#Ewha sex scandal
my-vanishing-777 · 28 days
Commentary: In South Korea, the mere mention of feminism can end a conversation
MELBOURNE: One of my former colleagues from Ewha Womans University recently went on a blind date in Seoul. Her date was elated to learn that she attended one of the finest institutions in the country. However, things took a turn when my colleague mentioned her research areas: Gender and women’s studies.
“My research interests literally scared that man away; luckily it was not me,” she told me.
That’s a bit of an odd reaction by her date, you might think. Not so in South Korea, where gender equality and the feminism movement are polarising issues.
Korean men generally admire the prestige associated with Ewha Womans University graduates, yet they are simultaneously unsettled by the very academic pursuits that empower these women.
It reflects a contradictory blend of admiration and apprehension, where respect for the graduates’ intellect (jiseong) clashes with unease towards feminism. The tension highlights the complex dynamics of gender relations in modern Korean society, where women advocating for equality are sometimes shunned or even targeted.
In the presidential election two years ago, conservative candidate Yoon Suk Yeol courted “anti-feminist” male voters and pledged to abolish the Gender Equality Ministry, accusing it of treating men like “potential sex criminals”.
The 2024 World Economic Forum global gender gap report ranks South Korea 94th out of 146 countries in an index that examines economic opportunities, education, health and political leadership.
The situation is further exacerbated by rising violence against women. According to a 2023 report in The Korea Times, crimes against females rose to 28,228 in 2021 from 16,006 in 2007. Additionally, 86.7 per cent of victims of violent crimes in Korea were women from 2011 to 2020.
The Burning Sun sex scandal of 2019 that involved high-profile K-pop stars is an example of the issues plaguing South Korean society.
The scandal, centred around the Burning Sun nightclub in Gangnam, Seoul managed by former megastar Seungri from BigBang, involved drug-fuelled sexual exploitation, gang-rape and illegal filming and sharing of those acts by well-known figures such as singer-songwriter Jung Joon-young and celebrity Choi Jong-hoon. The scandal also revealed collusion between various celebrities and the police.  
The sexually explicit videos and images of unconscious women were disturbing, and reflected a pattern of dehumanising, incapacitating, loathing, and objectifying of women.
Seungri was convicted on multiple charges including procuring prostitutes for potential investors and served an 18-month jail sentence. He was released in February 2023. Choi was released in 2021 after serving two years and six months, and Jung was released in March this year after serving five years.
The case returned to the spotlight recently after a BBC documentary released in May revealed the high personal price suffered by the two female journalists who exposed the scandal.
Viewed as feminists waging an unsubstantiated assault against innocent K-pop stars, Kang Kyung-yoon and Park Hyo-sil were harassed both online and offline. They endured abusive comments, death threats and phone calls in the early hours. During this time, Park suffered two miscarriages.
The various forms of violence against the Burning Sun victims as well as the journalists stem from a mix of anti-feminism and deep-rooted structural problems.
Women’s studies in South Korea can be traced back to the 1970s, but the feminist movement in the country largely began to ride the wave of the global “MeToo” movement in the 2010s.
In 2016, the senseless killing of a woman in a toilet by a man near Gangnam Station catalysed a powerful feminist awakening in South Korea. The man told police he had chosen a woman as his victim “because women have always ignored me”. The attack became seen as a symbol of misogyny.
From that moment, Korean women began to rally and harness their collective strength, fully embracing the worldwide feminist momentum. It was during this period that communities like Megalia and Womad emerged. However, their form of feminism was associated with radicalism and hostility specifically towards men, turning feminism into a “dirty word” in the country.
In November 2023, a man in his 20s launched an indiscriminate attack on a part-time worker at a convenience store simply because she had short hair, labelling her a feminist.
This reflects a broader societal tendency to stigmatise women. Men often blame women for their own struggles, such as low marriage rates, without acknowledging structural issues in a patriarchal society.
In July, Seoul City councillor Kim Ki-duck was criticised after he made unsubstantiated comments connecting a rise in male suicide attempts to an increasingly "female-dominant society". He argued that women’s increased participation in the workforce over the years had edged men out and made it more difficult for them to find marriage partners.
According to a survey in 2021, 84.1 per cent of women in their 20s believe that discrimination against women is serious in South Korean society. Conversely, 78.9 per cent of South Korean men in their 20s feel discrimination against their gender is serious too.
To navigate gender conflicts in South Korea today, my former colleague - and others like her - will need to keep advocating for change. Perhaps one day, friends will be able to speak freely among each other about gender issues without being afraid of judgment.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
On Moon’s Relationships with the Choi Family
Excerpts from The Choi Family Entanglements, recently updated on May 13, 2023
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▲ Pictured: These are the only known photos of Choi Seon-gil (also written as Sun-kil Choi) and Sun Myung Moon together. They were taken around early 1955 by Eu Hyo-min, probably in Seoul. He explained that Choi had challenged her husband when she caught him having sex with two women.
From a Japanese article: “It is complicated. This is the part that has been erased from the history of the Unification Church.
Sun Myung Moon’s first wife was Choi Seon-gil LINK
She was the niece of Choi Seong-mo (see obituary below)
Choi Seon-gil’s uncle was Choi Seong-mo
He was the brother of Choi Seon-gil’s father.
Choi Seong-mo’s wife was Lee Duk-sam. [He married Lee when he was 29. Lee left Choi to follow Sun Myung Moon.]
Choi Seong-mo’s eldest daughter: Choi Soon-shil [She arrested for group sex in Moon’s church in July 1955.] LINK
Choi Seong-mo’s second daughter: Choi Soon-wha LINK [She is the mother of Sam Park, born in 1966, fathered by Sun Myung Moon.]
Choi Seong-mo’s eldest son: Choi Soon-yeong LINK [He inherited the chaebol/business]
Choi Seong-mo’s second son: Choi Soon-kwang
Choi Seong-mo’s third son: Choi Soon-kil
I can understand the feelings of Mr. Choi Seong-mo, who was the husband of Mrs. Lee Duk-sam. He pushed the police to investigate Teacher Moon, and he wanted to beat the Unification Church. At first I thought Mr. Choi Seong-mo hated Teacher Moon because Moon married Choi Seon-gil, who was Mr. Choi’s niece. But apparently he was indignant about the relationship between his wife and Teacher Moon. That is why he called Teacher Moon ‘the devil’.
It’s become a mess.”
[One of the sons, either Soon-kwang or Soon-kil, was active against Sun Myung Moon, but was heavily persecuted by the organization.]
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▲ Pictured: Oh Yeong-choon is standing on the right, next to Hak Ja Han and her mother Hong Soon-ae. Oh was involved in the selection of Hak Jan Han as the wife of Sun Myung Moon. This photograph was taken at around the time of that selection. Oh raised money to get Moon out of jail in 1955, following the Ewha Womans University sex scandal. LINK
Oh Yeong-choon witnessed to Lee Duk-sam in Busan. After Lee Duk-sam joined, she brought her two daughters, Choi Soon-shil and Choi Soon-wha, into the UC. Choi Soon-yeong who was younger resisted recuitment, even though he was under pressure from his mother to join. Moon took the daughters to Seoul to be with him in the fall of 1953. It has been reported that he “restored” the two of them in a small hotel near the Seoul train station. Soon-shil went to Yonsei University and Soon-wha to Ewha Womans University. In 1964 Soon-wha traveled to Washington, DC, to go to university there. She wanted to get away from Moon. In 1965, during his first world tour, Moon spent three months in DC having sex with Soon-wha, aka Annie. He did not leave the US until he knew she was pregnant. Sam Park was born on January 28, 1966.
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▲ Pictured: Sam Park is sitting next to Hak Ja Han. Sam was hidden in Bo Hi Pak’s family and did not discover who his biological parents were until he was 12 or 13. 
Related links below
The Choi family’s entanglements with Moon
Sam Park’s story - Sam Park’s 2014 testimony video and transcript - Sam Park: In response to the feedback I have received
Moon’s first wife, Choi Seon-gil, and Kim Deok-jin interviewed
Sam Park’s Uncle, Soon-yong Choi: “My family has been the prey of the Unification Church.”
Sun Myung Moon’s second wife – Kim Chong-hwa in Pyongyang
Kim Myung-hee, the third wife of Sun Myung Moon
The lie that Kim Myung-hee was raped in Japan
Sun Myung Moon’s fourth wife, Won-pok Choi
Sun Myung Moon’s fifth wife, Hak Ja Han
The Fall of The House of Moon – New Republic
Meet the Love Child Rev. Sun Myung Moon Desperately Tried To Hide – Mother Jones
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
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Research synopsis
 I have arrived at my conclusions about Moon's character and political posture through exhaustive research by myself and a few others over the last decade or so. Some day I will formulate a list of links from a variety of sources that support my opinion. Hopefully, before they all disappear, including those within church archives.
Moon appropriated his secret shamanistic practice of Pikerun from his associations with various syncretic, quasi-Christian fringe cults operating in Korea. He was extremely ambitious in his youth and appears to have been recruited by Imperial Japanese authorities to spy on these groups and also some mainstream Christian groups who trended toward Korean Nationalism. Moon must have been a promising asset because he was promoted by the Japanese and sent to Tokyo and later Manchuria to spy on Korean expatriats there who tended to be Communists. After the war, Moon quickly switched to the newly formed nationalist government of Korea headed by American strongman Syngman Rhee and revived his associations with the Syncretic cults that had government connections. The Israel church headed by Baek Mun Kim had congregations both in North and South Korea and became a convenient cover for intelligence activities. Moon stole most of his theology known as Divine Principle from this man, including his dubious claims of messiahship. Moon made numerous forays into North Korea but was eventually captured by the Communists because of his curious religious practices. When Moon was able to escape he made his way to safety in Pusan and quickly decided to camp out near the nations only women's university known as Ewha. He was well known to authorities who assigned a handler named Young Oon Kim to help him formulate his theology. The reason Moon wasn't prosecuted and even was protected from angry husbands, was his intelligence connections to the Government. Korean society was very conservative then and Korean men are known to be passionate. Moon's career as an evangelist appears to have never advanced without some sort of sponsorship by the intelligence services of various authoritarian governments. Moon's brief stay in Prison over the Ewha University scandal appears to have resulted from his inadvertently exposing the Rhee governments covert prostitution based intelligence gathering operation directed towards American military and diplomatic officers. Moon quickly abandoned overt sexual recruiting but it remained as a largely symbolic presence in the church theology. After this event, Moon clandestinely maintained multiple concubines from prominent or intelligence based families, (Won Bok Choi, Annie Choi, etc). This is intelligence signature of classic black mail ensured control of the operation. Moon later expanded the church into the United States using planted agents as his missionaries, (Young Oon Kim, David Kim, Col. Bo Hi Pak, etc).  Also into Japan through Papa-San Choi and Soo Lim (Durst), where he was able to reconnect to his former Imperial Japanese employers Sasakawa, Kodama and Kishi who were now also working with the C.I.A. having been sprung from prison after the war by General Macarthur. 
