zeeeennnnnn · 11 months
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my character
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farisspencer · 10 months
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theinusan · 6 months
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kayathu-blog · 1 year
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FF14 自機
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yanderefairyangel · 7 months
I’ve always viewed the Emblems as being like the Einherjar from Awakening.
Basically spectral clones of the Heroes, hence why the Emblems refer to themselves as “Emblem [Name]”
Is that considered canon and/or a common interpretation.
Genuinely unsure tbh…
Right on !
So Einherjar from what I recall are like Emblems spirit of previous heroes trapped in a card however unlike Emblems they genuinely believe that they are the heroes.
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In Heroes, Emblem are refered to as being the "concept" of a hero
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すみません、取り乱しました! どうやらこのマルスさんは、異界の英雄の概念である「紋章士」���して、エレオス大陸に顕現されたマルスさんのようです!
So like the Einjerhar they are a reflection but of a hero after they completed their game and are actualy aware of their status
All Emblems, unlike the Einherjar and the Heroes, are from their world when their game reach completition so the idea of them being spectral clone is actually accurate but they do make a clear distinction in how they are still not *quite* said heroes, but they do share the memories of said Heroes.
I think that the concept is a reference to how traditionally an Emblem is a representation of an abstract concept
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A representation of an object does mirror reality but it's still not the same thing, so imo when Marth is making the distinction, that's what he is refering to : Emblems are representation of the heroes but they are still different in virtue of representation being only a picture of the thing and not the real thing
Alear being the only exception since they are both an Emblem and themselves
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dancerladyaqua · 2 years
out of curiosity, where are you finding the fengage manga panels? hope u have a good day!
Thanks and you too ^_^
Japanese version is here:
While someone has done an English translation here:
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I don't know how the English one is as I can read Japanese but it seems okay!
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sharenalovemail · 2 years
so we got the official japanese website for engage like, two days ago - and there’s a LOT in there. but what i want to point out is something i haven’t seen anyone mention
in the country lineup, right after Elusia, the website trails off to a black background, with the text “and now, a dead land” ... and then they show us a sixth country: Guradoron (possibly translated as Gradron, nothing official yet on that front)
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(for the record, the entire section IS labeled as a country:)
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every country in this part of the website shows the part of the map it’s on, and in this case, it shows the darkened land underneath Litos, in the center of the map:
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here’s a better image of the entire thing - it surrounds Litos as a whole (which, if you ask me, looks more and more like Litos separated itself from this place, and they were once a single island)
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i don’t know japanese, but good old google translate helps give us an idea of what this country is. for starters, right next to it, the kanji that reads “Ruined/Exiled Country”. And the text underneath the country symbol and its name reads:
Land of evil dragons
A land inhabited by an evil dragon that tried to invade the Elyos continent from the depths of the earth 1000 years ago. Due to the power of the Divine Dragon and the Crest Warrior's Ring, it is currently sealed deep under the sea of Litos.
 right underneath, there’s a button that takes you back up to the top of the website, which reads “A force that seeks to revive the evil dragon”. and this button’s id is... zephia. just like the leader(?) of the Four Hounds we see in the newest trailer
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it’s a fun detail that kind of confirms she’s the one leading sombron’s revival? or influencing it behind the scene, not sure. but i think this also shows that she comes from this land of evil dragons - and considering she’s the only character we see with pointed ears besides sombron in all the content we have so far????
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full japanese text under cut if you want to check it out
(transition) そして、今は滅びた地 (kanji on the side) [ 亡国 ] (name) グラドロン (title) 邪竜の住む地 (description) 千年前に地の底よりエレオス大陸を侵略しようとした邪竜の住まう大地。神竜と紋章士の指輪の力によって、現在はリトスの海底深くに封印されている。
(button) 邪竜復活をもくろむ勢力
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krren · 1 year
#ff14 #ff14ss #エレオス
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blackrose-xivss · 4 months
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cb-sakkuru · 8 months
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・・・で、どうせルーパを作るならエタバンさせたらイイジャナイ! でも2垢・・・2垢かあ・・・・・・みたいな^^
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erinori99 · 1 year
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zeeeennnnnn · 11 months
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working-eorzea · 2 years
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軽く1階と地下の洞窟覗いてから改装した1号室へ! 絵画のお部屋、しっかり作り込まれてて良い感じー! エレオス足を組む種族推奨の左椅子ポイントですが、二人で並ぶとなんかちょっと良い具合に見えるようです(ノ∀`*)
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こっちの額なしブースも綺麗だった…! このランプほんとお洒落だよねぇ、かわいい! もいっこの青いブースも撮ろうと思ってたけど、漁船の時間だったからまた今度ねー!
