jonnyha · 2 years
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#共に #together . TOMONI™ 🤨🫣 . #TOMONI #伴に #供に #ともに #トモニ #ペン習字 #筆ペン #漢字 #書道 #書法 #書遊 #毛筆 #墨 #習字 #日本文化 #筆文字 #文字 #和文化 #創作書道 #インスタ書道部 #書道好きな人と繋がりたい https://www.instagram.com/p/CfDTkCUPhMG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chanoyu-to-wa · 9 months
Nampō Roku, Book 7 (68):  Serving Shōro [松露] During the Meal.
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68) During the meal service, shōro [松露] were [sometimes] brought out¹.  This was a famous item [harvested] from the pine-barrens [around Hakata]².  [Ri]kyū was taught how to prepare them by an old man from the area -- because, among the various kinds of plants, there are some that are poisonous [so one must always be careful in this regard, especially when visiting an unfamiliar area]; [however, the old man told Rikyū that] shōro contain nothing poisonous³.
    Regardless of whether they are large or small, they are [first] lightly scored with a blade; and after being boiled [in broth], they should be eaten⁴.
    Because they can spoil easily, cases where [the shōro] have been infiltrated by rot must be identified, so it is said⁵.  That [spoiling] is certainly a possibility⁶.
    As for this old man, he was well known as the first chef of the port of Hakata; and this person was called Kamichi Tōgo.  He also practiced tea -- such was [Ri]kyū’s story⁷.
¹Ryōri ni shōro wo dasu [料理ニ松露ヲ出ス].
    Shōro [松露] is the Japanese name for the ectomycorrhizal fungus (a fungus that forms a symbiotic relationship with the roots of certain species of trees -- in this case Pinus thunbergii, the Japanese black pine, which populates the seaside pine-barrens of Kyūshū*) Rhizopogon roseolus, generally classified as a sort of truffle.  The truffle is the fruiting-body of the fungus.
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    Immature shōro (which are considered more desirable) are pure white inside, while the mature truffles range from pink to reddish-brown to a pale violet-pink.  This variety of truffle can be up to 1-sun in diameter.
    When used as food, the truffles are washed with diluted salt water†, scored with a blade or sliced, and then either boiled in broth (as one ingredient in the nimono [煮物] course), grilled with salt (served as the yaki-mono [燒き物] course), or added to chawan-mushi [茶碗蒸し] (as the mushi-mono [蒸し物], served near the end of the meal‡). __________ *In the uplands, Rhizopogon roseolus is also associated with Pinus densiflora, the Japanese red pine.
†Apparently to disinfect the shōro, since they grew underground (and so would be considered inherently unclean).
    Saltwater, the reader will recall, was also used to disinfect the floor of the setchin.
    Apparently actual seawater was preferred for such purposes -- though it could be fabricated artificially by dissolving a quantity of sea salt in warm water, in places where natural seawater was not available locally.
‡In the more elaborate version of kaiseki-ryōri that became popular during the Edo period (and remains the usual way to serve this meal today).
²Ka no matsu-bara no meibutsu nari [カノ松原ノ名物也].
    Ka no matsu-bara [かの松原], “those pine-barrens,” is referring to  the pine-barrens in the area of Hakata.
    Ka no matsu-bara meibutsu nari [かの松原の名物なり] means (the shōro) are a specialty of the pine-barrens of that area.
³Tokoro no rōjin, Kyū ni oshie-mōshikeru ha, subete kusabera-no-rui doku ari, shōro doku-nashi [所ノ老人、休ニ教ヘ申ケルハ、スベテクサベラノ類毒アリ、松露毒ナシ].
    Tokoro no rojin [所の老人] means an old man of the area.  He was a native of Hakata.
    Kyū ni oshie-mōshikeru [休に教え申しける] means he taught Rikyū (about the shōro).
    Subete kusabera-no-rui doku ari [すべて草片の類毒あり]:  subete [すべて] means among every kind (of vegetables), within the entire category (of vegetables); kusabera-no-rui [草片の類]* means the category of vegetables that exist (referring to the seeds, roots, stems, leaves, bulbs or tubers, flowers, or fruits that could be used as vegetables); doku ari [毒あり] means poisonous (varieties) exist.
    Shōro doku-nashi [松露毒なし] means shōro have no poisons; shōro are nontoxic. ___________ *Again the kanji rui [類], which we find only in this group of entries dating from near the end of the seventeenth century.