The Japanese church component was quickly taken over by Japanese intelligence concerns and maintained it's cultural autonomy within the organisation. The American church appears to have been initially developed with the help of a few deep cover plants, (Neil Salonen, Gordon Ross, etc), but it is difficult to determine their primary loyalty simply by their ideological persuasion. Many western converts display an admiration for the churches official theology Divine Principle which advocates an elaborate process of historical salvation through attending providential figures, (church leaders) and moral restoration through indemnity. This culminates into marriage (blessing) with another church member of the opposite sex with a secretive symbolic ritual that hints of Moon's earlier practices. The secretive internal church doctrines supersedes the initial conversion process with Divine Principle and replaces it with cultic loyalty to the providential (now Moon family), and provides salvation through "blood lineage" (alluding to the sexual component). Finally, and incredibly, the members are now encouraged to secure salvation through the sale of indulgences, known in church parlance as "ancestor liberation" through Shamanic practices combined with a monetary fee. This practice was developed primarily for the Asian members who lacked a formal Christian background and were more receptive to superstition. I welcome any and all criticism of this article but also encourage, especially the members own due diligence in researching the origins of the Unification church through all sources, which I can also freely provide.
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Professor Chung-hwa Han offered her house and all her land to the UC – but Moon’s promises were empty
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▲ Professor Chung-hwa Han with her son, Samuel, outside the Seoul Unification Church in the 1950s. It has been said that he was deaf.
Professor Chung-hwa Han 韓忠嬅 – head of the residential advisors at the Ewha Womans University dormitories – joined in 1954 after being witnessed to by Mrs. Yun-yeong Yang.
Han was married, but her husband was incarcerated in North Korea. Her two children were suffering from a serious illness. When she met Moon, he said that if she joined all her problems would be solved. She became a devoted member. Ten years later, she went to visit Seon-gil Choi and shared what had happened in her life. Nothing had been resolved and she was dying of cancer.
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▲ Professor Chung-hwa Han may be the person sitting in front of Sun Myung Moon in this 1954 photo taken in Daegu.
Gil Ja Sa Eu gave this testimony in 1980. She was one of the fourteen students expelled from Ewha Womans University in 1955. (see photo below) She was married to UC president Hyo-won Eu.
“Also I heard that the English literature professor [Professor Han] who had, until a short time before, been the house mother of our dormitory was going there [to the Unification Church]. During the Korean War her husband was kidnapped by the Communists. She lived only for the coming Lord, and her faith was such that she had many spiritual experiences. Every night she would battle with armies of satans.
She would wave a cutting knife around and in a loud voice pray in tears. She would gather us for early morning prayer meetings, and tell us many things we couldn’t comprehend about the spiritual world.
Somehow my heart was attracted and I faithfully attended every morning. Because of her almost insane life of faith, she was finally removed as house mother of the dormitory. Once she began attending the Unification Church, however, I could not help but be amazed at the change that came over her. Before, because she said she was a sinner, she never used makeup and never cared how she dressed, but when she began going to the Unification Church she began to dress neatly and even began setting her hair, her face was full of hope, and her attitude always joyful.”
“Unification Church leader and a pilgrimage to adultery”
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▲ Cartoon about Sun Myung Moon from the ChoongAng Ilbo – Central Daily newspaper, August 3, 1955. Text at the top of the cartoon: 「愚婦X文教主 = 所謂 陰陽심판」 “Foolish X Reverend Moon, the so-called Yin-Yang referee” lower right corner text: 社会戯評 = Social commentary cartoon (Yin-yang is an allusion to male-female relationships.)
extract from a Japanese magazine report:
Pikareum emerged during the “Ewha Woman’s University Incident” in the early days of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
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Testimony of Mrs Jeong-ok Kim (above) At the time, in 1955, she was Dean of the Student Ministry at Ewha Womans University; she was interviewed in 1993 at the age of 82. Other direct interviews are featured.
“House and land were all offered [to the UC].”
Kim continued to speak about a female Professor of English from that time. Her name was Chung-hwa Han and she had become an evangelist for the Unification Church. “Chung-hwa Han’s husband had been abducted in North Korea, and two of her children were both plagued by serious illnesses. “She had met Sun Myung Moon in Busan. He had told her that if she offered everything to the Unification Church, her husband would return and also her children’s illnesses would be healed. I heard that subsequently she became a fanatical member. I heard her lecturing about the Unification Church in the dormitory and in the classroom, so I scolded her. “I told her that this Methodist school did not permit her to lecture about the Unification Church in the classrooms and dormitories. I also said that Christianity was not taught in a temple. She retorted, “One day those of you who do not believe in the Unification Church will go to hell”. The next day she submitted her letter of resignation. “About ten years later Chung-hwa Han came to visit my house. She was shabbily dressed. She told me she had left the Unification Church. She was crying as she explained, “I dedicated my house and land, and all my deposits to the Unification Church. Still I am without my husband and my children did not recover from their illnesses.” A few years later she died.” Some girls at Ewha Woman’s University accepted her “teaching” and they joined the Unification Church. One has to wonder what fate was waiting for them.
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▲ Ewha Womans University students who were expelled from university for their involvement in Moon’s pikareum cult. Soon-wha Choi, aka Annie Choi, the mother of Sam Park is front left. Standing third from the left is Gil Ja Sa Eu.
Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers
Pak Chung-hwa interviewed about Moon’s “SEX relays”
Sun Myung Moon used a ‘Honey Trap’ – Choi Soon-yeong explains
Moon’s first wife, Choi Seon-gil, and Kim Deok-jin interviewed
Gil-ja Sa Eu on the 1955 Ewha Womans University sex scandal
Sun Myung Moon found guilty in 1955; started two year jail sentence
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Hyo-won Eu, who wrote the DP was jailed for document forgery
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▲ Hyo-won Eu (right) with Sun Myung Moon in Seoul in c.1955
Hyo-won Eu was the main author of the 1957 Divine Principle. In July 1955 he was jailed for making forgeries of official documents. It was reported in the Kyunghyang Shinmun, dated July 15 1955.
六名拘束送廳   統一教會事件
Six people arrested and detained then sent to court in Unification Church incident 文鮮明 Moon Sun Myung jailed on two charges 劉孝元 Eu Hyo won  公文書偽造 Counterfeiting of official documents and four other UC members arrested on various charges
The arrests in July followed a thorough two month investigation which had begun on May 13, 1955 when two officers from the Police Criminal Investigation Bureau first went to the church.  
Hyo-won Eu explained some more in his own diary:
Hyo-won Eu’s Diary: “July 4, 1955. Investigator Oh and Chief Investigator Kim came over to ask Teacher to come to the [Police] station in order to tape an interview. Young Oon [Kim] and I followed them. We went into different rooms.”
Hyo-won Eu: “July 11. At 4:30 I prepared for life in jail, and went to the investigation station. … I was arrested at the East Gate station.”
Hyo-won Eu: “July 13. I was sent by a detective to the Chong No station. … Yung Suk Pak [a student from Ewha] was looking at me very sympathetically. When we were almost ready to leave, one of my nephews called out, “Uncle, what happened to you?” He was crying. When the car left, he hit the window. Their faces looked at us with so much longing, so I told them there was nothing to worry about.
We became so tired, waiting in the Pigeon’s Ground. Teacher [Moon]’s right wrist and my left wrist were bound tightly together. We were led to the examining room. … He [Moon] looked at me and added, “Hyo Won, you are having a hard time, aren’t you?” I told him, “Because of our mistakes, we got you into trouble as well.” With 30 other prisoners, we were sent to the West Gate prison. Some time after midnight, we arrived at Building 6, Ward 9, Cell 380.”
Hyo-won Eu: “July 29. I signed the Principle which I wrote and expressed my feelings to the secretary. … Again, as on the first day, five of us were bound together with Teacher and were sent before Judge Kang.
Son Yung Sohn touched me. I asked him to greet Teacher. Teacher told him, “Pray a lot.” When we got into the car, they didn’t let us sit next to the window. I couldn’t understand how their minds could be so hard.
So finally 22 days passed since our arrest, and we were brought to trial. The first trial was at 10:00 at the local courtroom in Seoul, courtroom 4. The judge was Hak No Yoon. He was actually the chief judge. In the afternoon session, Judge Se Yong Kang gave the following sentence: “‘Teacher, 2 years; Hyo Won, 2 years; the other members, 1 year each.””
Hyo-won Eu’s diary: http://www.tparents.org/Library/Unification/Talks/Eu/Eu-550000.htm
Sun Myung Moon found guilty in 1955; started two year jail sentence
The testimony of Professor Kim from Ewha Womans University
Gil-ja Sa Eu on the 1955 Ewha Womans University sex scandal
Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers
36 Couples – many left the Unification Church
1955년 이화여대에서 일어난 문선명 섹스 스캔들
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The Korean regime imprisoned former Unification Church members who revealed the inner workings of the UC
Extract from a 1993 Japanese magazine article:
The ‘Pikareum sex ritual’ is no longer performed in the Unification Church. But if what was said in these testimonies, and what is written in the sources are true, then ‘pikareum’ was actively practised in the early days. So, when did the Unification Church stop doing ‘pikareum’? And what was the reason for them to stop?

“Why did the Unification Church quit doing ‘pikareum’?” I was asking someone familiar with the inner workings of the Unification Church [Hyo-min Eu, 36 couple]. My frank question elicited a glare, if only for a moment. Then Mr Eu let out some revealing words.
“After the Ewha Woman’s University incident [in 1955], Sun Myung Moon was eventually acquitted and released. [There are reports that money was raised by church members and delivered to the legal authorities. After three months in jail Moon was released after dark. LINK ]
The main reason that people who had left the Unification Church and revealed the inner workings were subsequently imprisoned was because at the time there were connections between the Unification Church and the regime.
