#・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ . Signs her letters with x’s and o’s ❝OOC: Out of Character❞
thesnowfelled-a · 3 years
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I honestly love your portrayal and I love the heart and effort you put into your writing, and how you portray your muses. It's inspiring and I hope to get to that level one day.
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@redemptivexheroics​    :       ANONYMOUSLY OR NOT, TELL ME SOMETHING YOU LIKE ABOUT MY MUSE/BLOGit could be about my portrayal, my headcanons, my blog’s aesthetic, my muse’s dynamic with someone else’s muse, etc.
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geminiloopholedaa · 5 years
Well, life never settles for me for long. Turns out my bio dad died today. 
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destinyowned-blog · 5 years
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𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞  𝐟𝐨𝐫  𝐚  𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫
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spideyyverse · 7 years
Grease! AU
pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4 |
Chapter: 2/7
Alternate reality where Eddie Kaspbrak is a boy from New York visiting the small town of Derry for the Summer and so happens to have met the greaser himself, Richie Tozier.
Characters: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom, Stan Uris, Mike Hanlon, Bill Denbrough, Audra Phillips
Pairings: Reddie, Stenbrough, Benverly, (Possible?? Audra x Mike? Aromantic Mike? Let me know what you think!)
Warnings: Homophobia, swearing, underage drinking and smoking
Word Count: 1,676
Author Notes: Some chapters will be based on a song from the movie, I’m not sure if I’ll do each song but if there’s a specific song you would like me to include, let me know in my ask box!
Also, the losers are very ooc. I understand they’re nothing like the way I’m portraying them in my story. Please do not get angry for the way I’m writing them, it’s apart of this au solely and that’s not how I actually view them.
This chapter will be a combination of ‘Look at me, I’m Sandra Dee!’ and ‘Hopelessly Devoted To You’ ! Thank Jasmine for that decision y’all.
Also, the beginning chapters will focus on Eddie mainly, but I will have chapters dedicated to just Richie of course!! Also, I know there isn’t much dialogue, chapter three will have tons of dialogue and much more interaction between the characters! I’m sorry, this is shitty writing.
You know I’m just a fool who’s willing / To sit around and wait for you /
It was Friday, the night of the pep rally. Everything was going according to plan, Eddie was asked to be a ‘manleader’ (Although, he couldn’t comprehend why he couldn’t be called a cheerleader, just like the rest of the girls). He was sitting on the sidelines, waiting for the halftime performance. The brunette boy felt anxious all night, not in fear that he’s preforming in front of the entire school but because he could possibly be preforming in front of the boy he was hopelessly devoted to. All night, the boy scanned the bleachers for the curly haired boy wearing a leather jacket but never saw him. However, Eddie did meet one of Derry high’s football players, but he was no Richie. He was nice, don’t get Eddie wrong but nothing about him made him feel the way Richie made him feel.
It was ridiculous really, how can Eddie possibly pine over a boy he’d only known for three months? How much of a fool can he be?
If it wasn’t for the stupid promise he made for Richie, maybe just maybe, he wouldn’t be constantly longing for his warmth, for his touch. He wouldn’t be sitting around, waiting around for his greaser boy.
But now there’s nowhere to hide / since you’ve pushed my love aside
The crowd erupted in cheers, the final touchdown was made and it so happened Derry was the team who scored it. There was still no sign of the boy who wouldn’t leave Eddie’s head in the bleachers. Eddie could feel a part of him break but he knew he couldn’t let that ruin his night, he was sleeping over Bev’s house tonight anyways. What could possibly go wrong?
After a couple of hugs and ‘Great Game!’s from both the cheer team and football team. Eddie set off to find his new friends. Of course that didn’t take long, you could be five miles away and still spot the fire headed girl known as Beverly Marsh.
“Eddie! You did amazing out there!” Bev cheered wrapping her arms around the boy.
Eddie smiled back and waved to Stan and Audra, “Hey Eddie! We got a surprise for ya!” Stan smiled grabbing Eddie’s hand.
Eddie shot a confused look towards Bev and she didn’t seem to know what was going on either. The boy reluctantly followed the curly haired boy to the parking lot.
Meanwhile, the school’s greasers were smoking and fucking around with each other, “Alright! Guys, that’s enough.” Richie shouted over the three boys horse playing with each other.
“C’mon Tozier! Your panties have been in a twist ever since we got back to this hellhole!” Mike shoved him playfully but only resulted in Richie shoving him slightly harder.”
