#๐ฏ๐ข๐ข๐ข. . . . โ‡ข ห—หห‹ [ ๐ฆ๐ข๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ฒ โ€บ main verse ]
muutosarchive ยท 5 months
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grin is wide, heart-shaped glasses sliding down her nose. little stolen convertible taken to chop-shop &. gotten plates switched with fake papers. small wave is given with wiggled fingers. "hiya, sweetie. need a ride?"
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๐Ÿ’ @saburaito โ†ช asked for missy
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muutosarchive ยท 7 months
โ› i do what people pay me to do. โœ for missy !
๐Ÿ’ @clownfile . old meme
her legs are folded, calves strongly held by high heels, strappy &. fashionable. her toes painted a bright red to match lips &. fingers. . . . her foot is bobbing just - so, whilst straw dances between ice-cubes in their little synchronized spins. she nods, two fingers pinching stem while the other tap with soft clinks against dishware. "i know," she responds, a bit more notably reserved than usual. . . .
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"y'ever think about just doin' it fer yerself? goin off on yer own?" with her, she means. she thinks being part of something bigger is stupid - she'd never do it. but, well. she knows houston better than he thinks. "mm, better yet, don't answer - i know yer' gonna say a big, fat nope t'that one, buster."
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muutosarchive ยท 4 months
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"oh no, don't ya' go all 'goody two-shoes' on me, now." missy speaks, legs shifting as she pulls a weapon from the open trunk. her emerald eyes wild with warning.
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๐Ÿ’ @hollowvictory โ†ช asked for missy
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muutosarchive ยท 5 months
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missy smirks from underneath the middle-aged man, &. his big gun. fear rid from her face as she squirms. "i like your style, daddy-o."
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๐Ÿ’ @omniterror โ†ช asked for missy
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muutosarchive ยท 10 months
๐Ÿญ @clownfile . asked for a starter
THE FLUTE IN HER HAND feels heavier than it is, bubbling with sparkling alcohol. the two pulled off a job together, having booked a hotel a ways away. perhaps in another life, it might have been a better view. sun sets over the city, while the woman sits in her turmoil. call her selfish, call her whatever you want. . . . however, the longer she spends with houston, the more-so she wants to know what he really thinks of her. irritated by the way he keeps said feelings to himself.
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she looks over at him through the silence that settles over the two, tucking her softly blowing hair behind an ear while she looks over at him. SHE FRANKLY DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO SPARK THIS CONVERSATION. playing with her pearls. for the first time since he's been in her life, she looks nervous. unsure of himself.
"h?" she asks, looking up at him. the nervousness fluttering in her chest, light &. breathless. she's never really afforded the luxury to care what people think. but she's slowly been able to get there. "what d'ya think about me, huh? . . . n' -- i want you to tell me how y' really feel." she studies his face, eyes flickering in bursts.
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muutosarchive ยท 8 months
โ› iโ€™m scared of ending up alone. โœ for missy !
๐Ÿญ @clownfile . &. ๐š๐ง ๐š๐ฌ๐ฌ๐จ๐ซ๐ญ๐ฆ๐ž๐ง๐ญ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐๐ข๐š๐ฅ๐จ๐ ๐ฎ๐ž ๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ญ๐ฌ.
brows are knit , looking over houston with her lips agape. sitting with him she scoots closed, one leg under her as she grips her calf. biting her lip as concerned hues take the man's expression in. inch by inch. fingers tucking hair behind her ear, slightly flattened by the day. time, volume's arch enemy.
"then don't leave." she tells him, "stay here, with me." she reaches out to grab his hand. "alone is safer. probably thought it'd be appealin' t'ya." she shrugs, looking at their hands. her head shakes minutely however, when her eyes catch the criminal's.
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"we're good, h." she stresses. "&. maybe yer' talkin' about . . . romantically. n' sugar, i worry the same thing. though i choose it over n' over again -- like clockwork." finger spins to imitate a moving clock hand. shoddily, admittedly. "but y'never know, right?" eyes are searching.
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muutosarchive ยท 1 year
โ€œi trust, from time to time, you stop to ask yourself how come you choose to fightโ€ Missy !
๐Ÿญ @lunarscaled !
she looks over at the other &. shrugs. she gives it a moment of thought, looking down before tucking her hair behind her left ear. "probably 'cause i couldn't find anyone else t'do it for me." she's softly squinting from the sun, though it soon causes her to catch cigarette between her teeth while she roots through purse for triangle shades. sliding them up her nose, before allowing rose lips to purse around the filter for a quick drag off the menthol.
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inhale is audible, with eyes landing back on the other. "it ain't gonna be from lack a' tryin' [...] but sometimes if y'want something done right, y'gotta do it yourself. you understand, dontcha' sweet pea?"
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muutosarchive ยท 4 months
" you'll have to keep it secret . I'll find out if you tell anybody ." / for missy !
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there's a slightly lidded smile on her face. blue eyes flickering over the mangled visage before her, with palms against the cool surface behind her. not for fear's sake, though there's a certain thrill to close proximity &. a good threat. "hm. don't doubt it, sweetie." she shrugs a bony shoulder, toned as fingers reach to slip fallen trap back onto the peak. shaking hair whilst raking fingers throughout.
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"lucky fer you, i don't much make a habit of talkin' t'cops. no matter how much i like a man in uniform." she winks, toothy grin grown across sultry face. not just cops, she knows. "'sides, i like a nice suit much, much better." a laugh. "c'mon harv. don' worry 'bout me. i don't have a dog in this fight, scouts honor." she even holds up the three fingered salute.