Please look back at the history of the Unification Church mass weddings. In answer to the question, “Why did the Unification Church stop pikareum?” I will just answer that Sun Myung Moon was ordered to “Do everything, but not that [pikareum]”.
The Unification Church mass weddings started in 1960. Although it was mentioned in the previous magazine issue, the first wedding (held in 1960) and the second one (in 1961) are called ‘Holy Weddings’, and are clearly distinguished from the subsequent mass weddings [because Sun Myung Moon womb-cleansed each and every wife of the 36 and 72 couples].
The magazine article: 

Pikareum emerged during the “Ewha Woman’s University Incident” in the early days of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Sun Myung Moon found guilty in 1955; started two year jail sentence
Moon’s theology for his pikareum sex rituals with all the 36 wives
The 1955 Sun Myung Moon sex scandal involving Ewha Woman’s University students as told in the newspapers
Prime Minister Kishi of Japan, organised crime and the Moon involvement in Japanese politics gained protection for the UC
Tahk Myeong-hwan was offered a bribe of $450,000 to discontinue research into the Unification Church
Tahk Myeong-hwan was murdered four weeks after Sun Myung Moon spoke about him as an opponent.
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Papasan Choi died on Feb 23, 2023. Boonville was founded by him but taken away by Sun Myung Moon
Updated March 5, 2023
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▲ Papasan Choi (aka Choi Sang-Ik, Choi Bong-Choon and Masaru Nishigawa) and Mamasan in Tokyo.
Sang-Ik Choi was born in 1925. At the age of two he had moved to Japan with his family, returning to Korea when they were forced to repatriate in 1945. His father gave him the name Bong-choon when he was in his twenties. He realized the significance of the name only after joining our church in April 1957 and thereafter adopted it. During his missionary days in Japan, he went by the Japanese name Masaru Nishigawa.
Mutual hostility contributed to Korea and Japan not restoring diplomatic relations until December 1965. In 1958, severe travel restrictions existed between the two countries. Talks recommenced in December that year only after Japan dropped its long-standing claim to about 80 percent of all property in Korea and its claim that Korea was the beneficiary from 1910-1945. Antiquities had been spirited away from Korea. Japan called this archeology; Korea called it theft. Any concessions on Japan’s part led to riots in Tokyo. Even in 1965, in both countries, riots and histrionic statements by politicians preceded the ratification votes.
He planted the seeds for the Unification Church in Japan from 1958 to 1964. Because Korea and Japan did not have diplomatic relations, he was arrested upon arrival in July 1958. Escaping confinement, he made his way to Tokyo where, after six months of struggle, he got a job as a salesman for a watch shop in the Shinjuku section. During the morning he worked. In the afternoon he witnessed. Once a week he rented the second floor of the shop to preach. On Sunday, October 2, 1959, he conducted the first Sunday service. The Unification Church of Japan commemorates this as its founding day.
Sang-Ik Choi was married in the 36 couples under the name of Bong-Choon Choi. His wife, Mi-Shik Shin, had been expelled from Ewha Woman’s University in 1955 during the UC sex scandal. The young women did not want to testify in court. However, Moon admitted to the judge that he had lied about his age to avoid the military draft. He was sentenced to two years in jail, but was released after a few months after some “special arrangements” were made. Papasan Choi was always reluctant to talk about how his wife was “womb-cleansed” by Sun Myung Moon.
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▲ Papasan Choi with Japanese members
In 1964 he was deported from Japan to Korea; the following year he traveled to the US where he was known as Papasan Choi. He established a community in the Bay Area, but there was conflict between his group and that of Young-oon Kim who taught the Divine Principle in a more orthodox way.
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▲ Boonville, also known as New Ideal City Ranch
Boonville was purchased in 1970 by Papasan Choi. He and his wife, known as Mamasan, led the Re-Education Center which he had founded in San Francisco. Mamasan’s role in the community was significant. Yeon-Soo Lim (or Onni Durst as she was later known) ran an outpost of Papasan Choi’s community in Berkeley.
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Papasan Choi’s secular teachings, The Principles of Education, were the foundation for the teaching methods used in the Bay Area and Boonville by Mose Durst, Kristina Morrison Seher and the Creative Community Project team.
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▲ Papasan Choi, Mamasan and San Francisco members, January 1, 1969
“Furthermore, the International Re-Education Foundation had owned some land in Boonville, California, sometimes known as [the New] Ideal City Ranch, which it turned over in a simple transfer of title in 1974 to the Unification Church.” (page 111) Rev. Sun Myung Moon (1978) by Chong-Sun Kim. University Press of America
In December 1974 Yeon-Soo Lim was married to Mose Durst by Sun Myung Moon in Pasadena. From then she was known as Onni Durst. At the same time Moon made her the Unification Church leader of California (excluding Los Angeles). In this way she inherited the Boonville property. Papasan Choi was sometimes described as a failure by leaders of the Creative Community Project, however, that had not been the case.
Link to an extended report on Papasan Choi and the early UC in California.
Papasan Choi made a public declaration about leaving the Unification Church on January 15, 1987 in Saitama, Japan.
統一教会問題と私、及びその未来 – 西川 勝氏
Creative Community Project brochure
From a talk given by Dr. Mose Durst, President of the Creative Community Project.
Childcare in the Unification Church of Oakland
Boonville – Is this how the Family cared for its children?
Recruitment – The Boonville Chicken Palace by David Frank Taylor, M.A., July 1978, Sociology
Moonwebs by Josh Freed
Crazy for God: The nightmare of cult life by Christopher Edwards
Ford Greene – the former Moonie became an attorney
Chant 10,000 times – instruct Onni Durst and Kristina Morrison Seher, June 2014
Thomas W. Case:
Boonville in the spring of 1974
Inside Look at a Boonville Moonie Training Session
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The scandalous stories told about the Unification Church in Korea and Japan
Miss Young Oon Kim was the first Unification Church missionary to the United States. She arrived in the midst of a raging snowstorm on January 4, 1959. She came as a student to the University of Oregon in Eugene but left school to live in a vacant house in Oakhill, a semi-rural settlement several miles east of Eugene to be near her three best contacts. The Oakhill group migrated several hundred miles down the coast to San Francisco in late 1960. There, they put energy into improving the Principle text, obtaining legal incorporation, purchasing a three-story building as a training center, and direct person-to-person witnessing. In July 1962, they opened up mission territory in surrounding Bay Area communities.
By the end of that year, the group had expanded to Los Angeles and Sacramento and grown to more than fifty members.
Doomsday Cult A Study of Conversion, Proselytization and Maintenance of Faith
by John Lofland University of Michigan
Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1966
pages 86-87
In 1961, one of the members [who spoke German, probably Peter Koch] meticulously assembled a handwritten mailing list of about 2,000 people.
Young Oon Kim advised that Koreans and Japanese be omitted. She said that students from these countries were likely to have heard the scandalous stories told about the Unification Church in that part of the world and thus were poor prospects in a missionary campaign.
Peter wanted to send a letter to each person, but one that would appear to be a personal communication. A form letter, printed on the cult’s multilith press, had such a personally typed appearance (if one did not look too closely and notice that the margins were justified). Peter signed each letter and hand addressed and personally stamped each envelope. The envelopes thus appeared to enclose personal greetings rather than to be bulk mail.
The letter itself was a masterpiece of studied ambiguity and covert presentation.
No religious language was used, nor was the “Divine Principle” mentioned. The only hint of millenarianism is the reference to the “event which will bring about great changes in this world within the very near future” and its “revolutionary effect.” Emphasizing solidarity, the letter is addressed to Peter Koch’s “fellow student” and states that he is “a foreign student as you are,” even though the thirty-five-year-old Peter was no longer a student.
There was some indecision as to whether to post them all at once or simply a few at a time. Kim advised that if they were sent all at once Peter would be swamped and unable to give adequate attention to each person. He should send a limited number at a time.
Peter began sending about a hundred letters a week. Still unemployed, he was always by the phone waiting to receive inquiries. Roughly 500 letters were sent out by mid-November. They produced many inquiring phone calls and many vague explanations in an attempt to get people to the apartment. Eight people appeared to be introduced to the DP. One of them, a Chinese graduate student in economics, became a convert.
The letters continued in December, only now at the rate of about 300 a week. Peter meticulously reported the final results in the cult’s newsletter:
I have sent letters to over 1,900 students from practically all countries of the world, but the results are not very impressive. Out of an estimated 150 students who called me on the telephone, thirty-six came to hear the cassette tape on the Divine Principle.
Pak Chung-hwa interviewed about Moon’s “SEX relays”
How “God’s Day” was established by Sun Myung Moon in 1968
Sun Myung Moon found guilty in 1955; started two year jail sentence
Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers
Sun Myung Moon’s Theology of the Fall, Tamar, Jesus and Mary
Ritual Sex in the Unification Church – Kirsti L. Nevalainen
Professor Eileen Barker: “It is said, and there seems to be a lot of evidence for this, that in the early days [Moon] had a lot of sexual relationships which were described as being part of some kind of religious, spiritual ritual. We are hearing stories over and over again about this. … the allegations from a lot of women and people, men as well as early followers, does seem to be pretty enormous. It is just not one person who has been making these claims.” January 7, 2013, BBC Radio 4
In 1984 Professor Eileen Barker wrote: “But the following year [1955] Moon was imprisoned again. The Unificationists say that this was on a trumped-up charge of draft evasion, but it has also been reported that he was charged with ‘injuring public morals’, or, according to another account, that ‘his indictment was initially draft dodging but was later changed to adultery and promiscuity.’ Similar rumours (which persist to this day in Korea)31 alleged that he was engaging in ritual sexual practices.
Note 31  In conversations with scores of non-Unificationist Koreans the first information I have been given about the Unification Church has, in almost every instance, been that Moon engages (or has engaged) in immoral sexual practices with his followers.”The Making of a Moonie: Brainwashing or Choice?  Eileen Barker   pp 42, 265
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Sun Myung Moon was scammed several times in the 1950s and 60s
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문선명의 정체! (1)  The True Identity of Sun Myung Moon! (1)
김명희 저  Kim Myung-hui (author – male former UC 430 couple)
(Note: Many Koreans are familiar with this book, the 1955 Ewha Woman’s University Sex Scandal and other similar stories about Moon. That is why the UC in Korea was never very successful. Thousands of members in Korea are from Japan and the Philippines, etc. Big buildings in Korea lend prestige to the UC/Family Federation – but the buildings are mostly paid for by the Japanese.)
from pages 336-338
Sun Myung Moon was Scammed
I remember something that happened around 1956. A Minister Kim was the school minister of the Baejae School at the time. He studied the life of religious leader Moon while living in the Cheongpa-dong Unification Headquarters. He listened to Moon lecturing about the Principle for about a month in an effort to study Unificationist theory. He came to the conclusion within that time that leader Moon was the anti-christ.
