kami-no-ko · 9 months
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AGE UP killugon! I have this whole thing in my head: an AU where Killua never left home to attend the Hunter Exam and he is everything his family envisioned him to be. Except he’s burnt out and feels purposeless. So eventually he becomes self-destructive and takes on the most dangerous jobs without breaks or any sense of self preservation. One day, he takes on a job to assassinate Gon Freecss, the youngest 3 star Hunter in history.
Gon is rumored to be insanely powerful and surrounded by influential and faithful allies. It’s the most dangerous job yet even for Killua, and on top of that he’s still recovering from a serious injury from a previous assassination. So when he tracks down Gon at a bar in a fancy hotel, he decides to seduce Gon to get him to lower his guard first and hopefully he would go back his suite with Killua alone. He’s appearance has always been a reliable weapon and from his research, Gon likes men as well as women. But as soon as he starts talking to Gon, it’s like the sun finally shines on him and the dark hole in his heart is magically filled with that sunshine. They talk and talk and flirt and hours go by and the bar closes when the sun is about to rise. So Gon takes Killua back to his room. They start to make out as the door swings shut but Killua forgets his injuries and hisses as Gon reaches under killua’s shirt and disrupted his bandages. He tries to act like it’s nothing and tells Gon to ignore it and keep going but of course Gon would not. They end up just talking all night and make out gently. When the bright morning light shines on Gon’s face, Killua decides that he’s not going to kill Gon- and if Gon finds out about his true motives and kills him or if his family tracks him down and punish him, so be it. But he worries that the person who hired him will hire someone else to finish the job, so he stays with Gon to protect him. It was supposed to be for just a while, but the more time he spends with Gon, the harder it becomes for him to leave. Killua eventually gets his Hunter license. They go on adventures and jobs together. After they risked their lives for each other over and over again, Killua finally tells Gon that he was initially hired to kill him.
But the truth is, Gon is the one who hired Killua. Killua is notorious for his killing spree yet no one even knows what he looks like. Gon decides that he likes a challenge and comes up with this insanely reckless plan without even telling anyone. He wants to draw Killua out; he wants Killua to try to kill him, because it has been a while since he’s met a worthy opponent and he would be taking care of a headache for the Hunter Association as well. But the moment he meets Killua, it’s like a missing piece from a puzzle that is his life has been slid back to where it belongs and a hole that he did not even realize existed in his heart has been filled just like that.
More stuff happens - Gon is kind of an asshole for keeping it a secret and Killua feels so embarrassed and even hurt but Gon being Gon does extravagant stunts to woo Killua so all is good in the end.
Or if we are in a darker universe with a darker Gon, maybe he was initially toying with Killua, making love with Killua, watching Killua falling for him while holding himself back. Killua can sense it but he’s ok with it- he doesn’t think he deserves love anyway. But when a job goes wrong and Killua almost dies protecting Gon, something in Gon cracks. He accepts the fact that he has fallen hopelessly in love with his target just like Killua did. He nurses Killua back to health annnnnnd they lived happily ever after.
Holy crap it’s 3 AM- how did a quick doodle turned into this half ass fiction.
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persejin · 7 months
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Gift for @turtledotjpeg! It's 5 days late but I finished coloring it. Anyways happy late valentines! You can also checkout the speedpaint here!
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my collab with @nutellacats
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i-heart-hxh · 3 days
May I ask If " ゴンキル " actually means something other than a ship name ? I've seen a majority of people use this term when they talk about Gon and Killua , but they're not exactly shippers, nor are useing it to imply romance between the two boys.
I can't say the same goes for " キルゴン" ,it makes me wonder, does " ゴンキル " actually means something else ? Is it like an official term or something?? It seems to be the more commonly used in Japan.
So, I'm going to explain some things about the Japanese side of the fandom, but I want to say if any of this makes anyone out there uncomfortable, please don't shoot the messenger. I'm just explaining, and there's unfortunately no way around bringing up certain things if I'm going to explain it clearly.
ゴンキル = GonKillu has a few different meanings. For one, it's often just used as general shorthand for the combination of Gon and Killua, whether they see it as a romantic ship or not. You even occasionally see it used by people involved in the series. It's also used as a ship name, however, for Gon/Killua specifically. キルゴン = KilluGon is the ship term for Killua/Gon, but it's much less common to see it used as general shorthand for the two characters, as you noticed. Probably because Gon is the protagonist of the series, so it makes sense to have him listed first if you're just generally talking about the two characters in a non-shipping context.
