#【🌙🌊the former yakuza princess & mercenary】
astrcthesiai-archived · 8 months
⭐ one of my muse’s AU (please specify) (Miyuki BF verse)
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Lyrics are English translations of Found & Lost by Survive Said The Prophet.
Contains Spoilers from Yasha and Banana Fish: Miyuki or rather, Miyu Mochizuki is a former yakuza princess sold to a mercenary group known as the Band of the Unseen. The Band of the Unseen is a powerful mercenary group that often collaborates with Eduardo L. Fox's group abroad. However, Miyuki and her adoptive sister and former mentor escaped to America. (Miyuki's older adoptive sister, Crimson, is a prototype for the next generation of humans. She was considered a failure and sold to the Band of the Unseen.)
Miyuki fought to survive, while her sister Crimson found a New York gang led by the leader, Hecate. Miyuki would eventually meet and fight Ash Lynx. Losing to him, she becomes one of his gang's leading snipers and combatants.
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astrcthesiai-archived · 8 months
you saved my life. (Shorter @ Miyuki)
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Miyuki blushed. She was glad Shorter was okay. He was Ash's friend, and a friend of her gang leader is a friend of hers as well. Plus, it really helped that he was a cutie. Well, that last statement made Miyuki blush a deeper shade.
"No problem," she said. It was instinct for her because she had always been a war. "You're one of Ash's most trusted." She thought for a moment.
"We're better off finding another spot. They now know there's a sniper."
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astrcthesiai-archived · 8 months
it's honestly nothing. i can deal with it myself. (Ash @ Miyuki)
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"Bullshit, Ash, you're bleeding like a stuck pig," she said, slamming the first aid kit down. "Get your ass over here, and pronto! It's a bullet wound and quite a few of them." She uttered a string of curses in Japanese as she opened the large first aid kit.
"Alex, take off Ash's shirt," she said, pulling out tools to dig out the bullets after pulling gloves on. "We're gonna need a bottle of whiskey, a shot glass, and a cloth. Don't ask, I'll explain later."
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💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with? for Miyuki?
Emoji Ask :: Always Accepting (only for my OCs)
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This is going to be a hard question to answer, but I’m going to say it’s probably humiliation and bashfulness.
Humiliation really depends if one is showing her up in some fashion. She will probably try to hunt the person down...? Think of when Sabo criticized her for using part of her name in her alias in Banana Fish/One Piece verse you proposed. When I was writing Miyuki, she wanted to strangle Sabo.
Bashfulness, I don't think she takes compliments well either at times and at first. I will say the crew probably warns Ace of this when he first is dealing with Miyuki. I imagine both tolerated each other, but compliments were hard. Miyuki thought Ace or a person was up to something. Like him, she did not quite grow up in the right conditions, so he's essentially confronting his younger self in a way?
She's still like that, but she has a much better job dealing with compliments. As for humiliation, she still will get back at the person who attempted to do so.
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“🏳️‍🌈” (AshYuki, ShorYuki, SaboYuki, or AceYuki, your choice!)
Send 🏳️‍🌈 for a pride-themed starter.
Post: Here
Ash, Whiskey, and Eiji, you are suffering from a case of music stuck in head. It's not quite the Spice Girls plot I told you about but it's a Spice Girls plot.
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@whiskeysmultimuse | Send 🏳‍🌈 for a pride starter. (Ash & Yuki)
The crowd was excited as the music started to permeate through the city's corridor. Miyuki pulled Ash and Eiji along by the hands. Her eyes sparkled as she heard the familiar lalala...
She could barely hear Ash try to shout over the music, but it was to no avail. Miyuki could not hear him, she only flashed Eiji and him a smile. Miyuki could see the dancers in sparkling rainbow outfits and pride flags abound. Once they were close enough, Miyuki jumped up to peak a little more as color guards of every flag in the LGBTQ+ community were shown. She could not help herself as she let go of Eiji's and Ash's hands and threw her arms up to wriggle to the beat.
"Lalalala~" she sang along as the first float appeared, with dancers perfectly choreographed to "Spice Up Your Life" by the Spice Girls danced on the multiple flooring.
Eiji leaned to one side to avoid getting hit by her arms, but another from the audience was dancing.
"Spice up your life!" Miyuki attempted to shout over the music to the song. She turned to Ash and Eiji. "C'mon, I love this song!"
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