There was an incident which happened in 1957. Dae-sung Kang, father of Mr. Kang who was a member of the 36 Blessed Couples, approached the Unification Church, and said to leader Moon and his executives, “There is an empty house in Manri-dong which would be good for a gathering place.” He continued, “This house is undergoing litigation at the moment, I will obtain the title and donate it to the Unification Church.” Accordingly, leader Moon and his executives went to take a look at the house in Manri-dong filled with greed.
Having heard from Mr. Kang Senior that the house could be had for just one million won, leader Moon hurried to prepare the money and delivered it to Mr. Kang who deceived Moon into thinking that such a house could be bought for only a million won. As soon as he received it, Mr. Kang Senior took the money and ran.
This incident reveals the vision of leader Moon, who like any other, cannot see through people although he calls himself the Lord of the Second Advent. This has been covered as a shame in Unification Church because as they saw the swindler is the problem as well as is the person swindled.
This next incident happened in the early 1960s. A good looking woman in her 50s approached leader Moon as she called herself a spiritual medium.
Her name was Dong-seok Lee. She said she owned the eighty thousand Buddhist Classics from the Haeinsa Temple and she also had a lot of gold and treasure hidden away underneath her wardrobe which was prepared for her to achieve the will of God.
Leader Moon was overcome with greed when he heard about the treasure hidden under her furniture. Therefore, leader Moon became close with her. Leader Moon treated her with respect and used to give her rides in the Jeep dedicated for his use.
Leader Moon concocted a scheme by arranging for this woman to adopt his pupil, In-cheol Kim, as her son in order for Kim to confirm that there was in fact treasure worth billions of won beneath her furniture. One day, the woman said she had an urgent matter and asked the leader for 400,000 won which he promptly gave her. She then hurried off, leaving the leader, and no one ever heard from her since. Leader Moon had worked so hard for nothing. This also represents failure to act the role of the Lord of the Second Advent who cannot even see into the near future.
There is yet another scam leader Moon fell prey to due to his greed. This is the Chang-Hwan Oh incident which took place in 1955. Leader Moon was imprisoned in Seoul Prison together with his officers from headquarters at the time of the Ewha Women’s University incident.
A 37-year-old convict named Chang-hwan Oh, who had been placed in the same cell with the Association president Hyo-won Eu, came one day to the Unification Church Headquarters looking for Hyo-won Eu who was released earlier than Mr. Oh.
When Hyo-Won Eu introduced Mr. Oh to leader Moon, Mr. Oh buttered up leader Moon with the following some days later.
“There is a lot of lumber in Incheon and we can do some trading which can net us several times the profit with only 800,000 won.” After listening to his words, leader Moon instructed a Mrs. Kim to hurry and prepare the money. The next day, Mr. Eu an Association leader, took the money bag and left for Incheon together with Mr. Oh.
Mr. Oh fled with the money bag in a bus bound for Incheon. Finally, leader Moon pursued Mr. Oh with a few believers as he was much angered by Mr. Oh’s scam.
Young Oon Kim, who could speak English fluently, was looking for Mr. Oh at every American military base as it was said that Mr. Oh used to be found around the American military bases in Incheon and Noryangjin. Her efforts were for naught, but Mr. Dong-seok Cho found Mr. Oh by chance, and the leader had him put back in prison.
Considering this case, if he was the true Lord the Second Advent, leader Moon should have been able to spot the con man.
Moreover, Jesus sacrificed his life and bore the cross for sinful people and his enemies. However, the modern Lord of the Second Advent Sun Myung Moon turned his back against Mr. Oh – who repented and apologized for his mistake – and instead pressed charges to send him back to prison. We can fully understand the level of sympathy of leader Moon, who is said to be the True Parent of mankind, has for others.
사기 당한 문선명
문선명의 정체! (사진으로 보는 문선명의 정체)
The Identity of Sun Myung Moon (1) by Myung-hui Kim
The Korean regime imprisoned former Unification Church members who revealed the inner workings of the UC
The 1955 Sun Myung Moon sex scandal involving Ewha Woman’s University students as told in the newspapers
Moon sex scandal at Ewha Woman’s University in the headlines
36 Couples – many left the Unification Church
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Japan, 1967: Parents Form Organization Against New-Religious Sect
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Mainichi Shimbun, Tokyo, Japan, September 17, 1967
Some 80 parents from throughout the country Saturday formed a national organization to protect their sons and daughters who, they claim, have fallen prey to a neo-religious sect created by a South Korean, aimed at unifying all religious, thoughts and even the world.
At the inaugural meeting held in Tokyo the parents said that their children, mostly high school and university students, were bring misled by a so-called “Unification Association” even to abandon school lessons and desert parents and kinfolk.
The unification movement is said to have been launched by Mun Seon Myong [Moon Sun Myung], 47, as a “free sex group” after the end of the Korean War some 13 years ago. Almost nothing is known about the founder.
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▲ Sun Myung Moon, left, at around the time Choi Sang-ik was sent to Japan to begin the organization there. Moon Sung Jin, born in 1946, is his son from his first marriage, to Choi Seon-gil. On the right is Kim Young-Oon who wrote the first ever Divine Priniciple, published in English 1956. The first Korean edition was published in 1957.
It has also been engaged in Japan in 1959 by a Korean missionary [Choi Sang-ik aka Masaru Nishigawa or Papasan Choi] and officially recognized as a religious establishment in 1963.
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▲ Choi Sang-ik, known as Masaru Nishigawa in Japan, or as Papasan Choi in the US. His wife was known as Mamasan. She was one of the students expelled from Ewha Womans University in Seoul in 1955 during the Unification Church sex scandal of that year. Moon was sentenced to two years in jail for his crimes.
The organization is said to have a membership of some 3,000 persons, Including 1,500 university students and 1,000 high school students.
It has also been engaged in religious activities in the United States, West Germany and several other countries, informants here said.
Some of the parents present at the meeting Saturday said their children had not attended classes for more than one year and seldom returned home since becoming ‘believers’ of the neo-religious sect.
The believers, both boys and girls, live together at several dormitories built by the church, they explained,
They are obligated to go on a preaching tour for 40 days throughout the country, during which time they earn money for their own use by collecting and selling waste articles, they said.
During the tour, the parents said, missionaries have to live on crusts of bread. Consequently, most of them suffer from malnutrition at the end of the 40-day preaching tours, they added.
At Saturday’s meeting, the parents issued a statement protesting the association’s activities “to mislead naive boys and girls into believing such thoughts as to deny the existence of state and social structures.”
They said they would enlarge the newly-formed organization to include other parents throughout the country in an attempt to bring legal action against them and other leaders of the unification movement.
The statement said such unification activities are really “revolutionary” in nature, aimed at disrupting family life as well as the social structure.
Later in the day, parents participating in the meeting demonstrated in the Shibuya area of Tokyo, where the Unification Association is headquartered, to demand the return of their children.
Informants here said the Association might expand its activities into the political field in the future, as in the case of the neo-Buddhist sect “Sokagakkai.”
They pointed out that one difference between this sect and Sokagakkai is that the former [the Unification Association] primarily caters to youths, especially students.
Pikareum sex emerged at Ewha Womans University in 1955
Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers
2. “The Moonies: Government Files Trace Church from Sex Cult to Korean CIA”
 by James Coates   Chicago Tribune, Monday, March 27, 1978
Top Japanese ex-UC leader, Yoshikazu Soejima, interviewed
An Unholy Alliance: How the Unification Church Penetrated Japan’s Ruling Liberal Democratic Party
Politics and religion interwoven 4. In Japan: The Unification Church: Christian Church or Political Movement?
 by Wi Jo Kang (1976)
How Sun Myung Moon bought protection in Japan 1a. The LDP’s Tangled Ties to the Unification Church (2022) 1b. NNLASS press conference held in Tokyo on FFWPU/UC “spiritual sales” (2022) 2. Richard J. Samuels – Kishi and Corruption:  An Anatomy of the 1955 System (2001) 3. John Roberts – Earth-conquering Moonies (1978) 4. Kishi wrote a letter to President Reagan to get Moon sprung from jail. (1984)
Nobusuke Kishi was known as a monster, responsible for the deaths of thousands, and as a friend of Sun Myung Moon
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Pikareum emerged during the “Ewha Womans University Incident” in the early days of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
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▲ Professor Chung-hwa Han is in the back row on the right. Professor Won-bok Choi is in the row in front of her, at the right. The photo was taken in May 1956 at the Cheongpa-dong church, Seoul. Inset on the right: Professor Han with her son, Samuel.
Full story: https://tragedyofthesixmarys.com/pikareum-emerged-ewha/
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In 1955, Moon admitted in court he had falsified his age to dodge the draft. Who made his “Certificate of Innocence”?
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It has no court symbol or address on it, which seems inappropriate for a document from the Seoul Superior Court. It states the date of sentencing was November 21, 1955. That does not match multiple newspaper reports from the time. The Dong-A Ilbo was just one of the respected papers that carried the story. They all state that Moon was sentenced on September 21, 1955.
On that day, Moon was indicted and began a two year jail sentence. Other church leaders were also indicted at the same time.
Dong-A Ilbo: “On September 20 … Defendant Moon did admit that he had raised his age. … Prosecutor Kang, in the bill of indictment, pointed out that defendant Moon “had raised his age to avoid the draft (military service)””
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▲ ‘X’ indicates Moon standing before the judge, probably on the day he was indicted. (Full translation is below.)
How could Sun Myung Moon be innocent if he had admitted his guilt to prosecutor Kang Seo-yong, 姜瑞龍 ? If Moon was innocent, why was he indicted and locked up, as the papers of the time reported.
