seeasunset · 9 months
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➤ Animals Vasco has:
Two cats ( A sphynx cat & a maine coon), A dog (Shiba Inu), and a bird ( Resplendent Quetzal). - All verses.
Saltwater crocodile - All verses / Meant to be part of his crew.
Coconut Crab - BG3 verse.
Penguin - One of his ships / Unknown what type of penguin.
Herring Gull - Undecided verse
Spotted-necked otter - Undecided verse
Cebidae - Undecided verse
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starlixir · 1 month
Love as Youth
Your love is buoyant. Your love is bountiful. It is ageless, and it will never age. When you fall in love, it is breathless. It is joyful and endless, it is magnificent. You think it, like your youth , will last forever. Youth is eternal, and so is your love. Your love skips rocks and tells stories, your love roasts marshmallows over fires, and laughs freely. Your love does not take itself too seriously. Your love is jumping into puddles just to watch the water splash, and dancing in the rain, and it is watching Sunday morning reruns of cartoons to feel young once more. Your love is forever, forever young. Being loved by you is to be loved by the summer months. And those never end, do they? Well, I won’t tell if you don’t.
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wisdomlibrarian · 3 months
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➤ Batsy actually has sharp teeth as seen below. This is not because of what happened to her as a child at all. She always had sharp teeth, which you can see within her mother's mouth too. It's part of her genes and can be seen as a reoccurring thing among the women in the family.
It is unknown what made them have this, but one thing for sure: do not let Batsy bite you. While there is little to zero chance of her doing so, her teeth will do more damage than a typical elf's teeth.
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sailingtempest · 8 months
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➤ Teresa is a decent cook. She isn't the best at it at all, but she does try her best. With her father not always being present in her life, she had to learn how to cook on her own. That and she wanted to ensure her sibling also would get food as well. This carries over when she step into the role of leading the Tempest.
While she doesn't mind having Drack cook for her or even the other crew - something she enjoys, watching him cook - she can sometimes be seen cooking on her own. Don't ask her to cook anything complicated. She will set fire on food or either overcook or undercook food.
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tidalsoul · 1 year
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➤ While many sirens takes inspiration from the sea animals around them, Firtha is no different. Rather, her biological father side took inspiration from the mimic octopus. This particular sea animal is capable of mimicking other sea animals pretty quickly. From sea snakes to lionfish to jellyfish. And this has formed inspiration for Firtha and this part of the family to mimic. Unlike her father, her and her brother is capable of mimicking others as well as their environment down to a T, including the sounds and voices they take on.
This magic was formed to hide from prey and to avoid danger. Although it is still true that it is used to avoid danger, it is also used to help aid in fighting off danger by slipping into dangerous territories or scaring deadlier enemies away.
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scientificcurixsity · 2 years
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➤ I've mentioned this quite a few times before, but Aphra does get along with both her parents. They don't always see eye-to-eye. They want her to do certain things and yet she wants the opposite. While they understand she is her own person and can make her own decision, they also want the best for her too. That she can understand too. Like, she wants to be a naturalist yet her parents wanted her to get into astrometry. She had no desire to look up at the skies and would rather study the plants and flowers of other places. Hence why she went to the island, which they didn't want her to do so.
As much as she is an adult, they didn't want to see their only child leave home so soon. Eventually they learn how to cope around it, though she has little amount of idea what's going on in their lives. It takes a while to get any word from anyone. By several months. Who knows what will happen between the first letter that is sent out and during the several months in between to get to where she is. All she knows is that they are doing well. Health-wise and all, though Aphra is concerned they might have caught malichor. They aren't safe from such plagues.
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seaofbeachystars · 1 year
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➤ Some tadbits HCs I have for Firtha since she is in the spotlight right now in terms of OCs.
Firtha's mimicking abilities has upgraded to mimic the undead. The only way to tell it is her if she breaks character, she doesn't change her clothes (her abilities doesn't allow her to mimic clothes and she has to go find the right ones), or the abilities the person might have. She also cannot mimic the powers, skills, and abilities someone has. No matter how powerful this mimicking ability gets, she will never reach to that level in her entire lifetime.
While Firtha looks human - and may come off as a weird human - her nature as a siren will never fade, no matter how much she spends around humans or any species at all. You can talk down at her, tell her she's a monster, etc. She will never let you take away that part of her. Then again, how is she going to unlearn 20+ years of being a siren? She's bound to sing and lure people. She's going to grow hungry and desire food that isn't normal food. You can't undo these things and if you do it enough times of trying to make her unlearn, expect her to lash out.
