#【 interaction: dyron botley. 】
rclldamage · 1 year
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Pain was a weakness that left the body. Dyron recited the mantra to himself as he took the bandage to his hand. Each wrap was slow and done with another line whispered to himself. His hands were not injured, not yet at least, but it paid to be prepared. Training yielded different results of which could never be predicted. Once his routine had been completed and his meditation ended, the wandering monk took in the sight of green flora about him and smiled. It was rare that one took in the beauty of the world. He was guilty of that. It was the reason he traveled and learned. One step closer to enlightenment with each worldly experience. His mentor would have been proud of him.
There was a pain that shot up his leg as he stood. An old injury that never properly healed, sat on for too long without movement. He winced, rubbing at the spot until the soreness started to subside into a dull ache that would eventually fade away completely. He moved around the camp, a slow pace, as he checked on the stew that had been warming over the open fire. Only there was movement that distracted him, his eyes darting upward and focused right on Ace among the greenery. Dyron’s gaze danced over the male’s form … noting while the male appeared human, his lower body betrayed him.
“You’re welcome to some food,” Dyson called. He walked around the fire, moving his pack closer to sit down and dip a bowl into the pot. Two filled and one sat aside for the satyr. He hadn’t been sure if the male had tried to move unseen but he wasn’t about to make him feel embarrassed about it. “I’m afraid it’s simply a broth of wild vegetables I found. Enough to give energy,” he continued and pulled out his waterskin, full of rich wine and held it up. “For your thirst if you have one,” he said.
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requested starter for @cxncordia. perception check roll: 17
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rclldamage · 1 year
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While the dawn had come, the sun had not yet chased away the night completely by time Dyron had risen from his sleep. A small breakfast and water had sat on his stomach when the routine pulled him from the small camp he had sat the day previously. The fabric of his small clothes clung to his lower body as he trained. Sweat rolling down the exposed skin of his back, torso, arms and legs while he moved with lethargic purpose and breath. His training … was not meant to power the body as much as it had been to breathe life into a focused mind. His mentor had called the practice Tai Chi but had modified it for Dyron purposefully. Where movement was often centered on simply the upper body and the slow movement of legs, he had incorporated high kicks that left him balanced on one foot and a mingle of yoga.
His slow breathing tightened his core and centered him as he used his bedroll as a mat to stand on. If Addison had made any noise on his approach, as the morning sun rose in the sky, Dyron showed no sign of notice. So deep into his focus that even the birds could not reach him as they chirped to the morning’s light. It hadn’t been until, with a great express of air from his lungs, Dyron had lowered himself to the ground, legs spread evenly apart until groin and backside had touched his bedroll that the man had noticed anything. While surprised by the man who was suddenly in his camp, Dyron bowed his head in greeting to him. “Sorry … though if you were here to hurt me, I feel you’d done it already,” he chuckled.  His hands rested on his spread knees, he looked up and squinted from the rising light of the morning. “What brings your life into mine today ?”
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requested starter for @cxncordia. perception check roll: natural 1. :(
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rclldamage · 1 year
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When he came into the city and would run into her, it always ended in an interesting way. It intrigued him. A summer fling that was kept casual because of his journey to self-enlightenment. Earthen ties were the first he had to give up, but who could ever give up a woman like her? Even if it had stayed friendly between them, he saw the way her life weighed her down. He witnessed how her aura pulsated and the way her chakras were bogged down. It had nothing to do with her magic. If she could reach past the mundane, Dyron knew she could be a might that not even a god could stand against.
He was a patient man. One who enjoyed the vacations he took once every odd year away from the monastery. The vacations he spent with her. Maybe she liked it too? His magic could always push hers away, silence it, because while he was magic, it was who he was inside. It was his ki. The very essence of his soul that empowered him. She always had a taste for the bad boys. Even though there may have been a secret desire in him that maybe once — – once he could be the good guy she fell for: then he’d feel regret for the thought and remember his vows. The vows that he was to ascend to a higher plane and abandon the earthen realm.
It was his last night in the city. His last night with her and he had decided to make it special. Dyron kept himself seated in the chair she had put down for him, her legs straddling his lap while his hands rested on her hips. Her kiss was sweet and dark in all the right ways. Her taste was a pleasant one on his lips and when he felt her fingers on his belt he let himself laugh into the kiss. “What are you doing?” The question was only answered with a wicked twist of ruby lips. The belt was pulled from its straps and his hands gathered so pointedly that slowly, Dyron laughed and shook his head.
“Will I need a safeword? How about kiwi?” It was a tease and he used the distraction to capture her in a deep kiss before he felt the leather begin to be wrapped around his wrists. Anita Blake, she made it hard to give up any attachments and aside to anything higher then where he was in that very moment, with her.
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answered ask for @executiioner
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