A single scale is as small as a speck of dust yet surprisingly complex, with a corrugated surface of ridges that help to wick away water, manage heat, and reflect light to give a butterfly its signature shimmer.
MIT researchers have now captured the initial moments during a butterfly’s metamorphosis, as an individual scale begins to develop this ridged pattern. The researchers used advanced imaging techniques to observe the microscopic features on a developing wing, while the butterfly transformed in its chrysalis.
The team continuously imaged individual scales as they grew out from the wing’s membrane. These images reveal for the first time how a scale’s initially smooth surface begins to wrinkle to form microscopic, parallel undulations. The ripple-like structures eventually grow into finely patterned ridges, which define the functions of an adult scale.
The researchers found that the scale’s transition to a corrugated surface is likely a result of “buckling” — a general mechanism that describes how a smooth surface wrinkles as it grows within a confined space.
“Buckling is an instability, something that we usually don’t want to happen as engineers,” says Mathias Kolle, associate professor of mechanical engineering at MIT. “But in this context, the organism uses buckling to initiate the growth of these intricate, functional structures.”
The team is working to visualize more stages of butterfly wing growth in hopes of revealing clues to how they might design advanced functional materials in the future.
“Given the multifunctionality of butterfly scales, we hope to understand and emulate these processes, with the aim of sustainably designing and fabricating new functional materials. These materials would exhibit tailored optical, thermal, chemical, and mechanical properties for textiles, building surfaces, vehicles — really, for generally any surface that needs to exhibit characteristics that depend on its micro- and nanoscale structure,” Kolle adds.
The team has published their results in a study appearing today in the journal Cell Reports Physical Science. The study’s co-authors include first author and former MIT postdoc Jan Totz, joint first author and postdoc Anthony McDougal, graduate student Leonie Wagner, former postdoc Sungsam Kang, professor of mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering Peter So, professor of mathematics Jörn Dunkel, and professor of material physics and chemistry Bodo Wilts of the University of Salzburg.
A live transformation
In 2021, McDougal, Kolle and their colleagues developed an approach to continuously capture microscopic details of wing growth in a butterfly during its metamorphosis. Their method involved carefully cutting through the insect’s paper-thin chrysalis and peeling away a small square of cuticle to reveal the wing’s growing membrane. They placed a small glass slide over the exposed area, then used a microscope technique developed by team member Peter So to capture continuous images of scales as they grew out of the wing membrane.
They applied the method to observe Vanessa cardui, a butterfly commonly known as a Painted Lady, which the team chose for its scale architecture, which is common to most lepidopteran species. They observed that Painted Lady scales grew along a wing membrane in precise, overlapping rows, like shingles on a rooftop. Those images provided scientists with the most continuous visualization of live butterfly wing scale growth at the microscale to date.
Series shows the Painted Lady butterfly (Vanessa cardui); an optical micrograph of its scales; electron micrographs of a single scale; and the ridges on that scale. Scale bars 200µm, 20µm, and 2µm.
Image: Courtesy of the researchers 
In their new study, the team used the same approach to focus on a specific time window during scale development, to capture the initial formation of the finely structured ridges that run along a single scale in a living butterfly. Scientists know that these ridges, which run parallel to each other along the length of a single scale, like stripes in a patch of corduroy, enable many of the functions of the wing scales.
Since little is known about how these ridges are formed, the MIT team aimed to record the continuous formation of ridges in a live, developing butterfly, and decipher the organism’s ridge formation mechanisms.
“We watched the wing develop over 10 days, and got thousands of measurements of how the surfaces of scales changed on a single butterfly,” McDougal says. “We could see that early on, the surface is quite flat. As the butterfly grows, the surface begins to pop up a little bit, and then at around 41 percent of development, we see this very regular pattern of completely popped up protoridges. This whole process happens over about five hours and lays the structural foundation for the subsequent expression of patterned ridges.”
Pinned down
What might be causing the initial ridges to pop up in precise alignment? The researchers suspected that buckling might be at play. Buckling is a mechanical process by which a material bows in on itself as it is subjected to compressive forces. For instance, an empty soda can buckles when squeezed from the top, down. A material can also buckle as it grows, if it is constrained, or pinned in place.
