#ミ★ what’s the topic for today ✩. asks
lybian-glass · 3 years
“Ahh, there you are.” He sighs teasingly as indicated by his slight smile, unable or perhaps unwilling to even act stern with the Assassin. “Mm, I still don’t quite understand these things, but I thought you would appreciate something other than snacks this time. It gave me a project to focus on as well.” And there he would present Osakabe a box… Long and thin, it seemed to hold a kind of staff. No, a wand…? “Looks like the real deal, right? Someone—” Skadi. “—helped with the class change details. Should work the same as those shows you watch.”
Osakabe couldn’t help but smile immediately as she heard the familiar voice. It was one of the few things that kept her sane but she didn’t want to tell him that! What she wasn’t expecting was a gift of sorts but remember what holiday it was. This holiday wasn’t the best as it reminded her of her status but even so, it was very sweet of him to even think of her. She looked between him and the gift before opening the gift.
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When she opened the gift, she immediately started to tear up. What made him think she was worth this?! Even contrary of all of her negative thoughts, she took the wand and held it close. He didn’t need to remember how much she wished to be a magical girl even if it was such a silly dream. “Cas-kun.. you didn’t need to do this for me but thank you. Now I have to find something amazing to give you.” Looking up at him, she was trying her best to wipe away all the tears even if she was smiling. “Maybe I can finally be a magical girl. Cas-kun can help me too...” 
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qiaipia · 2 years
unfortunately at my worst
BONTEN! Sanzu Haruchiyo x AFAB! Reader
Sanzu has to break up with you, his long-term drug dealer.
𝙈𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛: 𝙒𝙚𝙚𝙙, 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝘼𝙡𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙪𝙗𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚, 𝙉𝙞𝙘𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚, 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙤𝙧 𝘾𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝘼𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙩𝙮, 𝙋𝙤𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙙𝙨, 𝙅𝙖𝙞𝙡
𝙁𝙩. 𝘼𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚! 𝘽𝙖𝙟𝙞, 𝘼𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚! 𝙈𝙪𝙘𝙝𝙤, 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙙! 𝙎𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙪, 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙚-𝙞𝙨𝙝! 𝙈𝙞𝙠𝙚𝙮
𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: 𝘙𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘤 (𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘬) 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘥𝘺 𝘞𝘊: 1.7𝘬 + 300 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘶𝘴
ミ★A/N: lmk what u think mga mahal! First work out here in the wild so any comments, likes and reblogs are food for the soul! Based off this.
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You were Haruchiyo Sanzu’s plug. And you were a good one at that. But he had gone MIA on you for a while. You even tried to call him, which was very un-plug-like behavior, but you were worried. You told yourself after the sixth Friday past New Year you'd try to at least reach out to seek help… to the criminal organization he worked for (obviously not the cops). 
But yesterday, a day before your self-set deadline, he sent you a text saying he wanted to meet. You had felt relief but more importantly, you were going to make sure he was safe.
You eyed him in his usual suit, sans coat. Pleasantries were exchanged, and he even bought you cherry tea, but you wanted to know the truth. 
“Sanzu, what happened exactly?” You feared for the worst. OD, suicide missions, anything in the line of work Bonten does.
The pinkette rubs the back of his nape. "Well… since we last met, a lot of things have happened." He drank his black coffee... after dumping a ton of sugar packets in it. Even his coffee tastes were peculiar.
Today, Haruchiyo was calmer. No longer with the jittery faded look, he always had. He hums. "I went home for the holidays last November, and I went to my friend Mucho’s place for dinner at his apartment.”
“But it was not dinner. It was an intervention for me — my least favorite kind of intervention.” His face scrunches sourly, his voice sounding minorly bitter and annoyed from the memory.
You motioned him to elaborate.
“When I walked into my intervention, I knew right away, that it was an intervention." Sanzu leans back and motions to you  with an incredulous look and a scoff. “Do you know how big of a drug problem you have to have if you open a door and see your family and a few friends gathered, and your first thought is, ‘This is probably an intervention about my drug problem?’”
You snorted. He smiles. Haruchiyo was trying his damn hardest to make it up to you today.
“I uh... got admitted to rehab the same day my workplace, you know the office, got raided by police.” You nod. You heard of the news and had immediately worried for your loyal customer. “They’re fine though. Mochi... is going to jail for a bit, however.” 
“I’ll make sure to visit.” You promise. Mochizuki was one of the nicer executives. He was actually the first person you were going to ask about Haruchiyo.
“Yeah, but it wouldn’t have happened on my watch.” 
