aresrwm · 1 year
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Pours April 15, 2023
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aresrwm · 1 year
my tumblr blog says more about me than i ever did irl
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aresrwm · 1 year
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Sky Ferreira by Petra Collins
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aresrwm · 1 year
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aresrwm · 1 year
new aesop perfume lowkey smells like sweat but in a good way? like hugging your lover after they’ve been outside walking all day
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aresrwm · 1 year
Happy life making bread 🤍
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aresrwm · 1 year
Wednesday April 19.
today, nearly 2,000 years ago, someone in pompeii baked bread.
Ahh, picture it. The time, around 2,000 years ago—the place, Pompeii. Simpler, happier times in some ways; and for the ruthless power games, insatiable sexual appetites, wild ambition, and creative genius, less so in others. However, following yesterday's foray into pastries, and all things fluffy, warm, and flakey, it dawned on us that this day around 2,000 years ago a happy chappy somewhere in the city's magnificent walls got to work and made some bread. CIL vol. IV 8972: XIII K. Maias panem feci—which translates as: On April 19th I made bread. And we love that for you, even millennia later! So, one day after our sweet celebration, it's time to pay homage to pastries' savory counterparts by marking April 19 with #bread. And a happy 2,000th anniversary to whichever miscellaneous Pompeian who decided not simply to make bread, but to mark the occasion with graffiti. But how do we know this? Well, it is thanks to the enquiring minds as evident in this post from @todayiwrotenothing, and indeed this commemoration on Reddit. Every day is a school day over here on The Internet.
Today it comes in countless forms, shapes, and sizes: wholewheat, rye, sourdough, multigrain bread, baguette, ciabatta, pumpernickel, soda, focaccia, cornbread, bagel, flatbread, naan, brioche, challah, and, last but by no means least, the ever-trusty white bread. As you will shortly see in the following string of bready content, this is simple yet limitless food: it can be braided, made by illustrated cats, or indeed constructed in the shape of the dashboard's beloved, hapless vessel, the good ship Ever Given.
So here's to you, as-yet-unnamed Pompeian who not only makes the bread, but brags about it too. We think you would have enjoyed this one-day tribute to your escapades here with #bread. We shall submit a formal application to rename it Tumbread, in your honor. But that's still not all: rumor has it there is sister graffiti that reads "Olivia condita XVII Kalendas Novembres"—so come back on November 16th for preserved olives.
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aresrwm · 1 year
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aresrwm · 1 year
im so done with seeing articles about kids and screen time that doesnt mention parent behaviors even once. “kids are always on their phones” so are the parents! which the kids look to for how they should behave! ipad babies didn’t chose to only play on their ipads, thats what their parents gave them!
an anecdotal example: when i was a kid, all my parents would do in their minimal free time was watch tv and then they would be surprised when in my sister and i’s minimal free time we would also only watch tv/play video games. they scolded us for not reading books, but they never read books. they scolded us for not going outside but they never went outside.
“kids are always on their damn phones” my mom is in her 60s and opens up candy crush anytime she’s sitting — it isnt just the kids
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aresrwm · 1 year
the idea that your friends won't like you if you're too weird is wrong for example one time I told a friend whenever I was losing my mind I laid down on the floor under my desk and stared at it until I was better and next time she visited me she taped a bag of salami snacks to the underside of my desk with a message saying "going insane all by yourself, handsome?" which I only saw months later when I had a breakdown. that's friendship.
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aresrwm · 1 year
This is the whole reason my friend had to leave and is now in a jail cell in Dubai. He cannot go home, even if he wanted to. If he could, there would be no home to go back to. His family ended up dead in this bombing.
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The ceasefire did not last even 1 month. We said this would happen. Israel has never honored any agreements in the past
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aresrwm · 1 year
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Actual statements by israeli senior officials.
This has nothing to do with self defense. This is ethnic discrimination and ethnic cleansing.
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aresrwm · 1 year
Just in case people stopped paying attention because it isn’t the big thing on the news… apartheid is still happening in Israel. Palestine is still under siege. Ethnic cleansing is still happening in Israel. Israeli police are still arresting ten year old and trying them in military courts. Israeli settlers are still murdering Palestinians with impunity, and the police protect them while they do it. The Palestinian Authority is still a corrupt israeli puppet. The Israelis are forcing Palestinians to demolish their own homes so settlers can move in and take their land. The Israelis have not backed down, so we shouldn’t either!!!!!
This shit needs to be ended. Keep protesting, keep spamming your reps and leaders, keep fighting damn it until from the river to the sea Palestine will be free!!!!!
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aresrwm · 1 year
I’m Pro Free Palestine. I’m also Jewish. It’s important to raise awareness and support for Palestine, but don’t be an antisemite in the process. 
Jewish ≠ Zionist
Jewish ≠ Pro Isreal
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aresrwm · 1 year
With all that’s going on with Ukraine we need to remember Palestine, and understand that they are in the same position as Ukraine except they can’t fight back. If you support Ukraine but not Palestine then you are racist.
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aresrwm · 1 year
We had no right to give Israel that state. It belonged to the Palestinian people. Palestine has been around longer than the thirteenth century. Israel is younger than my grandmother.
Palestine is under literal attack from Israel and we haven’t cared to notice it’s a war, but Palestine can’t defend themselves and nobody is defending them. They should be able to fish for five miles and they get shot at for going one mile into the water. This. Is. Wrong.
When will people notice and make it stop?? I have a friend who managed to leave and he went to U.A.E and his visa ran out on the first of April. He has no passport or identification because that’s all back in his home in former Palestine (one of the cities where Israel has taken over), he was being bombed and had to leave. He can’t leave Dubai, but he can’t stay in Dubai. They’re refusing to renew his Visa but he literally can’t leave the country, I’ve tried talking to embassies in my country and no one cares. He was arrested yesterday and is staying in a “jail cell” because he is now there illegally.
This is wrong. These people are being stripped of their homes.
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aresrwm · 1 year
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