Professor Chung-hwa Han offered her house and all her land to the UC – but Moon’s promises were empty
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▲ Professor Chung-hwa Han with her son, Samuel, outside the Seoul Unification Church in the 1950s. It has been said that he was deaf.
Professor Chung-hwa Han 韓忠嬅 – head of the residential advisors at the Ewha Womans University dormitories – joined in 1954 after being witnessed to by Mrs. Yun-yeong Yang.
Han was married, but her husband was incarcerated in North Korea. Her two children were suffering from a serious illness. When she met Moon, he said that if she joined all her problems would be solved. She became a devoted member. Ten years later, she went to visit Seon-gil Choi and shared what had happened in her life. Nothing had been resolved and she was dying of cancer.
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▲ Professor Chung-hwa Han may be the person sitting in front of Sun Myung Moon in this 1954 photo taken in Daegu.
Gil Ja Sa Eu gave this testimony in 1980. She was one of the fourteen students expelled from Ewha Womans University in 1955. (see photo below) She was married to UC president Hyo-won Eu.
“Also I heard that the English literature professor [Professor Han] who had, until a short time before, been the house mother of our dormitory was going there [to the Unification Church]. During the Korean War her husband was kidnapped by the Communists. She lived only for the coming Lord, and her faith was such that she had many spiritual experiences. Every night she would battle with armies of satans.
She would wave a cutting knife around and in a loud voice pray in tears. She would gather us for early morning prayer meetings, and tell us many things we couldn’t comprehend about the spiritual world.
Somehow my heart was attracted and I faithfully attended every morning. Because of her almost insane life of faith, she was finally removed as house mother of the dormitory. Once she began attending the Unification Church, however, I could not help but be amazed at the change that came over her. Before, because she said she was a sinner, she never used makeup and never cared how she dressed, but when she began going to the Unification Church she began to dress neatly and even began setting her hair, her face was full of hope, and her attitude always joyful.”
“Unification Church leader and a pilgrimage to adultery”
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▲ Cartoon about Sun Myung Moon from the ChoongAng Ilbo – Central Daily newspaper, August 3, 1955. Text at the top of the cartoon: 「愚婦X文教主 = 所謂 陰陽심판」 “Foolish X Reverend Moon, the so-called Yin-Yang referee” lower right corner text: 社会戯評 = Social commentary cartoon (Yin-yang is an allusion to male-female relationships.)
extract from a Japanese magazine report:
Pikareum emerged during the “Ewha Woman’s University Incident” in the early days of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
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Testimony of Mrs Jeong-ok Kim (above) At the time, in 1955, she was Dean of the Student Ministry at Ewha Womans University; she was interviewed in 1993 at the age of 82. Other direct interviews are featured.
“House and land were all offered [to the UC].”
Kim continued to speak about a female Professor of English from that time. Her name was Chung-hwa Han and she had become an evangelist for the Unification Church. “Chung-hwa Han’s husband had been abducted in North Korea, and two of her children were both plagued by serious illnesses. “She had met Sun Myung Moon in Busan. He had told her that if she offered everything to the Unification Church, her husband would return and also her children’s illnesses would be healed. I heard that subsequently she became a fanatical member. I heard her lecturing about the Unification Church in the dormitory and in the classroom, so I scolded her. “I told her that this Methodist school did not permit her to lecture about the Unification Church in the classrooms and dormitories. I also said that Christianity was not taught in a temple. She retorted, “One day those of you who do not believe in the Unification Church will go to hell”. The next day she submitted her letter of resignation. “About ten years later Chung-hwa Han came to visit my house. She was shabbily dressed. She told me she had left the Unification Church. She was crying as she explained, “I dedicated my house and land, and all my deposits to the Unification Church. Still I am without my husband and my children did not recover from their illnesses.” A few years later she died.” Some girls at Ewha Woman’s University accepted her “teaching” and they joined the Unification Church. One has to wonder what fate was waiting for them.
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▲ Ewha Womans University students who were expelled from university for their involvement in Moon’s pikareum cult. Soon-wha Choi, aka Annie Choi, the mother of Sam Park is front left. Standing third from the left is Gil Ja Sa Eu.
Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers
Pak Chung-hwa interviewed about Moon’s “SEX relays”
Sun Myung Moon used a ‘Honey Trap’ – Choi Soon-yeong explains
Moon’s first wife, Choi Seon-gil, and Kim Deok-jin interviewed
Gil-ja Sa Eu on the 1955 Ewha Womans University sex scandal
Sun Myung Moon found guilty in 1955; started two year jail sentence
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FFWPU children sent to orphanages in Korea – and mothers sent away in the US
Frank Frivilous [pseudonym]:
“Although Sun Myung Moon has his own peculiar interpretation of biblical stories, they only tend to serve his own interests and not that of their stated purpose. Restoration through indemnity as prescribed in Adam’s family in the Divine Principle quickly gets abused – as we see in the high numbers of disaffected church members. Then there is the shameful way that Moon treats his own illegitimate children. In the following testimonial and speech by Moon, he acknowledges that some members have resorted to sending their children to orphanages.”