⁴Sare-domo dai-shō tomo ni, sukoshi-zutsu katana-me wo irete, nite tabe-subeshi [サレドモ大小トモニ、少ツヽ刀目ヲ入レテ、煮テ食スベシ].
    Sare-domo [然れども] means though (something) may be so, be things as they may -- in this case regardless of whether the shōro are large or small....
    Sukoshi-zutsu katana-me wo irete [少ずつ刀目を入れて] means the shōro are scored lightly with the blade of a knife.
    Nite [煮て] means after they have been boiled (in broth).
    Tabe-subeshi [食すべし] means they should be eaten.
⁵Shizen ni doku ni ataru ha, doku-ke komorite no koto nari to iu-iu [自然ニ毒ニアタルハ、毒氣コモリテノコト也ト云〻].
    Because of the repeated use of doku [毒], which literally means poison, this sentence seems to contradict what we were told in footnote 3.  Here, however, doku is referring to the shōro having spoiled, having become rotten internally.
    Shizen ni doku ni ataru [自然に毒に當たるは] literally means (if the shōro) have naturally been stricken with toxicity.  Tanaka Senshō explains that this sentence means the shōro have gone bad*.
    Doku-ke komorite no koto [毒氣籠りてのこと] means that they have been infiltrated by poisons (in other words, started to deteriorate from within). __________ *In his commentary, he wrote:
Jissai, yo mo kono shōro wo chanoyu ni shiyō-shita ga, shin-sen nari to omou-shina de mo, watte-miru to, nakami ga fushoku shite-iru mono de, wari-ai ni fuhai ga hayai.  Yue ni marude ha chotto kiken ni omowareru. Shizen, hōchō-me wo ireta no ga anzen de aru. Doku-ke komoru to iu no ha, kono fushoku no ba-ai wo iu no de ha nai ka
    This means, “once, when I actually going to use these shōro for chanoyu, even though I thought they were fresh, when I broke one open and inspected it, the inside was rotten.  They seem to spoil relatively quickly.  For this reason they seem to be at least a little dangerous.  Naturally, if a kitchen knife is pushed in, it will be safe [since doing so will reveal if it is spoiled on the inside].  The phrase doku-ke komorite [毒氣籠りて] refers to this situation where they have begun to spoil, doesn’t it?”
    In the last sentence, Tanaka cannot help but his doubts -- occasioned by the conflict between this sentence and what we were told in footnote 3.
⁶Sa mo aru-beshi [サモアルベシ].
    Sa mo aru-beshi [さもあるべし] means “that (the shōro’s spoiling) is something that is certainly possible” -- so they should be checked carefully.
⁷Kono rōjin ha, Hakata-no-tsu dai-ichi no hōchō-nin, Kamichi Tōgo to iu-bito ni te, cha wo mo tatetari to Kyū no monogatari nari [コノ老人ハ、博多ノ津第一ノ庖丁人、神治藤五ト云人ニテ、茶ヲモ立タリト休ノ物語也].
    Kono rōjin [この老人は] means the old man who taught Rikyu about shōro.
    Hakata no tsu [博多の津] means in the area of Hakata port.  The focus of the city-state was its harbor, and the main thoroughfare and ceremonial route ran from the great Enkaku-ji* directly across the whole enclave to the seawall and wharves.
    Dai-ichi no hōchō-nin [第一の庖丁人] means he was the first, or most esteemed, professional chef (in Hakata).
    Kamichi Tōgo to iu hito [神治藤五と云う人] means this person was known as Kamichi Tōgo†.
    Cha wo mo tatetari [茶をも立てたり] means Kamichi Tōgo also practiced chanoyu.
    To Kyū no monogatari nari [と休の物語なり] means this‡ was Rikyū’s story. __________ *According to Kanshū oshō-sama, the original Enkaku-ji stood on the site currently occupied by the Hakata train station.  The temple was burned down by the Imperial Army in the 1930s, apparently in retaliation for the refusal of the Abbot to hand over the original copy of the Nampō Roku.  (The Shū-un-an, at the Nanshū-ji in Sakai, was looted and burned down, again by the Imperial Army -- according to the highly placed monks I spoke with there -- around the same time.)
    The current Enkaku-ji was rebuilt during the 1950s, on ground obtained from the neighboring Shōfuku-ji (originally the parcel of land was a graveyard for non-tonsured individuals affiliated with the temple; it was located outside the temple walls).
†Shibayama Fugen’s toku-shu shahon gives his name as Kaminoya Jitōgo [神野治藤五].
