banyun-gong · 4 days
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李施嬅Selena @selenaleelalee February 12 1981 T164cm
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cheercut · 7 months
港劇《新聞女王》由佘詩曼、馬國明、李施嬅與高海寧等人所主演,該戲創造出一虛擬新聞電視台「SNK News」作舞台,由內部記者群報導多起新聞事件、建構出新聞從業人員所處的職場生態群像,並一一帶出香港記者、主播、新聞台主管乃至政商階層等人的生活面貌與生命故事。 Continue reading 《新聞女王》是官場現形記、抑或是港媒浮世繪?
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char-x3 · 10 months
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littlecloverstar · 2 years
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"Did you see it? It's snowing"- Ella
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hongkongdramas · 5 years
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Barrack O’ Karma
Yay to creepy and mysterious themed dramas! I have always liked such drama themes. So currently I’ve only watched till episode 4 and I have started to like it. The first two episode under the story ‘梦’ wasn’t impressive to me. It was exciting at some point in time but excitement level went into a flat line again... I would assume that it was an opening to show how Siu (Joel Chan) has this connection to his past life through his dreams. But it was a little too draggy by the some what random robbery case and a murder case in the prostitute house. And I was bored out of some unnecessary conversation going on which was a tad bit too long...
Episode 2 to 4 was way more interesting compared to the first two. I liked how Candice Chiu portrayed the mother that lost her child. That story for ‘婴’ kept me really curious as to what Mrs Ho wanted and the paranoia that the baby’s mother went through was so pitiful. Even though there were a lot of conversational scenes on some baby care methods, i think it was necessary for them to show the transition of how the baby’s mother trusted Mrs Ho to starting to suspect her weird behaviors. Now i’m looking forward to the other stories and now how they ended episode 4 with a flight turbulence!
The next story “娃” was interesting too. What started off as an uncomfortable involvement with dolls for men’s pleasure ended up to be a sad story about how a father felt so lonely after his daughter grew up. But this episode is filled with so much jokes that are so not for children.. 🙂 Anyway kudos for having an interracial couple and the first I’ve seen in a hk drama. Speaks so much about being accepting and diverse.
Following that was “鴉烏” (is it on purpose that they put the name the other way round? Or should I be reading it from right to left instead...) which has a pretty sad ending. Deep meanings in this story... the pressure from society and high expectations from parents on kids nowadays are really prevalent. The moment Tung-Tung said he didn’t want to grow up to face the hardship as an adult related to me so much. It was sad to see everyone losing their memory about Tung-Tung and finally even Tung-Tung himself losing his memory about his parents.
“異夢” was refreshing because it finally brought us back to the past to understand more about their past life (if there is some reincarnation thingy going on). It was so cool to see the opposite of what was happening like how it was Sis Coco dreaming of future Siu while in present life was Siu dreaming of Coco. And also Law Lan Jeh’s cameo!!! The lesbian case was ordinary but I guess it was necessary to link up the stolen $ and the release of Brother Hung.
Finally I got my question answered in these episodes. During Tung-Tung’s case, I was wondering so much on why Tung-Tung’s parent didn’t bat an eyelid when Alex came in to find out why they were arguing so loud. It felt like Alex wasn’t there at all... and I finally found my answer at the end of “洞”. Is Alex dead??? Mmmmm. Have to watch on I guess. Anyway, IMO, there wasn’t much of a supernatural thing going on in “洞”... (other than the fact that the hole in the wall was the creepy element to it) I guess there was an inspirational message going on throughout the story of pursuing one’s dream like how Mia finally found her calling and decided to put in effort in achieving what she wanted. Of course it wouldn’t have been possible without the help of that guy {forgot that guy’s name.. shall call him chicken little like how Siu called him}. Chicken Little was the one who made Mia realize her goal in life despite been an annoying keyboard warrior his whole life...
Next was “金丁” which was the weirdest shit story ever... I was totally baffled at the entire story with that weird ass theory of getting happiness after sleeping with that guy... I think this was the worst story ever that I have nothing to say about it..
Yuki Jeh is actually very pretty!! Her “美魔女” story was interesting because it linked back to her mum in the past. So we get to toggle back and forth between past and present to see the reason for her obsession with beauty. Too bad Yuki Jeh went bonkers till the end.. I wasn’t expecting her to use the cotton wool to wipe it on her face when Shui left 😅
DR POONNNN! Like everyone else, I was anticipating and waiting and waiting for Dr Poon to appear and there she is!!! But she appeared for such a short duration :( Anyway, the story of “Simone” was so cute!!!! I really like the part when they enter the gaming story. The augmented reality they were in was so interesting! And the story really shows how scary technology can be in our digital world. The manifestation of technology, especially in the world of augmented and virtual reality, can be dangerous where our personal data are constantly being collected for other purposes... the love story was just an added feature.. Hahahah KELLY CHEUNG was gorgeous!! And that Big White Duel reference there was cool! Plus also, they were finally revealing the ultimate story behind Siu, Alex, Fai and Coco. Teacher Lam is super mysterious and I’m really wondering what is that “thing” that he refers to suspiciously.
Last story!! 夢遊. Okay actually I’m only till the last second episode. Wow mind blown. They actually came up with some sci-fi thingy where you’d have to almost drown to time travel...? Okay that was out of the blue.. and omg don’t tell me Lam Gor Zai is some cat demon that kills people.