Scientists have noted that, as the cell membrane of a butterfly’s scale grows, it is effectively pinned in certain places by actin bundles — long filaments that run under the growing membrane and act as a scaffold to support the scale as it takes shape. Scientists have hypothesized that actin bundles constrain a growing membrane, similar to ropes around an inflating hot air balloon. As the butterfly’s wing scale grows, they proposed, it would bulge out between the underlying actin filaments, buckling in a way that forms a scale’s initial, parallel ridges.
To test this idea, the MIT team looked to a theoretical model that describes the general mechanics of buckling. They incorporated image data into the model, such as measurements of a scale membrane’s height at various early stages of development, and various spacings of actin bundles across a growing membrane. They then ran the model forward in time to see whether its underlying principles of mechanical buckling would produce the same ridge patterns that the team observed in the actual butterfly.
“With this modeling, we showed that we could go from a flat surface to a more undulating surface,” Kolle says. “In terms of mechanics, this indicates that buckling of the membrane is very likely what’s initiating the formation of these amazingly ordered ridges.”
“We want to learn from nature, not only how these materials function, but also how they’re formed,” McDougal says. “If you want to for instance make a wrinkled surface, which is useful for a variety of applications, this gives you two really easy knobs to tune, to tailor how those surfaces are wrinkled. You could either change the spacing of where that material is pinned, or you could change the amount of material that you grow between the pinned sections. And we saw that the butterfly is using both of these strategies.”
This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation, the Humboldt Foundation, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
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blue-opossum · 5 months
Lifelong Dream Types, Simplified, page 1: WATER
        Lifelong Dream Types, Simplified, page 1: WATER
        Sunday afternoon, 5 May 2024
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        The liminal threshold of sleepiness (in becoming sleepy when awake) involves impressions of water. The more vivid the hallucinatory presence of water, the more my mind allows sleepiness to increase. (It does not guarantee I will fall asleep or remain asleep after losing viable consciousness because there is always a level of control similar to when in the dream state. Also, I do not consider the widespread “information” about hypnagogia as having validity, especially regarding the asinine propensity people have with inventing non-existent problems.)
         The predominant illusory form of water is visual, such as with continually changing scenes of rivers and lakes like a mental slideshow. The speed of the changes in images slows over time. Sound occurs in some cases. Water droplets splashing on my skin is less common. This aspect of sleepiness brings about peace and bliss (regardless of any real-world factors). It naturally corresponds with the growing absence of real-world emotions. Ultimately, it becomes analogous to being in the womb or an isolation tank. Many commercial recordings meant to bring about relaxation or "cure insomnia" use the sounds of water (for decreasing real-world emotions).
        Scenes when entering my sleep cycle include rain-filled potholes that eventually change into rock pools. When leaving my sleep cycle, the implications reverse, as with most other themes of dreaming. In a dream where water lowers over time, usually only in the last stages of sleep, it corresponds with my intuitive recognition of leaving my sleep cycle.
        Rain-filled potholes appear before rock pools in the first part of a sleep cycle because streets are closer to associations with mobility, including the expected absence of real-world mobility with sleep, whereas rock pools are an attribute of nature.
        The essence of dreaming or entering sleep defines liminality. I feel peace and appreciation when looking beyond the water's surface to see details under its depths (such as stones and sand) and simultaneously see the reflections (such as tree branches against a blue sky) of what is above me. This beautiful three-dimensional illusion often brings about bliss.
        I will include two fundamental determinants regarding wakefulness alert attributes (other than the sensation of falling). The first relates to water, usually the ripple effect (like a stone breaking the surface, though I also hear a "stone breaking the surface" without imagery when moving closer to consciousness). The other is the three knocks effect that regularly occurs when falling asleep at an atypical time, such as the afternoon.
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safepackagings · 6 months
Sustainable Luxury: Exploring the Elegance of Hemp Paper Boxes
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In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards sustainability and eco-consciousness in various industries, including packaging. As concerns about environmental impact continue to rise, businesses are seeking alternative materials that not only meet their packaging needs but also align with their commitment to sustainability. Hemp paper boxes have emerged as a versatile and eco-friendly solution, offering both functionality and elegance while reducing environmental footprint. In this article, we delve into the world of hemp paper boxes, exploring their benefits, applications, and the role they play in promoting sustainable practices in packaging.
1. Understanding Hemp Paper:
An Eco-Friendly Alternative: Hemp paper is derived from the fibers of the hemp plant, making it a renewable and sustainable resource. Unlike traditional paper made from wood pulp, hemp paper production requires significantly less water and chemicals, resulting in a lower environmental impact.
