alexander588 · 2 years
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vipky-com · 2 months
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feithhow · 1 year
【移民】 Telegram:@abc362,“国外学历学位认证-认证跨境远程文凭”,‘留学上网课、留服中心、留学南非硕士、留学生回国’ ;“报考公务员入职事业单位,美国境内转身份”;商务签证&旅游签证、移民局-留学签证[出生籍|出生国籍]Immigration Éducation à l'étranger et certification de diplôme Certification de diplôme à distance transfrontalière Cours en ligne pour étudier à l'étranger Centre de services Étudier en Afrique du Sud pour une maîtrise Étudiants internationaux retournant en Chine Demander des fonctionnaires et entrer dans des institutions publiques pour transférer leur statut aux États-Unis Visa d'affaires Visa touristique Bureau de l'immigration Visa d'études Nationalité de naissance Nationalité de naissance
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ace5888 · 2 years
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kk4527 · 2 years
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alexander588 · 2 years
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aworldforastage · 2 months
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My Stand In (2024), Episode 12
Having died once, he has become uncertain and overly cautious in everything that he does. He is always thinking about how to keep himself safe, how to keep his current life stable, so he wouldn't fall into the same kind of predicament as in he did the previous life, so he wouldn't make the same mistakes, but he has forgotten to ask what his heart truly desires. If he can cast aside all his worries, he can't really lie to himself; he has always, always wanted to have some kind of resolution with Yan Mingxiu. It had been his most fervent wish that remains unchanged even now. Because this wish never came true, it has become his greatest regret from his previous life. Yan Mingxiu holds him tightly. Zhou Xiang can feel hot tears soaking through his clothes and scalding his shoulders. He finally loses control, and he reaches out to hold Yan Mingxiu. He still remembers what it feels like to hold Yan Mingxiu, and as always, it makes his heart stir, makes him restless, makes him want to hold on tight and never let go. 死过一回,他变得做什么事都瞻前顾后,谨小慎微,他一直想着怎样才能确保自己的安全,怎样才能安稳地经营他现在的生活,不至于再陷入上辈子那样的困境,不至于重蹈前世的覆辙,可他忘了问自己的心究竟在渴望什么。如果抛开一切顾虑,他其实没办法骗自己,他一直、一直都希望他和晏明修能有一个结果,这是他以前最强烈的愿望,直到现在都无法改变,因为这个愿望从来没有实现过,是他上辈子最大的遗憾。 晏明修紧紧抱着他,周翔能感觉到滚烫的泪水浸透他的衣服,灼烫他的肩头,他再也克制不住,伸手抱住了晏明修。他还记得拥抱晏明修的感觉,原来一如既往地让他心动、让他忐忑,让他抱紧了就不想撒手。
Professional Body Double, Chapter 108 职业替身,第108章
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nyeigneous · 2 years
Garth Igneous 加什·伊格尼斯
Age:45 年龄:四十五岁
Birth: 20/05/1893 生日:一八九三年五月二十日
Height:188cm 身高:一百八十八厘米
Build:Emaciation 体型:消瘦
Sexuality:Homosexuality 性取向:同性恋
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He has short blond hair, light blue eyes, and an aggressive pointed nose.
There is a huge scar on the right forehead. A tattoo on the inside of his left forearm but is damaged by a scar. Both forearms were covered with scars made by knife. In addition, there are countless scars on his body, some of which are left by knife, some of which are left by wolves.
Garth is a neurotic, selfish, arrogant, and cunning man. His good family background and rich knowledge make him have the arrogance to master everything, so once the development of things is not expected, he will lose his temper like a child.
His mind is not complicated, but it is this straightforward way of thinking that makes it easier for him to do impulsive and reckless things.
He often overreacts to others.
Because of bipolar disorder, almost all his shortcomings are magnified, making him a completely uncontrollable madman.
Weapons and skills:
Shotgun, hunting knife, poison bait; Good at tracking, anti-reconnaissance, setting traps, and piss his partner off.