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Oh Yeong-choon, 呉永春, (above) was one of the most important and loyal early disciples. She joined in Busan in early 1952. Her testimonies were published in English in February, March and May 2013 by the UC / FFWPU; she had written them in 1978 after moving to the US. In the early years Moon trusted her with important money matters. During the 1955 Ewha Woman’s University sex scandal she raised a lot of money and paid it to contacts in the police and judiciary to try to stop Moon being investigated or then arrested. According to her words, when finally she had paid enough, Moon was released—furtively, after dark, on October 4, 1955.
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The certificate of “innocence”does not seem to have the name of any official. It does not list all the other charges brought against Moon in July 1955. He was “charged with the false imprisonment” for three days of a 22 year-old female university student “who he forced to adopt his new religion”.
The certificate does not look like the usual Korea official documents which famously have multiple stamps on them. The one stamp it does have is so degraded that it is conveniently illegible. The certificate was apparently created on July 1, 1974, shortly before Moon’s Madison Square Gardens speech. Perhaps Moon wanted to forestall negative newspaper reports in the US in the run up to his big public event. The certificate is the same one that Bo Hi Pak presented to Donald Fraser during that Congressional investigation. Pak insisted that Moon was innocent, but the historical record seems to prove otherwise.
How well do you know your Moon?
동아일보   Dong-A Ilbo (East Asia Daily News) September 21, 1955  
어제첫公判 統一教會 事件  ( 공판통일교회사건 )
Yesterday the first trial was held in the ‘Unification Church incident’
On September 20, ‘Unification Church’ leader Moon Sun Myung (real name, Moon Yong Myung), aged 36, appeared for the first day of his trial in Seoul District Court No. 4. At the 10:30a.m. hearing the presiding judge was Yoon Hak-no ( 尹學老 ) and the prosecutor was Kang Seo-yong ( 姜瑞龍 ) who was handling the prosecution of Moon Sun Myung. [The afternoon hearing was at 2:30p.m.] On this day the court was jam-packed with many women who seemed to be ‘Unification Church’ believers.
Defendant Moon, who has been much talked about concerning multiple alleged adulteries, on the day only stood as a defendant for charges of Military Service Act violations. This is because there were no complaints from the alleged victims. Along with him, other defendants from the same church stood trial as well: Kim Won-pil (28, violated the Military Service Act, and had raised his age by six years), Eu Hyo-won (42, failed to report to military record), Eu Hyo-min (36, same charge as above), and Eu Hyo-yeong (35, same charge as above).
As soon as the court session began the prosecution read the list of indictments and then the investigation into the facts proceeded. Defendant Moon did admit that he had raised his age. The legal profession still had two arguments about whether raising one’s age, even when the person subject to the draft was over 32 or 33 years old, was a violation of the Military Service Act. Nevertheless, Prosecutor Kang, in the bill of indictment, pointed out that defendant Moon “had raised his age to avoid the draft (military service) in accordance with the Christian doctrine against injuring others or taking life”.
동아일보 Dong-A Ilbo newspaper, September 22, 1955
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文敎主에二年 統一敎會事件求刑
Religious Leader Moon given two year sentence in the ‘Unification Church incident’ prosecution
文敎主 (문교주) 에二年 (이년) 統一敎會事件求刑 (통일교회사건구형)
작보 = 二 (이) 십일 개정된 『통일교회사건』제一 (일) 회공판에서  사실심리에이어  관여  姜瑞龍 (강서용) 검사는피고들에게  각각다음과같이  체형구형을하였다
▲ 文鮮明 (문선명) (교주) = 懲役二年 (징역이년)
▲ 劉孝元 (유효원) = 懲役二年 (징역이년)
▲ 金元弼 (김원필) 劉孝敏 (유효민) 劉孝永 (유효영) = 各各懲役一年六月 (각각징역일년륙월)
Following earlier report: The first trial regarding the ‘Unification Church incident’ started on the 20th [September 1955]. After investigating the facts, prosecutor Kang Seo-yong ( 姜瑞龍 ), recommended the following terms for the defendants:
▲ Moon Sun Myung (religious leader) = Imprisonment for two years
▲ Eu Hyo-won = Imprisonment for two years
▲ Kim Won-pil, Eu Hyo-min, Eu Hyo-yeong = Each person imprisonment for one year and six months
Why was Eu Hyo-won released in the middle of the night?
Eu Hyo-won’s diary: “September 28, 1955. In the morning, the bamboo pen broke. Yoo Kyung-gyu came to visit us. He told us, “With Teacher you are all going to be released today.” But we were still in a very uncertain mood. In the evening, Kim Won-pil, looking out through his window cried out, “This evening?” “Yes,” I answered with a loud voice, but I wasn’t sure. Thirty minutes later, there was still no news, and we went to bed. After we fell asleep, we finally heard the rattling noise of a door being opened and somebody shouting, “380, come out with your belongings.”
Lee Chang-whan was helping us pack. I gave him underwear, shirts and socks. More than ten came out, but I couldn’t see Teacher. When I went to his room 29, he was already looking in my direction. I said, “Why only me?” Teacher said, “Go as quickly as possible; that’s the way it is.” But I couldn’t turn away. I shed tears. I wanted to go back in. When I came out of jail, I saw Soo-Yung. When Wol-Sun greeted me, Tong-Suk held my hands very tightly. We returned to the church by jeep. There were [Kang] Hyun-Sil, Chung-Sook, Ok-Bong, Hwang Un-Ja, Tong-Chol’s mother, Kim Young-Oon, Kwang Yul [Yoo Kwang-Yol] and Kim Bang-Ul.”
Choi Syn-deok 崔信德 (1921-2016) joined in 1954. Later she was Professor of Sociology at Ewha Womans University in Seoul. She wrote an article about the UC in Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch No. 43 (1967) The introduction stated: “She was once an active member of the Tong-il Church [ = Unification Church ] and was closely associated with Mun Son-myong.”
“KOREA’S TONG-IL MOVEMENT” “I present here a brief picture of the Tong-il Church from the sociological point of view. … Many reports have been made about these two religious bodies. [The other was Elder Park Tae-seon’s “Olive-Tree” Church.] There is, however, no one who really knows about their leaders, organizations, beliefs and practices. We have seen many families which have been destroyed, leaving unhappy husbands, sorrowful parents and miserable children because of these new religious movements. The purpose of this research is to help in the solution of these problems of disorganization of homes, and to make a scientific study about these groups, without emotional or biased opinions. … “Before Moon’s marriage [in 1960], believers, male as well as female, who longed to meet him and talk with him could easily arrange to be with him in the living room of a home attached to the church, staying until very late. They used to talk, sing and laugh without realizing how fast the night went, until after one or two o’clock in the morning. They called this their period of direct association with the master. Its purpose was to educate and train the believers, that is, to “restore” them.” … “In July, 1955, several senior members and four leaders as well as Mr. Moon were imprisoned under an accusation of injuring public morals. (This matter was reported in papers and journals.)”
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▲ Restoring so many women was tiring for Sun Myung Moon
Sex scandal at the Ewha Woman’s University in 1955
A more extensive investigation into this story: Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers
Tragedy of the Six Marys video transcript (English)
統一教會 事件 = Unification Church Ewha incident [of 1955] The original newspaper articles with Korean text.
Moon found guilty in 1955; started two year jail sentence
Sun Myung Moon’s fake Waseda University Graduation Certificate
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Sun Myung Moon was arrested for imprisoning a female student for three days. He starved her.
(Korean and English text, and an image, updated June 4, 2021)
Soon-shil Choi was the sister of Sam Park’s mother. She was trying to leave Moon’s sex cult and so he imprisoned her in 1955. Moon was able to keep her the group at that time. He planned to marry her in 1959, before he ended his 40th year (in Korean age a person is one year old at birth). Soon-shil escaped just before the wedding was to be held in the fall of 1959. Moon was beyond furious and had to marry someone else, Hak Ja Han, early in 1960. [Sam Park explains this.]
The story of Moon and the 1955 Ewha Woman’s University sex scandal was all over the newspapers in Korea, and was also reported in Japan. The Unification Church became infamous and recruiting became very difficult. The members went to rural areas where fewer people had seen the scandalous news reports. Sometimes, according to an FBI report, recruiters paid people to join. Korea was poverty stricken following the 1950-53 war, and so some did take the money and join.
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Kyunghyang Shinmun Daily News – July 15, 1955, Seoul
六名拘束送廳    統一教會事件
Six arrested and indicted in the matter of Unification Church believers
통일교회 교주 문(文鮮明 = 三六) 씨 외 五명의 교회간부를 구속취조 중이던 치안국특수 정보과에서는 수사에 일단락을 짓고 피의자 전원六명을 十三일 하오 검찰청에 구속 송치하였다
Concerning Unification Church leader Mr Moon (Moon Sun Myung, 36) and the five key officers of the church, who are now in detention and are being interrogated at the Public Peace National Special Intelligence Bureau, the first stage of the criminal investigation has been completed. On the afternoon of the thirteenth [of July], all six suspects were sent to be held in detention by the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
▲ 文鮮明 Moon Sun Myung (教主 church leader) = 兵役法違反 Acting against the Military Service Law and 不法監禁 Wrongful imprisonment [of a 22-year old female Yonsei University student for three days]. ▲ 劉孝元 Eu Hyo-won (幹部 cadre) = 公文書偽造 Counterfeiting of official documents ▲ 劉孝敏 Eu Hyo-min (cadre) = 國家保安法違反 Acting against National Security law ▲ 劉孝永 Eu Hyo-young (cadre) = 兵役法 맟 國家保安法違反 Acting against Military Service and National Security laws ▲ 金元弼 Kim Won-pil (cadre) = 兵役法違反 Acting against Military Service law ▲ 催淳實 Choi Soon-shil = (女信徒 a female believer) 淫行媒介 being instrumental in the conduct of immoral sexual acts.
이들은 서울지검 강 (姜瑞龍) 검사의 취조를 받게되었다 한다
These people have been undergoing formal interrogation by public prosecutor Kang Seo-yong ( 姜瑞龍 ) of the Seoul District Public Prosecutor’s Office.
The female university student who Moon imprisoned was Soon-shil Choi. At the time she was a 22-year old student at Yonsei University. Her sister, Soon-wha Choi, went to Ewha Woman’s University. According to other sources Moon dressed Soon-shil Choi in white robes and withheld food for three days. He was apparently coercing her to stay in his church. Her brother, Soon-yong Choi, alludes to the Unification Church using force: “the stark realities of the almost forceful missionary work done in the early days of the Unification Church.”  LINK
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▲ Soon-wha Choi is on the right. It is probably her sister, Soon-shil, sitting close to her. The women can be seen below the feet of Sun Myung Moon in the photo below which was taken on March 31, 1955 in Seoul. Soon-shil Choi was arrested 3 months later.
