stariwei · 2 years
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xmitchxx · 8 months
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First time drawing Jiang Xi (milf🦚)
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weishenmewwx · 2 years
My new favorite passage describing a character is from ch 337 of 2Ha, describing Jiang Xi:
His style of dressing always led people to feel he was saying, “I am very rich. You are welcome to rob me,” but no was ever able to rob him.
That handsome face of his also seemed to announce “You want to sleep with me. I know you want to,” but no one was ever able to sleep with him.
(Translations are mine. You can tell because they are very bad and don’t convey just how clever this passage is. Translating is hard!)
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pugun · 2 years
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nightpollia · 2 years
二哈roleplay, 𝟐𝟏+, minors 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 interact as dead dove & nsfw warnings apply.
姜曦, jiang yechen | sect leader of 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐮𝐞𝐲𝐞 、rainbell isle.
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cha60y8 · 10 months
姜姜外送茶加賴60y8 或c60835 18高中生幼齒學生妹熟女無套內射肛交中出後門Bj口爆LG舌吻69
👧資料: 楚曦 166.C.47.23歲 ✅地區:#南部兼職 #美女教師開課啦~同學們好, 今天要翻到床上第一頁,淫蕩教師扮演Paly課程, #超騷黑絲誘人撫媚,光看外型絕對想不到這麼騷的女人會是一位授課教師! #全程無套配合
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19silvermirrors · 3 years
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Feathers & flames 🔥🦚
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atarinke · 4 years
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And now I read 2ha, so - Jiang Xi
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taylor-lee92 · 3 years
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Left: Post-canon Ranwan & Jiang Xi
Right: shizun's human soul
(Find me on twitter: @taylor_lee92)
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stariwei · 3 years
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for @ novel_zine
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2hacalendar · 4 years
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Happy birthday to Guyueye sect leader Jiang xi, ranked top 5 among the richest people in the cultivation world!   
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jayvoicetrg · 3 years
人氣王姜濤早前傳出暗撻ViuTV單元劇《YOLO的練習曲》入面女團成員黃曉文(Candy Wong,藝名黃曦誼)。兩人被指於今年情人節前夕拍拖夜遊中環荷李活道,更先後拍照放上IG放閃,令人猜疑兩人於當晚約會。而Candy亦有於MIRROR演唱會伴舞,更令傳聞甚囂塵上。 姜濤上載合照力撐Candy。(姜濤IG) 姜濤獲彭秀慧相中首次拍電影 處男作同毛舜筠演母子賣親情? 偶像傳出戀愛消息固然令部分粉絲心碎,而Candy也隨即被起底及大肆報道。姜濤今日(17日)深夜突然上載二人合照,並發文回應緋聞,表明立場力撐Candy「沒有做錯任何事情」,「一直被誤會、一直被攻擊。我知道這一行免不了這些,但至少不希望身邊的人因為我而遭受到這種誤解和攻擊。這個小妹妹沒有做錯任何事情,這次的表演💯。」一眾粉絲紛紛大讚姜B 「太善良」、「問心無愧就好了❤️撐你」
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drwcn · 4 years
How To Name Your Chinese Characters: 
I’ve pasted the Top 100 common last names in alphabetical order, and bolded the ones that appear in CQL:   