“I’m sure it wouldn’t have Sanzu.” You giggled.
“No really.” 
“Not a doubt.” You sip your drink coolly.
He squinted at you and you broke into a smile. “Okay, a little bit.” Façade breaking. “I heard they brought a SWAT team, I don’t know how you were gonna win against that.” 
“I still would’ve.” He gives you a pointed look but you can see the sparkle in his beautiful blue eyes.
The table next to you shuffles and was seated two old ladies. With glances and whispers about Sanzu's scars, they were definitely the gossipy type.
But instead of being discreet with such a sensitive topic, Sanzu becomes a bit more mischievous. His blue eyes and gorgeous eyelashes meet and look earnestly at yours.
“But Y/N…” He takes your hands in his and you shiver at how soft his hands were, despite his line of occupation. “Now my counselor tells me I have to be a big boy and… break up with you.” 
You hitch a breath. He had been to short-term rehab quite a few times (against his will) in the past 2 years you’ve known him, but this is the first time he’s taken a step himself. He was breaking up with you, his dealer.
The ladies listening to your conversation give a small gasp, hearing juicy gossip. “They’re breaking up? Oh no, the poor couple they look so good together too…”
You bit your lip to avoid laughing, but Sanzu, however, maintained his acting but you could see that he too was close to losing it.
“So Y/N.” He says shakily and gives a sad smile, “I will be deleting your number and blocking you, and I am never buying drugs from you again.”
The old lady gives a loud cough as she was drinking water.
He looked with such adoring eyes, you would've believed it was real. “Thank you, Y/N, for all the nights that became days and your inspired professionalism." He sighs adoringly. "These past 2 years have been great, meeting up in backdoor alleys, or in your weed-smelling car, and for always coming through with the good stuff." You blush as he nods earnestly. "Thank you for your discounts and for making sure I don’t OD myself.” 
"A-Anytime Haru..."
The ladies next to you get up and leave for another table and you lost it. 
He too lost himself in a flurry of small laughs, and you believe this was a treasure. His hold on your hands turned into your fingers interlocking as you both giggled nonstop. 
As your laughs died down, and you both drank water and gasped for air, you were both still holding hands. But if either of you noticed, no one pointed it out. 
Both your cheeks were flushed and it felt strangely intimate. You gave a pause as you looked at each other in amusement. “Aw…Sanzu…” You coo, slowly lifting your other hand to his cheeks and he let you. His scars were faint but your fingers brushed over them. He let you. 
You were his plug and he was your customer, but that wasn’t to say he wasn’t your first contact in jail when you got caught selling weed in Shibuya (He made sure he got you out in less than an hour), or you let him fuck you in the backseat of your car when he didn’t have enough money on hand to pay (it’s only happened like 5 times), or he let you hide out in the Bonten office from the cops for a while when you were being raided (He got an earful from Rindou about letting civilians in, but it was fine, he got to see your cute face sleeping on the couch). Plus you both texted each other memes and funny things every now and then and he even treats you out to little lunch dates when your paths crossed. 
Yeah, the feeling was mutual. You guys were close.
“Haru, I'm so proud of you. I'm so happy that you want to get sober.” Your small smile meant the world to Haruchiyo.
“Yeah” He mumbles, leaning forward and into your touch, his voice going low. “Takeomi said he’ll quit the nic too, so it sorta is for Senju.” 
You remembered Senju, his adorable and spunky little sister. She caught you and her brother, one-time mid-transaction at a McDonalds and you both played it cool, hiding the baggie between you both. You even treated her for nuggets. She was, just 15, and the Akashi siblings didn’t have parents anymore.
You smiled at him dearly. Your heart was swelling in pride, at the same time aching because this actually did feel like a breakup. This would be the last time you would ever see him, then?
“Well…” You started. If that was the case, it was time for you to be true as well. 
You squeezed his hand and smiled shyly. “I gotta be honest… I only bought drugs to sell to you, because I was worried about you, and I didn't want you to get worse stuff off of other plugs.”
Sanzu sat up a little and gave an audible gasp you thought was adorable to which you giggled. His hand tightened against yours. “Wait, for real? Don’t you sell drugs to other people?”
You shake your head, resting your chin on your hand. “Nope, just weed. And that too I only started selling when we met, just so I could buy what you wanted.” 
“Wait so what are you?” 
“I’m a florist Sanzu.” You try to stifle a giggle. “Like actual flowers. I grow the weed at home to sell.” You hum for a second and sit up too. “Speaking of, I should probably stop selling as well since you’re gonna go sober now.”
