#【🖎🚬answers from vash】
Leaves a simple silver canteen on the old mans table with a tag hanging on it that said:
Happy Father's Day - Livio
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He came back into the car. Sunlight reflected off the silver canteen. His eyes widened. Roberto gingerly checked the tag. He smiled when he read it was from Livio.
Today was Earth's America's Father's Day. Usually, he'd take off from work, but the agency wanted that op-ed. He was not going to leave Meryl alone either.
He did not feel quite as alone as before either thanks to everything that happened so far. He found another family away from home, albeit a strange family, but a family nonetheless. Heck, his ex-bounty hunter wife would probably adopt the Meryl and the Wolfwoods too...
The canteen was just what he needed! He wanted to keep his alcohol separate from his drinking water! Can never have too much water though...
He will be sure to write a thank you note to Livio.
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a curious little sapling eyes the big guy with the funny mustache. vash doesn't know what to make of him yet, but the nice lady says he is a friend of hers. he spots the colorful little box with smelly sticks. " so...can i have one of those? what are they for? " // drops a tiny plant onto roberto's doorstep, sorry roberto dkfjghl
Unprompted Asks :: Always Accepting :D
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Oh, Meryl, what did you do this time?
He looks at the little boy with a curious glance. The little boy looks awfully like Vash, although he was not sure what color Vash's eyes were as they were often behind orange-tinted glasses. The little boy looked like he escaped one of the labs, should he return them?
He thought of the Plant he saw and its Final Harvest. He shook his head to that. No, ma'am, not today.
Roberto looks at the cigarettes beside him, and his pale green eyes widened. "No, you may not. Listen, kid, when you're grown up and you know what they do then you can have one. Until that time, you can have some juice instead," he said, quickly picking up the box of tobacco and placing it in his jacket pocket. "Or maybe ice cream, I don't know..."
He looked up and scanned for street vendors. He spotted one. "Ah, they have ice pops. Let's go get you one."
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"How are they. Your merry band." Came Livio's voice behind the old man. How he got there and when? Nobody would know save the ghostly quiet assassin. He was leaning against a pillar, arms crossed and watching the reporter with a side-eyed stare. ''...Are they well. Been awhile since I last checked in on you lot."
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Roberto had to jump a bit
He was sure a little bit of whiskey dripped onto his shirt. He had been taking a sip from his flask from the last revelation the group had come across. Perhaps another experiment commissioned by the Eye of Michael.
He looked over his shoulder and sure enough, Livio was there leaning against a pillar.
He let out a chuckle. "Merry alright," he said, wryly. He was not sure what to say it had been a long journey towards July, and with each step they took the party grew tenser. Especially, the other two men. They seemed to know what was in July. Something big would happen the old man was sure about it.
He replaced the cap on his flask and pocketed it.
"They're well," he said, a little louder. "Tense as we move closer to July." He nodded in agreement. It had been a while since Livio checked on them. Each time the assassin made sure to report there had been some attempts on the group's lives, specifically Vash's. Roberto and Meryl had grown used to the chaos but were able to stay out of sight.
Each time Meryl tried to shout or state her concern towards the pacifist and Undertaker, Roberto had to remind her they were just observing. Nothing more. It had been the usual song and dance, but he was also growing used to and fond of the pacifist and Undertaker himself. Not to Meryl's degree, but enough to also show concern for their safety.
"What about you, Livio? How have you been?" he asked.
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It was rare for their little gang to even find a bit of downtime in some proper hick town somewhere that's thankfully not forsaken by dire circumstances. Him and the old guy were nursing their own shot glasses at a local saloon while the little lady and needle noggin were out snooping the locale sights. Some peace & quiet for once.
" Riddle me this then gramps. " Wolfwood leans back, arm casually slung over the back of his chair. (His burden of a cross not too far away, leaning against a wall) " Jaded as you are, what made you decide you wanted to be a reporter? "
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( unprompted asks : always accepting )
He was thankful for the peace. Roberto could finally sit down and savor the sting of the whiskey as it went down. He heard a "bottoms' up" from another patron at the saloon and some snickering from one of the tables located far from the main counter.