“Woah!” The other three boys shouted simultaneously. Richie only rolled his eyes and gave them the bird, “Fuck off.”
“H-here looks like y-you need it.” Bill tossed over a lighter and a pack of cigarettes towards Richie. Richie thanked him silently and nodded his head.
“Hey Tozier!” An all too familiar voice sounded.
All four boys whipped around to face Stan and his gang. Richie only rolled his eyes and took a deep breath, “What is it Uris?”
“Got a surprise for ya.” Stan yanked Eddie’s arm and pushed him in front of Richie.
“I thought you were going back to New York?” Richie couldn’t contain his excitement, it was something about Eddie that always made him soft.
“We had a change of plans!” Eddie giggled.
“What about you Chee? I got some of your letters when I went back to New York to get the rest of my stuff!”
“Ahem.” Ben scoffed behind Richie causing his face to fall back into seriousness.
“Richie? What’s the matter?” Eddie searched Richie’s eyes for some sort of answer.
“What’s the matter with me? What’s the matter with you baby?” Richie smirked. The other three boys laughed behind him.
“Rich? What happened to the Richie I met at the quarry?”
“I don’t know, maybe you should find him.” Richie laughed elbowing Bill, making him laugh as well. Except, Richie’s laugh wasn’t real. Anyone who really knew him would know that. Clearly, his friends didn’t see that.
Genuine or not, that didn’t stop Eddie from lashing out on the boy he thought he knew, You’re-you are- you’re such a fucking asshole! I wish I never met you at all!” He shoved Richie and ran off with tears springing in his eyes.
The guys were hooting and hollering, Audra shook her head at Richie, and Bev took off after Eddie; Leaving a Stan Uris with a tilted head and smirk.
“Got what you wanted Uris?” Richie growled after the boys walked away along with Audra.
“I hope you’re happy.” He continued.
“Come to think of it, yeah, I am.” Stan smirked and averted his attention to Bill who came back to retrieve his leader.
“Billy.” Stan said with a bittersweet tone and walked away.  
My head is saying, “Fool, forget him.” / My heart is saying, “Don’t let go. / Hold on till the end.” / And that’s what I intend to do / I’m hopelessly devoted to you
Eddie found himself crying against Bev’s car while she rubbed her hand up and down his back, “God, how can I be such an idiot Bev?”
She only shook her and continued to rub her hand up and down his back, “You didn’t know hun, how can you possibly? Whichever Richie you met back in Summer is the Richie you know. This Richie on the other hand, he’s trash.”
Eddie laughed through his tears, Now there’s the Eddie I know.” Bev smiled.
“Thanks Bev, it means a lot.”
“Eddie, honey, all men are trash. You can’t depend on them for shit.”
“I’m a guy.”
“Besides you! And maybe Ben. He’s a sweetheart.” She smiled. The freckled girl looked down at her watch and gave Eddie a sympathetic smile, “Hey, why don’t you go home and get a bit of rest before I pick you up for our sleepover tonight?”
Eddie happily agreed and gave her his address. He said goodbye to his friend and began his walk home. The silence couldn’t help but let Eddie think about the events that happened only an hour ago.
Forget him, he doesn’t want you anyways.
Don’t let go, he loves you.
“I’m hopelessly devoted to a prick.” Eddie sighed under his breath.
Look at me, I’m Sandra Dee.
After quite a bit of convincing from his mom, Eddie managed to get into Bev’s car and head off to her place for their sleepover.
“What’s the deal with the guys having to act macho all the time? It’s ridiculous!” Audra sighed painting her nails.
“They have to live up to their reputation Auddie, that’s just how it is.” Stan sighed pulling a bottle of cheap wine from his backpack.
“Hey Eddie wanna see something cool?” Bev asked causing Eddie to avert his attention towards her. She blew smoke from the side of her half close mouth. Stan only rolled his eyes and pulled out a cigarette himself, “Want one Eddie?”
Eddie only shook his head, “Oh no thank you. Smoking can kill you.”
Stan rolled his eyes again and blew a couple of more smokes before placing the stick between his fingers and popping open the cheap wine.
“Finally!” Audra cheered taking a chug of the cheap wine.
“Ever drank before Eddie?” Audra asked handing the bottle over to Bev.
“I had some champagne at a wedding once!” Eddie explained.
“Oh wow! Sounds like a wild night!” Stan sarcastically remarked causing Bev to throw a pillow at him.