He looked absolutely gobsmacked. His lips form a small-O, similar to the shocked pikachu meme. 
“Hold on, so how did you end up selling me drugs?”
“I…” You also look up in thought. “Actually don’t remember either, huh.”
“We met 2 years ago?” Sanzu gives a stressed laugh.
“Was it at the club? In Yokohama. You were cranky because your old dealer got sent to jail I think.” 
Sanzu racks his brain trying to remember, if he was there that night he was probably high off his mind with Vicodin and Tequila. 
“My friend gave me some high-quality stuff to chill out, and you asked for some.” You said, not too sure but it sounded right.
And ohhhh now Sanzu remembers. He remembered in flashes certain details, such as your beautiful silver dress in the club that night, you on his lap as you shared the bitter pill in a deep kiss. He also remembers asking for your number, telling you to hook him up with the same stuff and he’ll text you soon.
You also remember that crazy night, coming in hazy details, but you both flushed red and broke into precious laughter.
“So you really aren’t a drug dealer?” 
“Nope. Was a regular civilian until that night Haru.”
There were many tales of drug dealers turning innocent people into drug addicts, but Sanzu might be the first drug addict to turn an innocent woman into a drug dealer.
He looked primordially embarrassed but your laughs made him feel easy in this predicament.  You always made him feel easy.
“Hey, Y/N?” He still hasn’t let go of your hand. You were surprised about how natural it felt.
“Yes, Haru?”
“I sorta wanna break up with the drugs, but not with you.” He says earnestly, meeting your eyes.
You give a sigh of relief and tease, trying to hide how pleased you were. “Whew, and here I thought I was being blocked and deleted forever.” 
You smile over the sadness you were trying to keep down, which was slowly fading. You wanted Sanzu too, minus the illegal activity. 
He brought your intertwined fingers to his lips and gave a small kiss on your knuckles, his blue eyes were clear now. His pink fringe fell a bit past his eyes and gorgeous eyelashes. 
You had to break into a smile. You could get used to this. 
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Last December, Sanzu walked up to Mucho’s place with a big smile in the fluffiest pajama set he owned. He had even brought a gift bag, which was full of snacks and he couldn’t wait to eat them all watching shitty Hallmark movies with Mucho, as per yearly tradition. It’s been a while since he and his best friend had met up but Bonten has been trying to keep its legitimate image for a while now, which meant a lot of work. 
However, he frowns upon opening the door when he saw on the couch was not just Mucho, but also his little sister Senju, his older brother Takeomi, and his childhood friends such as Baji, Takemitchy, and Koko, heck they even got Mikey to sit around for this. 
Ah yes- an Intervention. He was ambushed. 
Sanzu blinks at them, and they stare at him, watching his movements. He gently places the snacks on the floor and promptly turns around to leave, shutting the door gently. 
Nope, he was not dealing with this today.
“Did he… just leave?” Mucho asks.
Mikey sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Senju, get your brother. Baji go with her.” 
The two hop off, Keisuke ready to manhandle and Senju with a bounce in her step.
They all slump back in their seat waiting for Haruchiyo’s return. Could’ve gone worse.
Takeomi sighs, taking a sip of his beer. “How do you know it’ll work this time Mikey?” 
“I don’t. Which is why Ran and Rin are gonna kidnap him next Tuesday to take him to rehab. The office is gonna be empty except for them and Mochi so I shouldn’t expect too much damage.” Mikey sighs. He cares about Haruchiyo, a lot. And if it meant having to kidnap his drug addict childhood friend, he would. 
Sanzu comes back, against his will over Baji’s shoulder, pulling on Keisuke’s ponytail to put him down and Senju picks up the snacks and closes the door. 
“I do not have a drug problem.”, is the first thing Sanzu says when he sits, crossing his arms. 
“You didn’t even know if we were going to talk about your drug problem,” Mikey says dryly.
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lybian-glass · 3 years
((Toki!!! Before 2021 ends I want to tell you how thankful I am for you. For our interactions, for our little chats, most importantly I think for how patient and understanding you are with me. I'm glad we've kept in touch and that you've made your way back over to the dash again. I love seeing you and I adore every ask between us! Also I just really love Osakabehime and Cú's relationship ;-; Thank you as always and I'm sending well wishes for this new year!
Before 2021 ends tell me something you always wanted to tell me.
