#π’Šπ’π’•π’†π’“π’‚π’„π’•π’Šπ’π’π’” β€Ί closed.
thxverenlim Β· 1 month
ππŽπˆππ“ πŽπ… π•πˆπ„π–, parte ΓΊnica.
⚘.γ…€γ…€γ…€γ…€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ…€γ…€γ…€γ…€γ…€γ…€MISSΓƒO DE HΓ‰CATE !!
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𝐰𝐑𝐨 : @littlfrcak ; @apavorantes ; @zmarylou. parque nacional cotubanamÑ; república dominicana.
Quando pediu a QuirΓ³n para ir em uma missΓ£o, Verena nΓ£o fazia ideia do que de fato a esperava. Mesmo ao ser alertada sobre os perigos que poderia encontrar, escolheu ir. Grande parte de si, fosse aquilo prudente ou nΓ£o, desejava ver com os prΓ³prios olhos os terrΓ­veis monstros que perturbavam os campista β€” havia vivido todos aqueles anos sem qualquer iminΓͺncia de perigo e, por ter repentinamente sido envolta em uma bagunΓ§a olimpiana, ver para crer era necessΓ‘rio, sim.
Durante todo o dia antes da missão, lidou com o medo da melhor forma que podia. Cuidou da pele. Hidratou os cabelos. Fez as unhas. Ao fim do longo ritual, se sentia pronta para qualquer coisa e, apesar do coração que insistia em manifestar inquietude, dormiu uma noite sem sonhos.
Quando encontrou com a equipe no dia seguinte, sorriu para cada um deles, mas perguntou muito pouco sobre o que achavam da missΓ£o. Juntos, embarcaram em um tΓ‘xi incomum e foram deixados pelas trΓͺs figuras exΓ³ticas em um canto menos remoto do vasto lugar que deveriam explorar; ao descer do carro e por os pΓ©s no chΓ£o, percebeu que seus joelhos tremiam, mas seguiu o grupo pela praia sem dar muita atenção a isso.
Conforme o dia se passava, lento e arrastado, a tensão começou a pesar em seus ombros. Enquanto tentava se acalmar, acabou por cair em um tipo de situação complicada com Sasha e desde então não conseguia mais disfarçar sua crescente ansiedade. Roía as unhas. Puxava fiapos da roupa. Suspirava e mexia nos cabelos. Estava surtando, lentamente, e ver que cada passo que dariam estava sendo calculado, dentro do possível, apenas a perturbava mais. Tinha noção pela de que nada poderia ser simples se até mesmo os mais experientes eram cautelosos ao extremo... Outra vez quis indagar a eles sobre as missáes, porém, o receio manteve sua boca fechada.
Após uma noite mal dormida e um monte de caminhadas em trilha desoladas, chegaram a caverna. Tentou ser positiva e consolar os próprios receios com boas afirmaçáes, todavia, rapidamente cedeu ao desespero quando percebeu que não iriam só entrar e sair. O lugar era assustador e haviam problemas em cada canto. Caminhos turvos... Ilusáes... O que mais viria? JÑ sentia a cabeça doer pela quantidade de vezes em que tentou antever o próximo desafio.
Mesmo assim, nΓ£o estava preparada para nada do que ali surgiu. Γ€s sereias, com o canto doce e aparΓͺncia horrenda, podiam ter sido o ponto final antes do hesito, mas nΓ£o foram. Bestas surgiram outra vez, ainda mais assustadoras do que as de antes. Vendo os colegas a postos, Verena tentou se prontificar com sua espada do arsenal entre os dedos trΓͺmulos. Sabia que nΓ£o que teria a capacidade de lutar como Bishop, todavia, se manteve firme atΓ© o momento em que foi engolida novamente pelo caos.
Ao obter um vislumbre de Sasha e Mary, sentiu o coração prestes a sair pela boca. Chegou a um ponto onde nΓ£o processava mais merda alguma. Seu corpo era pura ação e reação. Sentiu cada entenda de seu ser aquecer e engolir uma das leucrotas com calor imensurΓ‘vel. Sentiu a Γ‘gua a subir e o instinto de sobrevivΓͺncia gritar nas mΓ­nimas cΓ©lulas do corpo. Sentiu que nΓ£o iria sair viva para afirmar errada. E, enfim, caΓ­da na grama com o corpo trΓͺmulo pelo frio, sentiu gratidΓ£o por estar viva.
No momento em que Bishop chamou o seu nome e falou algo sobre as Dracmas e o tÑxi, assentiu e acatou as palavras no automÑtico. Milháes e milháes de sentimentos e pensamentos conflitantes gritavam por espaço dentro de si, mas o único que no ouvido residia a certeza de que ir até ali tinha sido um grande e genuíno erro.