Roberto heard Wolfwood and turned his attention toward the man. He grunted an "mhm" to let Wolfwood know he was listening. "You're gonna be taking me back in time, kid. Alright. I did not study journalism at first, I was actually studying to become a researcher. I saw my first Plant more than ten years ago. Not too long after that, I saw one of their deaths, or Final Harvest as they call 'em. It was... eye-opening. Far more different than watching some old fart wither away in a hospice."
He looked down. "They were in absolute pain. They grabbed the glass, pleadingly to stop. You didn't have to ..." He shook his head. "You didn't have to understand what was going through their minds. The treatment of them was abysmal. Still is, I bet, and I'm sure there was more that they were doing to them. Needless to say, I changed degrees. Even changed schools, and my expose despite it being censored, got me a few scholarships. The lab was shut down not long after that so I've heard."
He downed his shot of whiskey. "Terrible experiments were done in that lab, and it was only the very beginning of a long road in investigative journalism. I think a few articles about the Eye of Michael solidified my desire to pursue a career in journalism. Albeit, the guy assigned to me at the time was shot. Someone needs to tell those stories. A modicum truth needs to come out, Wolfwood."
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" I need your coat for a moment, please? " Hands clasped in front of her & head slightly lowered as she asked Roberto. She knew better than try to tell lies when it came to him.
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Roberto nearly dropped his cigarette out of his mouth at the request. He caught it. "W-what? Meredith! Merry! Meryl, it's filthy! It's been through at least ten sandstorms and five haboobs the last time it was dry-cleaned! What do you need for anyway?!"
Of course, he has the jacket off. Made sure his flask, wallet, cigarettes, and lighter were out.
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1, 2, 5, 19 for Roberto
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romance & relationship headcanons - noahresources
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(1) What is your muse's sexual/romantic orientation?
Heterosexual/Heteromantic, meaning he is an ally.
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(2) has your muse been mainly attracted to masculinity, femininity, androgyny, or an even split (between two, many, or all of the options specified)?
He is mostly attracted to femininity and to a lesser extent androgyny, so long as the person identifies as female. He prefers strong women like the other men in Trigun. I headcanon his wife being an ex-bounty hunter. Otherwise, how the heck has he survived all these years with that much knowledge of Noman's Land?
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(5) what is your muse's ideal first date?
He is a very simple man and enjoys simple dates such as a picnic. While he loves whiskey, he does not mind other alcoholic beverages, say wine. Wine is a good drink to have on picnics, it goes with the cheese. The dune buggy better be fueled.
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(19) how many serious relationships has your muse been in? are they experienced or inexperienced when it comes to dating?
He has been in a few serious relationships over his lifetime, maybe 2-4. Of course, a couple of them ended when he was sent away to Noman's Land for various stories in the newspaper. I would say he is experienced, but he just was not actively searching for a date. He was more interested in changing people's perspectives on various topics or persuading people to keep an opinion on a certain topic.
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Two fish are in a tank. One says, ‘How do you drive this thing?’
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"Ha... ha...ha...ha." He was pretty sure his Gramps told this one before.
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headcanon + when he was a newbie (Roberto)
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Oh, I believe he was pretty insufferable. He wanted the truth. To change things. He was very energetic and needed to focus that energy on certain things. He had partners scold him about the ways in which he received information. Even had some run-ins with the authorities. As a reporter on a wasteland planet when everyone is possibly out to kill you... it just isn't a good idea. He learned hard and used alcohol to heal. His smoking habit increased from once a day to maybe .... a whole box sometimes. It really depended on his stress levels.
He was the reason some of his partners were killed and it destroyed him every time he thinks about it. He looks at Meryl and he thinks of those times and he promises she will not add to the casualties. It would be him instead of her that goes.
Remind me to expand on this someday, @phytonomy, I think it's important for a current thread and future threads moving forward. He just strikes me as someone that's been there, done that, and is totally and completely done. He's hanging on by a thread despite having a family.
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in coming meme spam for our good ol' reporter roberto ! 🤢🍀🍃🍾 🧩
headcanons ; rainbow series (green) :: always accepting
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🤢  — feeling sickly?      for a headcanon about my character and food allergies they have, if they have none; a food that makes them feel sick if they eat it.