Important people: Andre Berekov Precious things: Longines hunter's watch (Andre gave it to him)
Fear: aurora; riding
吸烟很多;Smoking a lot;
情绪激动时会过度呼吸;Excessive breathing when excited;
酒量很差;Poor drinking capacity;
画画很好;Good at painting;
写日记;Keeping a diary;
喜欢用口哨吹肖邦的降E大调夜曲九号第二首;He likes to whistle Chopin nocturnes op.9. no2;
小时候被父母逼迫学过钢琴,虽然很痛恨钢琴,但是弹得不错;When he was a child, he was forced by my parents to learn the piano. Although he hates the piano, he plays it well
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北方口音Northern accent
加什的父母是是来自伯明翰的地质学家和生物学家,他们是典型的守旧并且固执的知识分子。 受到父母的影响,加什有着丰富的博物学知识,以及英格兰北方口音。 
Garth's parents are geologists and biologists from Birmingham, UK, they are typically old-fashioned and stubborn intellectuals. Influenced by his parents, Garth has rich natural knowledge and a northern English accent.
During the gold rush around 1900, Mr. Igneous and his wife come to Alaska with their 18-year-old son Hull, 16-year-old daughter Liz and 10-year-old Garth for research. Along with them is Jason Stamford, 26, a tutor for the children. The young Garth is in need of his parents, but the couple's work is very busy, they entrust Jason with the task of taking care of Garth and teaching him to read and write.
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温柔的人 A mild person
Jason is a talented young man with a major in paleontology. He was once a student of Garth's father. Because of polio, his left leg muscles atrophy and he can only walk with a walking stick. Various complications lead to his weakness and emaciation. But this does not kill his tenderness and love of life. These beautiful virtues also deeply influenced Garth.
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As a sickly child, Garth does not like the outdoors, so he spends a lot of time with Jason in addition to attending classes. The two talk like father and son, read books and learn the piano, and their bond grows.
When Garth turns 18, he boldly confesses his hot, confused admiration to Jason. Jason also likes the studious and enthusiastic boy, but the work ethic makes him turn him down. Jason, who is also gay, does not criticize Garth's unusual sexuality, but encourages him to be himself and not go against his will.
But Garth's parents see all this, and they fire Jason. Garth has a big fight with his parents.
Jason returns home to Manchester in poor health, but keeps up a close correspondence with Garth, offering gentle advice on the young man's troubles and doubts. Jensen died three years later, when Garth is 22.
逃婚 To escape a marriage
In 1919, when Garth is 25 years old, he has a very heated argument with his parents about his professional planning. His parents have arranged work and marriage for him in detail and ask him to marry the daughter of a local investor in order to obtain academic financial support. Garth impulsively tells them his sexual orientation and desire for freedom. His parents are very angry, abuse Jason for instilling bad illusion into his son. In a rage, Garth packs up and leaves home.
Half of year ago, Garth's parents meet Anderson Hastings (27) from the south of the US. This handsome and wealthy young man is looking for the assistance of experts in geology and biology for his career. He is gorgeous in clothes and spokes appropriately and is soon recognized by the Ignoneus family. The two young people meet and become intimate.
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Garth runs away from home and goes to Anderson. Anderson soon takes Garth on a cruise ship to the Soviet Union for a business trip.
Anderson never hides his sexual orientation and introduces Garth as his boyfriend which makes Garth feel safe. But what Garth doesn't expect is that Anderson just takes him as a property could show off.
In addition, Anderson is a control freak playboy. He believes that love is only a trade. He provides his boyfriends with luxurious living conditions, and the only thing the boys need to do is following his arrangement. He thinks that Garth's idea of finding a spiritual partner is very boring and meaningless.
白月光Bright moonlight
In that time, the phenomenon of money-laundering through academic research projects becoming popular among the rich. Most of the people Anderson takes Garth to see are such dandies. The days on the cruise ship are extravagant and chaotic. Garth feels helpless and disgusted at the atmosphere. Andrei Berekov (23) appears during this time.
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Andrei is the quietest member of the group of Soviet scholars. While everyone drinks and socialize, he would sit in a quiet corner and write alone. Garth finds out that Andre, like himself, is also the one who has false expectations for this so-called academic trip. Moreover, Garth is shocked by his knowledge of botany (although Andre's accent makes it difficult for them to communicate).
Contrary to Anderson, the gentle Andre can always see the flash in Garth's soul. He respects every inspiration and idea of Garth and can turn every chat into a friendly and meaningful academic discussion. This is the kind of relationship state that Garth has been pursuing.