Strength and Durability: Despite its eco-friendly credentials, hemp paper is known for its strength and durability. It possesses excellent tear resistance and folding endurance, making it ideal for packaging applications where durability is essential.
Versatility and Adaptability: Hemp paper can be customized to meet various packaging needs, from boxes and bags to wrapping paper and labels. Its versatility allows for intricate designs and finishes, catering to a wide range of industries and preferences.
2. Advantages of Hemp Paper Boxes:
Environmental Sustainability: Hemp paper boxes are a sustainable alternative to traditional packaging materials, helping businesses reduce their carbon footprint and environmental impact. By choosing hemp paper, brands demonstrate their commitment to eco-conscious practices and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
Luxurious Aesthetic: Despite its eco-friendly origins, hemp paper exudes a sense of luxury and sophistication. Its natural texture and earthy tones add a touch of elegance to packaging, making it ideal for brands seeking to convey a premium image.
Customization Options: Hemp paper boxes can be customized in terms of size, shape, color, and finish to reflect the brand's identity and aesthetic preferences. Whether it's embossing, foil stamping, or custom printing, these boxes offer ample opportunities for branding and personalization.
3. Applications of Hemp Paper Boxes:
Cosmetics and Beauty Products: Hemp paper boxes are well-suited for packaging cosmetics and beauty products, where visual appeal and sustainability are paramount. From skincare to haircare, these boxes offer a natural and eco-friendly packaging solution that resonates with environmentally conscious consumers.
Health and Wellness Products: Brands in the health and wellness industry can leverage hemp paper boxes to package supplements, vitamins, and organic remedies. The eco-friendly nature of hemp paper aligns with the values of health-conscious consumers, reinforcing the brand's commitment to holistic well-being.
Gourmet Food and Beverages: Hemp paper boxes are also gaining popularity in the gourmet food and beverage industry, where artisanal products require packaging that reflects their quality and authenticity. From chocolates to fine wines, hemp paper boxes provide a sustainable and elegant packaging solution that enhances the overall consumer experience.
4. The Role of Hemp Paper Boxes in Promoting Sustainability:
Consumer Education and Awareness: By opting for hemp paper boxes, brands have the opportunity to educate consumers about the benefits of sustainable packaging and the importance of environmental conservation. Transparent communication about materials and production processes fosters trust and loyalty among environmentally conscious consumers.
Supply Chain Impact: The adoption of hemp paper boxes can have a ripple effect throughout the supply chain, encouraging suppliers and manufacturers to embrace sustainable practices. From raw material sourcing to production and distribution, every step of the supply chain can be optimized for environmental sustainability.
Industry Leadership and Innovation: Brands that embrace hemp paper boxes demonstrate leadership and innovation in sustainability, setting a precedent for their peers and competitors. By driving positive change within their industry, these brands pave the way for a more sustainable future.
Hemp paper boxes represent a harmonious blend of sustainability and luxury, offering brands a compelling packaging solution that resonates with environmentally conscious consumers. From their eco-friendly origins to their versatile applications and elegant aesthetic, hemp paper boxes embody the ethos of sustainable packaging in the modern era. By embracing hemp paper boxes, brands not only reduce their environmental footprint but also position themselves as leaders in sustainability and innovation. As consumer demand for eco-friendly products continues to grow, hemp paper boxes are poised to play an increasingly prominent role in shaping the future of packaging.
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edusupports · 6 months
Ripple Tank Kit
Ripple Tank Kit is used for the visual demonstration of the properties of wave motion and the effects of refraction, diffraction and interference by projecting water waves on to the front glass screen. The water tank portion of the Ripple Tank Kit is a stainless steel basin with a sealed and transparent glass. This removable basin can be lifted out in order to add of drain the water. The front casing of the Ripple Tank Kit is a large piece of frosted glass (260×240) mm installed vertically and serves as the projection screen. A vibrator with dippers and an illuminant with inbuilt motor driven stroboscope to produce a stable wave formation provided with the ripple tank. The light source and vibration source are mounted on a long square cross sectional pole erected at the back of this Ripple Tank Kit by using knobs provided with the apparatus; the slots on the pole allow the height of the vibration source to be easily adjusted. The vibration frequency(50-100Hz) can be adjusted by just rotating the potentiometer fitted in the side of the vibration source. The vibration source box consists of an electromagnet, a potentiometer, a vibrating pole, a vibrator.Within the internal frame, there is a large mirror at a 45º angle, which reflects the images of the waves produced in the water tank on the front glass screen. A set of accessories single point dipper, double point dipper, straight wave dipper and two L shape obstacles are provided with the apparatus for producing single waves, double waves and straight waves. The operating voltage for the Ripple Tank Kit is 220 V /50 Hz.