B: 白 Bai C: 蔡 Cai ; 曹 Cao ;  常 Chang ; 曾 Ceng ;  陈 Chen ;  程 Cheng ;  崔 Cui ; D: 戴 Dai ; 邓 Deng ; 丁 Ding ; 董 Dong ; 杜 Du ; F: 范 Fan ; 方 Fang ; 冯 Feng ; 付 Fu ; G: 高 Gao ;  葛 Ge  ; 龚 Gong ; 顾 Gu ; 郭 Guo ; H: 韩 Han ; 何 He ; 贺 He 洪 Hong ; 侯 Hou ; 黄 Hua ; 胡 Hu ; J: 贾 Jia ; 蒋 Jiang ; 姜 Jiang ; 江 Jiang ; 金 Jin ; K: 康 Kang ; L:  赖 Lai ; 李 Li ;  黎 Li ; 廖 Liao ; 梁 Liang ; 林 Lin ; 刘 Liu ; 陆 Lu ; 卢 Lu ; 路 Lu ; 吕 Lü ; 罗 Luo ; M: 马 Ma ; 麦 Mai ; 毛 Mao ; 孟 Meng ; N:  倪 Ni  ;  牛 Niu ; P: 潘 Pan ; 彭 Peng ; Q: 钱 Qian ; 秦 Qin ; 邱 Qiu ; R:任 Ren ; S: 邵 Shao ; 沈 Sheng ; 史 Shi ; 石 Shi ; 施 Shi ; 宋 Song ; 苏 Su ; 孙 Sun ; T: 陶 Tao ; 谭 Tan ; 唐 Tang ; 田 Tian ; W: 万 Wan ; 王 Wang ;  汪 Wang ; 魏 Wei ; 吴 Wu ; X: 邢 Xing ; 夏 Xia ;  蕭 Xiao ; 谢 Xie ; 徐 Xu ; 许 Xu ; 薛 Xue ; Y: 阎 Yan ; 严 Yan ; 杨 Yang ; 姚 Yao ; 叶 Ye ;  余 Yu ; 于 Yu ; 袁 Yuan ; Z: 张 Zhang ;  赵 Zhao ; 郑 Zheng ; 钟 Zhong ; 周 Zhou ;  朱 Zhu ;  庄 Zhuang ;  邹 Zou ;
Above are all single character last names, but there are some double character Chinese last names, seen below (list not exhaustive): 
独孤 Du’Gu ;  公孙 Gong’Sun ; 南宫 Nan’Gong    欧阳 Ou’Yang ;  司马 Si’Ma ; 上官 Shang’Guan ; 宇文 Yu’Wen ; 长孙 Zhang’Sun ; 诸葛 Zhu’GE ; 
Light*: 光 (guāng) - light,  亮 liàng - bright / shine, 明 (míng) - bright, 曦 (xī) - early dawn, 昀 (yún) - daylight, 昭 (zhāo) - light, clear,照 (zhào) - to shine upon,
Fire: 焰 (yàn) - flames, 烟 (yān) - smoke,炎 (yán) - heat/burn, 烨 (yè) - dazzling light,  
Water: also see “weather” OR “bodies of water” under nature; note the words below while are related to water have meanings that mean some kind of virtue: 清 (qīng) - clarity / purity, 澄 (chéng) - clarity/quiet, 澈 (chè) - clear/penetrating, 涟 (lián) - ripple, 漪 (yī) - ripple, 泓 (hóng) - vast water, 湛 (zhàn) - clear/crystal, 露 (lù) - dew, 泠 (líng) - cool, cold, 涛 (tāo) - big wave,泽 (zé),浩 hào - grand/vast (water),涵 (han) - deep submergence / tolerance / educated
Weather: 雨 (yǔ) - rain, 霖 (lín) - downpouring rain, 冰 (bīng) - ice, 雪 (xuě) - snow,  霜 (shuāng) - frost 
Wind: 风 (fēng) - wind
* some “Light” words overlap in meaning with words that mean “sun/day”
Season: 春 (chūn) - spring, 夏 (xià) - summer, 秋 (qíu) - aumtum, 冬 (dōng) - winter
Time of Day: 朝 (zhāo) - early morning / toward, 晨 (chén) - morning / dawn, 晓 (xiǎo) - morning, 旭 (xù) - dawn/rising sun,昼 (zhòu) - day,皖 (wǎn) - late evening,夜 (yè) - night 
Star/Sky/Space: 云 (yún) - cloud,天 (tiān) - sky/ heaven,霞 (xiá) - afterglow of a rising or setting sun,月 (yuè) - moon,日 (ri) - day / sun,阳 (yáng) - sun,宇 (yǔ) - space,星 (xīng) - star
Birds: 燕 (yàn) - sparrow, 雁 (yàn) - loon, 莺 (yīng) - oriole, 鸢 (yuān) - kite bird (family Accipitridae),羽 (yǔ) - feather
Creatures: 龙 (lóng) - dragon/imperial
Plants/Flowers:* 兰 (lán) - orchids,  竹 (zhú) - bamboo, 筠 (yún) - tough exterior of bamboos, 萱 (xuān) - day-lily, 松 (sōng) - pine, 叶 (yè) - leaf, 枫 (fēng) - maple, 柏 bó/bǎi - cedar/cypress, 梅 (méi) - plum, 丹 (dān) - peony
Mountains: 山 (shān), 峰 (fēng) - summit, 峥 (zhēng),
Bodies of water: 江 (jiāng) - large river/straits, 河 (hé) - river, 湖 (hú) - lake, 海 (hǎi) - sea, 溪 (xī) - stream, 池 (chí) - pond, 潭 (tán) - larger pond, 洋 (yáng) - ocean
* I didn’t include a lot of flower names because it’s very easy to name a character with flowers that heavily implies she’s a prostitute. 