At the same time, the relationship between Garth and Anderson is disintegrating. Anderson arranges cocktail party bender to introduce Garth to celebrities in the academic circle. He buys ways for Garth to publish his unfinished paper and plans everything for him without authorization. The only thing Garth needs to do is being a good boy to flatter Anderson. All this violates Garth's principles. They row again and again and break up.
Then Andre and Garth fall in love. He introduces Garth to his family and live together in his hometown in Belarus for some time. Later, the two decide to go to the University of Edinburgh for master's degree in plant taxonomy.
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A year and a half later, they graduate. Andre proposes to Garth at the graduation ceremony. After secretly exchanging rings, the two men embark on a trip to the Arctic Circle.
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极光中的骑行 Riding under the aurora
In 1923, the two men come to Yukon, Canada, and have a dispute with another group of fur hunters and they are maliciously retaliated. Andre is beaten to death. After being cut off his genitals, his body is hung in a tree and displayed with an "I'm a sodomite" sign around his neck. Garth is imprisoned and forced to watch his lover's body being eaten by crows in the aurora of the polar night. A few days later, with his last breath, he escapes, rides all the way south, and is finally saved.
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育空疯狗The mad dog of Yukon
This nightmare experience is a great blow to him, and the cruel torture leaves a huge ugly scar on his right scalp and countless scars on his body. He suffers from serious bipolar disorder, self-mutilation, and suicidal tendencies. He used to be a very gentle and humorous man, but now he has become an infamous one and gets the nickname of Yukon mad dog.
It is rumored that Garth finds the hunting team that hurt him years ago and retaliated against them with extremely cruel methods, but, the police let him stay in prison for only a short time because of his mental problems.
 It's just a rumor. No one knows what Garth does to them. People just never see those people again in the Yukon.
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危险游戏 Dangerous game
Although Garth's mental problems are very serious and his behavior is very uncontrollable, it is indisputable that he is the most outstanding wolf hunting expert in this area. In 1932, he is invited to join a hunting team. They plan to go south to hunt large prey for fur.
In early winter, Garth meets Hart, a forest ranger. Hart's merciless attack drives the team out of the forest, while the gloomy and fierce ranger attracts Garth's attention. He thinks it is all good to kill him or be killed by him.
Garth soon finds that although the ranger's attack is fierce and threatening, he doesn't seem to really want to kill them. Garth leaves the team, returns to the cabin alone, and begins to test Hart's patience by taking the initiative to attack. Hart responds to his attack almost immediately.
As Garth thought, Hart does not intend to kill him - each shot wipes his cheek and flies over, only a few centimeters away.
Garth almost immediately indulges in this dangerous game.
Hart's reaction satisfies him - his counterattack would not only really pose a threat to himself, but also could excite Garth. Although Garth himself knows that this morbid emotion originates from the psychological shadow leaves in his heart when he faces death, which makes him afraid, manic, want to cry, want to laugh, it is the only time that he could feel alive.
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怪人组合Freak couple
However, this absurd and dangerous duel does not end with the death of one party. On a snowy day, Hart forces Garth to a dead end, but he doesn't pull the trigger, just askes him why he does it. Garth cries and laughs, says he wants to die.
Hart turns and leaves.
Garth couldn't figure out why Hart has so many chances to kill him but doesn't do it. Hatred and fear have been burning in his heart for too long, burning the grassland of his inner world to black. However, from that day on, he could feel that a beam of light comes in through the black smoke, and something is slowly sprouting again.
The process of rebuilding trust is very long.
They do not have any detailed communication and exchange and do not mention the inexplicable gun battle. The two freaks just share a bonfire, say a few words, and then naturally act together.
Garth knows that nature also has many strange partners, such as raven and jackal, Greater Honeyguide and honey badger. Some partners can even act together all their lives. Even if one party dies, the other will not find a new one. Maybe they are such animals, too.
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ace5888 · 2 years
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fouryearsofshades · 9 months
Some online Chinese fics that I like 2023
I had made a similar post in 2022. For 2023, there didn't seem much that I am following until the end of the year.
