kakimushire · 1 year
[ 𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐙𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄 ] — regardingㅤ( this ⚕️) formula: (Ca2Al3(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH)) + (Cr,Sr) composition: calcium aluminium silicate category: sorosilicate crystal system: orthorhombic species | variety: zoisite polished / unpolished
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color: royal blue, indigo, violet, purple chakra: throat, third eye, crown element: 🜁 air zodiac: gemini, libra, pisces, sagittarius benefits: promotes peace and tranquility, helps relieve stress and psychological issues, strengthens the immune system; regenerates cells
Small curiosity: Titanic's “The Heart of the Ocean” is made of Tanzanite. Can Kisuke see you wearing it? Yes / No / Maybe - maybe, he can see Mayuri wearing it as a raw pendant, ring, or as a part of other body modifications, piercings perhaps - or not, the stone can be simply present in his headquarters while making some important public decisions
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ㅤ'' Going for raw and unpolished glory. Here we got a match for you in color, benefits, and throat chakra, ~ '' he then added, '' I heard another legend - that the gem might stir bearer's inner fire, which is why I wonder if it would be more beneficial or dangerous for you ... '' Or rather for people around him ...
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It was frustrating, that no matter what Urahara was saying, no matter what he presented him with - Mayuri would ALWAYS listen. He would never filter him out or ignore him. He was always engaged. Always interested. He looked at the informational chart Urahara was showing him. For a moment, he was reminded of the days when they had used to work side-by-side in the lab. Mayuri wasn't a sentimental person by any means so --- Why would he think back? What Urahara was showing him wasn't very useful. It was just a silly game, wasn't it? Which gemstone he would associate with Mayuri.
❝ You know I don't believe in legends. ❞ Mayuri stated with an impatient roll of his wrist. As if he wasn't taking the other seriously. Legends were just another word for theories that had no merit and hadn't ever been proved. He didn't exactly believe in ' inner fire ' anyway. If Urahara was speaking of motivation, then Mayuri had never struggled with that. Not for a long time anyway.
He took the chart from Urahara. He'd keep it. Of course he would. He would look at it more closely later, to try to see if it could be useful. He refused to believe that Urahara would waste his time. He wasn't like that - but maybe he'd become like that? Perhaps exile had made him forget what was important. In any case, Mayuri knew he would be acquiring some tanzanite. To study.
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kakimushire · 9 months
" -- Why are you being so loud this morning, Kurotsuchi? "
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❝ Why am I being so loud!? You would be loud too! If a certain damned brat broke into your lab for the 100th time! Not only did she leave the door open on her way out, causing gas to leak out to the rest of the division, but she RE-ARRANGED several of my belongings! DO YOU KNOW how important it is for things to be organized?! No, of course you don't, because the only thing you've ever had to put in order are meaningless papers for your meaningless paperwork! I'm going to STAB Zaraki! But that man is nowhere to be found! WHY is everyone messing with me this morning!? ❞ Yes, he is more concerned about having to put his jars back in order, rather than saving his division members from toxic gas. A man has to have his priorities straight.
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kakimushire · 9 months
〘 tiny!akon 〙there's a tug on mayuri's sleeve and big, bland, dark-circled eyes looking up at the other prisoner. "there's a man over there who says he wants to rip out your insides. if he does, can i have them?"
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❝ Hmm? ❞ His head slowly turned to the sound. To the tug. Mayuri had settled himself down on the floor, as close to the metal bars as he could reach. His sleeve barely sticking out. The chain around his ankle would prohibit him from moving any further away from the wall he was chained to.
He'd been lost in thought. It was the only way to pass time here. He had nothing to do. He had a vivid imagination, so for the time being, he had little problems entertaining himself. Not to mention... When he thought about the outside world, it was not... Very tempting to step into it. Not that he could. He'd stay here, for the rest of his life. He knew that. He was different, and so the world would reject him.