Finished Barrack O’ Karma and I was a little confused at the ending and also annoyed at the fact that they spent a whole 3-5 mins nearing the end to show flashbacks other then providing us with a little more details for the story.
Instead of looking at Lam Gor Zai being a real cat demon or some sort, I would rather view Lam Gor Zai suffering from mental illness as a result. His horrible past (the sacrificial burial) might caused him to suffer from PTSD and resulted in him having DID (dissociative identity disorder) hence the “cat demon”. The cat demon was the other personality he had that harms people. Just like M. Night Shyamalan’s Split movie starring James McAvoy having 24 split personalities, the “Beast” was just one of the personality that goes around harming people. 
The final ending was the confusing part. Initially, the part where Coco and Siu (who time traveled) were almost dying on the boat, I thought that if Coco were to die and Siu to survive, Siu would not drown in the present time and Alex would have been declared dead from the missing flight. And if Coco were to survive and Siu to die, Alex would have survived in the present time and found from the missing flight while Siu would have drowned in the water tank. Boy was I wrong... instead, I would think that for Siu to time travel and have altered the past, it has created a whole new dimension in the present where characters we have seen had a whole new story in their lives but yet a striking similarity to what we have seen in the past episodes. (e.g Mia who is now a star with that chicken little who may have a special connection to her, Yuki Jeh who is now blind and unable to “appreciate” the beauty she has, Tung-tung who is now with his family and his dad a common bus driver etc.) As for Alex, she is now (coincidentally still) a flight attendant while Siu now a pilot. The eye contact and tears in their eyes may have brought forth the familiarity both had for each other just like how Alex said that she felt this homey feeling when entering Twilight Mansion and that it felt as if she had been here the whole time. 
Oh there was this weird scene where we see Lam Gor Zai and the older version of him (played by Lau Kong) carrying on to Lan Po. Seriously confused by this... I need some explanations here... That was so out of the blue...
Overall, I really enjoyed myself watching this drama with every subplot and ultimately the main story on reincarnation and time travel. Kudos! Looking forward to the sequel which has been green-lit!
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beautiescollect · 4 years
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#李施嬅 https://www.instagram.com/p/CHab94Fgm3m/?igshid=w2q5m7nq5jyr
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chcrrypcps · 6 years
(f) korean names; mix n match !
80+ KOREAN SYLLABLES to mix n match together to form names! 
-- common hanja meanings attached !  
**not all name meanings are listed & not all names have to mean something-- some people just like the sound of them! 
(male version here!)
애 (ae)
愛  love, like, to be fond of 
哀 sad, mournful, pitiful, pity 
涯  shore, bank, water's edge 
埃  fine dust, dirt
碍  obstruct, block, deter, hinder 
艾 artemisia, mugwort
아 (ah)
兒 son, child, oneself; final part
亞 second
我 our, us, my, we
牙 tooth, teeth; serrated
芽  bud, sprout
雅 elegant, graceful, refined
안 (ahn)
安 peaceful, tranquil, quiet
案 table, bench
眼 eye; hole
岸 bank, shore, beach coast 
顔 face, facial appearance
배   (bae) 
北 north, northern 
配 match, pair; equal
杯 cup, glass 
輩 generation, lifetime 
korean for pear
백 (baek)
白 pure, white, unblemished 
百 one hundred
 비  (bi/bee)
秘 secret, mysterious 
悲 sorrow, grief; sorry, sad
飛  fly, go quickly 
卑  humble, low, inferior 
肥 fat, plump; fertile 
丕 grand, glorious, distinguished
빈  (bin)
彬 cultivated; well-bred
분 (boon/bun)
芬 perfume. fragrance. aroma 
憤 resentment, hatred
보  (bo)
保 protect, defend, care for 
寶 treasure, jewel, precious, rare 
普 universal, widespread
補 mend, fix, repair, restore 
甫 begin, man, father, great
 輔 protect, assist
복 (bok)
福 happiness, good fortune, blessings 
卜 fortune, prophecy 
馥 fragrance, scent, aroma
별  (byul/byeol)
korean for star
차 (cha)
茶 tea 
差 different, wrong
채 (chae)
采 gather, collect; pick, pluck 
採 gather collect, pick select 