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Diary of UC President Hyo-won Eu, who was involved in the Ewha ‘7.4 incident’. (July 4 incident) “In his position as president of our family in Korea for 15 years, he wrote almost daily in his diary, reporting to Father and making a plan for the following day.”
Excerpts from Eu’s 1955 diary. Edited by the UC. [Note: In this diary Hyo-won Eu, or UC editors, changed some women into men.] Translated by Rev. David Kwanil Hwang. From Tong-il Segye, July 1980
Hyo-won Eu refers to 催淳實 / 催淳実 Choi Soon-shil as Sung Sil Choi
Hyo-won Eu’s diary: “May 11, 1955. Lecturing all day to people whom Kyung Ku led to the center. Four people from Ewha University were expelled from the dormitory. I came downstairs and saw Kil-ja [Sa – later blessed to Hyo-won Eu], Mong Sa, Mee Shik [Shin – later blessed to Papasan Choi] and Myung Jin [Seo] eating. Everyone was smiling. After the evening service was over I tried to bring them to Mr. Yang’s house to stay there. I was so impressed by their determination. I wrote a petition to the professors of the school at their request.”
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▲ Here is ‘Mr. Yang’. Her name is Yang Yoon-yeong. She was a music professor at Ewha Woman’s University, and was also involved with music at Yonsei University. Her house was located mid way between Ewha and Yonsei Universities. Hyo-won Eu often taught the Divine Principle at her house. Myung-hee Kim lived there for a while, before going to Japan to give birth to Moon’s child, Hee-jin (born in Tokyo on August 17, 1955).
Hyo-won Eu’s diary: “July 4, 1955 (day of great persecution) Today I determined to die seven times. In the evening, the newsmen came again, scurrying around, taking pictures of Teacher. Shortly afterwards, Investigator Oh and Chief Investigator Kim came over to ask Teacher to come to the station in order to tape an interview. Young Oon [Kim] and I followed them. We went into different rooms.”
Hyo-won Eu: “July 5. We bought all the newspapers. The story in the papers was very dirty… We were interrogated for evading the draft and for illegally confining people. Sitting all day with an empty stomach, I even forgot about being tired.”
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▲ Unification Church members 劉景圭 유경규 Yoo Kyoung-kyu and 黄煥菜 황환채 Hwang Hwan-chae (later Hwang was one of the 36 couples) witness at Ewha Womans University in 1955. They had both joined as students at the nearby Yonsei University in Seoul. The president of the UC at the time, Eu Hyo-won, refers to them in his diary (below). The main building of the Ewha campus is in the background. Ewha was supported by the US Methodist Church.
Hyo-won Eu: “July 11. I encouraged Kyung Kyu [Yoo], Hwan Chai [Hwang] and the students from Ewha. I asked everybody to meet at Yang’s house [she was the professor from Ewha Woman’s University], with unity and love. At 4:30 I prepared for life in jail, and went to the investigation station. I also saw Sung Sil Choi being interrogated. He also was arrested. I was arrested at the East Gate station.”
[Sung Sil Choi is Ms. Soon-shil Choi, who is a young woman and not a man. Hyo Won Eu saw Ms. Soon-shil Choi – accused of being involved in immoral sexual acts – at the police station.]
Hyo-won Eu: “July 13. I was sent by a detective to the Chong No station. Already Teacher [Moon] and Sung Sil were there. When Teacher, Attorney Choi and the detective were going to take the taxi to the local court, many family members surrounded us. Hyo Min [Eu] and Hyo Young [Eu] were with them too. Young-Sook Park [a student from Ewha] was looking at me very sympathetically. When we were almost ready to leave, one of my nephews called out, “Uncle, what happened to you?” He was crying. When the car left, he hit the window. Their faces looked at us with so much longing, so I told them there was nothing to worry about.”
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▲ After their expulsion, the Ewha students managed to meet President Kim Hwal-lan on May 23, 1955. She stood by her decision. This picture was taken on campus after the meeting. (Top from left) Seo Myung-jin, Lee Gye-soon*, Sa Gil-ja, Chi Saeng-ryeon**, Park Young-sook, Kang Jung-won and Chong Dae-hwa (who was later married to Kim Young-whi) (Bottom from left) Choi Soon-wha (the mother of Sam Park), Yim Seung-hee***, Kim Jung-eun, Shin Mi-shik (later known as Mamasan Choi) and Park Seung-kyu.
* Lee Gye-soon entered Kyunghee University in 1957. She left the Unification Church over 50 years ago and had a successful career as a professor.
** Before Chi Saeng-ryeon joined she was known as Chi Mal-sook, and after she moved to the US in 1973 she was known as Mal-sook Lee.
*** Her name may be 朴承姫 Park Seung-hee and not 林 Yim or Lim Seung-hee.
Kim Yun-rye was also expelled but later made a pledge to give up the Unification Church, and Ewha Womans University allowed her to return to her studies.
Eight of the expelled students entered other universities in 1956.
Hyo-won Eu: “We became so tired, waiting in the Pigeon’s Ground. Teacher’s right wrist and my left wrist were bound tightly together. We were led to the examining room. Mr. Han, Mother Oak [Se-hyun Ok], Chong Bok, Han Yong, Hwan Chai and Kyung Gu were trying to follow us. We all ate the food brought by our family. When all six, including Sung Sil [Soon-shil Choi], were being bound together, Teacher said, “They are making us eternally inseparable. We determine to fight unto death.” When I heard these words I was glad and happy. He looked at me and added, “Hyo Won, you are having a hard time, aren’t you?” I told him, “Because of our mistakes, we got you into trouble as well.” With 30 other prisoners, we were sent to the West Gate prison. Some time after midnight, we arrived at Building 6, Ward 9, Cell 380.”
Hyo-won Eu: “July 29. Again, as on the first day, five of us were bound together with Teacher and were sent before Judge Kang [姜瑞龍 Kang Seo-yong]. All family members were with us, too. I said to myself, “Bind us together forever.”
“Son Yung Sohn touched me. I asked him to greet Teacher. Teacher told him, “Pray a lot.” When we got into the car, they didn’t let us sit next to the window. I couldn’t understand how their minds could be so hard. I saw that some investigators were envious of our passionate love and our family’s efforts. They are our strength and shelter. Kwang Yul’s [Kwang-Yol Yoo] brother-in-law came to visit us. I couldn’t forget the impression of a lady waving her hands beside Kae Sun. Why couldn’t I remember her name? This is my shortcoming. Mr. Choi came over, but I couldn’t see him. Chung Su Choi came from Wan Ju, greeting me with tears. They were our family who wanted to share our persecution.”
“So finally 22 days passed since our arrest, and we were brought to trial. The first trial was at 10:00 at the local courtroom in Seoul, courtroom 4. The judge was Hak-No Yoon 尹學老. He was actually the chief judge. In the afternoon session, Judge Seo-Yong Kang 姜瑞龍 gave the following sentence: ‘Teacher, 2 years; Hyo Won, 2 years; the other members, 1 year each.’” [The others were each sentenced to 18 months, not 12 months.]
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▲ From the left, Won-pil Kim, Hyo-yeong Eu, Hyo-min Eu and Sun Myung Moon standing before the judge in mid 1955. The court room was full of church members. (For those who doubt the veracity of this photo, it can be found in several copies of Today’s World magazine and in other official UC publications.)
Gil Ja Sa Eu (the wife of Hyo-won Eu)
When numerous students and several outstanding professors became Unification Church members, they were given an ultimatum: Leave the Unification Church or leave Ewha University.
Mrs. Gil Ja Sa Eu wrote:
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… fourteen of us were called to the office of the dean of students. The dean told us, ‘The Unification Church is heresy, and they dance around in the nude. You mustn’t go there.’ We answered, ‘We haven’t even danced fully clothed, much less nude. If we wanted to dance, we would go to a dance hall. Why should we go to church to dance?’ But she said, ‘That’s not true. You don’t know because you’re not in very deeply yet. If you keep going, they will make you take your clothes off and dance.’  (from ‘My Testimony’ by Gil Ja Sa Eu, page 27 – an essay in the Unification Theological Seminary Library, Barrytown, New York.)
Chung-hwa Pak said this about Moon’s 1955 trial: “Thanks to the members in Seoul, Korea, who out of desperation committed perjury and destroyed evidence, [Moon] was said to be acquitted. But the facts had roots. He would otherwise have had a long prison sentence.”
The focus of the police investigation into the Unification Church was group sex. Unless the police had evidence or witnesses they could only bring the lesser charges listed in the Kyunghyang Shinmun Daily News.
Dong-a Ilbo, July 6th 1955.
A leading Seoul newspaper reported that, “According to the investigative reports, he [Moon] did not follow military conscription procedure and also overstated his age at 43 rather than 36. [The reports said] it was found that he illegally imprisoned [a 22-year-old female student] for three days and forced her to adopt the new religion.” Investigation of Korean-American Relations, Report of the Subcommittee on International Organizations, Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, October 31, 1978, 447 pages. Page 353 (Moon’s arrest by South Korean Police)
Jong-ok Kim 金貞玉 (She was Dean of Students at Ewha Woman’s University in 1955.) ��刊ポスト Shūkan Post, October 15th 1993. Pages 212 to 215 “Moon was arrested on July 4th on suspicion of violation of military law, adultery and illegal detention of a Yonsei University 22-year-old female student for three days.” LINK
Robert B Boettcher from his book “Gifts of Deceit” page 35: “Rumors reached the American Embassy [in Seoul] that Moon was a ritual womanizer. Reportedly, young girls underwent sexual initiation into his cult; he would thus purge them of the Satanic spirits that inhabited Eve and lead them to the Divine Principle. He was jailed for three months in 1955 by South Korean authorities on charges reported by newspapers and government agencies as draft evasion, forgery, “pseudo-religion,” and false imprisonment of a university coed compelled to adopt his religion.” ref: Investigation of Korean-American Relations, October 31, 1978, Page 353 (Moon’s arrest by South Korean Police)
Dong-a Ilbo, July 7, 1955
「하느님」아들行勢 弄絡當한婦女수두룩 注目끄는統 一 敎會 「文敎主」行狀
He posed as the son of God. There are many women who have been sexually abused. The behavior of Moon, the leader of the Unification Church, attracts attention.