漁船活動のあとはThe colors in the dark 弐号館へお出かけ! 雨の路地裏をイメージしたスタジオだそうな 水パテの使い方いろいろ見たくてあっちこっち覗きに行ってたりするんだw
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メスッテだからっていつまでもやられてばかりだと思うなよー!て思って頑張ってみたんだけど、やっぱりこの姿だと破壊力が足りませんね… 図としてはきれいだから良いんだけども!!
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悔しいから上から見下ろしてみたり 小さい側が大きいのを見下ろすって、ちょっと背徳感あるね… (まぁ?そんな大きいとか小さいとか?言えるほど身長差ありませんけど!)
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こういう図は、男女でやると映えて良いよねぇ…おさまりも良いし… 装備はかわいいし、エモートのはまり方も良いし…女の子良いよなぁ………
………いや、このままメスッテで生きてこうなんて思ってないよ!? このまま女の子やってたら自分の性別がわからなくなりそうだし! あぁ、でも、ナギの間くらいはちょこちょこメスッテになっても…
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theinusan · 6 months
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kei139-line · 2 years
Fire Emblem Engage(ファイアーエムブレム エンゲージ) -Switch 未来を繋ぐ、指輪と竜の物語。
Fire Emblem Engage(ファイアーエムブレム エン��ージ) -Switch 未来を繋ぐ、指輪と竜の物語。
「ファイアーエムブレム」シリーズ最新作の舞台は、4つの王国と1つの聖地からなる世界「エレオス大陸」。千年前、人々と邪竜との間で戦争が起きました。人々は異界の英雄「紋章士」の助けを借りながら各国の戦士とともに一丸となって戦い、長きにわたる戦いの末邪竜を封印しました。しかし、時が経つにつれ封印の力が弱まり、邪竜復活の兆しが見え始めたのでした…。 本作の主人公は神竜「リュール」。邪竜との戦いの後、千年の間眠っていたためか、自分が何者であるか思い出せない主人公。邪竜の復活を阻止するため、各国で出会う仲間たちと共に戦うロールプレイングシミュレーションです。 主人公は指輪に宿る、異界の英雄である紋章士を呼び覚ますことができます。主人公や仲間たちは指輪をつけ、紋章士の力を借りることでステータスが上昇し、より強力な能力などが使えるようになります。さらに、紋章士とキャラクターが「エンゲージ」(合体)する…
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yanderefairyangel · 9 months
Ok ok.... we have a problem.
Someone on twitteX told me that the Fe wiki got Sombron's very simple backstory wrong
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"Emblem 0 disappearead a few years after Sombron was adopted...."
NO !!!!?????
エレオスに来て幾年が過ぎ、人間が我を見つけた頃にな。 人間たちは我を憐れみ、捨て子と思い世話をした。 我は初めて、この世界の者との繋がりを得たが…・・ それから程無くして、紋章士は消えた。 指輪だけを残して。
After years since my arrival in Elyos passed, one day, a group of humans found me.
They pitied me, thinking I was an abandonned child and took care of me. For the first time, I connected with people in this world.
But not long after that, the Emblem disappeared leaving only its ring behind.
それから程無くして doesn't meant "years". It means "not long after that" so when he got found by the villagers it wasn't that long of a time compared to the years he spend with 0 Emblem.
In japanese, to express years it's 幾年/ikutose, not それから程無くして /sorekara hodo naku shite
And even the English text says that !!
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Can someone go fix the FE wiki ? Please?
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