彩 hue, colors
초 (cho)
草 grass straw herbs  
哨 whistle, chirp
 焦 burned scorched; anxious vexes
천 (cheon/chun)
千 thousand 
天 sky, heaven; celestial, god 
川 stream, river 
泉 spring, fountain; wealth money 
淺 shallow, superficial 
賤 cheap, worthless
다 (dah/da)
多 much, many 
茶 tea
도 (do)
道 path, road 
島 island 
都 elegant refined 
徒 disciple, follower 
桃 peach; marriage 
悼 grieve, lament, mourn
어 (eo)
語 language. words, expressions 
漁 to seize; to pursue 
御 chariot
억 (eok)
億 many; hundred million 
憶 memory; to remember, reflect upon 
抑 to repress, curb, or hinder
언 (eon)
言 words, speech, speak 
彦 elegant
은 (eun) 
銀 silver, cash, money, wealth 
恩 kindness, mercy, charity 
隱 hidden, secret
殷 abundant, flourishing; many, great 
誾 respectful
가 (gah/ga)
歌 song, lyrics; sing chant; praise
價 price, value
佳 good, auspicious; beautiful; delightful
고 (goh/go)
古 old, classic, ancient 
苦 bitter; hardship, suffering 
固 strength; solid, strong 
孤 orphan; solitary 
故 ancient, old 
枯 withered, decayed
국 (guk/gook/kuk/kook)
國 nation, country 
菊 chrysanthemum
규 (gyu/kyu)
叫 cry, shout; hail, greet, call
하 (ha)
夏 summer 
河 river, stream 
荷 lotus, water lily
해 (hae )
海 sea, ocean
 害 harm, destroy, kill
희 (hee/hui)
喜 joy, love 
希 rare; hope, expectations 
稀 rare, unusual 
姬 beauty 
熹 warm bright; glimmer 
禧 happiness
화 (hwa)
火 fire flame; burn; anger, rage 
花 flower, blossoms
 和 harmony, peace; peaceful, calm
 嬅 beautiful 
禍 misfortune, calamity, disaster
혜 (hye)
慧 bright, intelligent
현 (hyun/hyeon)
賢 virtuous, worthy, good 
炫 shine glitter; show off, flaunt 
玄 deep, profound
효 (hyo)
曉 dawn, daybreak; clear
孝 mourning; obedience
일 (il/eel)
一 one; alone, singular 
日 sun, day, daytime
인 (in)
麟 female chinese unicorn 
人 people, mankind, man, population 
仁 humane; benevolence, kindness 
認 to recognize, know, understand 
寅 respect, reverence 
忍 endure, bear, suffer
재 (jae)
才 talent, ability 
災 calamity, disaster, catastrophe 
財 wealth, riches 
宰 to slaughter; to rule 
栽 to cultivate; to care for plants
자 (jah/ja)
子 child, offspring; fruit, seed 
資 property; wealth 
慈 kind, charitable, benevolent 
紫 purple, violet; amethyst 
磁 porcelain
지 (ji/jee)
地 earth, ground, soil 
紙 paper 
志 determination, will 
智 wisdom, knowledge, intelligence 
池 pool, pond
진 (jin)
珍 precious, valuable; rare 
眞 genuine, real, true
주 (ju/joo)
晝 daytime, daylight 
朱 cinnabar, vermilion
酒 wine, spirits, liquor 
宙 time as a concept 
洲 island 
珠 precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl
정 (jung/jeong)
正 right, proper, correct
情 emotion, feeling, sentiment 
程 journey, trip 
精 essence, spirit 
征 invade, attack, conquer 
靜 gentle, quiet, still 
淨 pure, clean, unspoiled 
貞 loyal; virtuous pure 
晶 crystal; clear, bright, radiant 
汀 beach, bank, shore 
禎 good omen, lucky
경 (kyung/kyeong/gyung/gyeong)
敬 respect, honor
輕 light, gentle 
警 guard, watch 
鏡 mirror, glass 
卿 noble 
炅 brilliance 
瓊 jade; rare, precious; elegant
미 (mi)
美 beautiful, pretty; pleasing 
微 small, tiny 
迷 bewitch, charm
민 (min)
閔 mourn, grieve 
憫 pity, sympathy 
敏 clever, smart 
旻 heaven
玟 gem
문 (moon/mun)
門/ gate, entrance 
文 literature, writing; culture
명 (myung/myeong)
命 life; destiny, fate, luck 
明 light, bright, brilliant 
冥 dark, gloomy; night
나 (nah/na)
奈 bear, endure
내 (nae)
耐 patient; endure, bear
남 (nam)
南 south
오 (oh)
五 five 
午 noon 
惡 evil, wicked, bad, foul 
傲 proud, haughty; overbearing 
嗚 sound of crying, sobbing; sound of sadness 
娛 pleasure, enjoyment, amusement 
汚 filthy, dirty, impure 
烏 crow, raven; black, dark
옥 (ok)
鈺 rare; treasure 
玉 jade; precious stone, gem
沃 rich, fertile
라 (rah/ra la/lah)
裸 bare, nude
란 (ran)
蘭 orchid; elegant, graceful 
亂 create chaos; revolt
리 (ri/li/lee/ree)
李 plum 
梨 pear
림 (rim)
林 forest, grove
린 (rin)
麟 female chinese unicorn
사 (sa)
四 four 
使 messenger 
死 die; death; dead 
士 scholar 
思 think, consider, ponder 
師 teacher, master 
私 secret, private, personal 
絲 silk, fine thread 
:沙 sand, pebbles 
蛇 snake 
詐 trick, cheat, swindle, feign 
邪 wrong, evil, vicious 
唆 mischievous
상 (sang)
上 top, superior, highest 
賞 reward, prize 
傷 wound, injury 
常 common, normal, frequent 
象 ivory; elephant 
喪 mourn 
祥 happiness; good luck, good omen 
裳 beautiful 
霜 frost; crystallized
서 (seo)
西 west
庶 numerous various 
徐 composed, dignified; quiet, calm 
恕 forgiveness; mercy 
誓 swear, pledge, promise, oath