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ttttttttammy · 6 months
Week Four|Research|Photography
Xenie Zasetskaya is a photographer based in Moscow. Her work often explores space, light and various optical techniques, and she is adept at capturing moments artistically, thus creating images that blend photography and art.
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This photograph uses diffuse lighting to envelop the subject in a soft and ethereal halo of light. The strong backlighting coming from behind scatters the light and enhances the ethereal feel of the image. The photo gives an interplay of light, shadow and fog.
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The soft light in this photograph highlights the serene expression of the subject and the peaceful surroundings. Creating a connection to nature, the use of water adds a layer of texture and depth to the image, and the reflections and ripples create an overall serene and ethereal atmosphere.
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The clever use of lighting in this photograph creates an atmosphere of elegance and fluid movement. The soft diffused light coming from above and the reflection in the water doubles the visual effect and adds symmetry to the composition. The reflections also create visual balance.
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eterniityblooms · 4 months
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since i don't have any visuals anywhere for any of my rain world ocs, here's the ones i Do have refs some for!
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rk099 · 9 months
Riverside Reflections: Contemplating Nature's Mirrors
As we stand on the banks of a tranquil river, a symphony of thoughts and emotions unfolds before us. The gentle flow of water, the rustle of leaves, and the play of sunlight on the surface create a mesmerizing tapestry. In these moments, we find ourselves immersed in the beauty of riverside reflections—nature's mirrors that invite us to contemplate the profound interplay between stillness and movement.
The Mirror of Calm Waters
A serene river mirrors the world above with an uncanny precision. It captures the azure sky, the lush greenery, and the soaring birds in perfect harmony. As we gaze upon this reflective surface, a sense of tranquility envelops us. The mirror-like quality of calm waters beckons us to introspect, to find solace in the stillness, and to discover the subtle beauty that often eludes our hurried gaze.
Rippling Reflections of Change
Yet, rivers are not always tranquil; they embody the ebb and flow of life. When currents quicken, the reflections morph into a dynamic dance of light and shadow. Ripples distort the mirrored images, creating a visual metaphor for the inevitable changes we encounter. It prompts us to consider the transient nature of existence, urging us to embrace the beauty in the midst of life's constant flux.
Nature's Canvas: Sunset Silhouettes and Dawn's Promise
As the sun gracefully bows on the horizon, rivers become portals to ethereal scenes. Sunset reflections paint the water in warm hues, casting a glow that transcends the tangible. Silhouettes of trees and mountains blend seamlessly with the mirrored palette, offering a spectacle that transcends the ordinary. At dawn, the reflections herald a new day, a promise of renewal and infinite possibilities.
Contemplation by the Riverside
Contemplating riverside reflections is not merely a visual experience—it's an invitation to connect with nature on a deeper level. The reflective surfaces become mirrors of the soul, prompting us to ponder our own reflections in the context of the natural world. What do we see when we gaze into the river's mirror? Perhaps it is a chance for self-discovery, a moment of introspection that transcends the boundaries of the physical and touches the essence of our being.
The Healing Power of Nature's Mirrors
In a fast-paced world, riverside reflections offer a respite for the weary soul. The gentle murmur of water, the whispering winds, and the meditative quality of mirrored surfaces create an environment conducive to contemplation and healing. The riverside becomes a sanctuary where we can reflect on life's journey, find inner peace, and gain a renewed perspective on the interconnectedness of all things.
Conclusion: A Call to Contemplate
Riverside reflections stand as timeless witnesses to the interplay of nature's elements. They are silent yet profound storytellers, inviting us to contemplate the beauty that surrounds us and the reflections within. As we stand on the banks of a river, let us heed the call to contemplate, to connect with nature's mirrors, and to discover the wisdom that flows through the rhythmic currents of life.
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giffywallsindia · 9 months
Integrating Outdoors Beauty into Indoor Spaces with Nature Wallpaper
Introduction to Nature-Themed Wallpapers
In today's fast-paced world, finding moments of serenity and connection with nature is more important than ever. Nature wallpaper offers a seamless way to incorporate the tranquillity and beauty of the outdoors into our indoor environments. Whether it's the calm of a forest, the serenity of a lake, or the majesty of mountains, these wallpapers create a unique aesthetic in any space.
