nomad-b109 · 2 years
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ポケットの中の #🔰 #ティッシュ #ティシュー #ティシュ #tissue #ガンダム #gundam #ジオン #zeon #アムロ #amuro https://www.instagram.com/p/CnkJpLTPPmUBNF45v-LCBRHZQwizEjeh1m1ZlI0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ものぐさなメンヘラナマポおじさん(@MenhealerOjisan)です。 ジオン公国エンブレムのzippo 機動戦士ガンダムが好きです。 特にファーストガンダムのジオン公国側に思い入れがある、ジオニストです。 ジオン公国の��ンブレムがカッコいいなと思っていて、さらに私は喫煙者です。 ジオンのエンブレムがデザインされたzippoの存在を知った時は、是非欲しいと物欲を刺激されました。 とはいえ発売からだいぶ経っていて、買うことができるとしたらオークションやフリマアプリくらいでした。 出品されたら通知が来るようにして、しばらくして中古を手に入れました。 錆びたアーマーzippoを歯磨き粉で磨く 購入したらそれで満足してしまって、コーヒーテーブルに放っておいていました。 気づけば錆だらけになっていました。 これは勿体無いということで、綺麗にするとこに。 ピカールという研…
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shingofukatsu · 1 month
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バンダイスピリッツ No.38 1/144 HGUC ジオン軍MS用 3 ガンダムデカール 再入荷しました。
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auge-arsculs · 2 years
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#アッガイ #ジオン軍水泳部 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqKvqUYPDM1fmUNiEV2u2ctsqdt6X199B32oC00/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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maniakkusu · 2 years
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#ジオン公国 支給踏み台2号(下) イベント用に用意 使う場あるかな #イベント #ジオン公国に栄光あれ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp9myVXrkqp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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witching---hour · 3 months
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1/400 HIZACK D
フルスクラッチ 陸戦型ハイザック
「ジオンの再興」などに登場する、 ハイザックD型(陸戦型ハイザック)です。 過去に作成したハイザック複製品を改造して作成しています。 塗装は墨入れに田宮恵奈ネルを使用したほかはファレホで行っています。 マーキングもファレホ手書きとなります。
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irradiate-space · 5 months
Kinda fucked up that the best input method I can find for drawing Japanese characters is to open Google Translate in a web browser and then copy the characters from there into a text editor.
But also very cool that the state of the art is "touchscreen on Linux works with HTML5 Canvas APIs in Firefox to allow fingerpainting, and Google Translate can convert that to Unicode".
「機動戦士Zガンダム」メモリアル・ボツクスの第2弾をおとどけします。第1弾では 、第1話から26話、すなわち物語の導ス部から、主役モビル・スーツ、Zガンダムの登場までが収られ、 かつての1stガンダムの主要キヤラクターたち(シヤア、アムロ、ブライトら) の葛藤、 また宿命の出会いとなろヒ口イン=フオウ・ムラサメとのドラマが繰り広げられました。 この第2弾では、エウ一ゴ対テイターンズ対テイターンズの抗争に、新たにハマーン・カーン率いるネオ・ジオン軍が加わり、 さらに八一ドなドラマか繰り広げられます。戦いの果て、 ニュータイプ戦士たち が見た"刻の涙"を、 あなたも..
It works, without much thought.
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singular-yike · 1 year
Fot the character asks, what do we know about Shion Enraku-Houlen (real legal name at this point, presumably)?
Ah it's been a while since the last one! Admittedly I've been avoiding doing one about Shion myself, since they're honestly a very straightforward character with not much to them.
Even so, there's certainly not nothing to talk about. So, here we go:
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An Individual Born from the Aggregate — Shion
First thing I can say, is that their name definitely isn't "Shion Enraku-Houlen" haha, it's simply Shion (シオン). This name is taken from the name of their parent-flower, the Harujion (ハルジオン).
Specifically, it's taken from the jion (ジオン) part. Though since the original word is a combination of haru (ハル) and shion (シオン), the rendaku (連濁) phenomenon which alters the voicing of shi to ji is not observed/reversed, hence Shion.
Origin: Last-minute Addition
Indeed one would quickly notice that Shion, unlike many other Len'en characters, seems rather thematically shallow, at least in terms of inspirations and references.
This is because Shion was never planned to be a major character in the first place, but is instead the logical conclusion of the presence of the Harujion in the story.
It's long been known that Fumikado was meant to be the original stage 6 boss of RMI, but was bumped down to stage 5 to make room for Shion.