설 (seol)
雪 snow; avenge
선 (seon/sun)
瑄 ornamental jade 
仙 transcendent, immortal 
善 good, virtuous, charitable, kind 
鮮 fresh, new; rare 
璿 fine jade 
璇 star; beautiful jade
 성 (seong)
晟 clear bright; splendor 
城 castle; city, town 
誠 sincere, honest; true, real 
聲 sound, voice, music
聖 holy, sacred 
盛 abundant, flourishing 
星 a star, planet
승 (seung)
勝 victory 
承 succeed 
乘 rise, ascend 
昇 peace; rise, ascent
신 (shin)
辰 early morning 
信 trust, believe 
新 new, fresh, modern 
神 spirit; god, supernatural being 
晨 early morning, daybreak 
辛 bitter
시 (si/shi)
矢 vow, swear, promise 
時 time season; age, period, era 
施 grant, bestow, give 
詩 poetry 
屍 corpse
소 (so)
消 vanish, die out, melt away 
笑 smile, laugh 
素 white silk 
昭 bright, luminous 
蘇 revive, resurrect
슥 (sook/suk)
宿 constellation 
淑 good, pure, virtuous, charming
순 (soon/sun)
純 pure clean simple 
循 obey, comply, follow 
殉 to be a martyr, to die for a cause
脣 lips
淳 honest, simple
수 (su/soo)
樹 plant, tree 
守 defend, protect, guard 
收 gather collect; harvest 
秀 refined, elegant, graceful 
壽 old age, long life 
殊 different, special, unusual
와 (wah/wa)
瓦 pottery
왕 (wang)
王 king, ruler, royalty
旺 prosperous; prosperity
위 (wee/wi)
位 throne, rank, status 
偉 great, robust, extraordinary 
危 dangerous 
威 power; powerful; dominate 
慰 calm, comfort, console 
衛 guard, protect, defend 
違 disobey, defy, rebel; be different than 
尉 officer, military rank
원 (won)
源 spring 
園 garden, park, orchard 
原 beginning, source, origin 
願 to wish, ambition, desire, want 
怨 hatred, enemy, resentment
 苑 park, garden 
瑗 a ring of fine jade 
媛 beauty; a beautiful woman
우 (woo/wu)
友 friend, companion
牛 cow, ox, bull 
雨 rain; rainy 
優 superior; excellent 
宇 house, building, structure 
愚 stupid, foolish 
憂 sad, grievance; grief, melancholy 
羽 feather, plume; wings 
佑 to help, bless, protect 
祐 protection; divine intervention
욱 (wook/ook)
頊 grief, anxiety 
旭 brilliance, radiant 
昱 dazzling, bright light, sunlight 
煜 bright, shining, brilliant 
郁 sweet smelling; rich in aroma
운 (woon/wun)
運 luck, fortune 
雲 clouds 
云 clouds 
芸 art, talent ability; rue (herb)
야 (yah/ya)
夜 night, dark 
野 open country, wilderness, field 
惹 irritate, offend
예 (yeh)
禮 manners, courtesy, customs, rights 
藝 art, talent, ability 
豫 comfortable, relaxed, at ease 
譽 fame, praise 
銳 sharp, keen, pointed, acute 
隷 servant 
睿 shrewd; clever, keen
芮 tiny, small 
醴 sweet wine; sweet spring
여 (yeo)
女 woman, girl; feminine 
旅 journey, travel; traveler 
與 to give or to grant 
餘 surplus, extra, excess, remainder 
麗 beautiful, magnificent, elegant 
勵 to strive, encourage 
廬 hut, cottage 
驪 a pure black horse, stallion
열 (yeol)
烈 fiery, violent, ardent 
劣 bad, inferior
연 (yeon)
然 promise, pledge
燃 burn; ignite 
緣 karma, fate
戀 love, long for, yearn for 
燕 swallow (bird) ; comfort, enjoy 
蓮 lotus, water lily; paradise 
漣 flowing water; ripples
영 (yeong/young)
永 perpetual, eternal, forever 
英 petal, flower, leaf; brave, hero; england, english 
令 commandant, magistrate
領 neck, collar; leader, guide 
映 to reflect light 
榮 glory, honor; to flourish or prosper 
寧 serenity, peace; peaceful 
嶺 mountain ridge, mountain peak 
影 shadow, reflection; photograph 
泳 to dive, swim 
詠 sing, hum, chant 
零 zero; fragment, fraction, sliver 
靈 spirit, soul 
瑛 crystal, gem 
盈 full, overflowing
이 (yi/ie)
二 two; twice 
利 gains, profit 
李 plum 
易 change 
異 different, unusual, strange 
梨 pear; opera 
泥 earth, mud, clay 
怡 harmony, joy, pleasure; to be glad
유 (yoo/yu)
柳 willow tree; pleasure 
遊 wander, roam, travel 
柔 soft, gentle 
維 maintain, preserve 
裕 rich, abundant, plentiful 
劉 to kill, destroy
육 (yook/yuk)
六 six
율 (yool/yul)
栗 chestnuts, chestnut tree
윤 (yoon/yun)
潤 soft, moist; sleek, fresh 
尹 govern, oversee, direct 
胤 heir, successor
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pandacloudcandy · 7 years
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So happy to see you all today!😆 • • • • #TVB #Fanmeet #李施嬅 #陈展鹏 #杨明 #刘丹 #王君馨 #selenalee #gracewong #rucochan #laudan #matyeung #plazasingapura #actor #actress #instadaily #starhubtvbawards #starhub #throwback #화요일 #idol #celebrity #filter #ootd #selfie #wefie #likeforlike #followforfollow #idol #tuesday(Plaza Singapura에서)
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lolentnews · 6 years
《兄弟姊妹去旅行》被鬧爆兼負評 其他同類節目好睇過佢?