The Allure of Forest Wallpaper
Forest wallpaper is perfect for creating a peaceful and grounding atmosphere. The rich green and earthy tones of forest scenes can turn any room into a soothing retreat, making it ideal for bedrooms or study areas. The intricate details of leaves, branches, and woodland creatures in these forest wallpaper can also add depth and intricacy to your walls.
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Lake Wallpaper: A Touch of Serenity
Lake wallpaper brings the calm of water into your home. With images of still waters, gentle ripples, or serene sunsets by the lake, these lakes wallpapers can transform a room into a calming oasis. They are particularly well-suited for bathrooms or living areas where relaxation is essential.
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Sky Wallpaper: Bringing the Heavens Indoors
Sky wallpaper captures the fleeting beauty of the skies above. From the soft hues of dawn to the vibrant colours of sunset, these wallpapers can create an uplifting and airy ambience. They work well in spaces that benefit from openness and light, such as kitchens or hallways.
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Mountain Wallpaper: Elevating Your Space
Mountain wallpaper offers breathtaking views of peaks and valleys, adding a sense of grandeur and adventure to any room. The varying landscapes provide a dynamic backdrop, from snow-capped summits to lush green hills. This type of mountain wallpaper suits communal spaces like living rooms or offices, where it can inspire and invigorate.
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Wallpaper for Walls: A Versatile Choice
Wallpaper for walls has evolved significantly, offering a range of textures and finishes that can complement any interior design style. Whether you prefer the gloss of a photo-like finish or the subtlety of a matte texture, there's a nature wallpaper to match your preference.
Incorporating Nature Wallpaper in Indian Homes
In India, where aesthetic diversity is celebrated, nature wallpaper can add a distinct touch to homes. The rich tapestry of India's landscapes, from the Himalayas to the backwaters of Kerala, can be reflected in the choice of wallpaper, making it a unique addition to Indian homes.
Wall Murals: A Bold Statement
Wall murals are an excellent way to make a bold statement with nature wallpaper. They can cover an entire wall and become a focal point of the room, allowing for a more immersive experience. Whether it's a panoramic forest scene or a sweeping mountain range, wall murals can create a stunning visual impact.
Conclusion: Nature Wallpaper as a Reflection of Personal Style
Integrating the beauty of the outdoors into our homes through nature wallpaper for walls are more than just about aesthetic appeal. It's about creating spaces reflecting our style and connection to the natural world. Whether it's the calming presence of a lake, the grounding effect of a forest, or the awe-inspiring view of mountains, nature wallpaper offers a unique way to personalize and enliven our indoor spaces.
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artezaar · 10 months
Buddha Paintings - A Timeless Masterpiece for Your Living Room
In the bustling modern world, finding moments of tranquility and inner peace can often be challenging. Our living spaces play a pivotal role in shaping our emotions and mental well-being. One way to infuse a sense of calmness and harmony into your living room is by adorning its walls with a Buddha painting on canvas.
Buddhism originated over 2,500 years ago in ancient India, and it revolves around the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who later became known as Buddha. Born into a life of privilege, Siddhartha embarked on a spiritual journey to discover the truth about human suffering and the nature of existence. After years of meditation and contemplation, he attained enlightenment under a Bodhi tree, becoming the Buddha, or "the awakened one."
Imagine entering your living room after a long day and being greeted by the serene gaze of a Buddha painting on canvas. The image encapsulates a sense of tranquility, creating an ambience conducive to relaxation and reflection. Indeed, placing a Buddha painting in the living room of your home is a great way to create a peaceful atmosphere to come home to after a long day at work.
Buddha paintings have a timeless appeal that transcends trends and fads. Their simplicity and depth make them a favorite subject for artists around the world. Artists tend to focus on portraying Buddha’s facial features, particularly the serene eyes and thoughtful expression. This is because these facial features help to perfectly portray an aura of zen and mindfulness. 
Buying A Buddha Painting In Dubai
Dubai is known for its cosmopolitan charm and architectural marvels. However, it is also a bustling and vibrant hub for the arts. Hence, you should have no problem finding a Buddha Paintings In Dubai that matches your artistic tastes. For instance, Artezaar.com is a Dubai-based art gallery that has an entire collection of Buddha paintings.
