#【 cxncordia: addison. 】
helloxdesire · 7 months
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Nathan was a skilled mage and a fast learner. Unfortunately he was also very aware of this, and somewhat overconfident. When he challenged his teacher, Addison, he was confident that he could win. He knew Addison outranked him, and had done this for much longer, but Nathan genuinely believed himself to be a natural, and while he considered the possibility that he might lose, he didn't actually believe it to be an option. Of course, that delusion only lasted until midway through the certamen, when it became apparent just how much better than him Addison was. Nathan didn't stand a chance, but at that point it was too late to back out, and he could only do his best, hope Addison would make a glaring mistake, and lose with some dignity at least.
And lose he did, though the part about dignity was up for debate. Addison metaphorically mopped the floor with him, and it was obvious that Nate had severely overestimated his own abilities. With the duel over he'd looked up at the teacher, humility settling in his expression for the first time in a long time. He knew that he now was Addison's to do with as he pleased, but he'd had no idea what to expect. He knew Addison as a fair, somewhat strict teacher who pushed his students to be their best, but knew very little about him beyond that.
Now, on his knees, looking at the clothes the man expected him to wear he swallowed thickly. The pink frills of the dress and lace of the panties glared up at him and he felt a blush creep up his neck, coloring his cheeks. "You can't be serious," he heard himself say, "this is a joke, right?" He reached out, running a finger over the fabric, frowning at the feel of it. Maybe the man was just messing with him. He couldn't really expect him to wear that, right?
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knotfodder · 6 months
starter for @cxncordia || for Addison
Nathan gathered the loose papers, leaving the office desk organized and sorted in the paper bins on top of the file cabinet adjacent to him. The young office assistant had known the Addison for quite some time, having met when Nathan was having legal troubles of his own. Now, he tries to repay the favor by working as an assistant at Addison's practice. He hopes to gain a little knowledge in the law with Addison as well, hoping to one day help communities around him just like his friend does.
For now, Nathan is perfectly happy just helping his friend, mentor, and father figure in whatever he needed. Especially if it meant getting him off, he guesses that would make Addison more of a daddy then a father. Certainly looked the part according to his co-workers and Nathan couldn't help but agree. How could he not when he was literally disrobing himself inside Addison's office. A bit excessive for their usual celebration plans when winning a case, but what could Nathan say. He was eager to learn just about anything from Addison.
Once he was done stripping himself, Nathan bends himself over the office desk. A tantalizing euphoria spread across his body as the warmth of Nathan's body contrasted with the coolness of the desk. He heard rumors of particular skills Addison had in his possession. Nathan usually had no interest in gossip in the office space. Most of them ranged from silly to out right ridiculous. Magic? Sure, Nathan occasionally caught him saying something to what he was thinking now and then, but magic.
Nathan felt his mind clear as he heard the office door open in front of him. He kept still, his body feeling relaxed and ready as it anticipated his mentor's touch.
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rclldamage · 1 year
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While the dawn had come, the sun had not yet chased away the night completely by time Dyron had risen from his sleep. A small breakfast and water had sat on his stomach when the routine pulled him from the small camp he had sat the day previously. The fabric of his small clothes clung to his lower body as he trained. Sweat rolling down the exposed skin of his back, torso, arms and legs while he moved with lethargic purpose and breath. His training … was not meant to power the body as much as it had been to breathe life into a focused mind. His mentor had called the practice Tai Chi but had modified it for Dyron purposefully. Where movement was often centered on simply the upper body and the slow movement of legs, he had incorporated high kicks that left him balanced on one foot and a mingle of yoga.
His slow breathing tightened his core and centered him as he used his bedroll as a mat to stand on. If Addison had made any noise on his approach, as the morning sun rose in the sky, Dyron showed no sign of notice. So deep into his focus that even the birds could not reach him as they chirped to the morning’s light. It hadn’t been until, with a great express of air from his lungs, Dyron had lowered himself to the ground, legs spread evenly apart until groin and backside had touched his bedroll that the man had noticed anything. While surprised by the man who was suddenly in his camp, Dyron bowed his head in greeting to him. “Sorry … though if you were here to hurt me, I feel you’d done it already,” he chuckled.  His hands rested on his spread knees, he looked up and squinted from the rising light of the morning. “What brings your life into mine today ?”