《我的爷爷二十二》作者:一枚铜钱 Completed 《满朝文武都能听到我的心声》 作者:白色的木 WIP 《深海余烬》作者:远瞳 WIP 《带着网咖回1950》作者:一斤小鳄梨 WIP BL
《兼职爱豆指北》作者:观自在 Completed 《邪神竟是我自己》 作者:宁世久 WIP 《都市怪谈幕后之主》 作者:无衣yoyo WIP
《我的爷爷二十二》作者:一枚铜钱 Completed
2018年,他们已经是古稀之年 一夜之间 他们回到了22岁,腰不酸了,腿也不疼了 正当他们以为重回青春年华,可以改变各种轨迹走上人生巅峰的时候却发现 ——这里依然是2018年 于是他们变成了——没身份证、没银行卡、没户口的穷光蛋+黑户 嗯???这可怎么玩???
It was a fic from 2018 but I only read it now. I like the little moments of life that are very touching.
《满朝文武都能听到我的心声》 作者:白色的木 WIP
  *古代奇幻轻小说      坏消息:许烟杪穿越回古代了,而他本人四肢不勤五谷不分,专业还是对古人没用的网络空间安全。      好消息:他绑定了一个系统。      坏消息:系统名叫八卦系统,不是算命那种八卦,是包含别人私人信息和猛料的那种八卦。屁用没有。      坏消息二:这个系统还坏了,产生的BUG未知。      坏消息三:这具身体是个能混到参加朝会的小官,而他这个穿越者……不通四书五经,不会毛笔字,目测有被检举揭发科举舞弊的风险。      许烟杪:“……”      算了,躺平吧,等死吧,赶紧死了说不定还能穿越回去。      ……      朝堂之上,皇帝因政事雷霆大怒,臣子们瑟瑟发抖。      许烟杪假装认真听,实则专注翻八卦系统。      【哇哦,皇上昨天刚纳了十六岁的贵人诶!一树梨花压海棠!老当益壮!而且被翻红浪一整晚没睡,现在声音还能这么激昂有力!厉害了!】      【这贵人居然还曾经是皇太孙的外室,哇哇哇!太孙还懂掐腰红眼文学!】      【哇哇哇哇!皇太孙闯进爷爷后宫……嘶——趁着老皇帝上朝的时候搞上了!搞快点搞快点!怎么没视频……】      【诶?怎么没声音了?】      许烟杪小心翼翼抬头,偷瞄四周。      【发生了什么?怎么跪了一地?皇帝呢?】      ——皇帝去后宫捉奸了。      *      “科举舞弊”这个炸弹终于爆发了。      许烟杪没办法解释自己为什么笔迹和答卷上的笔迹不一样,也没办法回答自己为什么不通四书五经。      痛失外室的皇太孙准备的证据直中要害,其贴身侍卫虎视眈眈,扑上来就要把许烟杪拖走打入大牢,秋后问斩。      许烟杪捏着证明清白的八卦,却十分头疼:      要怎么解释我的信息来源啊……      【说我在科举前三天晚上私见主考官礼部侍郎?怎么可能,那天晚上礼部侍郎男扮女装,夜宿将军府,和大将军……】      大将军虎躯一震,当场打断:“陛下!!!!”      “虽说科举舞弊证据确凿,但臣认为此事仍有蹊跷,应当重审!尤其是许……许……许烟杪他衣冠整洁!如此重视衣冠的人,怎么会弄脏自己名声呢!”      没办法听到心声的皇太孙:?      【还有啊,说什么考官假装打哈欠和困倦是在特意给我留出抄袭的空档,他科举前夜还在母猪圈里呆一晚上不睡觉,第二天能不困吗?不过,堂堂翰林侍讲居然还会相信猪的奶……】      翰林侍讲脸色一白,扑将出来:“陛下!!!”      “臣……臣赞同大将军的话!许郎怎么会科举舞弊呢!他……他……他在考试前特意喝了一杯纯净的水,相信只有善良的人才能使用清净之物,如此善良的人,又怎么会去科举舞弊呢!”      以为稳操胜券的皇太孙:??      许烟杪感动坏了。      【都是好人啊,哪怕脑子不好使,也努力帮我找理由找借口。】      【但是我真的没办法翻盘了,唉,可惜我追的连续剧没追完,老皇帝昨晚惹皇后生气,灰溜溜地被赶出寝宫,我还没看到结局就要死了,他今天回去好像打算要往脸上涂墨水假扮猫咪哄皇后开心……】      “砰——”      老皇帝一拍桌子,强行打断那源源不断的心声:“朕相信许烟杪没有科举舞弊!无罪释放!”      满朝文武迫不及待附议,生怕慢一步许烟杪就能抖出其他八卦。      “对对对!无罪释放!”      “陛下圣明!”      “陛下快下朝吧!快让许郎回家歇歇!都把他站得累坏了!”      皇太孙:???      许烟杪给你们灌迷魂汤了吧?
