mushroomtea-art · 4 months
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mikanrulz · 2 years
숲바다 [Forest Sea] by Yuuji: Summary and Review
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숲바다 [Forest Sea] by Yuuji -from the writer of Passion -unlike Passion, both the MC & ML here are very, very calm lmao -i really like the overall serene atmosphere of the novel -plot: Snake & Bird tribe used to war, now they hold joint training together to promote peace.
-MC is the instructor in w/ 5 wings from the Bird Tribe -ML is a trainee from the Snake Tribe. Used to be a frontline soldier, but couldn't get promoted bcs he has yet to Molt for the last time (snake tribe molt 5 times in their lives, usually during adolescent)
-MC is often described by other trainees as expressionless -MC and ML start to spend time together after a very VERY awkward misunderstanding at the beginning of the novel -the misunderstanding is very quickly resolved, but it leaves both parties exposed
-maybe 'exposed' is not the right word lol -this incident is like during the first 3 chapters of the webtoon, so this probably does not count as spoiler, right? -due to losing a bet, a trainee must write a lewd letter to MC for a month in secret
-the lewd letter turn into a love letter bcs the trainee is just too terrified -MC gets the letters, but fails to show any reactions -instructors talking abt it in the office, how nice it would be if the letters were from someone we rly like -MC looks at ML outside his window 👀
-after nearly a month, MC caught ML outside his room, a letter in his hand -MC totally thought the letters were from ML -says "it was you. me too--" -then a couple other trainees crash in, saying sorry about the letter -MC and ML looking at each other, feelings exposed
-it was VERY awkward I'm DYING from secondhand embarrassment and feeling mortified for MC 😭 ML has been noticing MC often looks at him, tho he doesn't know why. with MC's words of "me too" in regard to the love letter, he's getting the general idea.
meanwhile MC handles it very swiftly: giving the two trainees detention, and resolutely not saying anything to ML, despite the understanding he sees in ML's eyes
this is pretty much their dynamics through out the novel: something happens. Either they ask outright, or they wait for the right time to ask. But they're always waiting for the other person to say something first. Both are very... mature about it.
-Both are also very honest -MC oftens sings Bird Tribe's mating songs to ML just bcs ML asks for it -their dates consist of taking walks through the forest, or chilling at the lake, or MC training ML in Bird Tribe's swordart -It's all so very sweet and I'm getting CAVITIES 😭
My only complain is that I'm nearing the end of book 1, and still no sign of steamy NC19 scene 😭 being naked together in the shower room didn't count 😭
reading this makes me realize Tae-ui is such a talkative narrator 😂 the inside of Tae's head is always so noisy lol meanwhile the MC and ML here tend to be quiet both in words and thoughts that they practically make *ILAY* look downright talkative in comparison 😂
DAMN i know i said I need more excitement, but NOT LIKE THIS 😭 This is just painful yo would you say not telling the whole truth is the same as a lie? this is not a misunderstanding; this is straight up deceiving; cruel when done consciously, stupid when done unconsciously😭
MY HEART they still talk, but pls, NOT LIKE THIS 😭
“I thought I knew what the instructor thought of me.” "but it seems it was just my delusion, and I so naturally believed my own delusion." "Tell me. Tell me what you really thought of me." AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH 😭
I can't bear to read more, it feels like they're about to have a most painful breakup despite not even dating in the first place 😭
"Seeing you and revealing my feelings to you was something I did on my own. That doesn't mean you have to accept it. The least you could do is giving me the courtesy to not lie to me." 😭😭😭
I thought them being honest at the beginning and reading each other was cute 😭 now them being honest to each other is only giving me PAIN 😭
the premise is that, MC is interested in ML. He may make some excuses for the reasons, but bottom line, he's interested. He's showing ML he's interested in his own subtle way. ML notices this. Acknowledges this. Doesn't react otherwise. MC acknowledges that ML knows. That's it.
For some time this is basically their undercurrent dynamics when they're not in professional setting. then ML starts asking inane general questions. MC indulges him. ML starts showing interest in MC's swordart. MC indulges him. ML starts asking "what about you, Instructor?"
and still MC, Sa Hwa-hyeon, indulges him. He even sings him some courting songs when he asks, lets him massage his wings, wraps him up and covers him in his wings when he asks for it until they're numb. Like, MC is within his right to think his feelings been reciprocated 😭
"You, who will return to Western territory, what were you thinking when you said that to me? Why did you tell me that it would be nice if we could be together?” AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭 ALL THE PAIN 😭😭😭
Throughout the novel, I've been thinking it's kind of unusual that the other trainees been noticing MC paying more attention to ML, since usually the trope here is usually it's the ML who pursues the MC. turns out it's to prepare for the explosion in the later half 😭
Ya-hyeol, looking desperate: Tell me. Please tell me it's not only my delusion that you like me. Tell me you like me with your own mouth. Sa Hwa-hyeon, hurt: No. 😭😭😭
one of my fav parts: MC: why are you sulking? ML: I'm sorry I'm a big black dragon and not some pretty, colorful snake! MC: ... ML: *buries his face in his hands* MC: to me, you're cuter than some pretty colorful snake. 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
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올 댓 뮤직 All That Music – 윤수일밴드 – 숲바다 섬마을.20181115 윤수일밴드 - 숲바다 섬마을 Go to Source Author: KBSKpop Powered by WPeMatico
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