Although her curse prevents her from mimicking any nautical species in any way, she could mimic other species. The thing is, she can't do it for a long periods of time. Maybe a few days at best. This actually stemmed from the fact that she thought her original form was not her original form. That she was this monster deep down, fooling herself as she is fooling others.
Firtha can and will not use her mimicking abilities. In fact, if she trust you with such knowledge, she also trust you to give her permission to use her mimicking abilities. She knows how weird and suspicious it comes off as if she does it herself. She will earn your trust first and allow you to determine if she can do it or not. She's not trying to 100% rely on you to determine everything for her, but this one thing.
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earthywxngs · 2 years
◤❀Cнαrαcтer'ѕ Sтυdy: ✿◢
➤ Vinbarr cannot read or write outside of the language, Yecht Fradí. So, if you present anything containing any English books or any of that sort, he is unable to read them or capable of writing. He knows a few words at best, given how much stuff he has found on people's bodies when he stumbles upon them or the lost items that was long abandoned.
He's not against learning either. Getting close to him may be difficult to do so and go from there to teach him.
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doubletrxuble · 2 years
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bold always applies & italics sometimes applies
absent-minded | abusive | addict | adrenaline junkie | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | bigmouth | bigot | blindly loyal | blunt | callous | childish | chronic heroism | cheater | clingy | clumsy | cocky | codependent | competitive | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fickle | finicky | fixated | flaky | frail | fraudulent | foul-mouthed | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | grudge-holding | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealist | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | naive | nervous | nosy | ornery | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | possessive | pushover | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigorous | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-destructive | shallow | sociopathic | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | suspicious | tactless | temperamental | timid | thief | tone-deaf | traitorous | unathletic | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | withdrawn | workaholic
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seeasunset · 2 months
the true cowboy
you're the silhouette that turns folks' heads, with spurs that click when you walk. upfront, you're a seemingly toughened individual, but you hold a heart of pure gold and an ultimately good soul. your backstory is long (and complicated), involving a lot of tragedy and trauma riddled with mistakes you cannot seem to escape from. you like to say you're a bad person, but when the situation calls for it, you're noble and deliver swift justice. you need love, and others, to show you that you're really not the person you thought you were, and that there is something good in the future for you.
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starlixir · 2 months
◤❀Cнαrαcтer'ѕ Sтυdy: ✿◢
➤ I have to set up the verses posts properly, but I am plopping this down for Nova's rdr2 verse.
Clay and Nova are always found to be seen together, but sometimes you may see them traveling together on horseback. While they will always follow each other around, they can and will have their own lives to attend to or have duties to attend to. This can be seen upon the siblings entering the camp for the Van der Linde gang. Nova will join around chapter 2 and Clay will join at the end of chapter 2, beginning of chapter 3. While the siblings tends to work together, they have separate duties to attend to, which this, again, continues when they officially join the camp. As seen when Nova is eager to get to know everything and do the small things (fishing with whoever wants to go fishing, doing groceries shopping, so on and so forth) and Clay doing hunting, though these small tasks can switch between the two. Outside of doing robberies and all that fun stuff, it is rare for the siblings to be seen together for a smaller and more mundane tasks. So, if there is some kind of robbery needs to be done or rescuing one of the members and one of the two siblings are seen to be on the mission, you bet the other is tagging along. If any of that makes sense.
I think I might go with the idea that for the majority of chapter 2, Nova lives as two separate people. This is because she disguised herself as a guy at some point and somehow got brought back to the camp. This led to many believing she is an actual guy. She never wanted to keep up the act and disguise yet never found an opportunity to say anything to anyone. Anyone who has met her outside of camp and under her normal appearance will think of her as someone else completely, not connecting the two. I am still trying to piece together the exact details for this so it can work. But I do love a thread where her identity does get exposed and she has to explain why she kept up the act.
When everything begins to hit the fan, this also includes Clay. He gets hurt badly, causing Nova to not be the most optimistic person out there, but she is trying, especially if it means to hold the gang together. Although she knows this kind of lifestyle is difficult, she knows people needs to have some positive in their lives. Hence why she may start approaching certain people and asking them if they want to do certain activities like going fishing or even going on horseback and traveling for a certain distance.
