daily-lds-quotess · 7 days
If we sin, we are less worthy, but we are never worth less!
- A General Conference Quote
< unknown speaker, for now.
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daily-lds-quotess · 17 days
“Just because you haven’t experienced something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.”
- My Bishop
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daily-lds-quotess · 20 days
“Beware of pride, lest ye become as the Nephites of old.”
- D&C 38:39
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daily-lds-quotess · 22 days
“ If God is everything you have— you have everything you need.”
- John 14: 8
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daily-lds-quotess · 4 months
(Will start posting again next school year.
-sincere apologies, dailyldsquotes)
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daily-lds-quotess · 4 months
Satan so easily forces himself into our minds, most of the time we don’t hear the Holy Ghost asking quietly to be let into our hearts.
-> dailyldsquotes
To: @heightaffection
… statistically speaking their are more Christians than atheists and satanist, but the satanists/atheists are louder than Christians so we tend to think there are more of them.
Why are there so many satanist and atheists compared to Christian’s?
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daily-lds-quotess · 4 months
“The gospel is not a way to avoid challenges & problems but a solution to increase our faith & learn how to deal with them.”
-> Elder Massimo De Feo
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daily-lds-quotess · 4 months
“ ‘Be still’ may be a way of reminding us to focus upon the Savior unfailingly as the ultimate source of… spiritual stillness of the soul.”
-> Elder David A. Bednar
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daily-lds-quotess · 4 months
“Qualifying to make sacred covenants is not a one-time effort but a lifetime pattern.”
-> President Henry B. Eyring
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daily-lds-quotess · 4 months
“The restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ began with an explosion of light and truth!”
-> Elder Alexander Dushku
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daily-lds-quotess · 4 months
oh this is so beautiful. "some people feel happiest without religion, and I respect these feelings. God has filled this earth with delightful things so that all his children may have as much happiness as possible. BUT there could be something more by following Jesus Christ. try it out" it's so lovely and respectful I love him
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daily-lds-quotess · 4 months
“God hears every prayer we offer and responds to each of them according to the path He has outlined or our perfection!”
-> President Jeffery R. Holland
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daily-lds-quotess · 4 months
“as the covenant people of God, how can we instill within the hearts of our children a desire to make and keep covenants with Him.”
-> Jan E. Newman
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daily-lds-quotess · 5 months
“Christ…caries our burden’s and makes our lives easier.”
⭐️ Jesus Christ is always there, he knows what we are going through.
-> Yoon Hwan Choi
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