faithful91 · 1 year
You can tell that Izana is the studio’s favourite 😂🤍
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Tenjiku Arc SOON 🔥
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shan-luoluo · 10 months
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Happy Birthday Emma~!!! 🥳🎉✨🎂✨💞💞💞
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kyotodreamtrips · 3 months
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The Yukuryūchi pond is seen from the Upper Villa in the gardens of Shugakuin Imperial Villa in Kyoto City, Japan.
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smolstardvst · 1 year
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keep together at all times !! ♡
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sweet-pinkitty · 11 months
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Koi100+ | Announcement!
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A love that began with the most “Evil” encounter, To the Best Ending...!
S8 Final Chapter "Forever a Family"
October 2023~January 2024
Continuous delivery!
Thank you very much for your continued support of "Kissed by the Baddest Bidder'' The love affair with the bad guys that started in 2013 will finally come to an end.
[Final edition distribution schedule]
October: Ota Kisaki
November: Mamoru Kishi
December: Soryu Oh
January (2024): Eisuke Ichinomiya
The reason why this title has continued to be loved for 10 years is because of everyone's warm support. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the management.
To express our gratitude to everyone who has supported us so far, we are planning an event in which all characters will participate, so we will let you know as soon as the details are decided.
It started with the most “Bad” encounter.
I hope you will watch this fateful love story with a bad man until the end.
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anamon-book · 4 months
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ルパン三世シリーズ 死の翼アルバトロス ANIMATION LIBRARY 13 双葉社アニメ文庫 装幀=日下潤一 BGX 原作:モンキー・パンチ/脚本:照樹務(宮崎駿)/作画監督:北原健雄+丹内司/美術監督:龍池昇/製作:東京ムービー新社/演出:照樹務(宮崎駿)
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akerumade · 5 months
ホントの「言論弾圧」とは 松本龍復興担当大臣(部落解放同盟元副委員長)がマスコミを恫喝した 「書いたらその社は終りだからな!」みたいな発言ですよ。
実際、あの時、大手マスコミはビビって報道しなかった。 東北放送が報道してから各社が追随した。 (https://twitter.com/tolucky7797/status/614798302219911168)
松本龍と言えば部落解放同盟だけど、 長きに渡り、日本のマスメディアの報道に対して 圧力をかけ続けて来たのが、部落解放同盟と朝鮮総連。 (https://twitter.com/WBJPPP/status/584963137918468096)
朝日新聞 2011年7月3日 (http://www.asahi.com/special/10005/TKY201107030246.html)
松本復興相「書いたらその社は終わりだから」 (http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm14920422) ※冒頭の動画はこれを切り取ったものです。
松本龍 「(水産特区は)県でコンセンサスを得ろよ  そうしないと我々何もしないぞ。ちゃんとやれ」
「今、(知事を指さしながら)あとから自分、入ってきたけど、  お客さんが入って来るときは  自分が入ってきてからお客さんを呼べ、いいか?」
「長幼の序がわかっている自衛隊ならやるぞ」  ※村井義弘知事は元自衛官。
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7:名無しさん@涙目です。(関西地方):2011/07/04(月) 01:27:51.73 ID:gH09vvx90 松本発言の各社関連記事一覧 新聞社ごとのスタンスを確認してみましょう。
読売新聞 復興相「知恵出さない奴は助けない…つもりで」 (http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/politics/news/20110703-OYT1T00630.htm)
朝日新聞 松本復興相、岩手・宮城両知事にきわどい発言連発 (http://www.asahi.com/politics/update/0703/TKY201107030246.html)
毎日新聞 松本復興担当相:岩手、宮城知事と会談「復興は知恵合戦」 (http://mainichi.jp/select/seiji/news/20110704k0000m040101000c.html)
日経新聞 松本復興相「突き放すことも」 被災地知事に相次ぎ注文 (http://www.nikkei.com/news/headline/article/g=96958A9C93819481E2E1E2E0EA8DE2E1E2E5E0E2E3E38297EAE2E2E2) (http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXNASFS03028_T00C11A7PE8000/)
産経新聞 「突き放す時は突き放す」 復興相が被災地知事に注文 (http://sankei.jp.msn.com/politics/news/110704/plc11070400030000-n1.htm)
共同通信 知恵出さなければ助けない 復興相、被災地に厳しい注文 (http://www.47news.jp/CN/201107/CN2011070301000727.html)
旧英字版「waiwai」コラムでおなじみの 毎日新聞社「放送アーカイブ構想は報道圧力になりかねません」 Togetterまとめ 2015年7月6日 (https://togetter.com/li/843672)
国立国会図書館が“テレビ・ラジオ番組を全て録画・録音・保存”『放送アーカイブ』構想 ⇒ 毎日新聞取締役「報道の自由を脅かす、報道圧力になりかねない」 正義の見方 2015年7月7日 (http://www.honmotakeshi.com/archives/45459834.html)
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raven-tina · 5 months
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nelunderson · 2 months
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“ 龍宮城 ”
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lovetune · 6 months
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龍宮城 / RYUGUJO DEEP WAVE (2023) dir. Yuki Wakisaka
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faithful91 · 2 years
𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯’𝘵 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘺 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘱𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘥𝘦 🤌🏻
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showamagicalgirls · 2 months
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The series that has been occupying my mind lately is Sing! Great Dragon Palace (うたう!大龍宮城) .
This is a late stage iteration of the Toei Mysterious Comedy Series (東映不思議コメディーシリーズ), a programming block that is best remembered by Magical Girl fans for for La Belle Fille Masquée Poitrine (美少女仮面ポワトリン).
It ran for most of 1992, which puts it slightly over the line into the early Heisei (平成) period of Japanese period, just slightly off the core topic of this blog.
But there are two things that make it interesting to me. The first is that it's a live-action musical, which is genuinely pretty unique.
The second is the way it connects back to Japanese literary history. It's heavily patterened after the Urashima Taro (浦島太郎) story, which goes all the way back to the Nihon Shoki (日本書紀), the second oldest book of Japanese history.
I have generally considered three Japanese folktales to be the most important predecessors for Magical Girls -- the story of Amaterasu (天照大御神), The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter (竹取物語), and Urashima Taro (浦島 太郎).
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shan-luoluo · 8 months
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kyotodreamtrips · 3 months
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The Yukuryūchi pond is seen from the Upper Villa in the gardens of Shugakuin Imperial Villa in Kyoto City, Japan.
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sweet-pinkitty · 2 years
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
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Finally… I'm going to cry! Congratulations, we are so proud of happy couples, men's weddings forever!👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨🤵‍♂️👰‍♀️✨👏💕
💟All to the other weddings
🍰 Finally, in Love Again 🍰
🐦My Last First Kiss 🐦
🎶 Scandal in the Spotlight 🎶
🚓 Metro PD: Close to You 🚓
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