    Tanaka, meanwhile, completely discredits Kamichi (as the name is written in the Enkaku-ji text), concluding that the family name should be pronounced either Kamiya or Kaminoya.  However, he also adds that, as a personal name, Jitōgo [治藤五] sounds very strange -- though he does not really offer us any alternatives.
‡Probably referring to the entire episode that is discussed in this entry; though, grammatically, it could simply refer to the statement that Kamichi Tōgo (or Kaminoya Jitōgo) practiced chanoyu.
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vk-ento · 1 year
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新しい戦闘服が到着しました。 今シーズンもセルジとトモニ! #セルジサンペール #sergipamper #サンペール #samper #ユニフォーム #ジャージ #jersey #戦闘服 #visselkobe https://www.instagram.com/p/Cos0c8dy3Tb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tanayoung0212 · 2 years
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(2022/7/31日) 晩酌… 〆には、有楽町・交通会館のアンテナショップ《徳島・香川トモニ市場》でゲットした、「金ちゃんヌードル」の“しお”を。 良くも悪くも、ノーマルの醤油味と似た感じでしたw ボソボソ/ワシワシ麺はやっぱ最高! 3杯目に、生搾りライムサワーを。 ここで、ついに、キンミヤが35度に変わりました! 炭酸水の割合多くできるから、シュワシュワ感マシマシで。 結局、《カクヤス》で配達してもらうのでゲットしました。 (徳島・香川トモニ市場) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgu6cTqBxS5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kurikuri-ma-ma · 5 years
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「kurikuriの家しごと」 次回出店
9/14(土) 17〜21時
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mandenakira · 2 years
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好き勝手に わざを磨いてただけで もらったす 広島焼き 今夜の晩餐 感嘆このサイクル  味わいとトモニ☆ https://www.instagram.com/p/CeJA6qPL81M/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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3462dde · 2 years
  「ジョブチューン」審査員が食べずに「不合格」で賛否の声「前代未聞過ぎる」「相手に失礼」「あり得る」(スポーツ報知) – Yahoo!ニュース – Yahoo!ニュース「ジョブチューン」審査員が食べずに「不合格」で賛否の声「前代未聞過ぎる」「相手に失礼」「あり得る」(スポーツ報知) – Yahoo!ニュース  Yahoo!ニュース(出典:Yahoo!ニュース) TOMONY (カテゴリ ファミリーマート) ファミリーマートと共に(トモニ)、お客さまと共に(トモニ)、地域と共に(トモニ)、店舗を成長させていくと意味を込めて、TOMONYと名付けた。 従来の西武鉄道駅構内にあった売店とは異なり、POSシステムを利用するなど効率化を図っている。PASMO・Suica等の交通系電子マネーの他、ファミマ 15キロバイト (2,348 語) – 2021年10月11日 (月)…
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release-info · 4 years
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りょうすけ: #今年初 の #新町川水際公園 にて #トモニSunSunマーケット 開催しました! 是 […] https://ift.tt/2R6kfOf
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peanut-sub · 7 years
電波少女と空想庭園 / Radiowave Girl and the Fantastic Garden Music, Lyrics, Video: cosMo@BousouP Illustrations, Storyboard: syuri22 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18163371
"まちは ふこうを とりのぞく ぜつぼうのふちにたつ もの の” “The town rescues those on the brink of despair” “ときに じょうり さえも ねじまげながら" “Even those whose reasoning is distorted”
電波少女と空想庭園 Radiowave Girl and the Fantastic Garden
ぼくは ついに しってしまった I finally realized このせかいの うらがわに ひそむ やみのことを The dark ones who lurk on the other side of the world
ぼくらの こころを きずなを ばらばらに ひきさきこわす Our hearts are broken and scattered "げんじつ" という とてもおそろしいせかいがあることを By the awful, horrible world called “Reality”
そこにすんでる まものがあるひ しんりゃくを はじめたので One day, those demons dwelling there launched an attack "けん"よりも つよい "ペン"で たたかうことにしました So I started to fight back, using my “Pen” that’s stronger than any “Sword”
そのまま ぼくさつ するのも えづらてきに アレすぎるので Drawing the demons beaten to death would be too much まほうのペンとして つかうことにしました So, wielding my Pen, I decided to use it another way!