While that was all we knew for the longest time, Kanae (JynX's Vtuber persona) revealed new information about the creation of Shion when asked about the creation process of Len'en characters. (Go give it a read, it's fascinating even ignoring the new Shion info.)
Kanae explains that the idea of a being born out of the Harujion had always been a character in his plans for RMI, though he never thought much about them other than being suited for stage 4 or 5.
However, as he actually worked on RMI and fleshed out the story, this "Harujion-spawn" got pushed all the way up to stage 6, and that's when the Shion we know and love started getting developed, as what Kanae describes as an "afterthought character".
Of course, that's not to say that they're a throwaway character that serves no importance to the story. JynX is nothing if not meticulous with the characters, and they earnt a spot alongside two of the protagonists of the series after all.
Rather, I think this story just goes so show that characters who were not originally meant to be that central to the story may still suddenly shoot up to prominence when the situation calls for it.
In any case, because of Shion being an "afterthought character", they're not really based on anything from real-life history or mythology, but is rather by-and-large a JynX-original creation. So, in the following parts, we can examine what this is about!
Shion, the Chimera Soul
The most important thing to note with Shion is their existence as a Chimera Soul, a conglomerate of souls that happened to fused together. This combined with the participation of the Harujion in their creation created this rather unique being.
Chimera Souls
First thing to note, is that Shion is in fact not the only chimera soul in Len'en! When the torrent of souls flooded in during RMI, many of them fused and combined to create tiny chimera souls.
This created these little guys:
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They're simply called "ghosts" most of the time, cause fusion or not, that is fundamentally what they are. Souls that remain in the world of the living, hence, ghosts.
The Harujion's Participation
Shion is so unique compared to the little fellas because they're composed of many more souls, and that is thanks to the Harujion's participation in their creation.
Being a youkai flower that feeds on the life force around it grow, it also drew in the souls gathered by Fumikado and co. This allowed for a much higher number of souls to fuse together, thus creating a much more powerful being.
Shion's "Miracle of Flesh"
The Harujion's participation also caused a second anomaly, what I like to call the "miracle of flesh". Chimera souls are, by nature of their composite souls, dead, devoid of live.
Yet, thanks to the Harujion's ability to revive the dead, when Shion was created, half of these souls "came back to life" and formed a physical body, while the other half became the body's "spirit".
Good and Evil, Thrown Out of Balance
When this process was taking place, the good souls formed the body, while the bad souls formed the spirit. This should've lead to a balance, a "good" physical body containing and "evil" soul.
However, due to "the nature of the Mugenri Barrier", a majority of the souls could not firmly judge themselves to be "good". The "evil" souls of the spirit overwhelmed the "good" souls of the body, causing them to leak out into the open.
These are the purple, ghostly appendages that we see all over Shion, the torrent of evil souls that their body could not contain, overflowing into the outside world.
Below: Shion's BPoHC portrait as a playable character.
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These souls take on different shapes from appearance to appearance, and all represent the myriad of souls that Shion is made up of, from animal to plant to insect to human.
Examples include the cat ear, bunch of grapes, red spider lily and butterfly wings in their original RMI appearance, and the dog ear and dragonfly wings in their BPoHC playable character appearance.
Soul-related Abilities
Shion has a number of soul-related abilities, unsurprising considering their origin, and chief among these is the ability to "absorb one's spirit and self", self here referring to the sense of self, the ego.
This of course refers to how they literally absorb and eat other souls as a form of sustenance. Additionally, they have the ability to see the colour and smell the scent of others souls, which they use to learn about a person's nature.
Shion's Ethical Dilemma
Shion is another one of those characters that are outwardly cheerful and carefree, yet upon closer inspection quite complex.
They are keenly aware of the fact that they are a composite of many souls, and firmly believes that what their souls say accurately reflects the world.
Due to the Mugenri Barrier making the souls unable to judge themselves as "good", and due to many of their voices claiming that the word is filled with malice, Shion came to firmly believe that both the word and they themself are fundamentally evil.
Because of this, and as demonstrated by their actions, it's fairly clear that Shion's moral compass points towards a rather wicked direction. Yet even so, Shion tries to do good, at least, their idea of good.