“Here c’mon. Just try a little smoke at least!” Stan sighed and handed over his cigarette to the boy. Eddie hesitantly took the stick from him and inhaled causing him to cough.
“Right, I forgot to tell you not to inhale the first time you do it.” Stan stifled a laugh.
“Here, wash it down with this.” Audra said handing over the bottle of alcohol. Poor Eddie didn’t realize what Audra handed him until he took a swing of the cheap wine and grimaced.
“Bev, I don’t feel so good.” Eddie moaned, holding his stomach.
Bev got up and quickly led him to her bathroom. Stan bit back a laugh while Audra quickly cleaned.
“God, how did he manage to drink the champagne?”
You got your crust, I’m no object of lust, I’m just plain Sandra Dee!
After the whole ordeal, Eddie rested on Bev’s bed while the others talked. Their conversation was interrupted when they heard a honk. Audra, Stan, and Bev made their way towards the window and saw none other than their fellow T-Birds.
“W-we’re heading o-over to the dr-rive in! Wanna c-come?” Bill shouted.
“Guys we can’t, Eddie still isn’t feeling good and my folks are home!” Beverly whispered-shouted.
“Well, I’ll go then! Cover for me!” Stan suggested, climbing out the window.
Richie only huffed when he saw Stan making his ways towards Bill, “What’s got your dick in a twist Tozier? Want Juliet to come on down too?”
Whether Stan intended for Eddie to hear what he just said or Eddie had super hearing, he answered for Richie, “Tell them no. I’m not Richie’s object.” He snapped.
Bev and Audra only looked at each other and repeated what Eddie just told them.
Stan got in the passengers seat next to Bill and planted a kiss on the stuttering boy, “Thought it would just be us at the drive-in Denbrough?”
Bill only smirked and turned around to his friends, “Get out of my car.”
“The fuck Bill?” Richie rose an eyebrow.
“Did I fucking stutter? Get out of my car and walk!” Bill shouted a little louder.
Ben, Mike, and Richie huffed but obliged as they watched Bill’s broken down car speed off.
“He’s right you know,” Ben stated breaking the silence.
“What?” Richie responded.
“He didn’t stutter.”
Tags: @universal-gay - Thank you so much for your kind words! I hope you enjoyed this chapter love!
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geminiloopholedaa · 5 years
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Because Heretic Lizzie with no humanity? A want. Will freaking make icons of faceless carebear for this shit because goals. Capping these at like five because my brain is messy and I am working on getting it back on track but likey...likey if you wanna
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geminiloopholedaa · 5 years
Lizzie is the vodka aunt that comes to family gatherings. Comes to the Mikaelson/Kirby household and starts drinking and telling wild stories about when she was young while she looks twenty-one and will be forever. 
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geminiloopholedaa · 5 years
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@venuscommissions​ look at this coloring! Like look at that pretty soft purple tones with this greyish vibe going on. It reminds me of a coloring I really was in love with on youtube but never could understand it in my head??? Like youtubers that color videos are badasses and your freebies are always just another level of W.O.W.
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geminiloopholedaa · 5 years
 I am going to be getting news on hopefully Monday if I relate to Lizzie more then I thought. (Meaning bipolar depression) everyone knows I am open about mental health and I openly shared when I found out I had OCD. The official test is done by a psychiatrists and not just my therapist going through the  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition: DSM-5 and asking me questions off that is going to most likely happen on Monday, although the therapist is almost 100% sure that is what has been going on. If the  psychiatrists agree with the thoughts the therapist has, I might feel different? Might have to let this all soak in so might be spotty on all my blogs again. If it does not come back as bipolar disorder, I am not sure what will happen but still will need a few days to collect myself. 
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geminiloopholedaa · 5 years
Can I stop grinding my teeth? Or pushing them together hard? That would be great because it gives me a headache
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geminiloopholedaa · 5 years
What if I just remake all my blogs because they are all messy? What if I give myself a pet project? My head is screaming to do it and I am tempted to listen but ugh
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geminiloopholedaa · 5 years
 Do I go in-depth and watch Legacies, tear it up and say what is my canon now? rewrite Lizzie because Julie can’t write bipolar depression for anything like you suck at it. You give illnesses as plot points and then suddenly, the character doesn’t have it anymore? Stefan’s PTSD just magically went away in TVD and ugh.
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geminiloopholedaa · 5 years
Came on to say found the best alt Josie fc and I’m not even made about this shit. @legacyburdened for sending me all of tagged because YES!