Her preferred weapon is a shotgun, but can and will be seen using a revolver.
Her main horse - and mind you, it can be difficult for her to climb up on her horse - is a white and black shire horse. Although some people suggest she should get a smaller horse, she doesn't seem to listen.
Bayou Nwa is actually one of the few places you can find Nova if she isn't found at camp, trying to befriend everyone. If she isn't out traveling and helping the gang out. That area reminds her of home and she will always visit there as much as possible. Sometimes she forgets how much time has passed because she is so focused on her emotions and how this area makes her feel. Minus the whole Night Folks roaming around that is.
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wisdomlibrarian · 3 months
◤❀Cнαrαcтer'ѕ Sтυdy: ✿◢
➤ Batsy is a yes person to literally many things.
Not because she can't say no. She can and will say no, especially if it doesn't suit her or she doesn't like to do it. At the same time, the reason why she says yes falls into two reasons.
The first reason because she wants to be on the positive side of someone. She wants to ensure a friendship last as long as possible. In a way, you can consider her as a people pleaser because she wants to ensure someone continues to be around her as much as possible. It's not 100% a people pleaser kind of thing. She can and will say no without feeling guilty about it. More like, she doesn't realize that it's okay if people don't always see eye to eye with her and she can still be friends with her. At least, to a certain extent. It's okay to have your dislike and likes or what makes you comfortable without giving it up. Spending time within the group has made her accept the fact that not everyone will have the same opinions and will not always see eye to eye yet still become trusted allies that can watch your back.
The second reason is to step out of her comfort zone. After what happened as a kid, Batsy didn't enjoy doing things out of her comfort zone. Whatever she has known and feels the most joy out of, she will stick with it. Even if it means staying inside the place she was born and raised in, rarely going out. Even when her parents treated her coldly, she continues to stick by them. Any opportunity that will help her grow and reach a great potential, she will either immediately give it up or will step out of it shortly afterwards, not enjoying the new emotions and situations she is put in. Such as going out of the small city she lives in to adventure out, despite dreaming about going on adventures like the ones in the book. Or even when she wants to learn new things, she immediately backs away. To her, if she doesn't master something right off the bat, she doesn't want it.
It's why she went on an adventure when she became an adult and refused to go back home, no matter how many times she wanted to do so. Nights where she stayed awake where she consider the thought of going back home in the morning, only to urging herself to continue forward, telling herself that the next stop she will turn around and head back home. There are times she finds herself cornered, thinking that she shouldn't have gone out on her own, only to realize she survived and she could do it again. To her, whatever she faced as a kid, nothing can't be worse than that. That if she survived that, she could survive anything. A mindset she keeps telling herself again and again.
To find herself in the middle of this group where you can be a mindflayer at any given moment and other things happening is something different. It's awful, yes, but an experience she can tell when she is older.
If it means sacrificing herself to become the heroic kind of person, so be it. Even if she is a bit naive and sheltered here and there.
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sailingtempest · 10 months
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➤ If you ever wonder how Teresa's body is like, this is what her body looks like.
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tidalsoul · 1 year
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➤ Keep in mind that Firtha's smile is described to bright and filled with warmth. Even be consider as pretty. Just know it can also be off-putting too. Almost inhuman if she wants it to be. When she first became cursed, she had trouble trying to keep her smile human-like and it put people off so much, even if it was mesmerizing and pretty to look at.
As she managed to blend in and observed how humans worked, she could switch between the smiles if she wanted to. Of course, she can slip up. If present with her best friend - or if your muse is aware of who she is and realizes the smile - they can casually remind her about her smile, which she can quickly switch.
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scientificcurixsity · 2 years
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➤ Much like how my portrayal for Vasco is, Aphra has read about love through books. Not only in romance books but in a scientific way. All didn't prepare her for any emotions she experienced or any of that sort. So, she is left to figure it out. This brings me to my next point.
While she is great at pinpointing her emotions - not in the way of describing them but more so, she's feeling a certain way - she has no way of actually telling another what she wants. In other words, you have to ask her if this or that is okay or watch closely to her reactions to certain things. Or sometimes wait until she figures it all out, which doesn't take long, given she doesn't like to sit and let the unknown wander about.
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aaltumiter · 2 months
Viserra Algearis tags ↬
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