まほうのペンで なかまのイラスト こくうに ささと かけば If I draw my friends in the air with my magical Pen つぎつぎと ホンモ��のなかまへと "じったい か" しました One by one, they come alive, turning into real friends
ださん も しっと も ゲスな したごころも あしのひっぱりあいも ない There’s no selfishness, jealousy, ulterior motives, or dragging each other down しょうしんしょうめいの ホンモノの なかまです Just authentic and genuine friends
ひび しんしょくを つづける "げんじつ"に "もうそう" の ちからを みせつけてやる I’ll show the ever-corrupting “Reality” the power of “Delusions”
"ぼくだけの ふぁんたじあ" “My own Fantasia”
ぼくの かんがえた さいきょうの ぱーてぃーで かえりうちに してやろうぞ My best most strongest party and I decided to rise to the challenge
このせかいを こわさせやしない We won’t let this world be destroyed ---アナタノ ソノ フコウニ サヨナラ・・・--- ---Goodbye to your sorrow...--- ---ムゲンニ トザシタ マチデ シュウエンノ セツナマデ--- ---Until the moment that this city, locked in illusions, reaches its limit--- ---ネガイ ホシ ト トモニ・・・--- ---Along with the Wishing Star...---
ぼくのえがいた なかまを しょうかい するよ Let me introduce you to my drawn companions (YEAAAAAAAAH!!!)
どらごん やせい まるだし くまさん Dragon, Mr. Openly Wild Bear けるべろす きちょうな かものはし あるぱか そのた おおぜい いか りゃく Cerberos, Precious Platypus, Alpaca, etc. and many others I left out (BOOOOOOOOOO!!!)
すこし えがきすぎて ちょっとした ひゃっきやこう Soon I drew so many that it became rather chaotic もはや ぱーてぃー って レベルじゃねぇぞ! これなら もう なにも こわくない This is no longer just a Party! From here on, nothing can scare us anymore
かずのぼうりょく まるでこうずい せいぎとは そんなものさ The violence of sheer numbers is like a flood, but that’s just what “justice” is なみだ なし には かたれない どらま が あったり なかったり There may or may not be drama, but there’s no deception worth crying over
ごつごうしゅぎ これだから フィクションは やめられないね Fiction is self-serving, there’s no way we can be stopped あらゆる こうてい ふきとばして ラスボスにたどりついた! Blowing through the rest of the levels, I arrived at the last boss!
☆ラスボス☆ "きみは このせかい が "きょこう" と きづいた ☆Last Boss☆ “You recognized that this world is but 'fiction'” ともに げんじつ の せかいに もどるきは ないかね?" “Why don’t you return to the real world with me?”
 はい >いいえ  Sure >No
"いやだね ぼくにとっては ここが ほんとの せかい “No way, as far as I’m concerned, this is the real world” たにんから おしつけられた げんじつ なんて いらない" “I don’t want a reality that’s forced onto me by others”
☆ラスボス☆ "そうか ならば しかたがない キミn・・・" ☆Last Boss☆ “I see, then it can’t be helped. You-”
"うるさい!これでおしまいだ!!ぜんぐん とつげき!!" “Shut up! This is your end!! Everyone, attack!!”
☆ラスボス☆ "なに!?ま まてっ ぐわあああああああ!" ☆Last Boss☆ “What!? W- wait, gwaaaaaaah!”
こうして せかいは あっというまに へいわを とりもどした Thus, peace was restored to the world in the blink of an eye いいじゃない ♪おんがく♪だし あまりながいと きらわれちゃうし The ♪music♪  isn’t too bad, but if it’s too long I might start to hate it
ふじょうり ばかり なげる "げんじつ" を たおした いま We defeated “Reality” with nothing but absurdity あたらしい プロローグが エンドロールを くいやぶった Now I’ll use this new prologue to take a bite out of the end credits
のぞめば かみさまに だってなれる あたまの なか から ばんぶつ えがきだせ Drawing everything out from within my mind, I can become a god if I wish "ぼくだけの ふぁんたじあ" “My own Fantasia”
ぼくの つむぐ ものがたり おびやかすなら かえりうちに してやろうぞ If the story I spin becomes too scary, we’ll rise to the challenge
"このせかいを まもりつづけると きめた!" “I decided to keep protecting this world!”
