loveinamystery · 1 year
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ydotome · 3 years
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Iron Maiden Jeanne (アイアン・メイデン・ジャンヌ) - Shaman King (2021) - Episode 21
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renxmaiden · 4 years
Renmei trivia and symbolisms
It is mentioned in the interview part in the official Shaman King character book, Ren would like a girl if she is smaller than him and was not very annoying. |x|
After this question was asked, another question was asked if Shamash was counted as his ‘first kiss’. Ren then replies, “THAT DOESN’T COUNT!”. |x|
These two interview questions are seen as hints / foreshadowing of the pairing by fans since the question went from being his type of girl he would like to ‘if Shamash was counted as his first’, which leads up hinting (And foreshadowing) that it’s Jeanne (Jeanne’s height being 141 while Ren is 150 in the beginning of the series. If we look at Jeanne’s personality, she is soft/kind most of the time and does not have a loud personality.)
According to the official Japanese ship name, the ship name for Ren x Jeanne is RenMei (蓮メイ) In Japanese, Jeanne’s full name is pronounced as “Aian Mei-den Jannu” (アイアン・メイデン・ジャンヌ).
The Korean ship name for Renmei is: 렌잔느
The Chinese ship name for RenMei is: 蓮梅
At the beginning of the series, Ren started off at 150 cm, Jeanne being 141 cm. At the end of the series, Ren is 175 cm and Jeanne being 155 cm |x|
Although Renmei was not planned from the beginning, there has been a few semi “Coincidental” moments with them from the 2001 anime.
In Episode 42, Lyserg confronts Yoh and the others to try and recruit them into the X-Laws to serve Jeanne. Ren then responds, “Who is this Jeanne?”. This specific line is seen as foreshadowing by fans since in the future, Jeanne is Ren’s future wife. |x|
In Episode 43, Jeanne’s full appearance is shown for the first time, her being impaled and wrapped by thorns in the Iron Maiden. This then cuts to Jun, pointing out she is wrapped in thorns and Ren replying “It’s as if she’s trying to hurt herself. What is she thinking?” |x|
In Episode 56, Ren was shown to acknowledge Jeanne’s power as he and the others tries to break free from her oversoul |x|
In Episode 63, in one scene, Jeanne was mentioning “The light of hope has not gone out yet” and the next scene, it cuts to Ren |x|
In contrast to episode 63, in the manga, chapter 276, One scene was shown Jeanne praying for the “warriors” and the next page showed ren as the chapter’s cover art. |x|
Ren has mentioned Jeanne’s name 2 times in the 2001 anime. |x|
According to 2021 Anime’s first appearances of Ren and Jeanne, they were both shown to tilt their heads to the left. This may however, be coincidental. 
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(Shaman King 2021 Episodes 2 and Episode 21.)
They both killed older brothers from a family, Chrome and Anahol. Later, both were confronted by the younger brothers, Nichrome and Anatel, who then killed them in the process. Ren and Jeanne allowed themselves to be killed to atone for their crimes.
At times, Ren is depicted as an emperor and Jeanne being depicted as a Princess |x|
In both designs, they seem to be associated with spikes, Ren’s hair being styled into a “Tongari” and Jeanne’s battle outfit having a spiky tip on her battle helmet, spikes on both sides of her abdomen and spikes in her footwear; And her staying in the Iron Maiden as well.
Ren and Jeanne are often associated with the color purple due to their designs, Ren’s hair being dark-purple and Jeanne’s battle outfit being purple. 
They are also often associated with this color because of the merch that includes similar color schemes with them at times, including advertisements as well. |x|
They are also associated with the letter “X”. 
Jeanne is associated with "X" Laws 
In a Merch collaboration between "Shaman King x Village Vanguard", Jeanne is shown to wear an outfit with "X's" on her headband and on her dress design as well.
Ren has an outfit with "X's" as his buttons 
Adult Ren wears an "X" Shaped Hair clip
They are both running "X" Charity together (Jeanne being the first to form this but much later on, Ren took over due to Jeanne’s maternity leave. |x|)
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In most official art and merch advertisements, they are always either shown almost near each other or shown on opposite sides of each other |x|
Ironically, they also have opposite personalities, Ren being serious, logical and aloof while Jeanne being more soft and kind.