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Ahhh! I'm giving you all of my love! Thank you for this very nice ask~. When I came home and saw it, I screamed, haha. I'm glad that I was able to come back especially having you around Skelly! I'd wait 5evah for you. Also, Osakabehime and Cu just make me smile so thank you for giving me the opportunity to have this relationship of theirs. Thank you for being awesome, Skelly!
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lybian-glass · 3 years
"Voyager!" Eli crouched down in front of the young servant with a smile, hiding something behind her back. "Nee-san has an important mission for you, will you accept it?" she waited for him to accept before she showed the digital camera she had been hiding behind her back. "Can you take pictures of everyone here while they're playing and having fun? Take as many as you can?"
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"Nee-san!" He was so happy to see her but was curious on what she had behind her. When she said she had an important mission, he couldn't help but gasp! Voyager definitely accepted with a nod and a smile, awaiting to see what she wanted him to do. Seeing the camera, he knew he was up for the task! "Okay, nee-san~. I'll do my best but..." There was some hesitation but it wasn't because he didn't want to do it.
"I'm going to take a picture of Nee-san fist, okay?" His smile was bright as he readied the camera and took a quick picture of Eli. He didn't care if it was perfect but he would be happy to just have a memory of her for himself.
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lybian-glass · 3 years
“It only hurts if you allow it to.”
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There was a look of surprise from Osakabe when she heard those words from him. Was he even referring to her but when she glanced around, it was only the two of them so it had to be. How did he know about her worries, her fears? She wanted to tell him to stop, that he shouldn't dig into too deep. Of course, she forgot she hurt herself until she touched her palm which she flinched from that.
She then realized he was talking about the cut... right? "Ah, I should get this cleaned up! I'm just an idiot who can get easily hurt." For a moment, she completely forgot that she was a servant and a wound like so could be fixed easily. "I'll make some tea afterward, okay, Cas-kun?" It was easy to show a smile for him even if this one wasn't completely truthful
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lybian-glass · 3 years
Hmm... It's getting near that time again, isn't it... Do have any plans for the festivities this year, Hime? I can assist if so.
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"Ah, Cas-kun~!" Happy to see him, his comment reminded her that he was right! Festivities were coming soon and to be honest, she didn't know what to do. "Not at the moment but.. maybe we can have a movie night or pass out candy." There was some hesitation in her voice simply because those activities dealt with people and even if she put a front, she still couldn't deal with so many servants at once. "What do you think, Cas-kun?"
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lybian-glass · 3 years
❛ Oi. You should brew a new pot of coffee, Nurse. This is clearly your most horrible batch so far. ❜ Annoyance was written all over his face as he refused to drink the awful concoction even if his cup was half full.
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Don't smack him even if you really want to. It was something she was telling herself as she offered to make him something to drink though it wasn't the first time to do so. Yet she wondered why after hearing the same complaint didn't drive her away. Go figure.
"E-s-t-e-l-l-e. Estelle. That's my name and you already drank a few cups already. I'm not going to make you a new batch." She definitely wasn't going to crack today. "Don't make me drop the rest on your work."
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lybian-glass · 3 years
“Sakamichi!” Arms crossed and head held high. Rider approached her master with utmost confidence. “Tonight at 6pm, come to my room. They’ve been missing you.”
A few penguins had then emerged behind her with books and CDs in their tiny flippers, peeking as their eyes twinkled, eager to hear his reply.
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Turning around, Sakamichi couldn't help but turn around to see the familiar servant of his. He was about to question if she needed something when she announced that he should come to her room at a specific time. It was more evident what was going on with her penguins as he couldn't help but smile and nod.
"Of course! I wouldn't miss that for anything, Rider."
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lybian-glass · 3 years
“Miss Assassin-” Something said quietly, yet not quite a whisper as he peaks into her room. He rarely knocked anymore but was always still careful not to wake her in case she were sleeping… “Oh good, you're awake. I was hoping you might help me finish this cake. It was a gift, but I’m afraid it’s too much for just myself…” And by that he means he stole it. And needs somewhere to hide or at least an accomplice-
She was far from being asleep since she was finishing up another doujin of hers, though it was more of a personal project that she did on her own time. Osakabe would be too deep in her work to hear anyone but was puzzled about what to add so she was able to hear him come in her room and call out to her. Turning to him, she was happy to see the familiar face. He was one of the few people that she trusted.
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“Cas-kun! Come in.” Motioning him to come inside, she couldn’t help but eye the cake. It looked so delicious. “I would love to eat some. Please stay with me and have some tea.” Even if she was used to being alone as she isolated herself, she loved seeing him and wished that he would stay.
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lybian-glass · 4 years
👫 for Holmes & Dantes!