☆ "やれやれ とんだ ちゃばん に つきあってしまった" ☆ “My goodness, I can’t believe I went along with such an awful charade”
Next Girl >>
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yuki-meganeinfo · 5 years
Favorite tweets
[神戸×磐田戦雑感]#vissel ・ポルディ、ハットトリックでビジャのリーグ戦ラストマッチに華を添える ・苦しい時のポルディの頼もしさよ ・慶治朗inとシステム変更、フィンクの采配冴える ・ここに来て玲央の成長っぷりが凄い ・ビジャと1試合でも多くトモニ 🌞わが家のMOMはルーカス・ポドルスキ pic.twitter.com/IGVlEyTcLo
— りんこ®上弦の月 (@Rinko0916) December 7, 2019
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jculture-ja · 5 years
関西強化で9億円増益へ トモニHD、新中計で統合推進
#歌舞伎 #中村京純 [NIKKEI]トモニホールディングスは2023年3月期の純利益を19年3月期から9億円上乗せして110億円をめざす … 「第4次経営計画の4年間で、37億円のシステム費用は十分に回収可能と考えている」。トモニHDの中村武社長は19年3月期の決算会見で、徳島銀と大正銀が合併 …
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chanoyu-to-wa · 3 years
Nampō Roku, Book 6 (30, 31):  Two Sketches of the Tsuri-dana.
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30) A sketch of the small [tsuri-]dana¹.  It is also known as the kuguri-dana [クヽリ棚]².
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[The writing reads:  hitotsu-mono ha bon kono ni tokoro yoshi (一ツ物ハ凡此二所ヨシ)³; sono hoka mi-awase oku-beshi (其外見合セ置ヘシ)⁴.]
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31) The measurements for this naka-dana [中棚] were recorded previously⁵. Because it [crosses] both the yin and yang [it is hard to decide whether the shelf is wholly yin or wholly yang].  [Therefore,] the kane from below [on the mat] are used⁶.
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[The writing reads:  yō no hitotsu-mono (陽ノ一物)⁷; in no hitotsu-mono (陰ノ一物)⁸; (below) kore ha sukoshi katayorite ashii (コレハ少カタヨリテアシヽ)⁹; koto ni ya-bun tatami ni oite yoshi (コトニ夜分疊ニ置テヨシ)¹⁰.]
◎ Though they are formatted as five independent entries in the Enkaku-ji manuscript of the Nampō Roku, sections 27 to 31 are dealt with as a single unit by both Shibayama Fugen and Tanaka Senshō.
    My rationale for breaking them into two parts was both spatial, and related to the nature of their content (since the illustrations are not associated with their text counterparts in the original, in any case).
    The two sketches that are being considered here are related to entries 27 and 28, respectively.
    This is the last entry to deal with aspects of the daime-kiri.  The next will begin a series of entries devoted to descriptions of certain historically important (and, for the most part, already lost, by the time these essays were collected by Nambō Sōkei) utensils, usually accompanied by narrations of their (often secret) temae.
¹Ko-dana no zu [小棚ノ圖].
    These, and the text in the following footnote, are the words that are written on the right side of the sketch.  This phrase seems to be the title.
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    The first sketch is of Rikyū's original tsuri-dana (which measured 1-shaku 6-bu by 9-sun.
²Kuguri-dana to mo iu [クヽリ棚トモ云].
    As in the previous post, “kuguri-dana” is given as an alternate name for this particular version of the tsuri-dana.
³Hitotsu-mono ha bon kono ni-sho yoshi [一ツ物ハ凡此二所ヨシ].
    Bon [凡] means generally, on the whole, as a rule.
    Kono ni-sho [此の二所] means “these two places.”  The two spots marked by circles.
    Yoshi [よし] means “(are) acceptable.”
    The right-most of the two spots indicated is for a yin no hitotsu-mono.
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    The spot on the left is where a yang hitotsu-mono would be displayed.
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⁴Sono hoka mi-awase oku-beshi [其外見合セ置ヘシ].
    Sono hoka [其外] means “as for the rest...;” “as for the others....”  In other words, other kinds of chaire (that is, chaire that are not worthy of being displayed as an hitotsu-mono).
    Mi-awase [見合わせ] means something like “according to what looks best*.”
    In other words, when arranging a more ordinary chaire on this tsuri-dana, it should be associated with its kane in the way that looks best. ___________ *The classical meaning is rather different from the idiomatic meaning common today (which is suspension or interruption).
⁵Kono naka-dana, sun-pō migi ni shirusu-gotoshi [此中棚、寸法右ニ記スコトシ].
    Sun-pō migi ni shirusu-gotoshi [寸法右に記す如し]:  sun-pō [寸法] means the measurements; migi ni shirusu gotoshi [右に記す如し] means “as described on the right.”