I don't think Roberto has any food allergies. He just does not like to eat many mollusks, and he does not like escargot. It makes him feel sick to his stomach. The only mollusk he'll likely eat are scallops.
🍀  — a four leaf clover!     for a headcanon about my muse and a time they have had good luck, and whether or not they believe in good luck charms.
His daughter sewed a four-leaf clover on the back of the tag on his jacket for good luck. He does not believe in good luck, but he'll let his daughter do what she wants for the most part.
🍃  — walking children in nature!     a headcanon about my muse and their favourite outdoor activity, as well as a favourite plant, tree, or flower.
His favorite outdoor activity is taking a walk in one of the parks while having a smoke of his favorite cigarettes. I do not think he has a favorite flower, but he does have a favorite tree and plant. He likes growing basil and perhaps oregano in those herb culture thingies. He also likes maple trees and quite likes natural maple syrup.
🍾  — pop the cork!    a headcanon about a grand celebration in my muses life, whether it was their own or one they attended.
It was likely getting into pre-med school and graduating into med school. He quit while he was in med school after witnessing the treatment of a laboratory's specimens, particularly witnessing the Final Harvest of a Plant. The man wanted no part of that. (I also wanted him to be a foil to Dr. Conrad.)
🧩  — a little puzzling!     for a headcanon about how my muse approaches a challenging obstacle or task, and an example.
His job as a reporter is challenging, specifically finding that middle ground between objectivity and biases. After many years of being a reporter, he keeps his distance from his subject. His most challenging job yet is keeping Meryl from knowing too much about their subject (gaining a biased view of Vash) and keeping objectivity. We know how that panned out. It was part of the reason that eventually led to his death. And it left Meryl somewhat cautious and jaded for her future pursuits in journalism.
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MEDIC :  for one muse to show up at the other’s doorstep injured.
a comprehensive list of scenarios
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Someone had made an inn from a run-down apartment building. Meryl and Roberto were staying at it while Vash and Wolfwood were out finding more information about Ju Lai. Roberto and Meryl were settling down in their rooms for the night. Roberto got a mug of coffee and was listening to the news on the radio when he heard banging on the door to his room.
He shut the radio off and the knocking got more desperate. There were some other sounds the sound of blood squelching on the cement pathway. He got up, took out his Derringer, and inched his way to the door. He made sure to stay to the side of it, aiming the gun at the door. He prayed that Meryl would not look out her door. And that she was safe in her room.
The knocking continued, but it was lower than it was previously. It was still desperate. He looked out the peephole at a masculine silhouette with a familiar cross weapon.
Shit. It was Wolfwood!
He quickly unlocked the latch and deadbolt before pulling the door open. Sure enough, there was Wolfwood on the sidewalk outside his room. Spilled contents from a shattered vial, with a glowing blue liquid trickling down the assassin's lips. His body was riddled with bullets and his blood was mixing with the drops of blue.
Pushing the door open, but not putting the gun away, he crouched to help the younger male up. "Kid, you look like shit," he commented. He looked around for any threats before pulling Wolfwood into his room. He continued to pull Wolfwood towards one of the beds in the inn and ran to lock the room from deadbolt to latch. He hurriedly took out a blue vial from the toiletries bag he promised to hide from Vash and Meryl. He broke off one side of the vial before opening Wolfwood's mouth and dropping the blue liquid into his mouth.
"C'mon, kid, stay with me," he said.
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SAFEGUARD // for roberto :)
a comprehensive list of scenarios
SAFEGUARD :  for one muse to save the other from being hit by a vehicle or from some other life-threatening event.
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He was not sure who saved him of Mari's monsties, but he found himself flying on a wyvern-like being's back away from a worm. The group had opted to leave Roberto's car at a city and trek to the next city by foot in an attempt to tiptoe around the authorities.
Roberto thought it was a mistake, but he was outvoted. If worse came to worse, they reasoned the "newbie" would take care of it. Even though, the newbie was not a newbie, but a professional like Vash and Wolfwood. Meryl seemed to get along with Miram, Marim, Mari! Ah, it was Mari. The peace would eventually end with another worm attack from one of Zazie's beasts.
