nonging · 1 year
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foxyini · 7 months
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新年快乐~由于最近麻麻受伤行动不便 一直忙于照顾家人 自己的事都暂且搁置一旁 导致好久没有更新~实在分身乏术 新年之际有所好转终于有点自己的时间可以支配~实属不易~补一期情人节吧~也祝大家身体健康 平安最重要
【FOXCOS】VOL.053「2017.04.14」孟狐狸FoxYini—cos作品专刊 「王者COS系列」写真画册《纯白花嫁·小乔》60P
这一期重新编排组合 包含拍摄过两次的纯白花嫁一次是17年,一次是18年。还有几张小乔原皮的散图~内容有改动 以前购买过的小伙伴可以私我补发哦
#520表白日 #女神孟狐狸 #孟狐狸foxyini #孟狐狸 #foxyini孟狐狸 #小乔纯白花嫁 #王者荣耀小乔 #小乔cos
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epiredaehan · 3 months
사랑 때문에 죽고, 사랑 때문에 살다 , 절필 20년 후 복귀한 작가, 왕딩궈! #가까이그녀 #鄰女 #王定國 
📙 『 가까이, 그녀 鄰女 』 ✒️ 왕딩궈 (王定國) 1955년 대만 장화(彰化)에서 태어났다. 열일곱에 글쓰기를 시작하여 얼마 지나지 않아 전국고등학생소설 창작상, 중국시보문학상, 연합보소설상 등 유수의 문학상을 휩쓸며 대만 문단의 총아로 떠올랐다. 소설과 에세이 10여 편을 발표한 후 돌연 공무원으로 전향했다가 사업에 뛰어들어 대만 건설업의 기복과 곡절을 몸소 체험했다. 건축회사 임원, 타이중(台中)지방법검찰청 서기, 광고기획사 대표, [대만신문학] 잡지사 사장을 거쳐 현재 궈탕(國唐)건설 대표로 재직하고 있다. 서른에 절필을 선언한 후 2004년 소설집 『사희』로 문단에 복귀했다. 2013년 단편소설집 『그렇게 뜨겁게, 그렇게 차갑게』가 [차이나타임스] 올해의 좋은 책, [아주주간] 올해의 좋은 책에 선정되었으며 2014년 타이페이국제도서전 대상을 수상했다. 2014년 단편 소설집 『누가 어둠 속에서 눈을 깜박이는가』가 [차이나타임스] 올해의 좋은 책, [아주주간] 올해의 책에 선정되었다. 2015년 처음 발표한 장편소설 『적의 벚꽃』은 [차이나타임스] 올해의 좋은 책, [아주주간] 올해의 소설에 선정되고 2016년 타이페이국제도서전 대상을 수상했으며, 2015년 제2회 롄허바오문학대상을 수상했다. 2016년 중단편소설집 『다이메이러의 결혼식』이 북스닷컴 올해의 책에 선정되었다 📝 김소희 (옮긴이) ‘차라’라는 필명을 가진 중국어 번역가. 시나리오 번역을 시작으로 번역에 입문했다. 다수의 한중 합작 드라마와 영화 대본을 번역하고 중국어 관련 도서를 여러 권 썼다. 현재는 출판 번역과 함께 번역 코칭을 겸하고 있다. 지은 책으로 『중국어 번역가로 산다는 것』, 『마음의 문장들』, 『네이티브는 쉬운 중국어로 말한다』 등이 있고, 옮긴 책으로 『세상이 몰래 널 사랑하고 있어』, 『어서 와, 이런 정신과 의사는 처음이지?』, 『어른을 위한 인생 수업』, 『상견니 영화 각본집』, 『상견니 영화 포토 에세이』 등이 있다. 하루키가 인정한 글을 무기로 싸울 수 있는 작가 📓📔📕📗📘📙📒 왕딩궈 신작 소설 🏆중국시보 문학상 🏆연합보 소설상 🏆롄허바오 문학대상 📚 목차 1│2│3│4 서평 진정한 사랑은 만 겹의 산 에필로그 문학만이 내게 많은 걸 주었다 ✍🏻 돌연 절필하고, 20년 만에 장편소설로 돌아온 대만 문학의 거장 왕딩궈 작가가 선보인 가까이, 그녀는 시간과 사랑, 그리고 인간 관계의 복잡성을 심도 있게 탐구한 작품입니다. 이 소설은 가석방된 57세 남성 류량허우가 1인칭 시점으로 자신의 반평생을 독자에게 털어놓으며 전개됩니다. 주인공은 시계수리공으로, 시간과 인생의 소중함을 고찰하며 살아왔습니다.가까이 그녀는  단순한 사랑 이야기가 아닙니다. 주인공 량허우는 인생의 중요한 순간마다 '양보'를 선택해왔습니다. 대학 시절 짝사랑했던 린종잉을 선배에게 양보하고, 아내의 외도 대상인 리줘웨이 앞에서도 단순히 시계를 돌려받는 것으로 만족합니다. 량허우의 삶은 강하고 야만적인 사람들을 동정하며, 약자를 존중하는 태도로 일관됩니다. 그는 비록 약하다고 느낄지라도, 사랑의 의지와 능력으로 삶을 살아갑니다. 작가는 등장인물들의 심리를 섬세하게 묘사하며, 독자로 하여금 각자의 감정을 깊이 공감하게 합니다. 위민쑤와 린종잉은 가부장적 억압 속에서 저항의 목소리를 내며, 여성의 진정한 자아를 찾고자 합니다. 이 소설은 단 시간과 인생, 사랑의 진정한 의미를 되새기게 합니다. 독자는 량허우와 함께 과거를 돌아보며, 미래의 '다가올 그녀'암시해주고 있다  가까이, 그녀는 여성의 목소리와 시간의 흐름과 삶을 함께 읽으며 사랑의 의미를  독자와 함께 풀어나갈려고  한다 📖펴낸곳 ㅣ 알에이치코리아 #가까이그녀 #왕딩궈 #중국소설 #대만소설 #해외소설 #중화소설 #무라카미하루키 #책추천 #도서추천  #RHK북클럽  #鄰女 #王定國  #暴力 #家暴 #家庭暴力 #父權 #金權 #資本主義 #暴力轉嫁 #女性 #創傷 #時間 #剝奪 #生命 #台灣文學 #小說 #鄰女 #王定國 #閱讀紀錄 #閱讀筆記 #文學小說 #華文創作 #小說
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hinanbasyo · 5 months
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anime-font · 5 months
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OPクレジット, サブタイトル, 次回予告
コミックレゲエ B
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siim-tv · 5 months