In a perfume brand, Ren’s smell is lime and Jeanne’s smell being lemon. |x|
In the manga, Ren and Jeanne are seen to be topless at times, them wearing similar pants to one another.
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There are at least 3 major hints of foreshadowing of Renmei in the manga
Chapters 178-181 were the first hints of Renmei, as shown in one of these chapters, Jeanne revived ren for the first time, with Shamash reviving Ren by kissing him (Chapter 180)
Chapter 180 was also titled "First kiss"
In this chapter, Jeanne brings up the story "Sleeping beauty" and explains it. Just like the story Jeanne had explain, it also contrasts with Ren being the "princess" and Jeanne being the "prince" to awaken (revive) him with a kiss.
Ren was also shown to be blushing when Jeanne states he will be revived with a "kiss".
In chapter 274 , when Magna tried to "kill" Jeanne by crushing the Iron Maiden, it appeared that no one was inside it- Ren's expression was shown to be soft, mentioning Jeanne revived ren and HoroHoro and was left behind in the plant of valley.
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In chapter 277, in one scene, Chocolove mentions Ren talked to Jeanne in “secret” which Ren replied that he didn’t want to bother responding to his question. It has been heavily implied that Ren and Jeanne may have likely interacted when Jeanne revived him the 2nd time.
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In a extra chapter (Shaman King Fanbook 2), Jeanne was shown on the cover art for the extra chapter, wearing a veil and praying.
The wedding veil Jeanne worn is also similar to that veil as well.
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In March 2nd 2017, Takei posted an official art of Adult Ren with baby Men on Jeanne’s birthday. |x|
The name 'Men‘ means industry and is formed by taking the first kana ("ME"(メ) of Maiden and the last kana ("EN"(ン)) from Ren. This is the same method of naming is the same as Asakura Hana.
When Jeanne find out she was having men, she cuts her hair so her hair wouldn’t get in the way when she holds him. She also stopped wearing frilly dresses as well.
Since Jeanne is French and Ren is Chinese, that would make men a mixed Chinese-French child.
In Red Crimson, while comforting Men and telling him more about Jeanne, Ren mentions younger Jeanne was beautiful because of her long hair and the frilly dresses she had worn.
In the sequels (Red Crimson and Marcos) Ren and Jeanne are shown to have a lot of physical contact at times such as Ren putting his hands on her shoulders and hips at times, showing affection. |x|
In Red Crimson, In some panels, Ren and Jeanne are shown to have similar walking stances
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Shaman King Funbari Chronicles Trivia
Although there are currently no explicit RenMei moments in the game, there have been coincidental moments, Easter eggs and ship teasing/hints/foreshadowing's in the game. 
The player gets to put Ren and Jeanne in battles together and have them fight alongside with each other.
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In the game, it is known that before the battle starts, characters would usually pass words to each other (This only occurs if the characters already have a established connection to each other such as Yoh and Anna, Team the Ren, Hanagumi girls, etc.) However Ren and Jeanne does not pass any words to each other before battle. This is because Ren and Jeanne does not have an established connection and interactions in the original Shaman King series.
However, while there is no voice lines of them interacting in the game, there is a few moments that can be taken as a RenMei "moment" by fans where Jeanne would heal Ren and Ren responds to getting healed. However these specific voice lines is not limited to just only Ren and Jeanne since Jeanne's healing voice lines is universally used on all characters in the game, including Ren's voice line response to him getting healed by other healers.
The player gets to put Ren and Jeanne in a inn in the game where the inn gets to showcase some "moments" with them at times. This is however, can be interpreted as either coincidental moments or a ship moment.  
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In the game, there is a special 3 stars character ticket (Golden ticket) that has 3 star characters coming at random if the player uses the ticket to summon. In this specific ticket, Ren and Jeanne are the only ones to be shown as the preview ticket's thumbnail image (And as well as them being shown to be right next to each other in the banner's image)  
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In the 1st half anniversary of Shaman King Funbari Chronicles, in a special page section in Ryu's shop shows a special shop limited to getting seasonal characters in the game. Ren and Jeanne are shown to be next each other as the thumbnail image in the shop.  
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In the game, in a section called "Shaman Fight" has 2 sections: "Shaman Fight" and "Kalim's training ground".  Kalim's training ground is a section where players gets three following sections to play in (In Order from top to bottom):
Fighting other players online
Fighting same specific colored NPC mono teams
Fighting normal NPCs.