A crack fic that started this new trope of "everyone can hear what I am thinking". It was very successful that the author was cyber-bullied and now it was updated irregularly. 《深海余烬》作者:远瞳 WIP
  在那一天,浓雾封锁了一切。   在那一天,他成为了一艘幽灵船的船长。   在那一天,他跨过浓雾,直面了一个被彻底颠覆而又支离破碎的世界——昔日的秩序已经荡然无存,奇诡的异象主宰着文明社会之外的无尽海域,孤岛城邦与挑战大海的船队已然成为文明世界仅存的灯火,而旧日的阴影却仍在幽邃深海中蠢蠢欲动,等待继续吞噬这个将亡未亡的世界。   但对于失乡号的新船长而言,只有一个问题是他首先要考虑的——   谁知道船咋开啊?!
This is a post-apocalyptic fic but I think it had been written for so long that the author seemed to forget some original setting like the "rule-based horror" trope. I am reading it on and off.
《带着网咖回1950》作者:一斤小鳄梨 WIP
【注意:本小说内容纯属虚构】 李锐带着他新装修且能链接2022年网络的网咖回到1950年。 一百二十台超越当时最先进电脑的现代电脑会给一穷二白的华夏带来什么呢? ps:纯爽文,不要考据,考据就以本书设定为主。谢谢。
This is a fic of the genre "援共文" (aiding the CPC). which generally involves someone went back in time to the founding of new China and helped developing the country on the side of the CPC party. It is a sensitive topic so they are usually found in smaller sites. Bigger sites like jjwxc actually banned fic sets from the period around maybe the First World War but definitely the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (Sino-Japan War) to about the sixties, and also the War to resist US aggression and aid Korea (Korea War). 《兼职爱豆指北》作者:观自在 Completed
乐忱——爱豆里最会杀猪的,兽医里最会唱跳的。 作为一个养成系男团的小糊豆,小姜同学感觉自己不是在逐梦演艺圈,而是来军训拉练的。 周一到周五,他挣扎在大学早八的课堂上,为了出勤率和绩点拼死拼活;下课后,立刻奔去公司报道,学舞蹈、学声乐、学表演;周六日呆在宿舍,等待着虚无缥缈的舞台机会。 他自我定位是个兼职爱豆,别人可以为了舞台放弃生命,而他只想混两千元保底工资。 朋友劝他,反正解约费不高,实在不行就退团当素人吧! 姜乐忱:“不!我觉得我还可以再挣扎一下,庙里的大师说了,我是命里带红的!” 没想到一语成谶,姜乐忱……居然真的红了! 只是红了之后,怎么霸道总裁、顶流前辈、高冷舍友、同团弟弟、知名导演(演员表按照汉语拼音首字母排序)……都想要深夜约他看荧光剧本呢? —————————— “如果你喜欢在盛夏时节的傍晚,穿着人字拖、坐在巷子口,看下班的人流在暮色里匆匆而过; 如果你喜欢去公园里给下棋的大爷出谋划策,又认真地和每一只路过的小狗打招呼; 如果你喜欢在路边小店的冰箱里掏出来一瓶橙汁饮料,一口气喝完,再打一个橙子味的嗝儿…… ……那你一定会喜欢姜乐忱。” —————————— 本文最终cp桂桂子。
A funny light-hearted modern university + entertainment industry fic.