There was a child tugging at his sleeve. Mayuri was only a teenager himself, though it was hard to determine his age, thanks to the paint he wore all over his body. How had this brat gotten here? The prisoners knew that in this cell, a MONSTER was kept. Someone so dangerous that nobody was allowed here. So why had the child wandered here? Perhaps he was here seeking death. Mayuri wouldn't grant that to him. ❝ My insides? Certainly, you can have them. I must warn you though, they are toxic. ❞
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kakimushire · 9 months
"Taichou, I.. put your jars back the way they were.." he takes special notice of that kind of thing, so he knows exactly what the lab looked like before kusajishi-fukitaichou whirled through here. Kurotsuchi-taichou had left to take it up with Zaraki in a terrible mood, Yon hoped he could improve it a bit.
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THANKFULLY not everyone in the division was useless. Mayuri looked at Yon with what was unmistakably gratitude. Today had been a little too much for Mayuri. He simply did not have the patience to go through this much adversary. ALL he wanted to do was to keep working on his current project! Not run around fixing problems! And, in any case, now that his workflow had been interrupted, he wasn't even that inspired anymore. He might pick up a new project instead of finishing the one he was working on. Said project was still FILLING all of the 12th division. An incredibly toxic gas.
❝ Well done. ❞ He said, letting out a small sigh of relief. He could count on Yon to have sorted the jars correctly ( but he would still check it himself later ). ❝ Now go and administer this antidote to the rest of the division - ❞ He pulled out a small vial from one of his many pockets, handing it over to Yon. It was... Too small to be enough for everyone. ❝ Don't prioritize the new recruits. They're quite useless. I don't like them. ❞ In the meantime, he would begin herding the gas back inside. What a day.
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kakimushire · 9 months
"You know, there could be other useful things I could do other than just being one of your test subjects," she huffed softly.
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❝ This AGAIN? ❞ He didn't turn towards her. He simply continued with what he was doing. ❝ Why are you determined to make me grow bored pf you? You do realize that once I'm done with my test subjects - ❞ He held out his hand in a loose fist, and then he opened it, tipping it slightly as if spreading invisible dust onto the floor. ❝ I discard them. ❞ Indeed. The ONLY way for his test subject to survive, was by being interesting. He had an act for losing interest in things all too quickly, and once he did... He would want to get rid of her body to make room for his next project. There was a limit to how many WIPs he could keep around.
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kakimushire · 1 year
"What are you gonna do with the arrancar?"
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❝ Excellent question! ❞ It was obvious that he was enthusiastic about it. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet, like a child about to receive their birthday presents. He honestly didn't know what he was going to do with the different Arrancar. His mind was proposing a MILLION different projects, each one of them incredibly tempting. He thought he knew which one he'd choose, but when he was in this kind of excited mood, it was hard to be certain of whether or not he'd change his mind.
❝ I'm very inspired for a reanimation project! ❞ He rubbed his small hands together. He'd gotten the inspiration from Szayelaporro Granz. Reanimation was truly interesting.
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kakimushire · 1 year
are you a power bottom or a switch?
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      Since he’d been getting questions regarding sex, he assumed this belonged to the same category. However, he was unfamiliar with the terms. He had absolutely no idea what they meant. Power bottom, it sounded... Contradictory. And ‘ switch ‘? What were you switching? He DID think of himself as rather flexible and adaptable, in other aspects of life, so that word had more appeal to him. But, since he didn’t know what either term meant, he couldn’t answer.
      ❝ I am unfamiliar with these terms. ❞ He stated, not really sure if he WANTED to know what they meant. This topic... He disliked it. A LOT.
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kakimushire · 1 year
Do you have your subordinates feed your test subjects so you don't have to or do you prefer using a feeding tube?
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❝ That depends. ❞ Mayuri flicked a wrist impatiently. ❝ A feeding-tube is, of course, preferable, but some of my test subjects DO need to be fed. ❞ And, SOME of his test subjects ( or, should he say, some of his rare-species collection items ) he would personally feed, since he found it interesting to watch them eat. This was especially true when there were new creatures added to his collection. He had a tendency to get rather fixated on NEW things. But, feeding a normal, BORING test-subject? That obviously wasn't happening. He didn't have that kind of time to waste, and, if he did, he certainly wouldn't waste it on something so boring! It was a little ironic, that the test-subjects that were kept in the 12th division were better fed than the actual lab workers ( including Mayuri ). Eating was another one of those boring chores, and not something he focused on. Keeping the test subjects fed, however? That was important for research purposes.