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selfsabotaqe Β· 11 months
* Β  Β  Β  β™‘ Β  Β  β—ž Β  Β  Β closed starter Β  Β  Β β•± Β  Β for @seolinah .
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β€œ thanks for doing that. ”  Β getting those words of gratitude to roll off her tongue may as well have caused her physical pain. she rarely admitted defeat, and their presence usually constituted a headache, but they somehow managed to put her quite at ease now.Β  Β β€œ but i think i’m going to continue disliking you. ”
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uroborosymphony Β· 2 years
Just human.
𝑂𝑛 π‘Ž π‘€π‘–π‘›π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿ π‘›π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘. π΄π‘›π‘”π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘‘β„Ž.Β 
Β ft. @alsvartr​
A delivery from the realm of Angrath to Earth. The velveteen cloak that was promised for my twenty eighth birthday by the King himself finally reached my mortal lands. Twirling, Oh I was twirling, dressed in the dark red of my gown and the gifted handmade cloak over my shoulders. My hair have delicately been styled, light jewerly perling down my collarbones and wrists.
I have received an invite tied to the present. In the realm of the King, it was time for a celebration, a celebration for the truce, the end of the war between the North and The South. What an honor - I kept whispering to myself - to be invited by royalty itself, by Aquila whom, has also become a dear friend to me. I couldn’t wait to see him again, to discover how his people were feasting and dancing and gorging on fresh boars and wine around fires and music. There were many customs and ways I was unaware of, even his language, I was far for being able to speak more than a couple words but it wasn’t scaring me, nothing was scaring me, on the contrary, impatience was running under my skin. After many years of daydreaming, many years of hallucinating, many years of a living with a mind that wasn’t wired like the other souls around mine here on Earth - finally, I would open the doors to secret universes the gods have kept away from me.
Portals, it’s through portals I would come and go in between Earth and Angrath, portals I could not create myself but with the use of a device Aquila asked to be made for me. A device filled with magic of his lands. After pampering myself for the ceremony, the object found itself between my hands. I couldn’t stop contemplating it, the depth of the ravens in my irises captivated by this wander the human mind couldn’t quite grasp. Does it make me superior to my own kind now? I wondered. Perhaps in a way, I was transcending human conditions and rules by holding the keys to a new truth. This should never land in the wrong hands, the King knew that, perhaps it was also a way to show and offer me his trust.
I kneeled down and as instructed, placed the device down the floor, keeping the palm of my hand spread on top of the magical object. My smile kept on piercing and growing as runes of light were carving themselves into the wooden floor of my little house.Β  Time and space were being bent, distorted, I could feel and see it, as the light kept on overwhelming my senses to finally, create it : my first portal. Back on my two feets, the device got slipped inside my little bag of black leather and it was time. Time for me to walk accross the now opened door. I didn’t walk actually, I ran into it, impatient, excited. Memories of my first journey to Vorlan with Aquila in the heart of July were dancing in my head, he was the one to open the portal back then as I watched him full of admiration - Vorlan, the two suns accross our heads, the fauna greeting us.
This time felt different however - as I was transitionning from Earth to Angrath - it was dark. Completely dark. The coordinates were supposed to send me near his castle where the celebration have already started. There was none of that. Only a forest.
I was in a forest.Β 
The gigantic trees were darkening the sky in this endless night, creating a roof above of my head, even the moons could not keep an eye on me.Β Where is the castle, what happened and where am I. Were my first and only questions.Β 
I took a few steps forward, in between the branches and the roots at my feet, believing that perhaps I simply landed a couple miles away. I re open my bag of leather as I keep on making steps and steps forward in hope of finding a path, a light, something - perhaps using the device again will send me back to Earth and I could try again. I was both handling the magical object and frenetiqually looking around as only muffled noises and howls of the night were surrounding me.Β 
It was only then that I saw it.
A fire.
Meters away from the position I was standing in, in between the black leaves.
Every single one of the cells within my body froze as if the winter of the lands was crawling deeper under my skin to lace with my blood and petrify me. The obscurity was keeping me hidden. However, around that fire... People. A circle of approximatively six to twelve figures, in cloaks, gathered. My heart stopped.Β 
I knew that in that moment, I was not where I was supposed to be. This, this isn’t Angrath.
I could hear their chanting, a chanting that was twisting every single wire of my mind. Words of a language I could not possibly understand - yet, one that did not have the same sounds and t’sΒ as Aquila’s tongue. The flames were growing, higher, stronger as their voices where echoing louder in the obscurity of the night. A ritual. It was a ritual.
I step back.