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由當家花旦兼「胡說八道會」成員胡杏兒、胡定欣、黃智雯、姚子羚、李施嬅、胡蓓蔚主持嘅《胡說八道真情假期》,完全係真人show,一班閨蜜結伴同遊澳洲兩星期,真係睇到唔少絲打們都即刻搞返個閨蜜旅行團。喺拍攝嘅時侯,胡杏兒仲大緊肚。佢哋唔止三個女人一個墟,係六個女人六個墟,所以成個節目都好嘈,不過佢地嘈得嚟又真係幾頂癮,幾搞笑嘅。好似佢哋去Phillip Island介紹朱古力廠仲排咗隻舞一齊跳,又有感人嘅互相深情告白等等。而女人去旅行又點少得買戰利品,佢哋由貴到你買唔起嘅珠寶手飾到二手衫都有介紹。買衫男人唔啱睇,唔緊要!閨密零距離做spa,大派眼睛福利。
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《三個小生去旅行》話哂都係台慶鉅獻,搵咗「小生」胡楓、謝賢、Joe Junior坐陣一齊去西班牙同葡萄牙。年齡層面同平時啲節目好唔同,成個主持組合平均年齡都大過70,不過見佢哋三個身壯力健仲互寸對方咁風趣,好似睇緊自己爺爺開開心心去旅行咁,都睇得幾開心嘅。節目收視同口碑都唔錯,之後仲加埋曾江拍攝《四個小生去旅行》。
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banyun-gong · 3 years
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@selenaleelalee (李施嬅)
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char-x3 · 2 years
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littlecloverstar · 4 years
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"I'm looking at the whales passing by" - Ka Hei
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hongkongdramas · 4 years
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Forensic Heroes IV
oh my god... Lemme just say the part which I was very happy about and it was seeing GHONG ZAI!!! Not like he is playing the character ghong zai but seeing Fred Cheng as a familiar face on FH was such a throwback to FH I and II. Making me miss the Spanish background music, Linda Chung and all the funny things going on in FH I and II. 
So I’m till episode 9 and.... it wasn’t going too good in my opinion. Firstly, I don’t know if whether it was because of Rosy Business I and II. Having watch Rosy Business immediately before this FH is a little anti-climatic because I was so used to the fast-paced story line from RB and having start on FH which goes on a case by case (a tradition of FH series) made me feel a little sleepy watching..(Oh and speaking of RB, I thought that the next drama before watching FH is going to be Rosy Business III but nope. Bad casting (Myolie Wu replacing Sheren Tang?! Seriously...?!), super low ratings, bad reviews (from online and people around me who was watching) and story going very slow are the reasons why I decided to throw that out the window and skip it.. Yup..)
I guess one element that they sort of REALLY missed out in FH IV is simply the fun part to FH. Now I take back the part I said about FH III that lost its humorous element to make the entire story lighthearted and fun. FH IV really lost it TOTALLY. I still remember FH I being funny with Madam Leung’s underlings, Ghong Zai having a crush on Ding Ding and we have FH II having the underlings funnily bitching about Madam Ma and those parts they gather and have their friendly banter. FH III still had its fair part of fun such as Amy Chan and Edwin Siu’s toilet moment and Kate Tsui’s awkward relationship with her boss. FH IV really was just about work, work and work. And I was a little bored out looking at them swabbing blood, picking clues, looking cool with sunglasses and 3D scanners etc. The first few times was okay but the more they repeated it for every case was boring for me. They also go super fast about the case and it became a little information overload but I just let it pass because I was losing interest... But anyway, cool technology they have there. Really shows the upgrade in technology from FH I to IV. 
Watched till episode 21 and I realized that I find myself enjoying stories that were related to main cast more than some random cases they had. The drone thingy that wanted to bomb Dr Man was entertaining and now the complicated case with Queen and her friend who betrayed her. The other random cases was just meh and I find myself just trying to get over them just for the sake of trying to finish the drama.
Ended the drama and I was so so glad that it turned out slightly a lil’ better. I am still sticking to my stand on how they lost the humor part of it but by saying it turned out for the better was because of that very last case. I realized that the cases that I enjoyed were the cases that involved “better” and more “famous” (more like well-known) cast. Just like the cases involving the main cast and the very last case (with Sharon Chan, Kelly Cheung and Johnathan Cheung) were more interesting and exciting. I was indeed chasing the last 4 episodes...
As for the pairings... unpopular opinion here so I was skipping the entire part between Selena Lee’s character (Ka-Hei) and... who was that..?! Sorry but that Stan guy was a little turn off... I literally just fast-forwarded their part.. so yahhh. I dunno it just didn’t feel interesting to me for this pairing. Another unpopular opinion for the next pairing by Alice Chan (Queen) and Shaun Tam (King Sir)! Even though I was still not impressed by Shaun Tam, I was excited to see how this pairing would turn out but yet they left it all till the end (or technically the last episode)... I was indeed rooting so much for them. And I see what they did there with that King and Queen naming... Following that was the pairing by Raymond Wong (Ko On) and Yumiko Cheng (Monique)/ Roxanne Tong (Tsui Yi). It was just a simple and normal relationship between Ko On and Monique but I find it seriously abrupt at the end for Ko On and Tsui Yi. There wasn’t much development between these two in terms of personal relationship but yet they just match these two up at the end. Like what..?! Also for Ko Zing and Tsam-Ting.. Abrupt and random.