目次 ▼【グラクロ】【コスチューム】守護者の王冠の基本情報 ▼【グラクロ】【コ���チューム】守護者の王冠のステータス ▼【グラクロ】【コスチューム】守護者の王冠の着用可能キャラ ▼【グラクロ】【コスチューム】守護者の王冠の評価 【コスチューム】守護者の王冠の基本情報 部位 ビューティー レアリティ SSR 入手方法 親密度 価格 ― 【コスチューム】守護者の王冠のステータス HP+930 回復率+3% 再生率+3% 【コスチューム】守護者の王冠の着用可能キャラ 【戦場の守護者】ブリュンヒルデ 【雪国の花嫁】ブリュンヒルデ 【コスチューム】守護者の王冠の評価 ブリュンヒルデの親密度報酬 戦場の守護者、ブリュンヒルデとの親密度がMaxになるとゲットできるもの。王冠というよりはきれいなシルバーの角のようなもので、ブリュンヒルデの雰囲気とよく合っている。 着用対象は2体…
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foxyini · 1 year
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zlmusicchannel · 1 year
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kinlog-kindle-log · 1 year
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(冒険王ビィト - kinlog -電子書籍漫画道-から)
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catdoll007 · 2 years
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長さ6メートル 17段の雛段
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mori1733 · 2 months
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昼休憩ではこれが限界だった 服装設定なし(でも姫様の花嫁衣装ではなんとなくハイラル王系の紋様入れたい)&参加者未定&姫様が誰とバージンロード歩くか考えてない状態でただ妄想を吐き出したかっただけなので細かいことは気にしないで
リンゼル結婚式場(候補)に見学しに来ました~ 神殿の入り口からモドレコを授かった場所までバージンロードなんですね(?)
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ブーケは姫しずかとしのび草で作りましょう 夜にも輝いてて美しい マスターソードを渡したこの場所で式後ハイラル全土を見渡しながら思い出に浸かっても良いでしょう
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式後はここでエンディングのラストダイブみたいに新郎新婦姿でラストダイブ再現して欲しい 姫様が意識ある状態でやるのが見たいから
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ruanbaijie · 2 months
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啸鹰啊,你知道吗,我年幼的时候,我的母妃……不受宠。我们母子三人过得……不太好。我记得有一年冬天,下了很大的雪。现在想想,都觉得……真冷啊。我那时候年纪小,身体又不好,挨不过那么冷的冬天了,眼看着就要不行了。我母妃的陪嫁丫鬟……用命请来了太医。太医来了看我这样,就知道我家不受宠,就不想治了。那时候我记得,我哥哥就那样跪在雪里,给那个太医磕头,求他救我。后来,雪停了,我得救了,我的哥哥却变了。如果说他以前是一位温柔谦和的皇子,那么自那以后,他就变成了一位手握利剑的君王。出身皇家,非我所愿。如果可以的话,我也想像我的师兄弟一样,一人一剑,肆意江湖。但是我的兄长不一样。他自幼学习的便是如何成为一位君王。他有魄力,亦不会如我这般感情用事。以后,他会是一位好君王的。 Xiaoying ah, did you know, when I was young, my mother… was not in favour. My mother, my brother, and I… had a tough time. I remember one winter, it snowed very heavily. When I think of it now, I can still feel… the biting cold. Back then, I was still young, and my body was frail. I could not survive such a cold winter, and I was on the brink of death. My mother’s maidservant used her life… to call for an imperial physician. The imperial physician saw the state I was in, and knew that my family was not in favour, and didn’t want to treat me. Back then I remember, my brother kneeled in the snow, and kowtowed to the imperial physician, begging him to save me. After that, the snow stopped, and I was saved, but my brother had changed. If in the past he was a gentle and humble prince, ever since then, he became a monarch wielding a sharp sword in his hand. I did not wish to be born into the imperial family. If I could, I would also want to be like my seniors and juniors, one person, one sword, roaming the jianghu without a care. But my brother is different. Since young, he learned how to be a monarch. He has ambition, and is not sentimental like I am. In the future, he will be a good emperor.
