#﴾ wizardingworldrevealed ﴿ ⇢ Viktor Krum
bccksmarts · 2 years
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➤ @wizardingworldrevealed asked: ❛ i am not drunk, i am just intoxicated by you. ❜ - from viktor
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  ❝Intoxicated by me? Really?❞ Her voice came out in a high pitch, a squeak so-to-speak. Even after so long apart, the occasional letter here and there, and he still found her rather fetching? Intriguing? In Viktor's words—intoxicating.
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  Obviously he had given her similar compliments in her fourth year, during the tournament and the Yule Ball, but to hear words like those, again, after a few years apart? It hit somewhat differently, but also gave her feelings of a familiar level. ❝I just... after so long, you still look at me like that?❞ She asked, her arms wrapping around herself, as if to keep her warm or some sort of protective barrier—not from him, but more-so for herself.
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bccksmarts · 2 years
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❧ Can I Have This Dance? ☙ ⤷ ACCEPTING ⤶
➤ @wizardingworldrevealed asked: 'can I 'ave ziz dance?' - Viktor
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  This was a perfect setting to be asked such a thing—a charity ball that was being held by the Ministry. Obviously, being in the department for magical creatures, Hermione attended by default, as any money earned would go toward her department as well. For that night, Hermione had decided to wear a red, sleeveless dress that came up and held at her neck, a slit down the middle of her chest, though not revealing too much, pooling to just above her feet, she was wearing heels underneath. The witch considered this to be one of her ❛less fancier❜ dresses, not much to be desired. Not to her, at least. Her hair, a little more tamed than usual, sat on her shoulders and cascaded down her back, just below her shoulder blades, curly bangs on her forehead as usual but the rest that usually hung down in front of her was pulled back and pinned with a hairpin.
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  Her quiet evening, sipping her champagne, turned rather quickly. One minute she was just idly waving to guests, friends she had seen, and the next... Viktor Krum had walked over to her, offering his hand out and asking her to dance with that Bulgarian of his that she found oh-so-charming. Eyeing him up and down, placing down her drink, Hermione reached out to take his hand gently, her lips curling in the corner, ❝I'd be delighted, Viktor.❞
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