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requested starter for @cxncordia. perception check roll: natural 1. :(
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etxrnaleclipse · 25 days
Closed starter for @cxncordia || Pedro and Addison
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"Mr Blake." Pedro offered the other man a soft smile as he approached, holding out a hand in greeting. "Detective da Costa, it's lovely to meet you at last. I admire your work."
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assfcrdays · 1 year
@cxncordia gets a random starter from GABRIEL
It was an unusually quiet time for Gabriel - it had been weeks since his last job ended, and there wasn't any major new client on the horizon just yet. It was a much welcome vacation for the escort, even if that might have seemed ironic considering he was spending his days indulging in one vacation after the other anyway. But even though he got to see the most beautiful places on Earth, getting showered with luxury... he was still there solely to be paid. Pleasing men for money. This was different.
"Are you done working?", he asked with a slight smile, as patient as possible, although it was clear he was eager for Addison's attention. The lawyer wasn't a client; in fact, Gabriel wasn't sure if the other even was aware of his profession. At least, he had not attempted to pay him for his services yet. "You know, I admire your work ethics, but even lawyers need to take a break now and then, right? To unwind, take your mind off of things... Come on, tell me. What would you most like to do right now, in this moment? Can be anything. Go."
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daylightcxmpers · 20 days
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"I don't...I don't normally accept gifts like this." Oliver said looking down at the box for a moment and then back up to Addison, the other man was handsome, charming, older. All things that marked him as someone of interest to Oliver but taking the gift made it feel like the other was acknowledging that he had seen Oliver looking. Not very professional at all.
"Should I...do you want me to open it now?" Oliver's offices were closed for the night it was just them. The building one of those hybrid work and living complexes, his apartment just 15 floors above them in a short elevator ride away. Perhaps this would be better there? The office setting made this feel so forbidden. He shouldn't be taking presents from clients.
They had just closed for the day, the day was warm and still young the sun hung above the horizon not yet threatening to turn the night to day by sinking beyond it.
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helloxdesire · 8 months
@cxncordia continued from here
@helloxdesire || accepting
Addison gives a cocky grin as he hears Oliver explain his fantasy. He is holding the boy closer to him. It's been a long day at work and all he needs is a bit of pampering and service from his sub, who is sitting now in his lap. Addison's thick fingers find the boy's crevice and gently press against them, staring back into Oliver's eyes.
"How bad is the teasing in your fantasy?" He asks, the middle and index finger finding the rim of Oliver's hole, gently circling around it. "Because I have the rest of the evening free and I feel like hearing you beg."
Oliver blushes brightly. He doesn't usually talk about his fantasies, and it feels weird to talk about it, especially to the guy the fantasy is about. He would hide his face, but Addison's intense eyes keep Oliver's locked to them,
"I- uh..." he wants to say not that bad, and make it easier for himself, but then he doesn't really want that. He wants Addison to push him, edge him, deny him release. "Well, it starts out easy, but then, as we keep going you get more relentless, keep bringing me just too the edge before you stop, and giving me these teasing touches that aren't enough to get me off, but enough to remind me just how hard and aching I am." Now he does break eye contact, burying his face in Addison's shoulder. "Sometimes I cry, begging you for mercy."
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helloxdesire · 11 months
Starter for @cxncordia
Oscar had been perfectly content with the way his life was going. His hedonistic lifestyle of indulgence and excess was suiting him well. His rules were simple, if he wanted to do something, or someone, he did, and if things got too real he poured himself another drink. It was simple, and it worked. Until Addison of course. Another rule was that there were no attachments. The people he slept with were hot, but he didn't get invested, until he did.
It had started out easy. They got along, the sex was good enough that Oscar came back for more, and for a while it had been the good, stringless fun he usually engaged in. So what if he usually didn't stick around to chat when he woke up in the morning? It was still just fun, until it wasn't. Lately Oscar caught himself thinking about Addison, and when his phone buzzed he'd hope it was Addison. And tonight, when his dad had been acting like a jerk on the phone and Oscar had poured himself a whiskey like he usually did the other man crossed his thoughts again. One sip into the glass Oscar found himself thinking of how Addison wouldn't approve of his coping mechanisms. It completely ruined the joy of drinking.
So that's how he found himself breaking his final two rules. Don't be vulnerable and don't ask for help. It was almost ten in the evening when he rang Addison's doorbell, more distraught than he'd ever allowed the other to see him. If he couldn't drink about it he had to distract himself somehow, right? So when the door opened he didn't even give Addison a chance to speak before he put his arms around him, kissed his neck and muttered, "I need you."