《邪神竟是我自己》 作者:宁世久 WIP
这是你穿越异世界的第三年。 在一开始语言文字不通的情况下,经过万般努力的你通过了审判庭考试,成为了一名有保险有退休金的公职人员。 这个世界的人类龟缩在地下城中,威胁他们的不只有逼仄、缺氧与饥荒,还有黑暗中的邪神教徒与魔物。 而审判庭是与邪神教徒对抗的第一线。 加入审判庭十分危险,辛苦中只有守护人类的荣耀能够慰藉,但你不是为荣耀而来,你需要的是高薪。 还好,虽然你目的不纯,但你干得不错,大家都称你为审判庭的明日之星,就连你的顶头上司也很欣赏你。 你同样敬佩你上司的能力和为人,你觉得你和他在工作之外也是很好的��友。 今天他又请贫穷的你一起吃饭,你却第一次食不下咽。 因为奔走在升职加薪大道上的你,刚发现了一个令人绝望的事实。 ——什么!邪神竟是我自己?!! —————— 请吃请喝好上司(对抗邪神最前线)×蹭吃蹭喝穷下属(新生邪神本神) 在我的诸多锚点中,你也是最闪耀的那一颗 公告:本文将于8月21日入V,届时三更,请多多支持~
This is also a post-apocalyptic fic and it is about a journey of a person becoming a god... or an elder god/evil god. The world-building is very solid and the discussion is very active. There are even PWP fanfic on AO3 inspired by an author's note.
《都市怪谈幕后之主》 作者:无衣yoyo WIP
凌不渡,惨从殡葬业连锁继承人穿成贫民窟帅哥。 系统:【为补偿宿主损失,特奖励金手指一个!只要收割惊吓值,就能商城购物,从此荣升富一代,迎娶白富美,走上人生巅峰!】 凌不渡大喜,按照教程去街上随便抓了个杀妻凌子的赌狗。 然后回家取出系统专用沙盘。 只见一平方米的沙盘小黑屋中,十厘米高的赌狗正在麻将馆大杀四方,同样十厘米高的赌友们一边给钱,一边骂骂咧咧重新开局。 凌不渡用塑料袋装水,放冰柜速冻,搞出迷你鬼手,狠狠抓在赌狗脚脖子上! 赌狗:嗷(!!! ○ Д ○)!!! 自此以后,无数法外狂徒们有难了,被天外黑手按住狂薅羊毛。 凶残家暴犯:打老婆的时候有人敲门,以为老婆又报警,结果居然是纸人?? 连环鲨人犯:抛尸的时候尸体居然爬起来了,嗷嗷追我,老子鞋都跑丢一只啊啊啊! 作恶无数的人贩子:晚上醒来,几个泥捏的小鬼把我吊起来当球踢,当场吓出了尿分叉。 杀妻骗保专业户:我几个死去的前妻……又回来了。 地窖囚禁案变态:谁tm给我把地窖门锁上了?来人啊我出不去了救命呜呜呜! 他们看不到沙盘上空的无边巨手,但生活已变得多姿多彩起来。 凌不渡:我容易吗?还得亲手做纸扎、捏泥人、化诡妆、做道具……开马甲装老天师骗钱埋人……多累啊! 而且最苦恼的是,隔壁可怜小孩被他养的,怎么越来越凶残了呢? — 【幕后黑手流爽文】【唯我独法】【不掉马】【对cp也不掉马】 【年下养成】 又帅又浪年上受VS又野又疯年下攻
A fic with an old-fashion "evil will be rewarded with evil" idea and the MC had killed so many people with the aid of the "system" (as in the computer/game system). The only thing with this author is that they tended to put the fic on long hiatus and then came back months later as a changed person and shifty completed the work. It is so good so far.
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gayxiaoshuo · 6 months
“睡在一起,一张 床?”总经理的声音听起来有点夸张。
“哦,来,往这里。 ”经理指了指身上。
经理这边已经兴奋不已了,“啊,种马,哦。。。。。”“嗯,我操,真是你妈的是种马,用力点,噢。。。。。。。。”“啊。。 父10儿。 同·性·体 ~肌.肉.刺.激·资·源出·售。维芯 辣币的 拼音和1 0 0 1 0!。。。。。。快干扁我。。。。。。。。”
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wangxy051248 · 9 days
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alexander588 · 2 years
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sparklyhologramsweets · 3 months
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sulloen · 3 months
#西藏 #繁荣发展 #安居乐业
#西藏 #繁荣发展 #安居乐业
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nyeigneous · 2 years
Hart Siebert 哈特·塞伯特
Age: 42 年龄:四十二岁
Birth: 21/07/1896 生日:一八九六年七月二十一日
Height: 182cm 身高:一百八十二厘米
Build: Brawny 体型:健壮
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Hart has bright olive-green eyes, a high nose, brown messy curly hair, thick beard. Most of the time he looks serious and sullen.