LINK to the full newspaper report with Korean text and translation.
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July 14, 1955   동아일보   Dong-a Ilbo (East Asia Daily News)
Six people arrested and arraigned, including Moon the religious leader of the ‘Unification Church’
Following Earlier Report = The investigation of the so-called ‘Incident of the Holy Spirit Association of the Unification of World Christianity,’ which had been under police investigation, has concluded with the six persons involved being arrested and arraigned yesterday, the 13th, by the Seoul District Public Prosecutor’s Office under one case file.
The persons involved in this incident are currently being questioned on charges which include violating the Military Service Act, counterfeiting official documents, and violating the National Security Act. Also, according to one investigating official, there is evidence for seven counts of adultery between sect leader Moon and his female followers. It is expected that there will be a new investigation as an adultery case, but the investigation cannot proceed because so far there have been no complaints from the husbands of the female followers who committed adultery (adultery is an offense subject to complaint, so [a case] needs a victim’s complaint for indictment).
Furthermore, establishing the adultery case will provide the standard for deciding whether the religion is or is not a cult, so the development of the prosecution’s investigation is being watched with keen interest.
♢ List of those involved (arrested and arraigned)
▲ Moon Sun Myung (Sect leader)  =  charges of wrongful imprisonment and of violating the Military Service Act
▲ Kim Won-pil  =  charges of violating the National Security Act, and violating the Military Service Act
▲ Eu Hyo-min  =  charges of violating the Military Service Act
▲ Eu Hyo-yeong =  charges of violating the Military Service Act
▲ Eu Hyo won  =  charges of counterfeiting official documents
▲ Choi Soon-shil  =  (woman) charges of being instrumental in the conduct of fornication.
Eileen Barker The Making of a Moonie: Brainwashing or Choice? (1984) pages 42 and 265
“But the following year Moon was imprisoned again. The Unificationists say that this was on a trumped-up charge of draft evasion, but it has also been reported that he was charged with ‘injuring public morals’, or, according to another account, that ‘his indictment was initially draft dodging but was later changed to adultery and promiscuity.’ Similar rumors (which persist to this day in Korea)31 alleged that he was engaging in ritual sexual practices. … The Unification Church, however, persists in its assertion that Moon was never arrested on sexual charges. Note 31  In conversations with scores of non-Unificationist Koreans the first information I have been given about the Unification Church has, in almost every instance, been that Moon engages (or has engaged) in immoral sexual practices with his followers.”
James Huntley Grayson: Korea – A Religious History (New York: Routledge Curzon, 1989, revised 2002) page 210: “In July 1955, Mun was imprisoned for gross immorality, but was subsequently released.” page 211: “As one of the most important functions of the Lord of the Second Advent is the physical restoration of mankind, Mun selects suitable marital partners for the faithful and conducts sacred ceremonies of marriage in large groups. It should be noted with regard to the purging of physical sin that Mun has been accused of acts of gross immorality which are denied by church authorities.”
Professor Emeritus James H. Grayson  BA (Rutgers), MA (Columbia), MDiv (Duke), PhD (Edinburgh)
Robert Parry “The South Korean government arrested Moon in 1955 for allegedly conducting more sexual “purification” rites, according to several U.S. intelligence reports which are now public. Moon was freed three months later because none of the young women would testify for fear of public humiliation, according to an undated FBI summary, released under a Freedom of Information Act request.
“During the next two years in the national news media of South Korea, Rev. Moon was the butt of scandalist humor,” the FBI report said.”
Choi Soon-shil, who confessed to group sex activities, was released because of her father’s efforts. His name was Choi Seong-mo and he was a very successful businessman. He was the grandfather of Sam Park who was born in Washington, DC. in January 1966.
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▲ Choi Seong-mo.
Sun Myung Moon used a ‘Honey Trap’ – Choi Soon-yeong explains
Pikareum sex emerged at Ewha Womans University in 1955
Sun Myung Moon’s “Gigantic lie” by Eu Hyo-min (36 couple)
Moon’s first wife, Choi Seon-gil, and Kim Deok-jin interviewed
Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers
KOREAN: 統一教會 事件 = Unification Church Ewha incident [of 1955]
Moon talks about the 1955 Ewha Womans University sex scandal
The testimony of Professor Kim from Ewha Womans University
Gil-ja Sa Eu on the 1955 Ewha Womans University sex scandal
Sun Myung Moon found guilty in 1955; started two year jail sentence
Pak Chung-hwa interviewed about Moon’s “SEX relays”
Moon’s theology for his pikareum sex rituals with all the 36 wives
“… the Unification Church became a pariah group in the eyes of the very population which it was trying to convert”
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Sex scandal at the Ewha Woman’s University in 1955
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▲ Two Unification Church members witness at Ewha Woman’s University in 1955.
May 26, 1955   경향 신문   京郷新聞   Kyunghyang-shinmun = Kyunghyang Daily News
An Ewha University student who was expelled because of a ‘cult’ problem has appealed for an investigation of the facts to the Ministry of Culture and Education.
An Ewha Woman’s University student, who had earlier been expelled from Ewha Women’s University due to her belief in a cult that goes against the Methodist belief that is the traditional religion of the school, and who attends the Seoul Unification Church (the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity), on May 25 appealed to the 文教部 Ministry of Culture and Education that her expulsion was unfair. She also attempted to ask the Ministry to review whether the Unification Church is a cult and investigate the unilateral treatment received from the school so that she can be reinstated.
According to the student, Ewha University has not been able to assert that the Unification Church really is a cult. So the school cannot conclude that the student, who is in the middle of her studies, is entertaining a false belief, yet the school expelled the student only on those grounds.
Also, on the 23rd the student petitioned the president of the school to be reinstated. However, the president refused, since the expulsion had already been done. She concluded that the expulsion was the school’s firm policy. So the student had to appeal to the Ministry of Culture and Education.
May 27, 1955  Choongang Ilbo
Is the Unification Church a deviant religion? It is similar to nudism.
Quoting what it said were opinions of various sectors of the society… It carried a remark from a police officer: “Although we cannot yet publicize a concrete piece of evidence about their sexual practice, they seem to be connected to the New Lord Sect, those nudists in Pyungbook.” It also had a remark from Gion Che, their chief editor in Christian communication: “They understand everything in terms of sex. Their three-day brainwashing was quite convincing; however, acts that deny the Bible cannot last long. I am certain that Ewha Woman’s University took a wise step.”
June 4, 1955  Yonhap Shinmun
“The founder claims to be God. The members cry wildly and sing hymns, saying that diseases are cured by prayers and baptism of fire.”
Sun Myung Moon was arrested on July 4, 1955
June 5, 1955  Yonhap Shinmun
“Their uniqueness lies in being based on sex. Even faculty members who went there to check the situation joined them. … They deny the whole of the established church and claim they will unify the world religions.”
From a 2012 Unification Church promotional video, The Life of Rev Sun Myung Moon: “Rev Moon had sought out Christian churches, but they only persecuted him for their misunderstanding. Because of their disbelief of the prepared foundation, he had to start anew, putting new wine in new wineskins. He had to make a new beginning to pioneer a new heaven, new earth and new age. Rev Moon’s words spread like wildfire in the universities, especially the two mission schools Yonsei and Ewha Woman’s University were at the center of this whirlwind…”
July 5, 1955   경향 신문   Kyunghyang Daily News   page 3
The Ministry of Culture and Education recognizes the Unification Church as a 邪敎 ‘sagyo’ wicked religion (or cult) while the Unification Church denies it.
July 6, 1955   경향 신문   京郷新聞    Kyunghyang Daily News
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不法監禁等의嫌疑    敎一敎會敎主를拘束 Suspicion of illegal confinement [of a female university student by Moon], etc. Unification Church leader detained
This article was published two days after Moon’s arrest on violation of the military duty and adultery charges because of complaints from Seoul’s Ewha Woman’s University.
京郷漫評 = Kyunghyang newspaper cartoon
The sign above the door says Unification Church and HSA-UWC.
M.S. [Moon Sun-myung] of the Unification Church [as he kicks a man out]:
“Can’t you read the sign! It says ‘Female College Students Welcome’ … Eek”
July 6, 1955   서울일보   Seoul Daily News    page 3
Moon Sun Myung was “Misleading women into fornication through eloquence”
July 6, 1955   동아일보   東亞日報   Dong-a Ilbo (East Asia Daily News, a major newspaper)
邪敎與否(사교여부)는『노 | 탓취』 不法監禁嫌疑 (부법감금혐의)로 基督教統一敎會(기독교통일교회) 의『文(문)』敎主拘束 (교주구숙)
“No Touch” Policy on whether the Religion is a Cult
Moon, the Leader of the Unification of Christianity Church, has been Arrested and Charged with False Imprisonment.
Moon Sun Myung (36), the leader of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, who has caused a sensation in the religious world, was arrested by the police on July 4th. The charges included evasion of military service and false imprisonment. Whether the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity is an orthodox religion or a wicked religion (or cult) has been the talk of the town in the religious world. The Ewha Woman’s University even expelled some students for believing in the religion. Their expulsion drew public criticism. The arrest of its religious leader again attracts the notice of the world.
July 7, 1955   서울일보   Seoul Daily News   page 3
“Four married women were violated” by Moon Sun Myung or by members of the Unification Church
July 7, 1955   동아일보   Dong-a Ilbo
弄絡當(농락당)한婦女(부여)수두룩 「하느님」아들行勢 (행세) 注目(주목)끄는統一敎會 (통일교회) 『文敎主 (문교주)』行狀 (행장)
He posed as the son of God.
There are many women who have been sexually abused. The behavior of Moon, the leader of the Unification Church, continues to attract attention.