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helloxdesire · 3 months
@cxncordia said: Denied (from Addison to Oscar)
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The belt Addison had picked out was a lot. A leather strap around his waist, with another strap going between his legs, securing a plug in his ass, and then a heavy metallic cage around his cock. It was much more imposing than the simple cock cages they'd discussed in the past, but then this wasn't supposed to be discreet. They had a long weekend together, and Addison had decided this was a perfect opportunity to play with denial, so that Oscar could focus on his Dom's pleasure. The whole time Addison spent securing the belt, then sliding his soft cock into the metal cage, Oscar held his breath, finally exhaling as Addison let go, satisfied that it was secured.
"And you're sure I have to wear this the whole weekend?" he asked, in his most charming tone.
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helloxdesire · 3 months
@cxncordia said: I want to treat you like a princess. (From Addison to Oliver)
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Oliver looked up from the book he was reading, curled up on the couch with a blanket wrapped around him. Addison had had some work to finish up, and the submissive boy had found a quiet activity to occupy himself with while waiting for his Daddy to be done.
Upon hearing the older man's voice the book was soon forgotten though, and Oliver closed it without even taking note of the page he was on. His Dom's words were promising. Oliver wasn't sure whether Addison wanted to treat him like a girl, or just wanted to spoil him, but either way he was excited.
"Do you, Sir?" he asked, putting the book on the end table, smiling at the man. "What do you want to do with your pretty princess?" He was growing more comfortable around the other man. When they first got together he'd have stuttered through referring to himself as a pretty princess, and while he still blushed a little he didn't feel so awkward about it.
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rclldamage · 1 year
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There was too much loss in the world that Liam had chosen to live in. Familiar faces there one moment and gone the next. One may argue that the deepest desire in Liam Stoyan’s soul was to be wanted. To be desired and coveted. His soul sung a brilliant melody when he found himself between two individuals who wanted him. A deepening ocean of need, desire and something … something that he could not describe or even attempt to find words for in order to try. His little secret was kept buried deep inside. His senses were heightened, ran ragged by the assault of two lips, four hands, and the press of bodies against his own. Placed between two so well sculpted lovers that he had no idea where he began and they ended. Liam didn’t care either way. He melted into the strength of Joe’s kiss, submitted to him completely and opened his mouth to have the man claim him … only to be pulled away and have his mouth claimed by Addison. His entire body shuttering with need so evident by how rigid his cock had been between his legs. How his excitement dripped so thickly from the tip and pooled on the sheets of the bed.
Liam had no need to wait long as he found himself forced onto all fours. Fingers gripping the sheets beneath his palms as Joe forced his legs apart from behind and raised his hips. His eyes looked up at Addison as he took position in front of him, his tongue eagerly out and accepting the column of the man’s arousal into his mouth. His cheeks hollowed, head eager in movement at the taste of Addison’s cock on his tongue. He swallowed around the man, tongue teasing the underside of his length … only to moan so loud around the column of flesh when he felt Joe penetrate him. Slow and almost torturous in his movements, Liam forced himself back to fill himself with the man. He gasped around Addison in time with the surprised sound that would escape Joe as his body pulled the man deeper into his heat. His soul was aflame. 
The fantasy of being wanted more than just for the night by two men repeated in his mind as he worshiped Addison’s length so eagerly. Pulling from the man loud moans of wanton desire while he rocked roughly back against the other. Joe, taking matter into his own hand, gripping his hips to keep him still in order to drive a brutal pace into his body. Slowly, Liam slipped into the space where he was neither present or absent between the two. All there was had been him, his body, and the way the two felt inside him. Eagerly, he wanted more. He demanded more as he swallowed Addison to the root, his throat closing around the sensitive flesh and holding him there before the lack of air caused his eyes to water. He pulled himself free, gasping as spittle dripped from his lips. His pupils were blown, darkened into pin pricks of black holes.
When the two shifted position, Liam eagerly laid on his back, head held off the bed while his legs were lifted to rest on Addison’s shoulders. He closed his eyes and faded away into a pleasant abyss as Joe used his throat, hand pressed against his neck. Floating, weightless, all Liam desired was for both men to keep him. To desire him. To break him in all the right ways that war never could.
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answered ask for @cxncordia
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