#〔✶⎯mr sunshine (adult fc)⎯✶〕
allwiredwrong · 1 month
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no way is that Corbett Grazer.. they’re a 20-year-old HUMAN notoriously known for being  Disorganized  &  Indecisive but there are some people who have seen them being Curious &  Sociable.  if you ask me, they remind me a lot of  being the sunshine in everyone’s life, stargazing on a lawn, all you have is lies, making shapes with sparklers in the dark, , but that could just be because they’re considered The Fake Memory around town. just keep an eye on them  &  see if their true colors shine through
Name: Corbett Davidson Grazer
Nickname(s): Cor
Age: '20' / 'Feb 29'
FC: Anthony Turpel
Height: 5'6
Pronouns: they/them
Orientation:  unknown
Occupation: student
District: Middle
Faction: Activist/Citizen Uprising
Relationship Status: Single (???)
curious ⟩ sociable ⟩ clever
disorganized ⟩ indecisive ⟩ obedient
I feel hope Deep in my bones Tomorrow will be beautiful
If you asked Corbett they would tell you that they were born in the year 2104 in New Orleans, and by the time they were born their mom and dad were no longer together, and their dad had moved out of the city. That they grew up with a best friend that lived three apartments down from the one bedroom apartment they'd grown up in with their mom. They'd tell you that they would write and put on plays with this best friend for their parents and other adults that lived in the complex growing up. They'd tell you about the first time meeting their dad in person at 7 and then their dad's partner, who became like a second long-distance dad eventually at 10. They'd tell you about the time they broke their arm skateboarding in the 8th grade, or how Mr. Yarbrough was their favorite teacher in high school because he used to let them take naps in his room during lunch when they needed it.
Corbett would tell you all of this and more. An entire life. Their life. One that is nothing more than a fabrication. An invention. A lie.
The truth is Corbett was built a year ago. An android with 19 years of implanted memories and programmed to be as human as possible. After all that's what they'd tell them they were. Human. They were built for a couple who wanted a kid, but already felt they were too old in life to go through the whole process that came with both biological and synth. There was also the chance of their child not turning out how they wanted with the other two. With an android they could have full control. Program them to be exactly how they wanted to them to be, and deleting or reprogramming anything including memories that they didn't like or deemed to be dangerous, harmful, or too traumatic. This includes anytime they might have discovered that they were an android/not human.
They are currently attending the local university, and have become involved with Citizen Uprising (something their dads currently don't know about.) Fighting for the rights of synths not realizing they actually have none of their own.
Their dads got the money to have them built through a pricey loan from the mafia with the stipulation that if payments stop then they (the mafia) are taking Corbett back
Currently the only people aware of what Corbett is are their two dads, Reina and Tommy Lucchese, and the scientist/inventor who built them.
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