The ending was o..kay.. because it ended traditionally like how they did it for the first 3. The link between FH and clowns weren’t lost. The cast was......o..kayyyy..... I rarely say this for HK drama because I was usually very impressed with their acting but here.... ermm I don’t know how to put it but I don’t think Raymond Wong was the best candidate for the role.. He had this standard face everytime. Shaun Tam.. same monotonous straight face like in 天命 which I didn’t like his performance there... Selena Li... okayyyy not bad (the crying part for Chau sis)... ughhhhh enough of those average ones but I want to applaud YUKI JEH!!! (from twilight mansion) okay sorry, her name is Akina Hong! Omg I totally liked her acting where she portrayed the delusional friend suffering from some depression. She was totally amazing and really look as if she is going out of her mind. She totally outshone Alice Chan as a main and simply just wow!   
In my opinion, FH IV was the worst out of all the FH. Cases were like... meh. (Seriously, looking at a wound and being able to decipher it from a thermoflask cap and being able to google which actual one was used..?!) But again, still watchable for me... (at least still exciting at the end..)
OH OH OH and i cannot imagine that Tsui Yi which is supposedly to be played by Jacqueline Wong is going to be paired up with Ko On played by Raymond Wong?! No wonder Raymond Wong got annoyed at the entire scandal and that he had to reshoot part of the drama.
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beautiescollect · 3 years
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#李施嬅 https://www.instagram.com/p/CPo8vtOHN1p/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chcrrypcps · 6 years
(m) korean names; mix n match
90+ KOREAN SYLLABLES to mix n match together to form names!
– common hanja meanings attached !  
**not all name meanings are listed & not all names have to mean something– some people just like the sound of them!\
(female version here!)
아 (ah)
兒 son, child, oneself; final part
亞 second
我 our, us, my, we
牙 tooth, teeth; serrated
芽  bud, sprout
雅 elegant, graceful, refined
안 (ahn)
安 peaceful, tranquil, quiet
案 table, bench
眼 eye; hole
岸 bank, shore, beach coast
顔 face, facial appearance
배   (bae)
北 north, northern
配 match, pair; equal
杯 cup, glass
輩 generation, lifetime
korean for pear
백 (baek)
白 pure, white, unblemished
百 one hundred
범   (beom/bum)
犯 criminal; to commit a crime
凡 ordinary, common
비  (bi/bee)
秘 secret, mysterious
悲 sorrow, grief; sorry, sad
飛  fly, go quickly
卑  humble, low, inferior
肥 fat, plump; fertile
丕 grand, glorious, distinguished
빈  (bin)
彬 cultivated; well-bred
분 (boon/bun)
芬 perfume. fragrance. aroma
憤 resentment, hatred
보  (bo)
保 protect, defend, care for
寶 treasure, jewel, precious, rare
普 universal, widespread
補 mend, fix, repair, restore
甫 begin, man, father, great
輔 protect, assist
복 (bok)
福 happiness, good fortune, blessings
卜 fortune, prophecy
馥 fragrance, scent, aroma
변 (byun/byeon)
變 rebel; change, transform, alter
卞 excitable; impatient
차 (cha)
茶 tea
差 different, wrong
초 (cho)
草 grass straw herbs  
哨 whistle, chirp
焦 burned scorched; anxious vexes
천 (cheon/chun)
千 thousand
天 sky, heaven; celestial, god
川 stream, river
泉 spring, fountain; wealth money
淺 shallow, superficial
賤 cheap, worthless
철 (cheol/chul)
鐵 iron; strong, solid, firm
哲 wise, sagacious; wise-man, sage
대 (dae)
代 replacement
臺 tower, lookout
貸 to lend, borrow, pardon
다 (dah/da)
多 much, many
茶 tea
도 (do)
道 path, road
島 island
都 elegant refined
徒 disciple, follower
桃 peach; marriage
悼 grieve, lament, mourn
동 (dong)
棟 support beams of a house
東 east
冬 winter; 11th lunar month
洞 cave; grotto
童 virgin; child, boy
銅 brass, copper, bronze
凍 to freeze, congeal
언 (eon)
言 words, speech, speak
彦 elegant
은 (eun)
銀 silver, cash, money, wealth
恩 kindness, mercy, charity
隱 hidden, secret
殷 abundant, flourishing; many, great
誾 respectful
고 (goh/go)
古 old, classic, ancient
苦 bitter; hardship, suffering
固 strength; solid, strong
孤 orphan; solitary
故 ancient, old
枯 withered, decayed
국 (guk/gook/kuk/kook)
國 nation, country