His hands are very large, rough and powerful, covered with a cocoon.
Hart doesn't care much about dressing. He usually wears a rough fur coat, leather shin guards, and a red scarf to cover the huge scar on his neck,
Hart is a serious and silent man, with a great sense of responsibility.
Many people think he is a simple and clumsy honest man when they look at him working without any words. In fact, Hart is very careful. He just rarely talks about his ideas, because they are usually very complex and negative.
He is not good at dealing with people and is often confused by social etiquette because he lives alone for a long time and separates from society, so most think he is a freak who only knows how to deal with animals.
Hart has no regular education and had difficulty reading and writing. But he knows clearly what is good and right because he has experienced bad and dark things.
Generally speaking, Hart is not a person easy to get along with, people just need some time to understand his kind nature.
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Weapons and skills:
Short Magazine Lee-Enfield, hatchet
Hart is good at using guns and cold weapons, which makes him an efficient and professional hunter. His strong build even allows him to deal with large and dangerous animals on his own. 李恩菲尔德步枪,短斧。
Important people:  late wife Tantoo Schweig Precious things:  Lee-Enfield (Tantoo gave it to him)
Fear: He always dreams that his wife stands in the endless herd of reindeer. No matter how he shouts, she does not respond, following the deer with blood antlers to the distance.
重要的人:他已故的妻子Tantoo Schweig
In his spare time, he plays harmonica and makes wood carvings;
Can play a little banjo; 他空闲的时候会吹口琴,做木雕,会一点班卓琴;
Excessive drinking; 有酗酒问题;
When he is in a bad mood, he says nothing; 心情不好的时候会一言不发;
His eyelashes are long. 睫毛很长。
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黄石的童年 The childhood in Yellow Stone
Hart's ancestors are Russian immigrants who came to northern Canada to do fur business in the early 19th century.
Hart is born into a family of a ranger in Yellowstone, he has an unfortunate childhood because of his tyrannical father.
In 1908, Hart is 12 years old, his father beats his mother up again when he is drunk. Hart takes his father's shotgun and shoots him in the throat. His panicked mother tries to treat his wound but to no avail.
After burying his father, his mother takes Hart to town to find his real father, a dashing sheriff. But instead of accepting them, the man violently drove them away. Hart could not bear to see her mother humble look, decides to rely on his ability to take care of them two.
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威廉姆斯先生Mr. Williams
Hart and his mother hide together for many years before settling down in a secluded village in Alaska. At that time, his mother’s mental and physical health is very bad because of the long-term domestic violence, and the abandonment of man.
Young Hart is forced into the role of breadwinner. For meat, Hart decides to learn to hunt and goes to the town's arms shop owner, Mr. Williams (62 years old), who is a part-time hunter too, to learn firearms skills. The industrious and talented boy soon carries the interest of the strange old man.
Mr. Williams fought in the Civil War, and shrapnel from a shell took his an eye and an arm, but it did not affect his skill as a shooter. He is a military man, unsmiling, brave and responsible, but also thoughtful, which deeply influences Hart.
At that time, Williams recognizes Hart as his apprentice and assistant because he has no wife and no children. These two people cooperate well, becomes a local famous hunter combination.
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冰封的河Frozen River
When Hart is 17, a hunting party from the Yukon invites Williams and Hart to join them. Hart turns down the offer because his mother's health deteriorates rapidly. In the following spring, she still committed suicide.
Mother's suicide is a relief for both of them.
Hart lives under great psychological pressure for a long time because of his mother's hysteria. When he is seven years old, he is almost strangled in a dream by her.
But Hart's sense of responsibility makes him do his best to take care of his mother's daily life, and sympathize with and comfort her mood. However, that day when he sees his mother walking towards the frozen river from a distance, he hesitates and doesn't save her. This choice makes Hart blame himself for many years.
He doubts whether he is an evil and violent man like his father. For a long time, Hart is unwilling to communicate with others and refuses to any further relationships.
After his mother died, Hart sells all his possessions and follows Mr. Williams on his journey to Canada. The young Hart's excellent shooting and gun maintenance skills are quickly earning him a place on the team. Five years into the trip, Mr. Williams died, and Hart is left to face the world alone.