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
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▹ They definitely share cigarettes especially after Holmes finds out about them. They even sometimes (read: Holmes) share the light to light the other’s cigarette.  ▹ Even after they grow close, they’ll still bicker as if nothing changed. To be honest, it’ll be hard for anyone to notice the change between them. (read: most likely Hime called this by the doujins she made) ▹ Going from the previous hc, they both hate when peeps try to stop them from arguing. Whoever does will most likely get a glare and some spiteful words.  ▹ 80% of the time, Holmes tops. He likes to see Dantes squirm underneath him but is willing to switch if Dantes really wants it.
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lybian-glass · 3 years
ꕤー Surprise! It’s Hana wanting to give Voyager a gift! Crouching down to his level, she handed a box in hopes that he would accept it.
“May your year be filled with new memories and new adventures!”
The box she held was none other than a display case for enamel pins and buttons, simply wrapped with a yellow ribbon. If he wanted to, he could also place photos in the small drawer it had!
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"Onee-chan..." He was honestly not expecting anything from her at all but he really appreciated it. Taking the box, he did open it to see the different drawers and such. What a kind gesture! He wanted to give her something in return but couldn't think of anything right away. "Thank you." With a smile, he reached over and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.
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lybian-glass · 3 years
Suzuka skips over to Estelle, raising her head onto nurse's shoulder. "Are you okay, Estelle-san?! Was there a hoe tryin to steal your man?" She def saw death glare- one could swear that Estelle is trying to shoot laser eyes.
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Seeing the servant approaching her, she felt silly for being mad over her job being taken care of. With a light chuckle, she shook her head at Suzuka. "I'm alright! I'm just wary about the hot springs." It isn't a bad idea but she feels like if she doesn't have a place here now.
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lybian-glass · 3 years
He has to think quickly and thus he turns his back for a moment, scribbling something into the air. Quiet mumbling that remains inaudible. (Perhaps embarrassed he hadn’t thought to get Osakabehime something beforehand.) A brief flash of light and a less than dramatic reveal… “It’s more practical than sentimental, but I hope you’ll like this in return.” It is getting cold after all. He places a cloak in her arms not unlike his own aside it’s length and pinkish hue.
Being able to catch her breath, she wondered what he was doing - she couldn't see a thing with his back turned to her - until he turned back to her with a cloak that resembled his own but with colors that reflected herself. For a moment, she stared at it in disbelief before looking up with tears in her eyes though smiling.
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"...I love it, Cas-kun!" Hugging it close to her, she didn't care how long it took him to make it. Simply the thought that he cared enough to make something personal for her. She didn't mean to tear up so much just for a simple thing as she quickly wiped away her tears. "Thank you so much." She even quickly took off her coat to put on the one that was given to her. A perfect fit!
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lybian-glass · 3 years
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"Hime." Yan Qing whispers in her ear, purposely alerting her that there's somebody else within same room, followed by him laying on her thighs. Head. On. pillows.
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There was a small squeak from Osakabe because it definitely got her out of her vibe - not completely but enough to be on high alert - but after she looked around, she didn't seen anyone there. It wasn't till she felt the weight on her thighs that she glanced down, blinked, and wondered why he was here.
"Yan Qing... you could have asked to join here." Even though she was screaming internally, her hand suddenly was slowly going through his hair.
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lybian-glass · 3 years
-> Kama lifts up the little prince, holding a young child so close, ever staring at his wonderful master Djeeta. Magnatta orbs blinking.
"Master, have you adopted this foreigner yet? I admit- I have seen them around, traveling among stars and planets all by his lonesome. If not, I'll gladly adopt him from you!"
cue a smile.
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Voyager was carried around like a doll and was surprised that he was being offered to be adopted by this over servant. He wouldn't have mind at all... but he was already adopted by others as part of their family so could this work? He couldn't help but blink and wonder what would his master think.
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This whole situation on Djeeta's end seemed very silly that she wanted to laugh but didn't. "I haven't adopted him yet but as him first if he wants to be adopted by you. I wouldn't mind if he agrees to it."
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lybian-glass · 3 years
TOKI DOKI AAAA I LOVE YOU FAM!!! it's been a long ass time since we are buds and I still hope our friendship goes on in 2022 ;v;b!!! <3333
Before 2021 ends tell me something you always wanted to tell me.
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Darling! You've been amazing and all that!! I love you 5EVAH! CAN'T BEAT THAT!! But seriously, I hope our friendship continues into next year and beyond~ <3
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