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haru-dipthong · 3 days
My Utena Fansub Ep 1 (link & translation discussion)
There were a lot of important decisions to be made in the first episode, since much of it is re-used in later episodes. In this post, I'll discuss some of the translation choices I made around the fairy tale opening, and the use of 様 (sama).
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Was the ring from the prince meant as an engagement ring? That part was good, but because of the strength of her admiration for the prince, the princess made up her mind to become a prince herself! But is that really good for her? (from ohtori.nu)
Perhaps the ring from the prince was meant as an engagement ring? Casting the thought aside, and overcome by an idolisation of the prince, the princess instead resolved to become a gallant prince herself! But is that really what she wants? (my translation)
「それはいいとして」 is an idiomatic phrase which, if taken literally, looks like it means “considering that good” or “that was good”. In reality, it means something more like “be that as it may”. A Japanese thesaurus gives synonyms such as 「それを置いといて」, which means “putting it aside for now”. It seems as though the translators from the ohtori scripts didn’t pick up on this nuance, which is surprising because they are usually quite accurate (if a little unnatural sounding).
憧れ (akogare) is a difficult word to translate here. It’s important that the translated word can’t be misinterpreted as the princess being infatuated with the prince. “Admiration” is ok, but it’s still sort of synonymous with love. 憧れ (akogare) contains notions of aspiration, it carries the implication of wanting to become like the target of their admiration, not simply being with them. This is why I chose to translate it as “idolisation”.
I see 「でもいいの?本当にそれで」 as a VERY important line in Utena. To read Utena as queer, this line from the narrator echoes words from straight cis people lacking understanding of someone’s desire to transition. This line is something you’d say to someone who came to a party and when you offered them a wide variety of options of drinks and food, they only took water - “Are you sure? Is that really what you want?” It’s suggesting that what she really wants, what she should really want, is to marry the prince, not become a prince. This line represents the world’s resistance to Utena’s gender non-conformity — even the narrator is questioning them!
girl: あーーーーー!ウテナ様ー! girl: ウテナ様、あたしのタオルを使って下さい! later… Anthy: 私は今、西園寺様の花嫁です。
girl: Aaaaaah! Utena is the master! girl: Master Utena, use my towel! later… Anthy: I am currently Master Saionji’s Bride.
One goal of my translation is to make it as accessible as possible to non-anime watchers, which means finding a good translation for 様(sama).
Why master? One good thing about it is that it’s vaguely masculine without being explicitly masculine (which 様 (sama) is not, but I like how this aspect assists with delivering some of the themes of the story). But more important than that, it can be used in the two critically important contexts 様 (sama) is used in — 1. as part of the Rose Bride’s obligation to show deference to the person she is engaged to, and 2. used by the schoolgirls who idolise Utena as a fun, affectionate nickname.
The Utena-sama nickname already exists among the girls at school before Anthy starts calling Utena that. Then the girls use it, they’re using it to jokingly emphasise how skilful and cool Utena is — a “basketball master”, a “master of cool”. This has a totally different connotation to the way Anthy uses it — she uses it sincerely, to show extreme deference to her literal master.
To establish this double meaning, I made cheeky use of what is essentially background dialogue. When the girls rush the basketball court to congratulate Utena, they scream “Utena-sama”, but I translated it as “Utena is the master”, which is then followed up with the first actual use of “Master Utena”.
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rugbysm3 · 3 months
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siim-tv · 1 year
目次 ▼【グラクロ】【コスチューム】王太子妃の普段着の基本情報 ▼【グラクロ】【コスチューム】王太子妃の普段着のステータス ▼【グラクロ】【コスチューム】王太子妃の普段着の着用可能キャラ ▼【グラクロ】【コスチューム】王太子妃の普段着の評価 【コスチューム】王太子妃の普段着の基本情報 部位 衣装 レアリティ SSR 入手方法 キャラ所持 価格 ― 【コスチューム】王太子妃の普段着のステータス 防御力+120 忍耐率+1% クリティカル防御+3% 【コスチューム】王太子妃の普段着の着用可能キャラ 【戦場の守護者】ブリュンヒルデ 【雪国の花嫁】ブリュンヒルデ 【コスチューム】王太子妃の普段着の評価 ブリュンヒルデの初期衣装 ブリュンヒルデがガチャから排出された際に着用しているコスチューム。ラグナロクキャラなのでグラクロのオリジナルとなるが、すでにキャラは2体実装さ…
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foxyini · 2 years
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#孟狐狸 #孟狐狸foxyini #大乔cos #大乔花嫁 #王者荣耀cosplay #挚爱花嫁
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