#꒰ 🌼 ꒱ ──  cinnamon prattles
dearmahiru · 9 months
whenever a prisoner gets accused of lying about their murder i'm always delighted when it paints them in the funniest light possible.
"it was my lies that killed her," kazui sighed, "i also pushed her off of a seven story building but it was my lies that compelled me to—"
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dearmahiru · 1 year
i feel like i'm making too many defensive mahiru posts despite her high inno to guilty ratio but, apart from mu, i've never seen a character where people actively twist every action to mean their secretly evil or manipulative.
this is really to say that if you use her parasite cover to justify calling her abusive you are insane 🙏 please learn how to read i'm begging
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dearmahiru · 1 year
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dearmahiru · 1 year
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I personally find Mahiru's boyfriend to be attractive (I love his nose shape and brows) but I'm kind of shocked at how mid he is at the same time. The character designer for him went hard on making him the ultimate "he's just some guy." Brown hair, brown eyes, brown jacket, brown pants, and brown shoes, and not a single sense of style in any bone of his body. My man hit "default" on the character customization screen. Good for him!
I've seen a lot of comparisons with him and Mikoto and it's hilarious to me. Jackalope's description about Mikoto was, "they make guys like him in factories." Mahiru dreamily sighs about how meeting her boyfriend was like fate and then it's the most Guy to ever exist. The literal manifestation of "She's Everything" and "He's Just Ken"
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dearmahiru · 8 months
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i know mikoto says he can't draw but graphic design is still an amazing creative work! as someone who loves the arts and has lost many of their favorite artists to overworking/karoshi its very personal to me seeing how overworked he is. companies should not be pressuring their artists to clock in over 80+ hours of overtime work, sleeping inside their offices, and ruining their artists health.
i just wanted to note this because, while i tend to vote based on general empathy or attachment, mikoto is the only prisoner who made me extremely emotional on a personal level. it's just... god, treat your fucking workers better, asshole.
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dearmahiru · 1 year
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WOOOO!!! ROOTING FOR YOU AMANE!!!! better make it hurt better make it count better kill us in one shot!!!!
also interesting to me how amane's temple, the foundation of her beliefs, isn't as nearly dilapidated as fuuta's or mahiru's door. it's even covered up by these cartoonish clouds and rainbows reminiscent of her "transformation" sequence in magic. also fun how fuuta and mahiru were both protecting themselves from us but amane is putting herself in an attack position. and the additional symbolism of both her hat being gone and the backpack falling off ooo!
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when amane takes off the hat in undercover we get a brief glimpse of the first hint there's something beneath her (adorable!) surface. the hat now being completely gone from her t2 design likely represents how she won't shift back to that happy mask again during this trial.
there's also her backpack which is often associated with schooling (i imagine there's textbooks in there? it looks hefty!) which matches with her mark in backdraft. each mark in backdraft reflects the prisoner: mahiru's "heart" was marked, mikoto's "other half" was marked, and amane recieved an incorrect tick used in tests.
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so it really seems to me like, despite her lashing out to protect herself, amane is struggling with losing her "good girl" identity as a result of her guilty verdict.
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dearmahiru · 10 months
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i am excited for purge march but i'm also dreading it at the same time. all of the faceless victims have been revealed thus far and considering amane's victims is another child... if milgram continues the trend of being shocking last minute and decides to outright depict amane's murder i am going so mad. we all know the casual fanbase cannot handle shocking imagery without immediately labeling said prisoner as evil
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dearmahiru · 1 year
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rose-coloured glasses
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dearmahiru · 10 months
i really dislike it whenever a prisoner confirms/debunks a certain theory and people immediately brush it off.
i see it with almost every prisoner— "oh they're manipulating us," "oh they're gaslighting," "it'd be too easy if they admitted it outright!" except every second trial voice drama and mv has been dedicated to revealing more information about the prisoners. we're far past the need to be obscure about the murder method, victim, or motives. milgram wants people to solve their cool murders and they can't do that if they're blatantly lying to our faces.
if a prisoner is lying then there'll be clues pointing to it or attention drawn to the lie. "lmao you should've just had a gut feeling we were lying to you" is far from satisfying.