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kakimushire · 2 years
Mayuri needs hookups.
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       ❝ What are hookups? ❞ He's not familiar with the term. He ASSUMES, from the word, that it's a tool of some sort. Maybe it's a type of surgical instrument. If it is, then yes, he would very much like one - or several, if they come in different sizes. He's always interested in trying new techniques, though it's rare he finds way to improve his surgical abilities. Maybe, with the help of ' hookups ', he can achieve better results. He's imagining a hook shaped blade, and he can already imagine several usages for such a tool.
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kakimushire · 1 year
Mayuri, you're so adorable. You look so submissive and breedable.
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      --- W H A T ?
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kakimushire · 2 years
Does Mayuri think he's ugly? Is that why he didn't give nemu his features? OR is nemu just his idea of perfection? Including her appearance? And in that case, by whose standards is she perfect?
      WHAT was the expression? ‘ beauty is in the eye of the beholder ‘, if that was true, then ugliness should be in the eye of the beholder as well, shouldn’t it? However, beauty was also scientific. There were certain proportions, certain angles, certain features that people across cultures and worlds found attractive. Mayuri was not very interested in beauty, but that didn’t mean he didn’t know about it. It certainly was NOT something that influenced his daily life. He didn’t paint himself to look appealing. He used symmetry when he painted himself because it was satisfying. The precision of it. Mayuri had no real opinion on his appearance with regards to whether or not it was attractive. He knew how OTHERS perceived him.
     Mayuri had always been treated differently. In the orphanage where he was raised, they had named him ‘ Kurotsuchi ‘ - black dirt, for his skin-color. He had been alien to the other children. Upon first glance because of his different appearance, and later because of who he was. He had started painting his face and body as a mockery. Painted it WHITE, like they clearly wanted him to be. When he started painting himself, the children became afraid of him. He was left alone, and he liked that. If they thought him different - HE WOULD SHOW THEM HE WAS DIFFERENT! He could never try to fit in. Never try to belong. Because he DIDN’T. Everyone would always see him as different. They all hated him for it. Hated him for not belonging. For not being like them. They thought of him as ugly too, Mayuri knew that. The latter part didn’t bother him. He had no desire to be appealing. But - accepted? Or, perhaps even belonging? He didn’t want to answer that.
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     ❝ Like I’ve said before - there is no such thing as perfection. Is Nemu PERFECT? Don’t make me laugh! ❞ It was ridiculous. Not only that, but it was also a very depressive thought. He imagined what his life would’ve been like if he had created Nemu WITHOUT her having ANY room for improvements. No room to grow. He would have zero interest in her. She might as well not even be alive. An EMPTY existence. ❝ Do you think my creation has no room for improvement? Don’t mock me! ❞ He would rather kill her right here and now, instead of having her be ‘ perfect ‘. How devastating it would be, to look upon her every day and know that there was nothing more to come. No more improvement. No more progress. She was his joy. His pride. He LOVED watching her grow. To give all of that up? He would despair.
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kakimushire · 2 years
Don't you ever get tired of wearing so much gunk on your face?
     By ' GUNK ' Mayuri assumed he meant face-paint, though he wasn't sure how the description fit. His paint was smooth and soft, and odour-free. It was good for his scars and his burns and made his artificial skin feel less stiff. It was dry to the touch, and applying it to his face and body was a calming process. So, why it should get such a negative name as ' gunk '? He didn't know. Then again, he should hardly expect anything from Hitsugaya.
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      ❝ No. I don’t find it tiring. Why does my appearance matter to you? ❞ Would he be treated differently if he tried to look like others? No. He had ALWAYS been treated differently because he was not the same as others. He was alien.
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kakimushire · 1 year
"I don't care how you deem it possible, but please could I go for a run?" She was hopeful. She would be willing to be supervised. Kaisa just needed to do something active instead of being drugged enough that she was physically incapable of moving.
