iso-photo · 1 month
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futuristicpatrolbread · 2 months
在校大學生 身體密碼 34D 165cm 50kg 喜歡嘗試各種姿勢哦 想要找一位長期的不打擾彼此生活的。有需要時彼此聯絡。總之就是一種特殊朋友吧,在一起可以放鬆心情,沒有什麼壓力.喜歡加我賴:9k86 真心約炮的加我不是真心約的不要加本人22歲單身目前找男朋友也想找個健康沒病的砲友最好是第一次約的哥哥弟弟都行只要一起玩的開心,加賴:9k86 單身, 剛分手不久,希望找一個不進入生活的砲友,需要才聯繫,不打擾也不需要負責的那種 我喜歡性格好比較謙虛的哥哥或者弟弟,有誠意的加我賴:9k86
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asiaphotostudio · 4 months
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Taiwan, 1999 Taipei, Taiwan. 台湾 台北市 Photography by Michitaka Kurata
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lu963852 · 1 month
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台灣約妹主推 個人工作室 一對一按摩服務 璐璐 23歲 165cm 48kg 34D 極品好身材 翹臀性感 敢玩敢露 淫蕩水多 內裝美麗 還有馬甲線哦 可以69 女上位 火車便當 老漢推車 品飽 親親 翹臀後入式超級爽哦!
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(Sold) 皮雕側背包改製成2只長夾-1 野貓刀疤王 lol Meow~*(Not finish) --- recent works of 2 long-wallets, this's the one of.
勇氣是壓力下展現的優雅。 Courage is grace under pressure. ─ Ernest Hemingway 海明威 (1899-1961) Novelist /Nobel Prize Winner 我在6年前的作品:(Sold)my leather work pocketbook- wild meow皮雕側背包,藏家姝然她要求我以此"野貓側背包"之原型,設法改製-創作翻新成2件加大尺寸的長夾,老蘭盡力而為,使命必達。 (PS. 6元 coins 你落在原始的貓包裡了,等我做完2件作品寄件給妳時再還給妳。另一件改製長夾-2「咕咕雞」下���再讓你看。😊 "6"這個數字跟我極其有緣,人生在世凡事想開點,就66大順啦!) Lan~* ▪︎ 接下來上色→裝飾細節→開洞→縫合等工作。 ▪︎ 修改它遠比重新做一個新的作品更難,已經過歲月的消磨其變數會很大。因當你在拆解所有原始皮革雕刻所製作的每一吋時,都極有可能完全碎裂且無法再次利用。建議無經驗者別輕易接下這種吃力不討好的工作。 ▪︎ 動物皮革也是生命的全奉獻,牠們既然提供給人類生活食衣住行和娛樂所需,我若是有緣接到案子也力所能及的再次利用和改造它,延長其功能和為人類所用之壽命,並重新賦與其新的創意,一則滿足客戶的需求,使其開心;最終使自己有機會多學習並使技藝精進,還有錢賺,當然會考量並權衡其"可能性",才皆受挑戰。以上。🙏 Thanks~*
My old leather works about 6 yrs ago and that customer asking me to make 2 pieces long-wallets new from it.
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shihlun · 6 months
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rennebright · 8 months
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断頭��のアウラ by タコ星人 [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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bankaku4 · 3 months
台北國際成人展 2023/08
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foulmoonlight · 1 year
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q:2436554767 v:zhouqi664 TG:SHHtanhua998
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thoughtfulmusicdream · 2 months
q:2436554767 v:zhouqi664 TG:SHHtanhua998
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thistransient · 4 months
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It's that time again...
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asiaphotostudio · 1 month
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Taiwan, 1999 Taitung, Taiwan. 台湾 台東市 Photography by Michitaka Kurata
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I went to take some photos under daylight for my leather works at outdoors. and then My good friend - Oliver came over to see me, we're "woman's talking" lol at coffeshop in the afternoon.
We talk about non-marriage, marriage and divorce, as well as the concept of children's education, but the most talked about is a Korean drama, which tells the story of a well-known law firm, how lawyers go to court to litigate for various clients, especially It is a "divorce lawsuit", mostly for the division of property and child custody. It reminds me of my divorced back then. If I had chosen to hire a lawyer to litigate, would I and my children's life be better now? … I believe I will still make the same choice: I only want two children and our "peace and freedom"in the life, because you can just make money by yourself tottaly, but if you want to simplify the problem, you can't be greedy.
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In fact, there is no right answer when it comes to falling in love, getting married, not getting married, or getting divorced; it all depends on your "choice". What we should do is not to choose the right answer, but you should "try to make your choice the right answer." Life is about making choices with your best efforts and over and over again, without regrets, and then being responsible for them. This is life.
◠‿◠ ℒan~*
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futuristictalephantom · 3 months
q:2544047498 v:196652825 TG:https://t.me/SHHtanhua998
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burningfunlady · 3 months
q:2544047498 v:196652825 TG:https://t.me/SHHtanhua998
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