哈特27岁那年,认识了他生命中最重要的人,他的妻子Tantoo Schweig 坦图·施维克。她是白人和北美土著的混血,职业是狩猎向导和训犬师。Tantoo的热情和勇敢令哈特吃惊,因为在此之前,他只接触过像母亲那样卑微而痛苦的女性。
When Hart is 27, he meets the most important person in his life, his wife Tantoo Schweig. She is a mixed blood of white and Indian, her occupation is hunting guide and dog trainer. Tantoo's enthusiasm and courage surprise Hart because he has only meet humble and painful women like his mother before.
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Hart, who doesn't understand interpersonal communication at all, is always clumsy in front of Tantoo. However, Tantoo sees Hart's kind nature through Hart's rough and silent appearance, she understands his past and accepts his pursuit. After traveling together for a year, the two decide to get married. They return to Tantoo's hometown in Alaska and begin to run a reindeer ranch.
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熊和驯鹿Bear and reindeer
The third year after marriage, pregnant Tantoo dies in an accident. The reindeer herd is disturbed by the bear and begins to run wildly. Tantoo falls off the cliff when trying to control the deer herd. Hart is attacked by the bear. The bear leaves huge wounds on Hart's neck that almost kill him.
Hart almost collapsed when his wife died. He leaves Alaska and begins to work as a ranger.
Drinking and living alone makes him the father he hates most - like a monster hiding in the forest, fighting off all intruders without mercy and killing bears in revenge. However, it doesn't make him feel better.
禁止狩猎No Hunting
1932年,哈特(36岁)遇到了加什(39岁)。这名阴险狡诈而疯癫的英国人是狩猎小队的一员,额头上有一条非常显眼的伤疤,嘴里永远都叼着一根烟 。当时,这只小队正试图捕捉哈特的管辖区域内的头狼。
In 1932, Hart (36) meets Garth (39). This insidious, cunning and crazy Englishman is a member of a hunting team. He has a very prominent scar on his forehead and always has a cigarette in his mouth. At that time, the team is hunting gray wolves in Hart's jurisdiction.
The first time they meet is a fierce battle.
Hart wounds two members of their team and drives them out of the forest. But Garth comes back alone and attacks him with his shotgun.
Since then, almost every few days, Garth challenges Hart and tests the bottom line of his patience. Although Hart is good at shooting and fighting, Garth seems to be better at sneak attacks and anti reconnaissance, which makes Hart almost impossible to predict Garth's actions.
But to be honest, the battle that Garth starts saves Hart. In order to fight better, he has to quit drinking, take in enough nutrition to support high-intensity activities, and keep focused and vigilant for a long time, which also makes his mind clearer and his mood more stable.
On the contrary, the crazy and reckless self-destruction-style attack that has been adopted by Garth is quickly consuming his energy.
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没有结局的结局No ending
The absurd duel lasts almost half a year. On a snowy day, Hart finally forces Garth to a dead end, points a gun at him, and asks him why he does it. Garth simply replies that he wants to die.
This makes Hart thinks of his mother. That day when he is a little boy, she pinches his neck, cries and laughs, and says she wants to die.
Hart puts away his gun and turns away.
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The dangerous game ends quietly. When winter comes, the heavy snow buries everything that has happened.
Garth stops the attack and provocation as if he has been pressed a switch on his body. He just appears by Hart's campfire from time to time, but he doesn't carry a gun. Hart has an illusion that he feels like a primitive man, and Garth is the first domesticated wolf in human history. 哈特对这个有着 “育空疯狗”外号的男人有所耳闻。他以他那不可理喻的反社会性格和独一无二的博物学知识在猎人的社交圈里非常有名,只要有他出现的地方,就必定伴随着口角和争斗;无论是谁,跟他合作必定要承担极大的心理压力和风险。
Hart has heard of this man with the nickname "Yukon mad dog". With his unreasonable antisocial character and unique natural history knowledge, he is very famous in the hunter's social circle. As long as there is a place where he appears, it must be accompanied by quarrels and fights; Whoever cooperates with him must bear great psychological pressure and risk.
But Hart is not interested in these rumors. With his experience of taking care of his mother, he knows that Garth must have experienced something very serious to become like this. But he is not interested in knowing.
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