Let’s take a closer look at a few of the stunning Buddha art pieces available on Artezaar.com:
Buddha Acrylic Painting
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This acrylic Buddha painting exudes a captivating aura of serenity and tranquility, immediately drawing the viewer into its intricate world of artistry. The meticulous detailing of this painting is a testament to the artist's skill, as each expert brushstroke comes together to portray Buddha’s harmonious presence. The canvas comes alive with a symphony of beautiful light brown hues, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that beckons observers to bask in its gentle radiance.
The highlight of this artwork lies in the depiction of Buddha's eyes – a pair of serene orbs that effortlessly communicate a profound sense of inner peace. The artist's adept use of light and shadow accentuates every contour, resulting in eyes that seem to softly glow. As one gazes upon this painting, a palpable feeling of calmness envelopes the surroundings, infusing the space with a soothing and rejuvenating energy. This acrylic Buddha painting stands not only as a masterpiece of visual art but also as a doorway to the realm of inner peace.
Lord Buddha Acrylic Painting
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Immersed in a world of exquisite tranquility, this acrylic Buddha painting captures a serene scene that effortlessly transports the observer into a realm of inner calmness. The artist's meticulous attention to detail is immediately evident, as each brushstroke brings to life the image of Buddha seated in graceful repose within a calm body of water. This portrayal of a tranquil aquatic environment is nothing short of mesmerizing. We see delicate lotus blossoms, verdant lily pads and even a lovely swan gracing the surface, their vibrant colors juxtaposed against the soft grey hues of the water. The water ripples gently caress Buddha's figure, emphasizing the harmonious connection between humanity and nature.
The artist's skillful rendering of light bestows a mesmerizing quality upon the water's reflection, casting an ethereal glow that imbues the scene with an aura of peace and serenity. As one gazes upon this acrylic masterpiece, a profound sense of calm washes over, reminiscent of the soothing embrace of still waters. The artist has also created a gorgeous orange sky background in this piece that really exudes a sense of warmth. Overall, this Buddha painting is a great way to infuse peacefulness into your home or office space.
As you consider the decor choices for your living space, you should definitely look into choosing a Buddha art piece.  Let the serene presence of Buddha artwork transform your living room into a sanctuary of calm. In a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming, the contemplative presence of a Buddha painting serves as a beacon of tranquility, guiding you towards a more mindful and calm existence. By placing a Buddha painting in the living room or anywhere else in your home, you are filling the space with tranquil beauty.
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brandonwaratah01 · 10 months
♥️ DreamPrayerReflect 💚
B r a n d o n W a r a t a h 0 1
“ Spiritual growth and faith is like a humble little seed that is ready to sprout with the right amount of warm sunlight and clear aqua. Prosperous Three leafed Clovers sprout. Lively Shamrocks emerge and Flowers blossoming with a perfume to give as a gift or as an offering. Vines with prospering foliage and seedless green and purple grapes. Adults drinking wine as a heart warming loving family. We say grace before meals by a prayer of thankfulness. Musical performances with choreography danced to the beat of the song(s). Everyone’s gestures and dance choreography are individually unique and amusing. Being entertained by smiling and giggling at each others unpolished dance moves because it’s that interestingly funny. Entering the centre of a circle with everyone swaying to the beat. Dancing their own moves to show and entertain everyone that is staring on the exterior of the circle. Mirrors rebounding light and showing the reflection of those having a thrill and remembering the experience(s) with cameras or futuristic gadget(s). Photographic images depicting the joyful experiences. We dream bigger, we pray with our hearts in great intensity and reflect respectfully like we’re staring at our own reflection on water without any ripples. The oil paintings in a church increases our faith by visualising sacred figures. We dream, pray and reflect upon life’s adventures either good or bad each and everyday that we could out of spiritual devotion. In a sense, we grow and mature together throughout the living generations with memories depicted either in a cloud of a day dream. Prayers written and or spoken of. The photographs to see and reflect upon by a visual(s). The veins on the grape leaf foliage is like a path to choose with each decision we make in life. The grapes that are harvested is the sweetness of life that is to be swirled in a glass of white and red wine. The food and drink to have is to be shared with toasted home made damper that is eaten with barbecued lamb. We enjoy each other’s presence that we greet and say hello and goodbye respectfully. The albino dove ascends to the sky with a flock of pigeons. The turtle dove gazes whilst incubating the eggs inside the birds nest. ”
#CreativeLiterature #BrandonvpNguyen #StoryPoetry
♥️ B r a n d o n v.p N g u y e n 💚
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