In the 3rd section, "Fighting normal NPCs" showcases 3 kinds of NPC teams, Funbari Onsen, Team the Ren and Team Hanagumi.
In Team the Ren, Jeanne is shown to be in this team as a backup. There has been some speculations from fans that Jeanne's placement in Ren's team may be foreshadowing that Jeanne will establish a connection to Ren and becoming a Tao in the future but it is unknown if this official placement was either intentional or a coincidence.
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In a 2022 seasonal event, Valentine's day, showcases a School AU where Jeanne is included in this event as a character unit alongside with Marion and Kanna (Matilda is also a free character unit in this event) as students. According to Jeanne's bio, it translates to:
Jeanne, as the Saint President, maintains order at the school. She is known as the "Pure White Angel" of the school and some students envy her. She is kind to everyone but there is only one student she does not know how to deal with.
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There has been many speculation from fans that the one student Jeanne has trouble dealing with may have to do with Ren. It's also known that in Vday Kanna's 3 star artwork has Horohoro and Joco making a cameo appearance in the background, leaving more possible hints and speculation from fans that Ren might as well very likely attend the same school Jeanne is in. But however, there is no official confirmation at this time.  
In July of 2022, Jeanne gets a special campaign story. In August 2022, Ren also gets a special campaign story. Both stories are completely different but however, both themes of their stories were emotional/angst focused.
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After their special campaign stories were released, they would later get new units, Jeanne's new unit (Also known as "Iron Maiden Jeanne Umikaze Duo" アイアンメイデン・ジャンヌ【海風のデュオ】) releasing in August while Ren's new unit (Ren in the Mud 道 蓮【泥中の蓮】) came out in September.  
In a section called "Quest" exists multiple sections, including "Rarity Material". Rarity Material is a section where players collect character's special orange "orbs" and farm (Also known as collecting) for various characters on a daily basis. This section includes almost all of the standard characters in a wide list. At the very bottom of the list showcases Ren and Jeanne being right next to each other.  
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Ren and Jeanne are actually shown to have high combability as a couple when it comes to the following: Zodiac signs, the Chinese zodiac and Blood type.
Zodiac Sign
Ren is Capricorn (January 1st), Jeanne is Pisces (March 2nd)
There exists a very strong attraction between the Capricorn and Pisces. The Capricorn man and Pisces woman make a very interesting couple. Both of them are lovely, warm, and affectionate and have strong belief in relationships. There are numerous things that keep them attracted to each other. The Capricorn has a strong aura of strength and conviction which the Pisces admires and adores. On the other hand the Pisces is very kind and hospitable which inspires the Capricorn. Both of them are stable, loyal and honest when it comes to their relationship. They might have different ideas of love and companionship but their dedication and commitment to each other always keep them on one track. Their relationship is one of the best experiences they can have in their life which is almost fairy tale like. There is mutual respect and understanding between them and they always keep complimenting each other on their strengths which keep their spirits alive. They learn from each other and try to fill the gaps in their personality by picking up traits from the other's nature. They feel loved, admired, cared and valued in each other's company which makes their relationship a truly blissful experience for them.
The Capricorn man is disciplined, orderly, controlled and always abides by the rules and regulations. He always takes the safe path and avoids taking risks. He has set goals and ambitions for himself and diligently works to achieve them. He is not very vocal and expressive when it comes to emotions and feelings. He takes time to open up to people but deep inside he has a lot of feelings and emotions which he will show only to his near and dear ones. He is very protective of his loved ones and is ready to do anything for them.
The Pisces woman is gentle, elegant and charming. She has all the qualities of a lady and is extremely pleasant. She has a unique innocence about her and she is very expressive and emotional. Sometimes she takes things too seriously and gets hurt very easily. She is a great humanitarian and is every ready to make any kind of sacrifices for the cause of greater good. She is always calm and committed to her duties and responsibilities. She never needs constant monitoring and guidance to fulfil her tasks. She never hesitates to accept her mistake and learn from them. In relationships she is a perfect caretaker.