Here are the quotes:
Sun Myung Moon, July 14, 2002, East Garden, Irvington, NY “In 1970, I mobilized wives for three years. That was the second such mobilization, and I said that the third mobilization would come. ... In the 1960s those unmarried girls received the blessing. Later they stood up for another mobilization. They did not have enough space for their babies. They asked their relatives to take care of their children, and even left them in orphanages, and all blessed wives went to a public mission. The family foundation was offered up, and the households were so miserable, and it was done in order to save the nation. It was a three-year course. Each blessed couple has to prepare to do this.”
“On hearing my teachings, she [Yun-yeong Yang] temporarily lodged her two children in an orphanage, so determined was she to follow this way. History and Heaven will remember her for that.”
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▲ Yun-yeong Yang 梁允永 was professor of music at Ewha Womans University in Seoul in 1955. She later left Moon and the UC, as did Ewha Professor Chung-hwa Han 韓忠嬅 who joined at around the same time.
The early members who gave up their children to follow Moon are legendary – but was it principled? Did they do so voluntarily, or was it required by Moon? What is being restored by rejecting these “Abel” children? This can only be interpreted as a failure by those who believe they are in Abel position. A contradiction of one of Moon’s most important teachings and the pattern that is well established by the man himself. If the members cannot even care for their own children, it is highly unlikely that they will be able to serve and win over their “Cain” recruits. This was borne out repeatedly in church history, including some of Moon’s own key followers.
This can only be explained as an expression of extreme narcissism.
Frank Frivilous
Linda Feher responds:
Yes Frank, you are correct. But don’t forget that it wasn’t only demanded of earlier members. I know so many “sisters” who joined the FFWPU and were told they had to “sacrifice” their “blessed” children in order to “save” the “Cain” children of the world. So they abandoned their children and went out to fundraise and witness for Moon. (The purpose of witnessing was to bring in more fundraisers.)
Also, when the marching orders came for all sisters all over the world to leave their blessed children to join the IOWC (International One World Crusade) teams and travel all over the USA, I witnessed much suffering and tears.
When I asked some who I saw suffering and crying the most why they didn’t just stay home with their children I was told, that they were told, “If you don’t sacrifice your blesses children Satan will attack them”. To me that is spiritual terrorism. They left their children and joined mobile IOWC teams because they were threatened with harm to their children. It makes my blood boil! That kind of spiritual threat always has been the modus operandi of Moon and his style of leadership.
Full definition of Modus Operandi: a method of procedure; especially: a distinct pattern or method of operation that indicates or suggests the work of a single criminal in more than one crime…
Moon convinced the leaders that Satan will attack us if we didn’t follow his every whim, they believed him and then learned from Moon to use that same form of spiritual terrorism to control our every thought, feeling and action.
One sister on my IOWC team left to visit her husband to start their family. During the 3 day ceremony she got pregnant. She was told that she was not supposed to get pregnant during her 3 day ceremony. That it was “bad luck” and that her child would be invaded by Satan. I watched her cry day in and day out on the IOWC team because she was made to fear for her unborn child’s life. That kind of teaching/belief is evil and sickening.
Living on the IOWC team was like living at a funeral 24/7 because so many sisters were hurting over the fact that they had left their children for what was an UNSPECIFIED time period. We had to move to a new city every 21 days, never knowing how many years we would have to serve on IOWC teams. Even that fact, never knowing how long we’d have to be on IOWC traveling teams was a form of spiritual terrorism. Would it be months, years? No one knew and so we were always kept in an emotionally unstable frame of mind.
Moon was a hater of the family and a spiritual blackmailer.
How many couples and how many children have suffered because he terrified them into abandoning their families in order to serve him and his insatiable appetite for power and wealth?
Linda Feher
reposted from WIOTM
Moon instructed: “Whenever the Blessed couples have children, as soon as the child become 100 days old, they will put him in the nursery school.”
Why love matters – book by Sue Gerhardt
“Children … taken from the parents and placed in nurseries for three years,” Margie Laflin.
Another mother, Shin-hee Eu, gives her testimony
VIDEO: Eu Shin-hee spoke on Japanese TV, and her son, Gap Yoon-gil, was also interviewed about being sent to an orphanage.
What was the qualification of Sun Myung Moon among 70 other Korean messiahs?
“I see only a tiny version of myself, seated on the bare floor, encircled by darkness.” – Nansook Hong
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