菊 chrysanthemum
규 (gyu/kyu)
叫 cry, shout; hail, greet, call
하 (ha)
夏 summer
河 river, stream
荷 lotus, water lily
해 (hae)
海 sea, ocean
害 harm, destroy, kill
희 (hee/hui)
喜 joy, love
希 rare; hope, expectations
稀 rare, unusual
姬 beauty
熹 warm bright; glimmer
禧 happiness
화 (hwa)
火 fire flame; burn; anger, rage
花 flower, blossoms
和 harmony, peace; peaceful, calm
嬅 beautiful
禍 misfortune, calamity, disaster
혜 (hye)
慧 bright, intelligent
현 (hyun/hyeon)
賢 virtuous, worthy, good
炫 shine glitter; show off, flaunt
玄 deep, profound
호 (ho)
呼 sigh, breath, exhale
好 fine, excellent
戶 family, household
護 to protect, guard, defend, shelter
胡 reckless, foolish; wild
虎 tiger; brave, fierce
豪 brave, heroic, chivalrous
昊 sky, heaven; summertime
皓 bright, luminous; clear
祜 blessing, happiness, prosperity
환 (hwan)
煥 shining, brilliant, lustrous
患 suffer, worry
歡 joy, happiness, pleasure
換 substitute; change, exchange
幻 fantasy, illusion, mirage
일 (il/eel)
一 one; alone, singular
日 sun, day, daytime
인 (in)
麟 female chinese unicorn
人 people, mankind, man, population
仁 humane; benevolence, kindness
認 to recognize, know, understand
寅 respect, reverence
忍 endure, bear, suffer
재 (jae)
才 talent, ability
災 calamity, disaster, catastrophe
財 wealth, riches
宰 to slaughter; to rule
栽 to cultivate; to care for plants
장 (jang)
長 leader; to excel in
奬 prize, reward
腸 emotions; sausage, intestines
障 shield, barricade; separate
丈 gentleman, husband
墻 wall
樟 camphor tree
자 (jah/ja)
子 child, offspring; fruit, seed
資 property; wealth
慈 kind, charitable, benevolent
紫 purple, violet; amethyst
磁 porcelain
지 (ji/jee)
地 earth, ground, soil
紙 paper
志 determination, will
智 wisdom, knowledge, intelligence
池 pool, pond
진 (jin)
珍 precious, valuable; rare
眞 genuine, real, true
주 (ju/joo)
晝 daytime, daylight
朱 cinnabar, vermilion
酒 wine, spirits, liquor
宙 time as a concept
洲 island
珠 precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl
준 (joon)
駿 noble steed;
俊 handsome; talented, capable
遵 honor; obedience
峻 stern; high, steep, towering
濬 deep, profound
정 (jung/jeong)
正 right, proper, correct
情 emotion, feeling, sentiment
程 journey, trip
精 essence, spirit
征 invade, attack, conquer
靜 gentle, quiet, still
淨 pure, clean, unspoiled
貞 loyal; virtuous pure
晶 crystal; clear, bright, radiant
汀 beach, bank, shore
禎 good omen, lucky
종 (jong)
終 ending, finale
宗 lineage, ancestry; ancestor
鍾 glass, goblet, cup
鐘 clock; bell
縱 to indulge in
강 (kang)
疆 boundary, border, frontier
强 strong, powerful, energetic
康 peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy
剛 hard, tough, rigid, strong
鋼 steel; hard, strong, tough
姜 ginger
기 (ki/gi)
麒 legendary auspicious animal
汽 steam, vapor, gas
器 receptacle, vessel; instrument
奇 strange, unusual, uncanny
機 machine; moment, chance
起 to rise, stand up; to begin
棄 to reject, abandon, or discard
忌 jealousy, envy; fear
欺 to cheat, deceive, or double-cross
祈 to pray; entreat, beseech
飢 hunger, starvation, famine
冀 to hope for; wish
岐 majestic
璣 a pearl that's not quite perfect
琪 a type of jade
琦 gem, precious stone, jade
氣 spirit; air, steam, vapor
記to remember, record
基 strong foundation, or base
技 skill, ability, talent
경 (kyung/kyeong/gyung/gyeong)
敬 respect, honor
輕 light, gentle
警 guard, watch
鏡 mirror, glass
卿 noble
炅 brilliance
瓊 jade; rare, precious; elegant
민 (min)
閔 mourn, grieve
憫 pity, sympathy
敏 clever, smart
旻 heaven
玟 gem
문 (moon/mun)
門/ gate, entrance
文 literature, writing; culture
명 (myung/myeong)
命 life; destiny, fate, luck
明 light, bright, brilliant
冥 dark, gloomy; night
나 (nah/na)
奈 bear, endure
남 (nam)
南 south
오 (oh)
五 five
午 noon
惡 evil, wicked, bad, foul
傲 proud, haughty; overbearing
嗚 sound of crying, sobbing; sound of sadness
娛 pleasure, enjoyment, amusement
汚 filthy, dirty, impure
烏 crow, raven; black, dark
리 (ri/li/lee/ree)
李 plum
梨 pear
림 (rim)
林 forest, grove
사 (sa)
四 four
使 messenger
死 die; death; dead
士 scholar
思 think, consider, ponder
師 teacher, master
私 secret, private, personal
絲 silk, fine thread
:沙 sand, pebbles
蛇 snake
詐 trick, cheat, swindle, feign
邪 wrong, evil, vicious
唆 mischievous
상 (sang)
上 top, superior, highest
賞 reward, prize