Both of them bring plenty to the table to make their relationship vibrant and meaningful. The Pisces woman helps the Capricorn man to relax and respects him for him ambition, dedication and commitment. He on the other hand enjoys her pleasant nature and giving attitude. They feel warm and protected in each other's company. Each of them has a lot of qualities in them that they expect from their partner. Some things that might bother them are the indecisiveness and over dreamy nature of the Pisces woman and the inexpressive nature of the Capricorn man. Rest all the qualities are very compatible. |x|
Chinese zodiac sign
Ren’s Chinese zodiac is tiger (1986) Jeanne’s Chinese zodiac sign being horse (1990)
According to the Chinese zodiac combability, both of them are dynamic and outgoing. They need each other’s accompany, and can get satisfaction from family. They two can lead a harmonious life |x|
Blood Type
Both blood types are AB.
They are the most interesting type compared to the others because this blood type is labeled as either genius or psycho. They are unpredictable because they often jump around from one activity to the next and their temperament is mixture of blood type A and B, therefore their personalities change quickly depending on their mood and the situation, and sometimes they don’t have control over it. Also type ABs are rational thinkers, therefore they cannot stand it when they find some situations to be irrational. As a result, they may have some difficulties interacting with people, giving others the wrong impression of being moody or two-faced |x|
The best blood type compatibility for AB is AB, followed by B as well |x|
Animal symbolism
Ren is often associated with tigers
Ren was born into the year of 1986, which is the year of the tiger.
As a kid, Ren used to have a favorite toy, which was a tiger plush |x|
In one of the official Halloween illustrations, Ren was dressed up as a tiger for Halloween |x|
Throughout Chinese history, the tiger has incited a sense of both awe and admiration: its prowess, its ferocity, its beauty, and the harmony of the opposites. The tiger is full of life and embodies the spirit and drive to achieve and make progress. |x|
With fans, Jeanne is often sometimes associated with a rabbit due to how similar her silver hair and red eyes are to a albino rabbit.
However, Jeanne was born into the year of the horse (1990)
Fans also associate Jeanne with sheeps since according to the Chinese culture, the sheep is a symbol of Justice.
In ancient China, a sheep symbolized the concept of justice. Xiezhi was a mystical sheep that sought out people who had committed crimes and would gore them with its horns for punishment. Some tales said that the sheep would eat criminals instead. Some old parts of China still use the sign of a sheep as a mark of office for judges. |x|
Ironically, though the sheep itself is considered lucky, many parents aren’t always happy to have children during a sheep year. Their sensitive personalities are sometimes seen as needy or weak in Chinese culture.
Sheep are very sensitive people given to flights of fancy and deep creativity. They love things of beauty, and will surround themselves with luxurious items whenever possible. That includes clothes, and you can count on a Sheep to know the latest fashions. |x|
In Western culture, the sheep is associated with the sacrificial lamb, so in a way the animal fits Jeanne in all her contexts: from her being a Holy Maiden that endures pain, to being a symbol of justice, and later her marriage life. Sheeps in China were also a common wedding gift |x|
Sheeps also represent people with sweet, forgiving personalities.
Had Jeanne been born into 1991, she would have been born into the year of Sheep. 
Color symbolisms
Ren is often associated with the colors Purple and Yellow. 
Purple combines the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red. The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic. |x|
Yellow is an imperial color in traditional Chinese color symbolism, representing power, royalty, and prosperity. |x|
Because of these two colors, Ren is associated with royalty and emperor. 
Ren and Jeanne are also associated with both these colors as well. In the 2021 anime, Ren’s oversoul is Yellow while Jeanne’s oversoul is Purple.
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Jeanne is often associated with White, Red and Purple sometimes. 
White, an inherently positive color, is associated with purity, virginity, innocence, light, goodness, heaven, safety, brilliance, illumination, understanding, cleanliness, faith, beginnings, sterility, spirituality, possibility, humility, sincerity, protection, softness, and perfection. |x|
In China, white is associated with purity and innocence, but also with a death omen (White in traditional Chinese culture, is the colors of funerals)
Red is a color of happiness and it's used in traditional weddings
Ren’s eye color is gold-yellow while Jeanne’s eye colors are red.
During Chinese New Year, the Chinese use a lot of red and gold colors. 
