#【 ᵒᵘᵗ ᵒᶠ ᵉˡⁱˣⁱʳˢ || ooc 】
eskelwolf-archived · 2 years
my sweethearts, if the blog @new-eskelwolf follows you in the next couple of days, that's me. that's not spam or anything, it's really, really, reeeeallyyyy me.
cw blocking, sarcasm, anxiety mention under the cut
can't wait to accidentally follow people who had me blocked or i had them blocked. fun times :D (that is sarcasm my friends, i have anxiety, i will probably apologise twenty times if that happens).
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eskelwolf-archived · 2 years
okay, let's play a super fun game. someone send me five numbers from one (1) to fifty-eight (58). I have 58 open drafts. you get the idea, right?
(These will apply to ANY of my muses, Eskel, Lambert, Jask, Geralt, and my muses over at Veeprinx, and so on.)
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eskelwolf-archived · 2 years
So, I'll add the topics I would ask you to tag on my carrd and in a separate post.
Also, I guess I'll restrict my online activity and reply schedule for a bit. I'm struggling mental health wise, it's burning me out if I don't tone it down a bit.
I'll post a schedule later this week. Also I might move to another account, nothing will change for you, just a little refollow maybe. URL, layout, rules, muses, all will stay the same. The tags drive me crazy tbh, or better: the autosuggestions and that I can't delete them, neither for me nor for people who want to search my blog. *ruffles hair*
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eskelwolf-archived · 2 years
you know the game from yesterday. someone give me two numbers from 1 to 10 (that's my drafts), five from 1 to 50 (my rp tracker count of 'my turn') and a number from 1 to 5 (for my mailbox).
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eskelwolf-archived · 2 years
I have a nasty streppy throat infection and need to stay home. :(
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eskelwolf-archived · 2 years
if i didn't reply in a while, please assume i'm just forgetful and my ADHD is giving me a hard time + i'm a very active roleplayer with a lot of threads. it takes some time to plough through drafts.
it might feel like it takes ages before i get back to you, but to me i'm really working hard to reply to any active thread. sometimes i reply to over thirty threads in a day. that's a lot. ♡︎
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eskelwolf-archived · 2 years
Back from my hiatus now, I really rocked The Thing™ I was so anxiously waiting for to do. I'm very low energy today but I will reply to some stuff and get back in roleplay mode ❤️✨
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eskelwolf-archived · 2 years
I will reply to the threads in my drafts from here, but replies after August 8th will come from the new blog.
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eskelwolf-archived · 2 years
I feel bad for adding stuff to my guidelines, especially asking for mutuals to tag triggering content for me.
Could be the decades of being gaslit and abused for things like... setting boundaries...and asking for basic decency and respect them...
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eskelwolf-archived · 2 years
Okay so... My spouse's grandpa died and- I can't handle it. Not because I actually knew him because I didn't, it's because my spouse is NOT taking it well...
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eskelwolf-archived · 2 years
@ofsatanicpanic ♡︎
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eskelwolf-archived · 2 years
My lovely friends and rp partners; since I'm with my papa in Poland for the rest of the week I won't reply very much, even though I planned to do so. (Because papa goes to bed even earlier than I do and I'm a very early sleeper already.)
I didn't bring my laptop and stupid as I am I deleted my drafts apart from starters other sent me or starters I want to post and the rest of the 117 existing threads (yes, I know) is solely on my rptracker.
And accessing the tracker on mobile sucks marbles.
From now on I will tag my posts with the title of the threads and my partner's URL to not be completely lost when I'm relying on mobile alone.
Sorry for the inconvenience. I promise I haven't forgotten any of you. I'm just a doofus. ❤️
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eskelwolf-archived · 2 years
I had a work related event last night and honestly while this brilliant person held a lecture about another brilliant person... my mind went all "omg Eskel let Bolvirk touch his face, what's next? They adopting an army of goats? Marry in Kaer Morhen with Geralt as Eskel's best man and Lambert thinks it's funny to find a wedding dress for Eskel and he's so close to pull the prank...until he sees Eskel's future hubby and thinks "Oookay I better piss off, what a man... Damn Eskel..." Wouldn't that be nice and super stupid at the same time..."
I have no idea what's been said on stage for almost 2 hours. This scenario just got so ridiculously detailed and absurd in my head that I almost laughed out loud.
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eskelwolf-archived · 2 years
24. Does your muse tend to get jealous when in a relationship? Do they like it when their partner gets jealous over them?
Eskel is a free spirit, but suuuper insecure in the beginning. He tends to be jealous in the same intensity he's excited and passionate and crazy over his partner in the honeymoon phase and beyond.
He doesn't like this part of him, he thinks jealousy is no sign of love but insecurity and stems from a mindset of ownership.
He tries to conceal it, but it's very obvious anyway. Pokerface? Never heard of her.
He doesn't like his own jealousy and it makes him very uncomfortable and even angry if a partner acts possessive and jealous. (Unless they're super possessive and dominant in the bedroom, that he appreciates ...a lot.)
[Bonus: the insecurity comes from his facial scarring, the bullying that came with it and him never developing a healthy sense of self.]
Canon divergent Eskel:
He's jealous but kinda just puts that feeling in a box and puts that box far far away in his mind. Depending on which ship we're talking about, he's jealous of the people Geralt travels with, or Aiden in Lambert's case. It's in the nature of Witchers to not travel with another Witcher, he's forced to be alone and his usual encounters are more casual or for coin.
The constant loneliness and the nature of slaying monsters keeps him in a state of feeling unwanted by others anyway, so if he encounters someone who shows serious interest... he'll be quite overwhelmed. Can't believe his luck of being loved and wanted.
His maybe emerging jealousy might be mistaken by everyone including himself as unprompted anger and aggression.
In cases like with Bolvirk, well, their dynamic is blooming, we'll see how serious they'll become and how Eskel will handle this very very unfamiliar situation of mutual interest and..more.
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eskelwolf-archived · 2 years
Coming to VEEPRINX mumu first:
Sakura; Card Captor Sakura
Sadie; succubus rockstar OC, FC E.milia “Em.ppu” Su.honen
Satu Järvinen; A Discovery of Witches
Brynhildr; heavily headcanon based character from the Edda and the Nibelungenlied, FC Bryce Dallas Howard
Nanachi; Made in Abyss
Galadriel; Rings of Power
Moiraine; WoT
Nynaeve; WoT
Birgitte Silverbow; WoT
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eskelwolf-archived · 2 years
Today is a day where I want to hide my face in Eskel's cleavage and hiss at everyone approaching ... // I'm maybe a little stressed.
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