#—---☆ fearless adventurer.
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Fearless year of Shadow
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darlingcloudie-9 · 4 months
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oough………. my babies………….. i care for them very much 🌸
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Stephanie Brown sits tied to a chair in a trio of kidnappers apartment. She's slightly terrified, but mostly aggravated she took Tim's advice on just being kidnapped and not fighting back. The kidnappers start a recording on the leader's phone and he stands close to Stephanie. (I love the clip this was inspired by).
Kidnapper (Warren): All right, read this!
Warren holds up a note book with a script for Stephanie to read.
Stephanie, tied up: Father- wow that handwriting.
Stephanie squints her eyes.
Stephanie: Father, I have been abduct, I am fine-
Warren: Abducted.
Stephanie (dryly): It says abduct.
Warren: Just say abducted.
Stephanie (rolling her eyes): Father, I have been 'abducted'. I am fine right now, but I may not be for loring.
Stephanie (chuckling while continuing to read): If you do not pay the 'sun' of one million 'doolars'-
Warren (reading over the note): Wait a minute, wait a minute. Loring? The 'sun' of one million 'doolars'? What the-
Stephanie (mockingly): That's what it saaays.
Warren (pissed off): That's 'long' and the 'sum' of one million 'dollars'. You know what it means.
Stephanie (indignant): I don't know what it means. You told me to read this. That's what I'm doing.
Warren aims the gun at her, but Stephanie crosses her legs not caring anymore.
Warren: Just say what it means, okay?
He turns the notebook back to face her.
Stephanie (annoyed): I may not be for long if you do not pay the sum of one million dollars, you will never see me alive again these men mean 'businesses'.
Stephanie snort laughs.
Stephanie (jokingly): I'm so glad you got your child to write this.
Warren shakes with anger, reading the note again. He glares at the other kidnapper.
Warren: Kevin!
Joey talking to Kevin: I think he's pissed at the note.
Kevin takes a step back from the kidnapper, holding his head down.
Stephanie (snide): It says 'businesses' that's what it says, you told me to read the note you never said to improv it.
Warren (lowering his gun and glaring at the sneering girl): Oh, improv! What are you Meryl -Fuckin- Streep? Okay, improv the note!
Stephanie (recrossing her leg and clearing her throat): These sexually frustrated degenerate losers mean (softer tone) business.
Warren (stammering and pissed off again): Don't- Don't- Don't improv it. Don't get smart.
Stephanie (with attitude): I'm sorry me passing english class in freaking home school ruined the flow of your crappily written note!
Warren: Fuckin- Joey give me a fuckin pen!
Warren walks away, smacking Kevin on the back of his head. Joey hands him a pen. Stephanie keeps her legs cross while whistling.
Warren (angrily whispering): Oh I was home schooled, look at me. Fuckin' brat.
Stephanie: It's not whispering if I can hear you.
Warren walks back over to Stephanie and shows her the new ransom note.
Warren: Read it.
Stephanie: Dad been kidnapped, send one million or I'm... Dead.
Warren presses the stop button for recording on his phone.
Warren: Perfect.
Stephanie (fake sweet voice): Good for you, your chicken scratch writing was so much easier to read. You write like a monkey with a typewriter but good for you.
Warren (shaking with anger): You're lucky we need this money.
Stephanie: Much like every woman who has the misfortune of laying down with you, I know that statement isn't true.
Warren clenches his fists deciding it was better to walk away over unleashing his anger on the young woman.
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cloudofsalt · 3 months
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temothylol · 4 months
its very funny to me that its called the fearless year of shadow. when he basically spends his titular game rocking back and forth on the floor trying to come to terms with the horrors (valid)
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tenebraevesper · 3 months
Sonic Adventure 2 Anniversary
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Today, we're celebrating the anniversary of Sonic Adventure 2, as well as the birthdays of both Rouge...
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...and the very hedgehog who got a whole year committed to celebrating his existence, Shadow!
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I am looking forward to what else we can expect from Fearless: Year of Shadow!
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suzylind · 5 months
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The boi is going around. I’ll join in with a classic one.
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browsethestacks · 8 months
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The Thrilling Aventure Hour
Art by Dustin Weaver
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chickenwaffles17 · 5 months
BE FEARLESS (and Rouge)
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Those Adventure 2 poses are something else
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Reference pictures below
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wazzuppy · 27 days
spoilers for the sonic movie 3 trailer below the cut!
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mooztoonz · 28 days
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“Sonic & Shadow”
The Sonic Movie 3 trailer is finally out & I'm even more excited about this movie! Keanu Reeves's voice Shadow is so awesome, they did a really good job on his design as well. Jim Carry returns as Eggman, having Live & Learn in the Trailer was incredibly Smart hopefully the song will be in the movie. Are you excited to see this movie?
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octobers-veryown · 2 months
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Don't mind me, I only needed to see them all together after this amazing Elucienweek.
Looking forward to have some more inspo x.
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dalesramblingsblog · 4 days
There *is* a part of me that is perpetually scared of coming across as unduly bitter about the EDAs, particularly since putting the reviews up on Ko-fi months in advance does kinda deprive me of the "instant" part of "instant feedback."
Like I keep trying to go in with an open mind, and I generally enjoyed Option Lock, but at the same time... nothing I'm hearing about Longest Day and Legacy of the Daleks is making me at all excited, and I'm not one to just give something a pass because it's Doctor Who, so if I sound very tired (I know for a fact that my Kursaal review is perhaps the most fed up I've been since War of the Daleks, which doesn't bode well since that was a whole two EDAs ago) please know it isn't out of deep-seated hate, but just that... I like reading good books? So if it isn't good, well... sorry, IDK what to tell you.
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boanerges20 · 6 months
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Lost & Found
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spikrock · 4 months
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the queen who came in from the cold...i LOVE this one!!!!!!!
cat basically talking the queen into spying just cus he thinks it would be entertaining is so silly. unless you think he knew she'd reconsider from the start. its really just how you see him. do you think cat was trying to be helpful to his friends in this episode or do you think he was just trying to see something crazy happen!!!!!!! hmm
anyway i love the queens disguise!!! lorraine quiche... OKAAAY!!
also, i like the song at the end alot. it makes me smile :) they are all so cute
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The Spot: Alright Dr. Doof is in, and here’s the new poll and here’s some reasons why about these three choices.
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You all know the reason why Adam should be on the team. Who happens to be a sinner demon now. But as for the other 2:
For Fearless Leader:
1. The 2 Evil Spies are the first villains to ever have their own movie
2. The 3 did once went out of the Cartoon world into the real world
3. He did said at the end of the reboot "Don't worry, we'll be back, you can't start a show without good evil villains, we're like, really good evil villains."
And 4. Natasha Fatale is 4th in Top Ten Tv Cartoon Villainesses (Check out the video)
For Wuya:
1. She is a evil sugar mama as human
2. She can track down Shen Gong Wu
3. She is in A on the Xiaolin Showdown Characters Tier List Community Rankings
And 4. She used to be sealed in a puzzle box (Quite similar with Rita Repulsa)
What they have in common:
They both know conquering the world 🌎
And they both want revenge on their enemies just like the others.
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