#주자서야 주자서야
shaguagua · 2 years
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It didn't take much time to stand up for Zhou zishiu at first. It took more and more time the story flew. Is it because A-xu got used to lao Wen or his body failed him?
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shaguagua · 2 years
Even you send me off millon metres, we would part at the end.
The origin of this sentence is from 戲文·殺狗記 (xì wén · shā gǒu jì) by 徐田臣(xú tián chén; actually his name is 2 characters I don't know why and how it became 3? and the sound is also 田臣; jin) in 明朝 (Ming dynasty). Originally it was a play by 蕭德祥 (xiāo dé xiáng), but Xu jin had reorganised as an epic.
The story line is about a murder in town, that brother tried to solve and while doing so, they grew brotherly affection. This story isn't that famous, but the main heroes are two boys so I have seen a few who ships this.
This is also from 水滸傳(shuǐ hǔ chuán) there's also very brotherly brothers trying send his brother off to far far away. This quote is usually used for who leave to ask the senders not to tiring themselves. And also they don't know exactly when they would meet again.
Zhou zishu must have tried to hide his condition so that he hurries his senders; Qi ye, Da wu and Zhang chengling, go. If it wasn't Chengling, they might have not known.
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Since ep 30, I have become very skeptical about the relationship between Zhou zishu and Wen kexing. Zhou zishu really doesn't show and say about his emotions much. In ep 2, he looked really free, free of any charges even relaxed. He was saying he wouldn't swap the place with the king. Then the circumstances had kept binding around him. When he had left 天窗(tian chuang), the only wish he had was to look around and wander around to see what he only had heard of.
특별히 캐릭터중에 주자서를 제일 좋아하는건 아닌데 아무래도 나는 제3자로 캐릭터들의 이야기를 듣는 입장이라 그런가 아무리 생각해봐도 이게 해피엔딩인지 정말 모르겠다. 제작진 말로는 일부러 주자서를 더 괴롭혔다는데 진짜 괴롭혔다는 말이 너무 어울릴 정도로 외롭고 슬픈 서사야. 차라리 아무도 모르게 어디서 죽었으면 좀 나았을까 생각해보고, 주자서를 마냥 기다릴 온객행 생각하면 정말 슬픈데, 주자서가 죽은지 모르면 또 마냥 기다리며 잘 살 수있을것도 같고.. 근데 또 알면 따라 죽을것같기도하고.. 주자서는 온객행이 죽어도 살아갈게 분명하지만, 온객행은 주자서 없으면 안 살것같은 그런 믿음이 있어 나에겤ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 쿠키영상 보기 전까지 진짜 오랜만에 드라마 보다 펑펑 울었네 니네 진짜 주자서한테 그러는거 아니다. 또 주자서 혼자 남았는줄 알았다고.. 차라리 지옥 18층 기름솥에 들어가 튀겨질 지언정 끝까지 외롭고 싶지 않났을텐데 난 정말 또 혼자 남는건줄 알고 과몰입했다고오오ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜ주자서좀 놔줘라아아아아아 나쁜놈들 온객행 니가 제일 나빠아아아아아아아
He is stuck in the snowy mountain who knows how long. I'm glad Wen kexing and Zhou zishu both alive at the end, but still I can't get rid of this thoughts, if that was really what Zhou zishu wanted. It would had been okay if Zhou zishu died then Wen kexing would not live. Zhou zishu must live without Wen kexing, but Wen kexing must NOT live without Zhou zishu. Is this really a happy ending? for who? Zhou zishu should have died as a begger, care-free and liberated. He must have been just happy to be fried in hell. Before I watched the actual ending I had felt so helpless that it was only Zhou zishu who survived. How ironic that he had been running away from living, after loosing his beloved. He surviced again. All the memories and affections would become a burden.
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shaguagua · 2 years
You, master and disciple two people!
Dilly-dally dawdle all day!
It's from 論語(Lúnyǔ; the Analects) at 微子篇(wei zi pian; Chapter about weizi) this was a story of 子路(zi lu; disciple of Confucius). The book itself is telling story about 孔子(kong zi; Confucius) traveling with his disciples.
子路 had lagged behind, he tried to catch up Conficius. While he had hurried, he met a farmer, and asked him if he had seen a sage; Confucius. Then the famer replied,
四體不勤, 五穀不分, 孰爲夫子
Using all fours to work, unaware of differences among crops. How could it be the person, a sage?
子路 felt ashamed so he standed there as apology of his impoliteness. Then the farmer invite him to his house, showing hospitality. Then later he caught up 孔子 telling him what happened with the farmer. 孔子 said, he must had been a hermit. Later they found the farmer, they could not find.
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It's a contemptuous phrase for who not knowing general thing but wanting to be erudite. Simply it describes a dork. Wen kexing is mocking Zhou zishu and Zhang chengling at once. Then Zhou zishu saying it's a beatitude not to know of those. 🤭
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shaguagua · 2 years
Fortunately, your hear is like my heart.
Title is 我住長江頭, I live upstream of 長江(chang jiang) by 李之儀(Li zhi yi). this also had been on 後宮甄嬛傳; Empresses in the Palace. So it's quite famous and you can find the translation easily. The quoted part is,
If your heart is similar to mine, I would never cast aside this heart.
The poet had bad luck in his life, that his wife and offsprings died before him. Then he was demoted to rural district. Then he met a consort, who's family had been destroyed by conspiracy. Because of that she only sung about justice and loyalty. The poet was swayed of her song and fidelity, so he sang this poem to her. But well it's not as beautiful as it sound as the age difference between the poet and consort was like grand father and grand daughter, some of old script guessed she might had been 13~15, when the poet saw her.
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What zhou zishu saied,
得君爲友 不枉此生
To have you as a friend is not waste of this life.
Then Wen kexing answers with the poem. It means “if your love is the same as mine, I wound never forget.” The term 君子(junzi) can be translated a load, an admirer or a lover. Because of that quite many poems from old time, had interpreted only in men point of view. It turns out singer of the poems to change the singers point of view as a women, most of the poems sing love. Love is a powerful source of creativity! Even, when they might die, Wen kexing never stop flirting.
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