Astuteness: 睿 ruì - astute / foresight, 智 (zhi), 慧 (hui), 哲 (zhé) - wise/philosophy, 
Educated:  博 (bó) - extensively educated, 墨 (mo) - ink, 诗 (shi) - poetry / literature, 文 (wén) - language / gentle / literary, 学 (xue) - study, 彦 (yàn) - accomplished / knowledgeable, 知 (zhi) - to know, 斌 (bīn) - refined, 赋 (fù) - to be endowed with knowledge
Loyalty: 忠 (zhōng) - loyal, 真 (zhēn) - true 
Bravery: 勇 (yǒng) - brave, 杰 (jié) - outstanding, hero
Determination/Perseverance: 毅 (yì) - resolute / brave, 恒 (héng) - everlasting, 衡 (héng) - across, to judge/evaluate,成 (chéng) - to succeed, 志 (zhì) - aspiration / the will
Goodness/Kindness: 嘉 (jiā) - excellent / auspicious,磊 (lěi) - rock / open & honest, 正 (zhèng) - straight / upright / principle,
Elegance: 雅 (yǎ) - elegant, 庄 (zhuāng) - respectful/formal/solemn, 彬 (bīn) - refined / polite, 
Handsome: 俊 jùn - handsome/talented 
Peace: 宁 (níng) - quietness/to pacify, 安 (ān) - peace, safety
Grandness/Excellence:宏 (hóng) - grand,豪 (háo) - grand, heroic,昊 (hào) - limitless / the vast sky,华 (huá) - magnificent, 赫 (hè) - red/famous/great, 隆 (lóng) - magnificent, 伟 (wěi) - greatness / large,轩 (xuān) - pavilion with a view/high,卓 (zhuó) - outstanding
Female Descriptor/Virtues/Beauty: 婉 (wǎn),惠 (huì), 妮 (nī), 娇 (jiāo), 娥 (é), 婵 (chán) (I didn’t include specific translations for these because they’re all adjectives for women meaning beauty or virtue) 
Adverbs: 如 (rú) - as,若 (ruò) - as, alike,宛 (wǎn) - like / as though,
Verbs: 飞 (fēi) - to fly,  顾 (gù) - to think/consider, 怀 (huái) - to miss, to possess, 落(luò) - to fall, to leave behind,梦 (mèng) - to dream, 思 (sī) - to consider / to miss (someone),忆 (yì) - memory, 希 (xī) - yearn / admire
Colours: 红 (hóng) - red, 赤 (chì) - crimson, 黄 (huàng) - yellow, 碧 (bì) - green,青(qīng) - azure,蓝 (lán) - blue, 紫 (zǐ) - violet ,玄 (xuán) - black, 白 (baí) - white
Number:一 (yī), 二 (er) - two, 三 (san) - three,  四 (si) - four,  五 (wu) - five, 六 (liu) - six, 七(qi) - seven, 八 (ba) - eight,  九 (jiu) - nine, 十 (shi) - ten
Direction: 东 (dōng) - east, 西 (xi) - west, 南 (nan) - south, 北 (bei) - north,
Other: 子 (zǐ) - child, 然 (rán) - correct / thusly
《Jade》: *there are SO MANY words that generally mean some kind of jade, bc when ppl put jade in their children’s name they don’t literally mean the rock, it’s used to symbolize purity, goodness, kindness, beauty, virtue etc*  琛 (chen), 瑶 (yao),  玥 (yue),  琪 (qi),  琳 (lin)
凡 (fan) - mortality 
色 (se) - colour, beauty. In buddhism, “se” symbolizes everything secular
了 (liao) - finished, done, letting go 
尘 (chen) - dust, I’m not… versed in buddhism enough to explain “chen”, it’s similar to “se”
悟 (wu) - knowing? Cognition? To understand a higher meaning
无 (wu) - nothing, the void, also part of like “letting go” 
戒 (jie) - to “quit”, but not in a bad way. In buddhism, monks are supposed to “quit” their earthly desires.
极 (ji) - greatness, also related to the state of nirvana (? I think?) 
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baiwu-jinji · 2 years
写个帖子回顾一下《二哈》   虽然作者有意探讨一些有深度的话题,比如社会运作机制对个体的压迫和扭曲(大概就是弗洛伊德Civilization and Its Discontents的主旨,即人类文明是人不快乐的源泉),比如政治在集体操控下的失控(姜曦作为身处权力顶峰的人的无力和无奈的那段描写让我印象太深刻了),这些探讨也都是有效的,但二哈整体感觉还是一本烟火气很重的书,哲理性也许不是它的精髓。写的是修仙真人,讲的是凡间俗事,二哈给我的感觉大抵如此,斩不断的情和人间的羁绊或许才是此书的核心。此外虽然觉得肉包太太很厉害,但比较犹豫要不要看她的其他作品,因为二哈从各方面来说都是一本挺暴力的书,看完了让我有种被暴打了一顿的感觉
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Ch 226
(xu shuanglin says) "This is all that I seek in what remains of my life, don't think you can get even a step closer."
Jiang Xi exploded, "Is a life and death struggle what you seek in what remains of your life?"
So it's an intense conversation but I laughed because the words for "remains" and "fish" sound the same. In this case remains is used in place of "what is left of". ( This pun is potentially intentional because the phrase for life and death struggle meatbun used is literally "the fish dies, the net breaks".) Anyway, if we want, we can "hear"/pun this conversation into:
(xu shuanglin says) "This is all that I seek in my life as a fish, don't think you can get even a step closer."
Jiang Xi exploded, "Is a life and death struggle what you seek in your life as a fish?"
And now I'm just imagining Xi Shuanglin as a fish in the middle of a magical array, surrounded by 5 elemental divine weapons, flopping.
Also, cultural note: for the Lunar New Year the reason we serve fish is for this pun. There the idea to have excess every year -- which means you have enough (money, food, etc). And the word for excess in this case is remains -- like to have something left over.
Replacing remaining with fish, the phrase becomes have fish every year.
So for auspiciousness, we eat fish every year! :)
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narcolept · 4 years
Seen Live till 19/12/2020
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