Red symbolizes good fortune and joy in Chinese culture and it is found everywhere during the Chinese New Year and other family holidays or gatherings. Customarily, on Chinese New Year, the elders give the younger ones a red envelope to welcome in the new year and give a blessing to the younger ones. The red envelope is also a symbol of prosperity. Red is also the color in Chinese weddings, representing good luck, joy and happiness, thus, red should not be worn on funerals.
Yellow/Gold is considered the most beautiful color. The Chinese saying, Yellow generates Yin and Yang, implies that yellow is the center of everything. Yellow symbolizes neutrality and good luck and is sometimes paired with red in place of gold. Yellow was the color of Imperial China and is held as the symbolic color of the five legendary emperors of ancient China. It also represents freedom from worldly cares and is thus esteemed in Buddhism as seen where Monks’ garments are yellow, as are elements of Buddhist temples. |x|
Yellow is paired with red in many instances because the association is symbolic of all that is bright and positive. |x|
Ren and Jeanne are often associated with Yin Yang colors
Ren having dark hair that contrasts with Jeanne’s silver hair
 As in many other cultures, white epitomizes purity and fulfilment among the Chinese. However, it also symbolizes death in Chinese culture. One might wonder how white could represent two contrasting sentiments. The answer lies in how the Chinese have split the reference to the white dragon in their ancient traditions. 
And there are two kinds of white dragons. One is the solar white dragon that stands for purity, holiness, and is thought to be bestowed with the powers of none other than the sun. It also represents innocence, and it is this association that the Chinese desire in their homes and kitchens. But white can be a tricky color because the lunar white dragon is a bad omen; often a harbinger of death. It is for this reason that white is commonly worn at Chinese funerals to symbolize mourning. 
Also white is one of the two colors used in the ancient swirling symbol of Taoism to represent the yin part of the yin-yang symbol. The other color is black. |x|
“One is the solar white dragon that stands for purity, holiness, and is thought to be bestowed with the powers of none other than the sun.” -> Shamash is a sun god
White Solar Dragon -> Jeanne
Flower symbolisms 
Ren’s actual Chinese name being “Lian” means Lotus.
Lotus also means “rebirth” in Hanakotoba (Japanese flower language)
Depending of the color, the lotus flower can have different meanings
Divine birth and purity are some of the meanings given to the lotus flower. Closely associated with Buddhism. There are lotuses in different colors and each one has its own special meaning. White symbolizes spiritual perfection and mental purity. Passion, compassion and love is represented by a red lotus. If the lotus is blue, it means knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. Deities of the highest order are the only ones represented by pink lotuses. Purple lotuses on the other hand means the Noble Eightfold Path and mysticism have been reached. |x|
In Chapter 124, from what it seems like, Jeanne was shown surrounded with white lilies around her.
White Lilies represents Chastity and Purity
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As shown in the official wedding illustration of Ren and Jeanne, there appears to be light pink roses at their wedding. 
Light pink and white rose flower arrangements signify the ideas of happiness and joy, along with the purity of intention symbolized by white flowers. |x|
The light pink roses at their wedding represented happiness.
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Last update: 9/14/2022
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dreamypumpkin · 9 years
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Shaman King Fantasy
Льюис Кэрролл - "Алиса в Стране чудес" / "Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland"; Братья Гримм - "Мудрая дочь крестьянская"/ "Die kluge Bauerntochter"
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ydotome · 3 years
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Iron Maiden Jeanne (アイアン・メイデン・ジャンヌ) - Shaman King - Episode 64
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ydotome · 3 years
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Iron Maiden Jeanne (アイアン・メイデン・ジャンヌ) - Shaman King - Episode 43
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renxmaiden · 3 years
just curious, why is the ship name for renxjeanne is refer as renmei? or is it something made official by the fandom
According to the official Japanese ship name, the ship name for Ren x Jeanne is RenMei (蓮メイ) In Japanese, Jeanne’s full name is pronounced as “Aian Mei-den Jannu” (アイアン・メイデン・ジャンヌ). So the Mei in the Ren x Jeanne ship name comes from that.
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renxmaiden · 4 years
is there a reason why its called renmei when jeanne's 2nd name is mai-den? or maybe this has to do with her japanese name, just curious
Yeah, the mei comes from her japanese name  (アイアン・メイデン・ジャンヌ, Aian Meiden Jannu) That’s just how her name is pronounced in Japanese so henced why there’s a mei in the ship name
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