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geminiloopholedaa · 5 years
Until I am stable enough that the medication is working, everyone is just going to have to be patient with me because I am a mess of emotions and I am running on super high moments to super-low ones as these pills work to balance me out. I am not having any more truly manic episodes since my last one but still.
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geminiloopholedaa · 5 years
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❝Even supernatural schools have to follow the rules.❞
I take three mains of a character. So three main Josie’s, three main Caroline’s, etc.
Being my main goes both ways. I’m your main as you are mine on your list. 
Being my main means plots are going to be thrown at you. I will make gifs, aesthetics, whatever it is I feel like for our characters, random starters and just my love? Friendship with me as an added bonus.
Headcanons at three am when my butt should be in bed because the MA school life is not for the weak (I joke but kinda true).
Most likely will attempt to do your replies before anyone else because most of the time I click more with my mains and just have an easier time doing their replies because if I have questions or need to say something about how Lizzie is acting I can just jump in their IMs/Discord
Must like OR comment on this post. Multimuses need to comment who they are wanting the main for. 
You generally are given two weeks to mention a mains relationship with me in your rules or on your rules page. I don’t want to not be known as a main going both ways as it makes me have so much anxiety if I don’t know that you are following through with it being a two-way street main.
We can stop being mains at any time. Comfort is the key here
❝A list of all the students that go to school.❞
@legacyburdened // Josette Saltzman
@tenebriselecti // Any and all muses Sam wants.
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geminiloopholedaa · 5 years
the originals for the fandom meme
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my favorite female character: Hope Mikaelson. Hayley Marshall for an adult in the show
my favorite male character: Klaus Mikaelson,  Marcel Gerard 
my favorite book/season/etc: 1-3 are my favorite seasons. Really,  Anything BUT season five.
my favorite episode (if its a tv show): Oh gosh. I have a love/hate with the final episode of season one when Hayley woke up and was a total badass going to save her little girl. It shows the “ALWAYS & FOREVER” down to the letter. Like doing whatever to protect this child even if it means breaking your heart.  From a Cradle to a Grave was one of those episodes where you wished that they had more time to actually see what happened. LIke we get snippets of Hope being named in season five and all but wishing it happened actually in season one to get that backstory would have been nice.
my favorite cast member: I have no clue? I didn’t really keep tabs on the cast when watching but at the same time I think I remember seeing something about Claire’s miscarriage and then her having a rainbow baby boy after was just inspiring in a way that I can’t explain.
my favorite ship: Hayley/Klaus.    The start of Landon/Hope.  Like it was one episode and a few little interactions but that dance and the fact that Hope broke Connor’s car for him,  I was like Legacies is gonna start and I am already loving them
a character I’d die defending: Hope Mikaelson
a character I just can’t sympathize with: Roman Sienna.    This really doubles when he pops up in Legacies. Like SORRY but NO. 
a character I grew to love: Rebekah Mikaelson.  Like at first I wasn’t really a fan of hers until I rewatched the second time around I really grew to love her. Like I wasn’t like “I dislike this blonde” the first time I watched but I wasn’t invested in her either. Davina Claire was also one of those characters that grew on me. When they killed her for the Harvest I cried so hard like she was just a teenage girl that wanted to live, she didn’t want to die and she did it because 1. She would die anyway if she didn’t go through with the Harvest.  2. For New Orleans. 
my anti otp: Roman/Hope.  I was all for them when he first came onto the screen but something felt wrong about him and then he fucked with her head. Got into it to find Hayley’s location for his mommy and I was like, NOPE. I personally think he should have died when Klaus brought him back for Hope to torture.  
                Also, ask me about how I think they should have written Roman/Gretta/Hayley’s death  on naturesloopholed if you want a more painful idea because I have been actually thinking about this for a while. If they wanted to kill Hayley off, they had an option that stayed true to Hope to be her mother’s daughter,  loving Hayley so much. they fucked over Haylope’s mother/daughter relationship in season five and just, not happy.  The whole season sucked and a lot of things could have/should have gone differently and if I had someone to bounce ideas off of and someone to cheer my ass on while I wrote fanfic on a rewrite, I would. I am %100 down for the count when it comes to rewriting shows and things.
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geminiloopholedaa · 5 years
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So a lot of my older things are being dropped so anything BEFORE December is going to be dropped because I am pretty sure I was in a manic episode when I started a lot of new shit across like all my blogs because I wasn’t sleeping and thought I could do it all. Sorry guys not we are all for mental health here and I am not risking shit. This goes to all blogs of mine. My starter calls though are still open
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