lighterr · 4 days
因信称义 - 亚伯拉罕信神
亚伯拉罕信神,这就算为他的义。 他是第一个因信称义的人。之后有没有?之前 有没有? 1. 亚伯拉罕因信被称为义 因信称义的一个经典例子是 亚伯拉罕。在《创世记 15:6》中,亚伯拉罕相信神的应许,神就以此为他的义。这里强调的是亚伯拉罕不是通过遵行律法或具体行为得称为义,而是因他对神的信心。亚伯拉罕的信心不仅仅是一种抽象的信念,而是一种真实的信靠,表现在他愿意跟随神的带领,离开家乡,前往应许之地(迦南)。 亚伯拉罕所经历的称义之路,揭示了信心的重要性:不是通过人的努力或行为,而是单单依靠对神的信赖。 2. 赦免其过,遮盖其罪 大卫 在《诗篇…
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arachnestwilight · 5 months
Even though it's a bit late, could I please request a birthday Leo? :0
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Not quite sure what constitutes as proper birthday art, but happy (belated) birthday to Enstars' resident orange cat! :V
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shihlun · 7 months
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受刑的人/垂吊在黑澱澱的枝架/面上的光輝逐漸/散去,像/爐上烘乾中的抹布 沒有企望/苦役已成為我們的習慣/在這橡皮筋的時代 多麼希望一擊/從我們的根部,使我們/散開如風中的噴泉/散去/散去/散去/去流浪/去死/去成灰燼…… – 白萩,〈散去的落葉〉,《現代文學》第23期(1965.02)
- 無題(懸吊的人)
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astranauticus · 7 months
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orv sketchdump while i try to recover from midterms burnout
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3smilelake · 2 years
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amn614 · 9 months
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helloprofun · 9 months
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MLCB Concert: XSY's Farewell
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In truth, I really don’t like this part, because it also represents that we are bidding our characters farewell for good.
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In the morning, when I was getting my makeup done - in an instant, I returned to that summer. I felt that, to be together with good friends, and then having experienced as sweltering a summer as that…
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Such an ardently hot-blooded jianghu was presented to everyone; to stand here today-- Because… Because, during the time of Mysterious Lotus Casebook’s initial broadcast, everyone and all the lianluorens must also be thanked. I know there must have been a lot of difficulties when it was first broadcasted, right? To have reached this step today, I think is already very good. I think it is a result of every person’s hard work.
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Just now, when we were off-stage, Yan-laoshi said something I really like; in an instant, I lost my composure. I don’t think fate is something that will come with enough waiting, or something that can be insisted on having. It’s when there comes a day where we stand together and work hard to strive toward a common goal. The sentiments of that moment, I feel, last forever.
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I hope, however many years later, everyone is still together - that lianluorens can still be together. Thank you, everyone. This summer, thank you to every person. Thank you to all my good companions; thank you, every single person.
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Di Feisheng! Until we meet again!
【莲花楼演唱会】 Mysterious Lotus Casebook Concert - 20230916
江湖路远   山高水长  祝 「繁华」 似锦! The roads of the jianghu stretch far; the mountains are lofty, and the rivers are long. I wish your future to be as splendid as an embroidered tapestry! 「追光」 而行  不负初心  愿 永生难忘! Chase the light as you journey; live up to the original intentions of your heart. I hope this will be unforgettable for your lifetime!
Any mistakes are my own.
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letishery · 5 months
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Leo Birthday Day 2024 ;w ;
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lighterr · 10 days
一个信基督12年的人回答(看看你的答案,欢迎评论,私信,转发哦:) 現今我已十分滿足,為何還要信耶穌?你都挺好的就好了,不需要信什么。不过记住,在困境时,要大声从心里说:耶稣,救我! 到底有沒有神?好问题,你说呢? 到底有沒有灵魂?人死如灯灭?我是有灵魂的!我相信你也有!要是你不知道在哪里,我可以帮着你找找看! 信耶穌會不會失去自由?会的!你就不可以随意撒谎,偷东西,打骂老人孩子下属了!天天炒股也不行了:) 為什麼人生下來就有罪,不是人之初性本善?不是我干的。我知道我是个罪人。不过我的罪已经被赦免了。 好人还要信耶稣吗?不需要 科學和信仰沒有衝突嗎?没冲突。不过有些朋友信的是科学教。信科学教的人还不少 接受進化論,很難接受創造論,因為很難相信神吹一口氣人就有生命了?挺好!你考了多少分? 基督教与其他宗教我不信基督教,我信的是基督。你信什么? 圣经的真实性?你愿意和我一…
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mrsvendetta · 20 days
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Happy Birthday Go Nagai!!! Thank-you for making such amazing characters and stories!!! Here is a pic of my Baron Ashura cosplay ♥️🤭
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shihlun · 2 years
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Masaki Tamura
- Drive in Gamo
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yozlog · 8 months
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skybluelatte · 8 months
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Happy Birthday Binnie!💜🌕💜
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missiodei · 1 year
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Yeah here's my current obsession, Professor Ienaga.
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tokyo-akb48 · 1 year
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