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dearmahiru · 1 year
"how can you support mahiru? her partner killed themselves because of her—"
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kazui mukuhara your days are numbered
you know, when kazui's trial drops i expect the same vitriolic disgust for being the cause of his wife's suicide because i've never seen anyone bash him for it, much less claim he was an abuser (i'm sure he has been but it's likely not to degree of mahiru). that's because kazui isn't abusive, and claiming he isn't one doesn't mean erasing the strife hanako must've endured their relationship either.
Love + Fate = Crap Crush and bye Disgusting playing house + disguise + fake Devotion-love, lame, cheating Let's make it victim and assailant
mahiru and her boyfriend's relationship does not have to be strictly be abuser/victim because it's not. they are both bluebirds suffocating within a small birdcage, they are both feeding eachother cake, they are both riding the carousel, and they are both damaged within the forest. the only difference between them is that her boyfriend broke first.
"abusive" is a loaded term which implies mahiru had the intentions of hurting her boyfriend which we know isn't the case. out of two mvs not once is mahiru depicted knowingly harming her partner. if this was actually the case then all of their symbolism wouldn't paint them as equals and mahiru wouldn't say they have "matching pain."
We fought sometimes, I was happy to get hurt Let's have matching pain, this sickness is pretty bad
This is a claim of responsibility From the two of us with matching love Wanting to know everything about you, but wanting to die because it can't come true It's all because of love
acknowledging how mahiru also suffered doesn't mean shifting the blame onto her boyfriend either. it's shouldn't be a binary of "mahiru is an evil abusive stalker and her boyfriend's an innocent victim" or "mahiru did everything right and her boyfriend is the abusive one!"
Yamanaka: "This can be said about all of Milgram, but I want to make it so that your interpretation of it changes depending on your standpoint, thinking processes, and ways of life. I pay great attention to avoid writing the story in a way that depicts something as absolute good or absolute bad, or one thing is right and the other is wrong. I want the story to elicit a different opinion from you when you revisit it as you get older."
(sorry for stealing the quote from your recent post @honeyfizzly ily please forgive me)
just like kazui and hanako, mahiru and her boyfriend are just messy people who hurt one another. if you wish for mahiru to recieve a comeuppance for her actions then so be it but most of the reasons i've been given have a shaky foundation.
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dearmahiru · 11 months
okay, obligitaory "dearmahiru is delirious about mahiru" but—do you think kazui will mention mahiru in cat?
while the female prisoners reference their original song ( hooked up till the morning to this sweet “umbilical cable” / and don’t look for what lies “after and from” the pain / my lethal weapon: “this is how to be in love with you”), the male prisoners reference a different character ( I promise to make my dreaMU come true / to extract that fang, now)
it's hinted by jackalope that kazui purposely didn't protect mahiru from the attacks despite promising her that he would, and i feel like spotlighting that would be really good in cat. i'm excited!
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dearmahiru · 11 months
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i'm seeing people crack jokes about fuuta's reaction to the twitter update so i have the chance to drag out what i'm pretty sure is his official twitter account
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dearmahiru · 1 year
the best part about the milgram community is just smiling while someone excitedly explains to you lore about a character you barely understand
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dearmahiru · 1 year
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collasping on the floor.
mahiru's handwriting has been extremely neat for the most part but dipped while writing this short sentence. this was the question she was overcome with grief while writing.
i might be looking too much into it but the clipped answer is so overwhelming. they both endured so much hardship during this relationship and she came out barely knowing him apart from the fact he's kind. despite calling their meeting "fate," her boyfriend was a very, very normal person who just didn't fulfill her desires. he's just a guy gave her coffee that one time.
and she wanted to marry him.
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dearmahiru · 1 year
mahiru isn't a stalker, yandere, kidnapper or any of the awful things you post about her! she likes caring for the people she loves and that's that!!
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dearmahiru · 11 months
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my honest reaction to my partner's symbolism being feeding on animals
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