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๐Ÿ’ @halfdent โ†ช emotional manipulation starters
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muutosarchive ยท 4 months
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she lies crossed arms over surface, with sultry look igniting her old hollywood face. draped, with tilted head. "mm, how can i help ya', kitten?"
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๐Ÿ’ @cannib4l โ†ช asked for missy
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muutosarchive ยท 4 months
๐Ÿ–๏ธ // danny puts a hand around missy's throat . /toxic ship hell o
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she giggles the moment scapulae hit the wall behind. her hair fanning upward with the outward trajectory of air. . . . that which fell before her eyes, as her hips shift closer with a soft wiggle. never show fear. though, could she really fear him? eyes alight with creased delight, as thighs clench. "mm-hm." she squeals a little, albeit muted. cutely tacked to the tail end of laugh. "s'that a gun in yer pocket, baby?" she bites her lip, her hands up by her cheeks with fingers subconsciously curling &. uncurling. toothy smile upon her face.
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feigned pout takes over for just a moment before she speaks again. "oh, but please tell me yer just happy t'see me!" body buckles. making the plea even more believable. "come on. what'd i do, daddy-o? did'ja feel insecure?" she licks her lips with another gratuitous laugh. "don't worry --" she suddenly has hands on shoulders, gripping lapels beneath offending arms. swallow prominent against snug palm. she's not sure where arousal begins &. defensive ends. "y'can take it out on me, baby. show me who's boss, huh? big man . . ." head falls back, bared. "come on . . . show me who y'really are, danny. i promise i ain't gonna squeal if y'make me bleed."
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๐Ÿ’ @cultfic โ†ช AGGRESSIONย  ย //ย  ย SEXUALย  TENSION .
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muutosarchive ยท 6 months
In this fucked up world of ours, we're meant for each other. / for missy ! they deserve this confession, let's be honest
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her expression is blank. frozen in time between shock &. a smile, as forearm falls from fingers fluttering near hair. it feels as if she's floating. hovering above the earth, weightless in high-heels. especially considering that he was the one to first initiate such a confession. the giddiness carried in sparkling emeralds, while large teeth glitter in the widest smile known to woman's cheeks. carried with grace, as are most things unbecoming.
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though she just nods, as her manicured fingers lift once more to drift blown-out strands behind her ear as a giggle softens her even more. her body arching inward only somewhat, as her chin lowers. "yeah, houston, baby." she begins, teeth pulled betwixt teeth. "i think y'might be stuck wit' me . . ." a shrug. bashful, in nature. "but i coulda' told'ja that a long time ago."
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๐Ÿ’ @clownfile ๐€๐’๐Š๐„๐ƒ ย โ†ช meme i forgot
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muutosarchive ยท 9 months
[ NECK ] * your muse kisses my musesโ€™ neck. / missy
๐Ÿญ @clownfile . ๐Ÿย  *ย  โ€•ย ย ๐‘ต๐‘ถ๐‘ต๐‘ฝ๐‘ฌ๐‘น๐‘ฉ๐‘จ๐‘ณ ๐‘บ๐‘ฌ๐‘ฟ๐‘ผ๐‘จ๐‘ณ ๐‘บ๐‘ฐ๐‘ป๐‘ผ๐‘จ๐‘ป๐‘ฐ๐‘ถ๐‘ต๐‘บ.ย 
HER HAND IS ON THE BACK OF HIS NECK, the other raised by folded elbow with a pluming menthol between her red-tipped digits. her eyes are lidded, rendering them all but closed, with her teeth poking from open mouth.
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head hangs with brunette blowout shifting with the pull of gravity, some part of her feels vindicated at his showing of physical affection towards her. . . . however, she knows not to let herself go too far in her fantasies. she still doesn't exactly know the extent of how he may feel, so she guards her heart with sword &. shield. a necessary evil in their line of work.
"mm.. you never cease t'surprise me, sweetheart." missy hums with a lidded grin, interrupted by a soft sound accidentally released from her throat. that which she clears in order to divert any attention. she takes a drag before draping her arm over his shoulder. pressing her body closer to his with her exhale. "here i thought'cha didn't like me like that." she laughs, moaning again while her eyes press shut entirely. his lips, teeth, &. his tongue passing over her sensitive skin. &. the places where he touches her feel good, &. heavy. causing her smile to grow, in the meantime.
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muutosarchive ยท 1 year
[ GUIDE ]:ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  in the process of guiding the receiver through a crowded place, the senderโ€™s hand protectively grazes against the small of their back @ missy
๐Ÿญ @clownfile !
she's focused. eagle eye deceptively scanning, while her face is pointed forward. pristine teeth poking out with her clutch pinched between her claws. widened hues flicker with her steps. practiced, more-so trained in the moment than her facial expression. though it's quick to be pulled together when required. [...] including the current scenario unfolding, as presence is felt in shadow beside her. blinking while her pearly whites pull up into an alluring, &. feminine smile. peering upward at the touch administered to her lower back.
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lidded eyes, a giggle comes forth from her lips whilst she looks forward again to ensure her safe path despite the guidance. "mm. what a mighty fine gentleman we have here." she muses, mouth closed with a coy little tilt to her lips. smirking while her eyes travel back towards the other. "no need t'be shy. every lady finds herself in need of an escort, 'specially in a place like this." a hand moves to sweep curls away from her shoulder with a raise of chin &. lidded eyes. tisking, softly. "can y'believe all this trouble just t'grab a breath of fresh air? [...]"
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