傷 wound, injury
常 common, normal, frequent
象 ivory; elephant
喪 mourn
祥 happiness; good luck, good omen
裳 beautiful
霜 frost; crystallized
서 (seo)
西 west
庶 numerous various
徐 composed, dignified; quiet, calm
恕 forgiveness; mercy
誓 swear, pledge, promise, oath
석 (seok)
夕 evening, night, dusk
石 stone, rock, mineral
惜 pity, regret, rue
昔 ancient
奭 red; anger
碩 great, eminent; large
선 (seon/sun)
瑄 ornamental jade
仙 transcendent, immortal
善 good, virtuous, charitable, kind
鮮 fresh, new; rare
璿 fine jade
璇 star; beautiful jade
성 (seong)
晟 clear bright; splendor
城 castle; city, town
誠 sincere, honest; true, real
聲 sound, voice, music
聖 holy, sacred
盛 abundant, flourishing
星 a star, planet
승 (seung)
勝 victory
承 succeed
乘 rise, ascend
昇 peace; rise, ascent
신 (shin)
辰 early morning
信 trust, believe
新 new, fresh, modern
神 spirit; god, supernatural being
晨 early morning, daybreak
辛 bitter
시 (si/shi)
矢 vow, swear, promise
時 time season; age, period, era
施 grant, bestow, give
詩 poetry
屍 corpse
소 (so)
消 vanish, die out, melt away
笑 smile, laugh
素 white silk
昭 bright, luminous
蘇 revive, resurrect
슥 (sook/suk)
宿 constellation
淑 good, pure, virtuous, charming
수 (su/soo)
樹 plant, tree
守 defend, protect, guard
收 gather collect; harvest
秀 refined, elegant, graceful
壽 old age, long life
殊 different, special, unusual
태 (tae)
颱 typhoon
太 very, too much; big; extreme
態 manner, attitude
殆 dangerous, perilous
怠 idle, negligent
泰 great, exalted, superior
兌 cash, money; to exchange, barter
胎 fetus, embryo, unborn child
특 (teuk)
特 special, unique, distinguished
와 (wah/wa)
瓦 pottery
왕 (wang)
王 king, ruler, royalty
旺 prosperous; prosperity
위 (wee/wi)
位 throne, rank, status
偉 great, robust, extraordinary
危 dangerous
威 power; powerful; dominate
慰 calm, comfort, console
衛 guard, protect, defend
違 disobey, defy, rebel; be different than
尉 officer, military rank
원 (won)
源 spring
園 garden, park, orchard
原 beginning, source, origin
願 to wish, ambition, desire, want
怨 hatred, enemy, resentment
苑 park, garden
瑗 a ring of fine jade
媛 beauty; a beautiful woman
우 (woo/wu)
友 friend, companion
牛 cow, ox, bull
雨 rain; rainy
優 superior; excellent
宇 house, building, structure
愚 stupid, foolish
憂 sad, grievance; grief, melancholy
羽 feather, plume; wings
佑 to help, bless, protect
祐 protection; divine intervention
욱 (wook/ook)
頊 grief, anxiety
旭 brilliance, radiant
昱 dazzling, bright light, sunlight
煜 bright, shining, brilliant
郁 sweet smelling; rich in aroma
운 (woon/wun)
運 luck, fortune
雲 clouds
云 clouds
芸 art, talent ability; rue (herb)
야 (yah/ya)
夜 night, dark
野 open country, wilderness, field
惹 irritate, offend
열 (yeol/yul)
烈 fiery, violent, ardent
劣 bad, inferior
연 (yeon)
然 promise, pledge
燃 burn; ignite
緣 karma, fate
戀 love, long for, yearn for
燕 swallow (bird) ; comfort, enjoy
蓮 lotus, water lily; paradise
漣 flowing water; ripples
영 (yeong/young)
永 perpetual, eternal, forever
英 petal, flower, leaf; brave, hero; england, english
令 commandant, magistrate
領 neck, collar; leader, guide
映 to reflect light
榮 glory, honor; to flourish or prosper
寧 serenity, peace; peaceful
嶺 mountain ridge, mountain peak
影 shadow, reflection; photograph
泳 to dive, swim
詠 sing, hum, chant
零 zero; fragment, fraction, sliver
靈 spirit, soul
瑛 crystal, gem
盈 full, overflowing
이 (yi/ie)
二 two; twice
利 gains, profit
李 plum
易 change
異 different, unusual, strange
梨 pear; opera
泥 earth, mud, clay
怡 harmony, joy, pleasure; to be glad
용 (yong)
龍 dragon; symbolic of emperors
勇 brave courageous fierce
容 looks appearance; figure, form
庸 common, ordinary, mediocre
傭 servant; to hire, employ, charter
溶 overflowing with; to melt, dissolve
熔 to melt, fuse, mold
瑢 gem ornaments, usually used for belts
유 (yoo/yu)
柳 willow tree; pleasure
遊 wander, roam, travel
柔 soft, gentle
維 maintain, preserve
裕 rich, abundant, plentiful
劉 to kill, destroy
육 (yook/yuk)
六 six
율 (yool/yul)
栗 chestnuts, chestnut tree
윤 (yoon/yun)
潤 soft, moist; sleek, fresh
尹 govern, oversee, direct
胤 heir, successor
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lolentnews · 6 years
《萬千星輝頒獎典禮2018》提名名單出爐 視帝視后競爭激烈
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