In Japanese and other Asian fandoms, ship "order" matters and is conveyed by the ship's name. It's used to convey the seme/uke (or top/bottom) of a ship. While clearly this has sexual implications, it also can determine the larger context of how people see a ship as well, so it can affect how the characters are portrayed in even perfectly SFW fanworks. With GonKillu, people tend to see Gon as the more assertive one in the relationship and likely the one initiating romantic things between them more often, and with KilluGon it's the opposite. Shippers often will have strong preferences one way or the other--some people are "fixed" (they only want to see it one way), while others are open to seeing either interpretation.
This is very different from the English-speaking side of the fandom, which tends to just use KilluGon as a blanket term, and there isn't much emphasis placed on ship "order" or differences in interpretations.
When it comes to Japanese and Asian fanworks, I personally tend to feel that GonKillu works are closer to the canon interpretation of the characters, while KilluGon works are a little more removed from the canon and kind of their own thing (though the 1999 anime tended to lean into more of a KilluGon-like dynamic). However, everyone is allowed to have their own preferences and feelings about ship order and whether it's something you even want to consider.
I hope that's helpful!
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seiyuch001 · 2 years
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ゴンキルの声優さん、ウキウキで再開されたHUNTER × HUNTERを読んでしまう・・・ https://seiyuchnuru.com/archives/181602
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kurozawa46 · 2 years
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祝・2022 連載復活!!(十年後キルア&ゴン) 
Welcome back, 2022 HUNTERxHUNTER !!! (10 years later Killua & Gon)
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dt-tm0-blog · 6 years
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zugadooon · 4 years
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【疑問】ハンターハンターってゴンキル以外の可愛いキャラがいないよな??? https://www.zugadoon.tk/blog/2020/12/08/%e3%80%90%e7%96%91%e5%95%8f%e3%80%91%e3%83%8f%e3%83%b3%e3%82%bf%e3%83%bc%e3%83%8f%e3%83%b3%e3%82%bf%e3%83%bc%e3%81%a3%e3%81%a6%e3%82%b4%e3%83%b3%e3%82%ad%e3%83%ab%e4%bb%a5%e5%a4%96%e3%81%ae%e5%8f%af/
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psi-daydreamer · 7 years
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ゴンキル ログ Member: CT
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geriyura · 6 years
ハンターハンターの天空闘技場とかいう設定破綻wwww… #アニメ #マンガ #漫画 #声優 #ガンダム #ジャンプ #ONEPIECE #ワンピース
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1 名前:風吹けば名無し 投稿日:2018/11/12(月) 05:26:56.07 ID:dqsLGQGa0.net
続きを読む Source: ジャンプ速報
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fx00tion · 7 years
ゴンキル³ | Shailo #pixiv
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persejin · 1 year
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The Grimace Shake Incident
Hunter x Hunter fan comic of Killua Z. and Gon F.
Please read right to left! Anyways happy birthday Killua! I hope you enjoy your gift ;)
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stargazing! killua is spacing out.
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HUNTER×HUNTER G.I編 Blu-ray BOX(本編4枚組):Amazon商品ページへ飛びます 原作:冨樫義博(週刊少年ジャンプ/集英社) アニメーション制作:マッドハウス
1: 2019/03/26(火)17:06:11 ID:FO9 あいつがいたらもっと色々と好転した場面多そう 呼ばれてないから来れないとか制約もないだろうし
2: 2019/03/26(火)17:06:44 ID:FO9 師団長クラスなら一掃できたやろ
3: 2019/03/26(火)17:07:20 話にならんやん
4: 2019/03/26(火)17:09:10 ID:FO9 >>3 話にならなくなるほどの無敵キャラではないやろ
5: 2019/03/26(火)17:09:35
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1 名前:風吹けば名無し 投稿日:2018/11/12(月) 05:26:56.07 ID:dqsLGQGa0.net
念無しゴンキルでも簡単に2億稼げるぬるま湯塔 Source: 2ちゃんマップ
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ryuk2342-blog · 7 years
6: ハンターって蟻が過大評価されすぎなんだよな よくよく考えたら蟻編って結局人間側はネテ口+モラウ+ノヴ+弟子+ゴンキル でなんとかなる程度の認識だったしメルエムがどんだけパワーアップしても核でズドンで 終わりだし 人間(国家)には逆立ちしても勝てない雑魚集団だった なんでこんな奴ら過大評価してるのか不思議だわ Source: ハンターハンター速報
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