Following previous report – What is the identity of The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity which has suddenly drawn such a lot of attention to itself recently due to the arrest of its leader? Did Mr. Moon indeed sexually abuse women who believe in his religion? The authorities have disclosed the two charges against him: “avoiding military service” and “unlawful imprisonment” [of a female Yonsei University student for three days]. After comprehensive discussion, and public criticism of Mr. Moon, here is some information about the religion:
◊ Indoctrination methods – New recruits have to listen to sermons about the teachings of the religion for 72 hours (three full days). The sermons are given by Church Leader Mr. Moon. The weekly lectures on Mr Moon’s doctrines start at 10 in the morning on a Monday and run until 10 in the morning on a Thursday. If anyone doubts the teachings and wants to leave, Church Leader Mr. Moon stops them from leaving by sternly saying, “If you leave, you will die.” Mr. Moon also says, “Koreans are the people chosen by God and Pyongyang is the Jerusalem of the world.” He preaches that he is the son of God, and if a woman has a sexual relationship with him, she will give birth to a world teacher [a messiah].
◊ The behavior of a man who hunts women (a sexual predator) – Mr. Moon is an eloquent speaker. They say that when he finds women who truly believe in him, he entices them into his abode (a single room inside the said Association building) and violates them. Four victims have been identified and these women are middle-aged (over 30 years of age) with husbands. Their families are above middle class. One of them is a Mrs. Kim Soon-chang (not her real name), aged 36. She was a decent well-to-do upper class housewife, but after she fell prey to Church Leader Mr. Moon’s offerings she experienced the fate of being abandoned by her husband.
◊ The financial status of the said Association – At present the Association is renting a building. The church receives donations from its 250 members in Seoul, but they do not amount to much. So the members started [a business] taking downtown landscape photographs. They then mass produce “bromide polyamide” prints which they sell all over the city.
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▲ Kim Myung-hee (right) and a friend trim the photos in the Seoul Church. On August 17, 1955 Kim Myung-hee gave birth to Moon’s son, Moon Hee-jin. She was hiding in Tokyo to save Moon embarassment (or his being jailed for adultery since he was legally married to his first wife).
A more extensive investigation into this story: Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers
In 1955, Moon admitted he had falsified his age to dodge the draft. Who made his “Certificate of Innocence”?
Tragedy of the Six Marys video transcript (English)
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
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In 1955, Moon admitted he had falsified his age to dodge the draft. Who made his “Certificate of Innocence”?
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It has no court symbol or address on it, which seems inappropriate for a document from the Seoul Superior Court. It states the date of sentencing was November 21, 1955. That does not match multiple newspaper reports from the time. The Dong-A Ilbo was just one of the respected papers that carried the story. They all state that Moon was sentenced on September 21, 1955.
On that day, Moon was indicted and began a two year jail sentence. Other church leaders were also indicted at the same time.
Dong-A Ilbo: “On September 20 ... Defendant Moon did admit that he had raised his age. ... Prosecutor Kang, in the bill of indictment, pointed out that defendant Moon “had raised his age to avoid the draft (military service)””
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▲ ‘X’ indicates Moon standing before the judge, probably on the day he was indicted. (Full translation is below.)
How could Sun Myung Moon be innocent if he had admitted his guilt to prosecutor Kang Seo-yong, 姜瑞龍 ? If Moon was innocent, why was he indicted and locked up, as the papers of the time reported.
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Oh Yeong-choon, 呉永春, (above) was one of the most important and loyal early disciples. She joined in Busan in early 1952. Her testimonies were published in English in February, March and May 2013 by the UC / FFWPU; she had written them in 1978 after moving to the US. In the early years Moon trusted her with important money matters. During the 1955 Ewha Woman’s University sex scandal she raised a lot of money and paid it to contacts in the police and judiciary to try to stop Moon being investigated or then arrested. According to her words, when finally she had paid enough, Moon was released—furtively, after dark, on October 4, 1955.
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The certificate of “innocence”does not seem to have the name of any official. It does not list all the other charges brought against Moon in July 1955. He was “charged with the false imprisonment” for three days of a 22 year-old female university student “who he forced to adopt his new religion”.
The certificate does not look like the usual Korea official documents which famously have multiple stamps on them. The one stamp it does have is so degraded that it is conveniently illegible. The certificate was apparently created on July 1, 1974, shortly before Moon’s Madison Square Gardens speech. Perhaps Moon wanted to forestall negative newspaper reports in the US in the run up to his big public event. The certificate is the same one that Bo Hi Pak presented to Donald Fraser during that Congressional investigation. Pak insisted that Moon was innocent, but the historical record seems to prove otherwise.
How well do you know your Moon?
동아일보   Dong-A Ilbo (East Asia Daily News) September 21, 1955  
어제첫公判 統一教會 事件  ( 공판통일교회사건 )
Yesterday the first trial was held in the ‘Unification Church incident’
On September 20, ‘Unification Church’ leader Moon Sun Myung (real name, Moon Yong Myung), aged 36, appeared for the first day of his trial in Seoul District Court No. 4. At the 10:30a.m. hearing the presiding judge was Yoon Hak-no ( 尹學老 ) and the prosecutor was Kang Seo-yong ( 姜瑞龍 ) who was handling the prosecution of Moon Sun Myung. [The afternoon hearing was at 2:30p.m.] On this day the court was jam-packed with many women who seemed to be ‘Unification Church’ believers.
Defendant Moon, who has been much talked about concerning multiple alleged adulteries, on the day only stood as a defendant for charges of Military Service Act violations. This is because there were no complaints from the alleged victims. Along with him, other defendants from the same church stood trial as well: Kim Won-pil (28, violated the Military Service Act, and had raised his age by six years), Eu Hyo-won (42, failed to report to military record), Eu Hyo-min (36, same charge as above), and Eu Hyo-yeong (35, same charge as above).
As soon as the court session began the prosecution read the list of indictments and then the investigation into the facts proceeded. Defendant Moon did admit that he had raised his age. The legal profession still had two arguments about whether raising one’s age, even when the person subject to the draft was over 32 or 33 years old, was a violation of the Military Service Act. Nevertheless, Prosecutor Kang, in the bill of indictment, pointed out that defendant Moon “had raised his age to avoid the draft (military service) in accordance with the Christian doctrine against injuring others or taking life”.
동아일보 Dong-A Ilbo newspaper, September 22, 1955
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文敎主에二年 統一敎會事件求刑
Religious Leader Moon given two year sentence in the ‘Unification Church incident’ prosecution
文敎主 (문교주) 에二年 (이년) 統一敎會事件求刑 (통일교회사건구형)
작보 = 二 (이) 십일 개정된 『통일교회사건』제一 (일) 회공판에서  사실심리에이어  관여  姜瑞龍 (강서용) 검사는피고들에게  각각다음과같이  체형구형을하였다
▲ 文鮮明 (문선명) (교주) = 懲役二年 (징역이년)
▲ 劉孝元 (유효원) = 懲役二年 (징역이년)
▲ 金元弼 (김원필) 劉孝敏 (유효민) 劉孝永 (유효영) = 各各懲役一年六月 (각각징역일년륙월)
Following earlier report: The first trial regarding the ‘Unification Church incident’ started on the 20th [September 1955]. After investigating the facts, prosecutor Kang Seo-yong ( 姜瑞龍 ), recommended the following terms for the defendants:
▲ Moon Sun Myung (religious leader) = Imprisonment for two years
▲ Eu Hyo-won = Imprisonment for two years
▲ Kim Won-pil, Eu Hyo-min, Eu Hyo-yeong = Each person imprisonment for one year and six months
Why was Eu Hyo-won released in the middle of the night?
Eu Hyo-won’s diary: “September 28, 1955. In the morning, the bamboo pen broke. Yoo Kyung-gyu came to visit us. He told us, “With Teacher you are all going to be released today.” But we were still in a very uncertain mood. In the evening, Kim Won-pil, looking out through his window cried out, “This evening?” “Yes,” I answered with a loud voice, but I wasn’t sure. Thirty minutes later, there was still no news, and we went to bed. After we fell asleep, we finally heard the rattling noise of a door being opened and somebody shouting, “380, come out with your belongings.”
Lee Chang-whan was helping us pack. I gave him underwear, shirts and socks. More than ten came out, but I couldn’t see Teacher. When I went to his room 29, he was already looking in my direction. I said, “Why only me?” Teacher said, “Go as quickly as possible; that’s the way it is.” But I couldn’t turn away. I shed tears. I wanted to go back in. When I came out of jail, I saw Soo-Yung. When Wol-Sun greeted me, Tong-Suk held my hands very tightly. We returned to the church by jeep. There were [Kang] Hyun-Sil, Chung-Sook, Ok-Bong, Hwang Un-Ja, Tong-Chol’s mother, Kim Young-Oon, Kwang Yul [Yoo Kwang-Yol] and Kim Bang-Ul.”
Choi Syn-deok 崔信德 (1921-2016) joined in 1954. Later she was Professor of Sociology at Ewha Womans University in Seoul. She wrote an article about the UC in Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch No. 43 (1967) The introduction stated: “She was once an active member of the Tong-il Church [ = Unification Church ] and was closely associated with Mun Son-myong.”
“KOREA’S TONG-IL MOVEMENT” “I present here a brief picture of the Tong-il Church from the sociological point of view. … Many reports have been made about these two religious bodies. [The other was Elder Park Tae-seon’s “Olive-Tree” Church.] There is, however, no one who really knows about their leaders, organizations, beliefs and practices. We have seen many families which have been destroyed, leaving unhappy husbands, sorrowful parents and miserable children because of these new religious movements. The purpose of this research is to help in the solution of these problems of disorganization of homes, and to make a scientific study about these groups, without emotional or biased opinions. … “Before Moon’s marriage [in 1960], believers, male as well as female, who longed to meet him and talk with him could easily arrange to be with him in the living room of a home attached to the church, staying until very late. They used to talk, sing and laugh without realizing how fast the night went, until after one or two o’clock in the morning. They called this their period of direct association with the master. Its purpose was to educate and train the believers, that is, to “restore” them.” … “In July, 1955, several senior members and four leaders as well as Mr. Moon were imprisoned under an accusation of injuring public morals. (This matter was reported in papers and journals.)”
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▲ Restoring so many women was tiring for Sun Myung Moon
Sex scandal at the Ewha Woman’s University in 1955
A more extensive investigation into this story: Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers
Tragedy of the Six Marys video transcript (English)
統一教會 事件 = Unification Church Ewha incident [of 1955] The original newspaper articles with Korean text.
Moon found guilty in 1955; started two year jail sentence
Sun Myung Moon’s fake Waseda University Graduation Certificate
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Tragedy of the Six Marys video translated
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Members with Sun Myung Moon in the mid 1950s – Sam Park’s mother is on the right.
LINK to video translation
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