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    The reference is to entry 38 (in the previous post), where this tana is described as being 1-shaku 3-sun 7-bu wide, and 1-shaku deep.
    Once again, this and the following two sentences constitute the text that is written along the right side of the sketch.
⁶In-yō tomo ni shita no kane wo tō-shite mochiiru nari [陰陽トモニ下ノカネヲトヲシテ用ル也].
    In-yō tomo ni [陰陽共に] means (because it is) both yin and yang.
    Shita no kane [下のカネ] is referring to the kane as distributed across the surface of the mat (within the kamae).
    Tō-shite mochiiru [通して]:  tō-shite [通して] means throughout, over the whole expanse, over the whole space; mochiiru [用いる] means to adopt, employ, utilize, apply, use, and so forth.
    In other words, the kane from the mat beneath are raised up and superimposed on the shelf.
⁷Yō no hitotsu-mono [陽ノ一物].
    “Yang hitotsu-mono.”
    A yang hitotsu-mono is displayed on the first yang kane, as shown below.
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⁸In no hitotsu-mono [陰ノ一物].
    “Yin hitotsu-mono.”
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    A yin hitotsu-mono is displayed on the second yin kane, as above.
⁹Kore ha sukoshi katayorite ashii [コレハ少カタヨリテアシヽ].
    “Deviating even a little from this is wrong.”
     Katayorite [偏りて]:  means deviation.
     Ashii [悪しい] means bad, evil.
¹⁰Koto ni ya-bun tatami ni oite yoshi [コトニ夜分疊ニ置テヨシ].
    “On certain occasions, at night, it might be best to place [the chaire] on the tatami.”
    At night, objects arranged on the tana are usually in deep shadow*.  Since this is potentially dangerous (the host could accidentally knock the chaire over, if he cannot see it clearly when attempting to lower it to the mat at the beginning of the temae), the host should be circumspect. __________ *Though this also depends on where the oil lamp has been placed.  In the small room, a kake tō-dai [掛燈臺] was sometimes suspended from the hook in the middle of the back wall of the toko, from a hook temporarily nailed into the toko-bashira, or even from a hook nailed into the naka-bashira -- and depending on where its light fell, the host is encouraged to consider whether to place the chaire on the shelf, or on the mat.
    The hook nailed into the toko-bashira (and commonly used for a kake-hanaire today) was originally only there when an oil lamp would be hung from it.
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vk-ento · 1 year
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昨夜のビール びっくりドンキー 自社醸造所ビール BIKKURI DONKEY ORIGINAL BEER びっくりドンキー三ノ宮店にお邪魔しました。 びっくりドンキーでビールをいただくのは初めてです。 このオリジナルビールしか置いていません。 これがまた、美味しい! 北海道・小樽の自社醸造所で、米などの副原料を使わずにブラウマイスターの元で製造とか。 『大ジョッキ』を頼んで、大きな300gのハンバーグとトモニ至福のひとときでした。 #ビール写真 #beerstagram #beer #bier #bière #ゆうべのビール #乾杯 #cheers🍻 #santé #prost #kampai #オリジナルビール #びっくりドンキーオリジナルビール #オリジナルビール🍺 #bikkuridonkeyoriginalbeer #びっくりドンキー #bikkuridonkey #小樽醸造所 #クラフトビール #craftbeer #家飲み  #ハンバーグ (びっくりドンキー三ノ宮店) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnsxb9cJ1s_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kabukiinfo · 5 years
関西強化で9億円増益へ トモニHD、新中計で統合推進
#歌舞伎 #中村京純 [NIKKEI]トモニホールディングスは2023年3月期の純利益を19年3月期から9億円上乗せして110億円をめざす ... 「第4次経営計画の4年間で、37億円のシステム費用は十分に回収可能と考えている」。トモニHDの中村武社長は19年3月期の決算会見で、徳島銀と大正銀が合併 ...
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udonstagram · 5 years
ひまわり@しょうゆうどん|Tue May 28 13:48:56 +0000 2019
本日のうどん(朝) きつね釜たまうどん 油あげとうどんは昨日発見した徳島香川トモニ市場で買ったものだよ #ウドンスタグラム https://t.co/CWJYdmtjM7
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keychro · 6 years
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金ちゃんヌードル揃い踏み! 関東でこれだけ揃うとこはまず無い。 (徳島 香川トモニ市場) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrAeWTGAZri/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1brvu6311if1d
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