byanyan · 11 months
When are you going to admit that Kitty is your idol?
ask byan about their relationships with other musesㅤㅤ∘ ˚ ( accepting )
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ㅤㅤ" kitty? don't think i know anyone with that name. kitty, kitty... "ㅤsnapping their fingers as though trying to place the name or jog their memory, they stop abruptly as an overdramatic look of realization sets itself across their face.ㅤ" ohhh, that guy! wow, crazy t' think i could forget someone with a name as dumb as kitty, huh? "
although trying to suppress a grin, they're clearly too amused with themself to manage it successfully.
ㅤㅤ" him? my idol? "ㅤtipping their head back, byan barks an obnoxious laugh, slapping their leg as though this is the funniest thing they've heard in weeks. the laughter is real, though it's played up to an absolutely ridiculous degree purely to add as much insult as possible. ...and also to hide the fact that they do actually look up to kitty a great deal. he's obviously not allowed to know that, though!!
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ㅤㅤ" holy shit. "ㅤslowly settling back down, laughter subsiding into a string of giggles, a non-existent tear is swept from beneath one eye.ㅤ" that's hilarious. he fuckin' wishes. "
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