#Mirthless Marauder
finishing-touch · 5 years
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Now for something a little on the psychedelic spectrum 
Commission drawn by the incredibly talented @andernell
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finishing-touch · 5 years
RP PROFILE | Aladar Claymore
        A cursory glance inspires little to no familiarity with the stern-eyed hyur, save for his name, nature, and the ill repute of his trade- all carried on the tongues of dubious merchants and wandering wastrels. He marks a modest price for his time and service, assurance and gumption easily worth its weight in gil judging by the concise manner in which he carries himself. Still suspicion lingers, for the air around him is cold and his machinations closely guarded. The shroud of mystery that drapes his presence begs the question: can you trust him?
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A mask of stoicism sits on a visage of sharply chiseled features and a firm physique. Thin brows, perpetually furrowed, hang rigidly above verdant liquid eyes. A straight nose draws towards full rough-hewn lips which always press to a thin-line. A thicket of wavy cobalt-colored hair shrouds the ears like a veil, and nestle a small measure above a broad mantle. Yet the studying eye is drawn to the mark most conspicuous: the thin scar of three ilms which cuts cleanly along the right cheek of a square jaw. 
Brazen steel resides behind a poised gaze, narrowed and piercing with keen intent. They accompany the brooding silence stemming from lips which seldom curl into anything but an impassive scowl forged of iron. With reserved inclinations and an impassive guise, the taciturn smuggler invites little in the way of idle chat not related to the matters of his trade; his mannerisms curt, reticent, and seemingly abrasive.
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Dust and dirt cake the hard toes of leather melded boots weathered by the elements and the road. Slack, faded jeans, once immaculate, sport a litany of loose threads frayed upon the fringes of the white weathered denim. Thick tanned gloves, fashioned from cured karakul leather and fleece, conceal calloused hands prone to fondling the distinguished scar during bouts of idle contemplation.  
Onyx sheets with gold accents and intricate trimmings fuse into the harness bound to the torso with a litany taut belts and polished buckles. A matching spaulder, scratched and weathered, attaches to the harness on the smuggler’s left arm and frames the length of the bicep in segmented plates of dark and gilded obsidian. A sash the shade of mahogany cushions the interior of the armor about the waist, bound along with a belt garbed with a collection of tan leather pouches and all the other trappings of a seasoned adventurer.
A lucid sheen permeates the pewter edge and the pyrite motifs running parallel upon the flattened face of the large blade named “Rhagnell”- a moniker aptly derived from the Destroyer’s name. Intimidating in stature and as equally unwieldy, the guillotine nearly rivals the smuggler’s height and instills the false notion that the blade enchants a personality as difficult as the smuggler’s own. In spite of the false superstitions, the sword’s imbalanced appearance swiftly deceives its nature, for Aladar seemingly brandishes the weapon effortlessly with concentrated blows capable of reducing boulders to rubble, and then rubble to dust. 
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[ I will update these with more gripping hooks and potential ideas as inspiration comes to me ]
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The hyur holds fealty to only the coin, and is easily lured by the measure of its worth. This has helped cultivate a growing notoriety, thanks in part to the recurring encounters with would-be competition, underworld syndicates, and the Brass Blades, in the two years spent smuggling contraband from the eastern coast of Aldenard to the salty Straits of Merlthor.  
Knowledge of the routes and traversing the known perils has garnered him a niche in the circles of the black market, and be it exotic reagents, small weapons, or illicit trade goods- there is naught within the smuggler’s reach which he cannot procure.     
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Like a restless hound mad on the bloody scent of a prey, the smuggler’s long hunt falls to an impasse when his quarry escapes to the sea beyond heavenly clouds. With no wings of his own to give chase, he seeks any rovers- men and women who sail the skies above Abalathia and pillage its fortunes, who can further his pursuit. 
But pirates, seaworthy or of the sky, make for uncertain bedfellows, and no promising accord is ever immune to treacherous whims and petty temptations. As Aladar offers his sword arm in exchange for a navigator and a vessel, he inevitably finds himself embroiled in aerial affairs.
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Unbound avarice marked the demise of a Brass Blade captain and his cadre of crooked sellswords at the hands of the smuggler acting in his own defense. Yet the blood of the men, foul and misguided, spilled in the golden sands carried a pungent stench haunting Aladar’s every stride with the long arm of the law nipping at his heel upon every turn.
His ballad grows with each frey and excursion- as does the small bounty listed on the posters decorating each wall of every watering hole in all of Thanalan. With the gil fattening and luring every green and seasoned hunter desperate for coin, the elusive desperado feels the coarse proverbial noose tightening around his throat. 
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While not exactly an LFRP post, I saw to compose a profile for the curious and offer some semblance of understanding regarding my OC’s identity, characteristics, and an assortment roles he can provide. 
My character is on Balmung/Crystal and I am perpetually open to collaborating stories be they short or long-term. My preferences fall towards in-game roleplay (Discord is also an option but I have some reservations) with a heavy emphasis on plot encompassing a myriad of themes and subjects. 
I am EST, and happen to work 50+ hours each week which does not allow me to spend as much time online on the weekdays as I would like. For this reason I always prefer to schedule RP a bit in advance so I can set the time aside accordingly, and it makes it easier to coordinate moving forward. 
My doors are always open for anyone with questions or comments, and I encourage any and all interactions. I can provide my discord upon request. 
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finishing-touch · 5 years
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Commission done by the fantastic @ninterbit! I love their style so much so that I’m waiting till the next check to grab more commissions. 
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finishing-touch · 5 years
Fears || Aladar Claymore
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                               BOLD ANY FEARS WHICH APPLY TO YOUR MUSE                                 ITALICIZE WHAT MAKES THEM UNCOMFORTABLE
the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. prison. blood. drowning. suffocation. public speaking. natural animals. the supernatural. heights. death. dying. intimacy. rejection. abandonment. loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched. fame. forgetting. being forgotten. peace. steady life habits. routine. being looked down on. responsibility.
Tagged By: @ember-arrow Tagging: @glorified-thieves | @ylaziel | @asraha | @gvnbreaker
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finishing-touch · 5 years
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 Aladar Claymore🗡🗡Hairstyles & Outfits Through the Ages A Realm Reborn ► Heavensward  ► Stormblood  
Tagged By: @ember-arrow​ || @asraha​ Tagging: @mai-takeda​ || @garlean-nonsense​ || @fletchlingfletcher​ || @lilac-memorials​ || @rhotdornn​ || @manawalls​ || @ephemeralrequital || @lavender-hemlock (my apologies in advance for anyone who has already done this)
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finishing-touch · 5 years
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I could not find the link to the original template so I made my own oops
Tagged By: @kazexvoss || @lavender-hemlock Tagging: @ember-arrow || @whitherwanderer || @gyrabanian || @rhotdornn || @asraha || @ladyrivienne || @necrologos || @holyja
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