Streak was commanded to take Roberto and Meryl to safety while Red, Mari, and the others were engulfed by the worm. Meryl was shouting the others' names worriedly, but Roberto let out a curse and told Meryl the three of them would have to regroup for now.
"We need to save them!" Meryl insisted.
"We don't know how at this time! Stryfe, we are not fighters! Remember the last time we were engulfed by one of those things?" Roberto asked. "Besides, they have a way out. The other of Mari's beasts is with them. And we got the other one."
"We don't know how to understand them like Mari can!" Meryl reasoned.
"No, but they likely know when that worm is going to resurface," Roberto looked at the Streak. "We'll need your help. Thank you and Mari for saving us. Was it Scout, Strike, or Streak? Red was it?"
"It's Streak! Streak!" Meryl shouted.
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There's an extra, unopened bottle of whiskey in Roberto's bag, most certainly not snuck in there by a certain undertaker when nobody was looking.
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While walking, Roberto felt a certain heaviness in his pocket. He looked stopped for a moment and pulled out the bottle of whiskey. His pale green eyes widened.
"Man, it's been a while since I've had this good whiskey," Roberto murmured. He looked from Meryl to Wolfwood to Vash. He was positive Wolfwood sneaked this to him.
He'll have to write a thank-you note to Wolfwood. For now, the whiskey will have to wait till they return to an inn.
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❛  you should smile more. you have such a beautiful smile.  ❜ for roberto !
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He is going to look at Vash from his seat in the car with a raised eyebrow.
"Not when I had a BLT sandwich, and there's lettuce stuck between my front teeth," he chuckled instead.
You're getting there, Vash. You're getting there.
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to you roberto, the amazing journalist i know, i leave... a boot to the head. *insert a flying boot*
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He’s just going to keep on smoking his cigarette while he gets booted. As it falls, he grabs it and throws it back at the Anon.
"Right back at ya, kid!"
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A sight of old journalist nearby quickly lighten up as the hybrid for moment forgot about her situation. Wave of hand & little shout to catch his attention.
❝ Roberto! I'm glad to see you're okay! ❞ The smile of relief & genuine happiness quickly turned bittersweet as she tried to run up to the other. Despite getting better with them, the petals still weighted heavy on her, making it hard to run & making Meryl keep a bit of distance. ❝ I wish I could say the same for myself... I can't be outside of that lab for long time, not to mention travelling. I'm sorry. I probably caused you issues in agency. Did you deliver any interesting articles to them at least? ❞
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He could see the other coming towards him. There was something different about his mentee. There were things attached to her weighing her down. His eyes widened as he stared at the daughter figure he had missed.
“Meryl, that you?” He asked, his eyes widened and brows raised at Meryl’s predicament.
He thought she was dead but looking at her now, she… went through something worse than death! That was definitely her voice. That was definitely her, there was no doubt about it. Upon closer inspection as she tried to move closer to him, he could see Dr. Conrad’s work. His pale eyes glossed with tears. He had failed to protect her. The area where his wound from Elendira ached, as if warning him of possible danger.
“Yeah, but it was hard to bring me back from whatever that little girl did with the nails!” Roberto said, not caring if his mentee was made a Plant hybrid. That was still his rookie. He moved closer to her. He kept a distance just to make sure they both kept safe. “A little, I thought you were a goner, Meryl! Made sure to write the op-ed, so it’s dangerous for me to be here. Vash said he’ll busy his brother while Wolfwood said he needed to threaten the scientist. Whatever that means…so there’s still time to catch up.”
He wiped his eyes on his sleeve but tears threatened to still fall. He reached out a hand to Meryl to hold. “Vash said he’ll figure out a way to get you out of here. I’m inclined to agree, but we’ll need more information.”
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❛  i'm not some helpless little girl!  ❜ // for Roberto :3c
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"Where's your gun, kid?" Roberto said looking down at Mari. "Are you just gonna run if a worm leaps out of the dunes?!" He was not sure what Mari would do to defend herself.
As for Roberto, he had his vehicle to outmaneuver any possible worm attacks. He had a small gun that he could hide easily from enemies, and he knows just where to hide if he really needs to be there to witness a barrage of bullets. He would be surprised if this girl was able to surf on a worm's back, injure a worm through brute strength, or tame it like that one avatar of insects.
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