vegehana-food · 2 years
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✿ 北海道北見名物 ハッカ飴
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groovesnjams · 9 months
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"Hellokittybalahcurri³hellokitty美味しい" by babyMINT (薄荷水晶)
There was no more gleefully unhinged song this year than "Hellokittybalahcurri³hellokitty美味しい", or if there was I haven't heard it. And I'd like to: the experience of hearing this for the first time after seeing recommendations from a bunch of mutuals was unforgettable, nearly as unforgettable as the reactions of everyone that I in turn recommended or played it for. babyMINT make a mockery of sense and reason in "Hellokittybalahcurry" and the result is glorious. At one point, looking for some background on the group and an explanation for what the song was about, I wound up reading an AI-generated "interpretation" that actually made less sense than the song itself. This might be expected from AI, but "Hellokittybalahcurry" is the rare song that wouldn't make more sense if there was actual thought behind it: this song has no logic, has no meaning. Large Language Models, like the one that generated the "explanation" I found, work on probability and history, and "Hellokittybalahcurry" resists that just as much as it resists logical interpretation. This is a song that forces us to experience it viscerally and in the moment, abandoning everything we learned in one line the moment the next lyric or section begins. Which in some ways is like machine learning: the context does not exist. But in other ways is not: "the result"Hellokittybalahcurry" is unpredictable and ostentatiously nonsensical. It's a hand made out of 43 eyes and released onto an unsuspecting public.
Acting as an antidote to large swathes of our best of, “Hellokittybalahcurri³hellokitty美味しい” starts off sounding like a curse but ends up more of a blessing. babyMINT’s auspicious greeting “today we’re here to teach you a secret…magic…word” teeters somewhere between Illuminati conspiracy and The Ring but the group are disinterested in formal commitments and the ensuing chaotic three and a half minutes err on the side of jubilance and partified nonsense. There’s a little bit of everything happening inside of “Hellokittybalahcurri³hellokitty美味しい,” from harsh gabber beats to the sound Megan Thee Stalliion makes when she sticks out her tongue and it’s not so much artistic juxtaposition as it is a sonic representation of cell division. You certainly can find yourself caught inside the möebius strip of babyMINT’s imagination, but only if you’re so inclined.
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vegehana-food · 2 years
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✿ ハッカパイプ ・喫煙具であるパイプでいう火皿(煙草の葉を入れる箇所)に砂糖・薄荷糖(薄荷の香りのついた砂糖菓子)・生薄荷などを入れ、その香りや味を楽しむ道具。 ・日本では、砂糖・薄荷糖を入れたものが祭りの縁日でよく売られており、子供向けキャラクターをかたどったソフトビニールに砂糖を入れ、笛が付いたパイプから息を吸う事により砂糖の味が楽しめる(パイプの��は赤・黄・青・緑など様々)。ハッカの味を楽しんだ後はホイッスルとして使え、首掛け用のヒモも付いている。 ・近年では、節煙器具として、普通のパイプに見た目そっくりなものも販売されており、生薄荷の入った専用の容器を先端に入れて使用する。
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herbertlangethings · 4 months
must have a look, the summer is upcoming, and with all these cuties much more too, believe me...........................incredible and stunning.......................uffffffffffffffff
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apieceofyoungcheese · 11 months
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a-wei-lin · 1 year
宿霧賞鯨追海豚 | 菲律賓旅遊去薄荷島拚運氣看海豚!整群出沒超好運~
《宿霧賞鯨追海豚》超級精彩好玩!如果你去過花東賞鯨,那這趟宿霧賞鯨追海豚會是完全不同體驗,超近的距離觀賞,彷彿就在眼前跳躍著,KLOOK 薄荷島跳島遊行程非常豐富,除了《宿霧賞鯨追海豚》外,還有巴里卡薩島浮潛跟處女島踏浪,不過大家要先知道,薄荷島賞鯨追海豚很看運氣,因為是牠們是自由的野生海豚😂,但碰見的機率很高,這次阿偉就有碰見拉~薄荷島跳島遊優惠 Continue reading Untitled
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modernheavy · 1 year
今日読んだ漫画 2023年7月20日(木)
🦁『贄姫と獣の王 SPショート』友藤結
2023夏の大増刊号 りぼんスペシャル ふわふわ
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wemefication · 1 year
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mycthefirefly · 1 year
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These are the flowers of a mint plant. This particular mint is native to Taiwan and grows like crazy!
It makes me think of the Lotus Sutra, when all the incarnations of the Buddha came to listen to the Dharma...
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cheercut · 1 year
李家驊導演是獨立影像創作者,目前於政大廣電系任教,曾以《我的兒子是死刑犯》入圍金馬獎及台北電影獎最佳紀錄片,《薄荷涼菸》是他首度跨足拍攝劇情短片。 Continue reading Untitled
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hayasilin · 1 year
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qqpenypenny · 1 year
薰衣草 薄荷精油能缓解酸痛疲劳,舒缓紧张情绪,放松身心,一场沁心泡脚,尽在您的家中!
𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝑑𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ,
𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ, 𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑤, 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡
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101010-310 · 3 years
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▶︎Music Video 薄荷爽凛さんと ユリアンナ女学院所属 小熊月のあさんの歌ってみた「神様からのアンケート」MVイラストを描かせていただきました。
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huang-venessa · 2 years
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在等待洗衣機洗完衣服, 同時深層清潔毛細孔, 薄荷涼爽的氣息, 最適合慵懶的午後, 休息是為了走更長遠的路, 休息的同時也能輕鬆保養肌膚❤️ #herbalifemask #herbalifeskin #薄荷火山泥面膜 #維他命面膜 #給皮膚真正需要的 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnRJ898Pykz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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onxob · 2 years
MAJESTIC PURE 薄荷桉树马桶喷雾 - 含天然精油 - 便便马桶喷雾 - 浴室喷雾除臭剂 - 防异味喷雾 - 用于洗衣、宠物、垃圾桶、鞋味 - 4 液量盎司
MAJESTIC PURE 薄荷桉树马桶喷雾 – 含天然精油 – 便便马桶喷雾 – 浴室喷雾除臭剂 – 防异味喷雾 – 用于洗衣、宠物、垃圾桶、鞋味 – 4 液量盎司
纯净水、甘油、oleth-20、天然香精、复方精油、玫瑰醚。 包装尺寸 : 5.79 x 1.54 x 1.5 英寸; 5.29 盎司 首次上市日期:2021 年 10 月 28 日 生产商:MAJESTIC PURE ASIN:B09GV1ZCSX Majestic Pure Eucalyptus Mint Natural Essential Oil Toilet Spray before using toilet Toilet spray 含有天然精油,包括桉树和薄荷Majestic Pure Eucalyptus Mint Natural Essential Oil Toilet Spray before using toilet Toilet spray 含有天然精油,包括桉树和薄荷Naturalize Unwanted Odors…
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