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siderealsentinel ยท 5 years
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90% of my notes for today are just this. Are you guys okay???
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siderealsentinel ยท 5 years
[So I just watched the Russian movie โ€˜I Am Dragonโ€™.... IT IS FUCKING AMAZING. The story is beautiful, the lore is deep, the feels are real. I need this movie as an AU. Right now. Oh my god.]
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siderealsentinel ยท 5 years
[Guess I should make a proper promo or something for this blog huh.]
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siderealsentinel ยท 5 years
[I think I need some fluff. Fellow TDP blogs pls hop into my IM if youโ€™d like to plot something fluffy. Or angsty. Or literally any theme.]
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siderealsentinel ยท 5 years
Hey Aaravos, turn on your location, I just want to talk.
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siderealsentinel ยท 5 years
Headcanon while Iโ€™m at it: Titania more or less โ€˜sleepsโ€™ while waiting inside the amulet between masters, so she seldom sleeps while under contract. Partly because she doesnโ€™t feel the need to, but mostly because she doesnโ€™t feel safe enough to. If she happens to allow herself to sleep in your presence, consider it one of the highest forms of her trust.
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siderealsentinel ยท 5 years
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siderealsentinel ยท 5 years
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[Yeah so, this is what Iโ€™m doing when I wake up. Stay tuned.]
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siderealsentinel ยท 5 years
A Little Moonshadow Tag
Tagged by: @aaravos-the-archmage
coffee or tea ๐ŸŒ™ / early bird or night owl ๐ŸŒ™ / chocolate ๐ŸŒ™ or vanilla / spring ๐ŸŒ™ or fall ย / silver or gold ๐ŸŒ™ / pop or alternative ๐ŸŒ™ / freckles ๐ŸŒ™ or dimples / snakes ๐ŸŒ™ or sharks / mountains or fields ๐ŸŒ™ / thunderstorm or lightning ๐ŸŒ™ ย / egyptian mythology or greek mythology ๐ŸŒ™ / ivory or scarlet ๐ŸŒ™ / flute or lyre ๐ŸŒ™ / eyes ๐ŸŒ™ or lips / witch or fairy ๐ŸŒ™ / opal ๐ŸŒ™ or diamondย  / butterflies ๐ŸŒ™ or honeybees / macarons or eclairs ๐ŸŒ™ / typewritten or handwritten ๐ŸŒ™ / secret garden ๐ŸŒ™ or secret library / rooftop ๐ŸŒ™ or balcony / spicy or mild ๐ŸŒ™ / opera or ballet ๐ŸŒ™ / london or paris ๐ŸŒ™ / vincent van gogh or claude monet ๐ŸŒ™ / denim or leather ๐ŸŒ™ / potions or spells ๐ŸŒ™ / ocean ๐ŸŒ™ or desert / mermaid or siren ๐ŸŒ™ / masquerade ball ๐ŸŒ™ or cocktail party
Tagging: @shewieldsdarkmagic
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siderealsentinel ยท 5 years
Daily theme proposal for TDP ask blogs:
Sunfire Sunday Moonshadow Monday Oceantide Tuesday Skywing Wednesday Earthblood Thursday Dark Magic Friday Startouch Saturday
Can we make these a thing?
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siderealsentinel ยท 5 years
[Iโ€™ll give you one guess who is designing another TDP OC. Yep.]
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siderealsentinel ยท 5 years
[One day Iโ€™ll get Titania a BF. One day.]
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siderealsentinel ยท 5 years
[Iโ€™ll be a good RPer and do my replies tomorrow I swear. Also hey, send Titania random questions. This is an ask blog as well as an RP blog.]
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siderealsentinel ยท 5 years
[Iโ€™ve been sitting on this headcanon for like a week now but I gotta say it. No matter what he does, Viren is a Good Dad and does his best with kids. Let him see some of Claudia in Titania. Let him treat her like a daughter. Let him be the father figure she never had even though she hates men and humans and dark magic. Let him keep trying to be a dad to her anyway and sheโ€™ll slowly come around. Let them bond over magic and giving maybe giving Aaravos shit.
Give. Me. Found. Family.]
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siderealsentinel ยท 5 years
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Please donโ€™t repost.
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siderealsentinel ยท 5 years
~Core Headcanons~
โ‡› Titania was once a follower of Aaravos. She, too, believed humans could and should learn magic. However, she never anticipated that it would be dark magic that they gained, and never practiced it for herself.
โ‡› Mostly unknown, those that knew her referred to her as โ€˜The Evenstarโ€™ or โ€˜The Evening Star,โ€™ Aaravosโ€™s younger and lesser skilled counterpart. Fully content to let the archmage take the limelight, Titania herself was ignored by history.
โ‡› A short while before the revolt that lead to Aaravosโ€™s imprisonment, a human, becoming adept in the ways of dark magic, turned on Titania. Hungry for power, he used dark magic to seal her into a magical relic, an amulet, turning her into a tool to be used over and over.
โ‡› While described as a โ€˜genie in a bottle,โ€™ Titania is not an actual genie, and cannot grant wishes. The term only describes her relationship to the amulet. Her physical form and abilities are the same as any other elf.
โ‡› Titania is both mortal and immortal. Her soul itself is bound to the amulet, trapped within. When called out, it is only her body and mind that are freed. Titania can and does experience pain and death.
โ‡› When Titania does die, her active contract is nullified and the amulet becomes inactive, unusable for as long as it takes for her body to decompose beyond recognition. Depending on the circumstances of her death, this may take months. The quickest solution is to cremate her body, reducing the amuletโ€™s โ€˜cooldownโ€™ to as little as a day or two. When the amulet is inactive, the ruby within it will lose all colour. While her body does not retain the marks and scars of her deaths, she remembers all of them clearly.
โ‡› The only arcanum other than that of the stars she has connected to is that of the moon, and her skills with such are limited. Her focus is mainly on illusion magic, changing her form in whatever ways necessary to carry out her contracts.
โ‡› She is called from the amulet by reading the short passage engraved on the back, โ€˜I command thee.โ€™ For elves and other magical races, this can be simply read forwards. For humans, it must be read backwards, becoming essentially its own spell of dark magic, which can take a toll depending on the user.
โ‡› Once called out, Titania has โ€˜one cycle of the sunโ€™ or 24 hours to forge a contract with her master. Failing this, she will be forced back into the amulet and the process must begin again. Once a contract is formed, it will last for as long as it takes to be completed, unless it is nullified.
โ‡› A contract can only be nullified under the following circumstances; Titania dies - her master dies - the person or object she is sent to retrieve or protect is killed or destroyed - a target she is sent to eliminate is killed by someone else first.
โ‡› Titania may have contracts with several people at once, but each person may only form a contract with her once, unless it is nullified. A forged contract cannot be changed. Should a master change their mind, they may โ€˜resetโ€™ the contract by killing Titania - but she will not do this willingly, and she will resent anyone that forces such a situation upon her, save for very specific situations.
โ‡› After everything that has happened, and the way she has been treated by some during her time in the amulet, Titania dislikes humans, despises dark magic, and feels Aaravos is to blame for her struggles. Should she ever meet him, he should not expect a warm reception immediately.
โ‡› The amulet does hold other secrets, and a skilled mage, dark or otherwise, might just be able to discover them.
May be edited at any time. All headcanons in this post are tentative and any RP partners with issues with one or more headcanons should discuss it with me - I do have alternatives and workarounds. Titania is not related to Aaravos, nor does she canonly have any relationship with him other than comrades. This can however be altered for plots, as can her opinion of him.
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