I always liked how this is demonstrated in their fight against the ??? Team in BPoHC, where the following exchange is had:
Hamee "If I erase you, I think Tsubakura-sama would be at least a little bit sad~." Shion "That's… a really twisted way of expressing love, isn't it." Hamee "Are you interested?" Shion "Shion-chan's quite fond of that way of thinking. Very well, let's fight." Hamee "That's our Shion-chan~! ♪ A cluster of malice! ♪" Shion "I'm not fond of the way you phrased that though…" Hamee "It's fine. Us malicious ones have to get along. ♪" Shion "Shion-chan might be a cluster of malice, but I'm no villain!"
It's a pretty interesting glimpse into their psyche, they relish in what is conventionally considered malicious, since malice is what they are. Yet they are unwilling to actually partake in it, to associate with people who are actively vile, like Hamee.
Admittedly, I have no clear way to reconcile this with Shion showing absolutely no remorse in eating people's souls. So I just have to concede that Shion still has a fundamentally different moral code compared to the average person.
And that's all I have! Admittedly not as much as one might've hoped, and I didn't touch on every single little thing that there is to examine, like their spell cards.
Often feel like many of us can benefit from taking a step and re-examining Shion's character and their unique existence, as well as what this means to them personally. Hopefully this was a good attempt at that.
Welp, that's the end of the end. Now that I've done this, I'll probably do one for the Harujion itself sometime in the future, so look forward to that~! As usual, I hope you enjoyed~! :)
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tatsukii · 3 months
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oivgbqiqfz358 · 4 months
--深海人形-- 受け継がれる意志(ハジケ)
…The Oってどのモビルスーツ、モビルアーマーともパーツの互換性無さそうだけど、どうやって修理用のパーツ調達してんの?…真逆、わざわざ一から作ってんじゃないんだろうね?(※趣���で作ると如何しても其うなる)。
…The Oとエルガイム mk-1は割と対照的だと思う(同じ意見は全く見掛けないけど)。片方は性能重視で量産性も度外視なのに、エルガイムはパーツ一つ一つをデチューンしてでも量産性と整備性を確保したモンな(…其の御陰で、反乱軍はエルガイムを量産してポセイダル軍に優勢を取れる様になった)。
…世間は逆だと考えてるだろうけど、The Oは隠し腕だけ完全マニュアルで動かして居ると思う(※サイコミュ操作万々歳)。
…コウ・ウラキ君にAT・アーマードトルーパーを見せてやりたい、どうせシロッコみたいな感想になる(※如何足掻いても最低の匂い染み付いて む せ る )。
…“幻想のヴァルキューレ?” 知ってる子ですね()。
メモ 此奴等が泳げる理由
キリコ ギルガメス正規軍が教えた
ロジャー 軍警察が教えた
シロッコ 水泳教育の機会が多かった。
坊や(没案) 同上。
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lacroan · 6 months
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エイプリルフールネタ(再掲) キャラは、ハイザックO、G、Wです。 (もう多分、うちのハイザック設定忘れてる方のが多いと思われ) 一応、こちらで見れるので興味があれば…(更新が5年前;;)
[ジオン軍サイト] http://la-pluie.flop.jp/ZION/z_top.htm
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shingi · 1 year
スーパーアーマー破壊値は もともとX-MENのジャガーノートの 一発くらっても怯まない能力のために作られたもので 開発チームではずっと「ジャガーノート値」と呼ばれてて データもJgという項目だった 連邦VS.ジオンでバルカン系を再現するために導入した時 さすがに変だなと名前を変えた記憶
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mtblike · 1 year
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バンダイスピリッツ No.39 1/144 HGUC ジオン軍MS用 4 ガンダムデカール 再入荷しました。
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nakanohajime · 1 year
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MS/ステージ | 【PS5/PS4】機動戦士ガンダム バトルオペレーション2 | バンダイナムコエンターテインメント公式サイト
「 ジオン公国軍の制式MS採用試験において、ジオニック社のザクⅠに敗れたツィマット社のヅダを元として、一年戦争後に開発されたヅダの強化改良型。 大推力を短時間で獲得しつつ、推進方向を自在に転換するなど、宇宙空間で高い機動性を誇っていたヅダの機体特性をさらに改善し、最大の問題であった「土星エンジン」の安定化もリミッター強化によって成功している。 機体の一部にはギャンのパーツが流用されるなど、いかにも戦後の物資不足の中で開発された機体らしい面を持ちつつも、背部にはメインスラスターに加え、可動式大出力スラスターが2基増設され、ヅダの特徴である機動性能をさらに高めつつ、様々な改良が施され総合性能自体が向上した。 高性能ながらコスト面の問題は抑えられず、少数生産された機体がジオン残党組織によって運用されたとされる。」
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