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❝ Hmm...? ❞ Mayuri's eyes grew wide at the sudden request. He tipped his head slowly to the side, expressing disbelief. WHY would anyone want to ' go for a run '? As someone who detested physical exercise and manual labour, Mayuri absolutely could not relate. He would never forget the training sessions he was FORCED to go through when he became a captain. He had had to learn basic combat skills. As if he'd ever need them. He was almost fascinated by the Sou-Taichou thinking he'd ever find himself in a hand-to-hand combat, or a regular face-off with a Zanpakuto. AS IF Mayuri had time for that sort of thing! ❝ Of course you can't. ❞ He answered his test subject, shaking his head. ❝ You are in no position to make requests. ❞ And, if she WAS going to make requests - they better not be such idiotic ones.
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kakimushire · 1 year
Would you like me to explain these terms to you?
      How reliable Akon was. Mayuri still wasn’t sure if he WANTED to know about those terms, considering the subject under which they were filed. However, he was NOT under the impression that ‘ ignorance is bliss ‘. For him, it was always better to know than to not know. 
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      ❝ Yes, do enlighten me. ❞
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kakimushire · 2 years
∆ EXCITE ∆  -   sender grabs receiver’s hands out of excitement //Uekawa didn't look only reached out as he points elsewhere with a cheer. Candystore, Taichou!
hand in hand ,, starter meme.
      It was a strange sight, to see the 12th division captain, and a handful of lab members walking through Rukongai. This was one of the nicer districts. Mayuri RARELY went here. There was nothing interesting here - so why would he come? Well. He was here to gather test-subjects. He needed specific ones with just the right amount of reiatsu. He could've put the task of gathering some into the hands of his subordinates, but - the last time he did they screwed up this simple task. So, he was accompanying them. To teach them how it was supposed to be done. There was excitement within the group. They were happy to be able to observe their captain and mentor. Mayuri liked the mood.
      He was startled, when Uekawa, who was walking closest to him, grabbed his hand. Mayuri, on instinct, pulled his hand away immediately. He was about to give Uekawa a lecture on: I have told you to never touch me! His mouth opened, but --- No words came out. He saw what the other was pointing at. It was a candy store. Mayuri stopped, as did everyone else. Everyone were looking at the same direction now. Mayuri hesitated. Hesitated. Hesitated.
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      ❝ Tch! Fine, we'll go in for a quick look. But don't you dare waste any time! ❞ That's what he said, but --- Guess who was leading the group inside? Yes, him. The scent of sweets hit them as they crowded the little shop. The shop owner looked beside himself with happiness over having so many customers. Mayuri looked at all the delicious display items. ❝ We'll have - ❞ He did a quick head-count ( having already forgotten how many were in the party ) ❝ 7 of everything! ❞
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kakimushire · 1 year
leaves him a tin of gingerbread cookies in an unoccupied corner of his workspace. no note or anything. he's sure he'll know who it's from.
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It was rare that Mayuri felt hungry. Which was strange, considering he hardly ever ate. There was a reason why his body was so small and thin. When he was working (which was always), he simply forgot all about hunger, thirst and fatigue. He could work intensely for hours and hours. Such was the case right now, but he was interrupted, by his own body. His hand was shaking just slightly. Not ideal when you were about to perform precision surgery. He held his hand up, studying his fingers curiously. He couldn't remember taking any drugs today that would cause this? It took him a moment to diagnose himself. When he did? It was something really simple. Even an idiot could have figured it out. He had low blood-sugar. He huffed in annoyance. He could easily fix this, but the quickest way would be to eat something. There was never anything to eat around the 12th. Or --- What was in that tin? He hadn't seen it there earlier. Looking somewhat hopeful, Mayuri reached out for it, and opened it. Inside? Gingerbread cookies. He knew right away who had left it. Who else would know him this well? Akon, of course. Mayuri had a big sweet tooth, and he promptly helped himself to a cookie. He munched on it, while wondering if he should take a break from his work and get Nemu to make him some tea...
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