Terrified of what could possibly happen to me if they see me, if they hear me. I step backwards, I keep on stepping back, carefully, my bones shaking, my eyes not leaving the scene. Until I freeze, again. In the circle, the figure at the exact opposite takes the hood of the cloak off to finally look up. A woman. She saw me. Her hair was of a color I couldn’t possibly describe. Somewhere between blonde and silver. No, her cloak is different than the other’s. Everyone else’s is red, hers is black. Black, made of Velveteen.
The word echoes inside of me like a calling. The veins under my skull are on the verge of imploding, exploding. This speaks human. It is in my head. She. Is in my head, no matter the distance in between her and I, I can hear her.
She keeps on repeating, staring towards me as the circle around her was still calling something, something from the above, like zealots.
β€œWe can have it all.”
I scream. I scream and scream and scream, my head in between my hands as she’s inside, she’s inside of my head now, talking to me, speaking to me, telling me to come more and more and more and it hurts, like knives shoving inside my brain, under my skin, it’s overwhelming me.
I open my eyes again and I stare around me. This time, the forest is gone. Am I losing my mind? I spin on my spot out of panic, which makes my red dress spin and my cloak around my legs and I’m looking around as if I’m possessed. The fire, the ritual, the woman, they are all gone. Was that... was that? What was that?Β 
I’m not alone anymore, all eyes are on me - it make sense, after I kept on shouting like a possessed person. I breathe in and out, like a maniac, as if my body experienced some sort of trance. I’m about to throw up but I can’t. Right now, I’m standing in the streets of Angrath, right now, with everyone dressed for celebrations and chanting to the glory of the King. And so I run, I run and run and run, until I can hide in a quieter street with no eyes on me. I’m breathless, unaware of what just happened to me, my back pressed against the wall of bricks, my eyes still widened out. Was that a vision? For another place, another time? It feels like something I’ve already lived or - something I’m about to live. I can’t possibly explain.
That Priestess.
She was wearing my cloak, it was the exact same one.Β 
That woman,
In what seemed to be a distorted reality,
It was me.
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adricnwais-archived Β· 3 years
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why adrian was even walking inside and up to este’s room in the zeta tau alpha sorority house was a mystery even to himself. whilst he lying in bed, feeling quite sorry for himself, este had messaged him pretty much demanding adrian to come over. thinking it would be good for him to get out of the apartment for a bit, adrian followed her orders. however, the closer he got to este’s door, the more he felt like he was going to regret this.Β β€œwhat do you want, este?” he asked, barely even knocking on her door before he barged in as if this was his own space. @estecastillo​
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stradfordroyals Β· 3 years
&&& (πŒπ€π‘π€π”πƒπ„π‘π’ πŒπ€π)
π’•π’‰π’Šπ’π’ˆπ’” 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 π’Žπ’–π’”π’• 𝒃𝒆 π’Œπ’π’π’˜π’ 𝒂𝒏𝒅 π’•π’‚π’Œπ’†π’ 𝒂𝒔 π’ˆπ’–π’Šπ’…π’† π’Šπ’ π’…π’‚π’Šπ’π’š π’Šπ’π’•π’†π’“π’‚π’„π’•π’Šπ’π’π’”.
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; even though school housed many different students, some made sure that they want to be treated differently. once cozy common room is sometimes seperated by lines of chairs, some meeting are private and some people are straight up discriminating against people of non noble bloods.
; the royal family is watching the academy closely for their own gain, making it really hard to break the rules inside β€” the teachers are marking the absence and any ground further than hogsmeade is out of reach at school days. beware of people that are not your friends for they will take the opportunity to bring you down.
; the classes are scheduled and anyone not able to attent the assigned class must inform the class prefect or curator** beforehand. any ask before two hours of class will be rejected and be marked as absence.
; teachers leave the school and go to their homes given them at hogsmeade. since this school is for elite and for people aiming high in society any disrespect to teacher on and off the study times lead to punishment in form of lost dewey points. any teacher can refuse to write points for students without further explanation.
; augusts debt to simon is not know by anyone but him, simon and wilhelm. wilhelm assumes that simon doesn't expect any payment from august since august'a family is going towards bancrupcy. male member the society know about the financial status of august because of his arguement with wilhelm. it is unknown to others (except simon).
; everyone who went to school with wilhelm knows that it was him on the video β€” despite that not many mention it around him or show any signs. but the main goal of moving to dark academy is to protect the prince and gain back his public image as an all accepted future king. good or not the people are not ready for controversial sexuality in the royal family. any media reference to this had been blocked, while any tags referring to this matter are also being blocked on social platforms. prince wilhelm is always escorted by royal guards, even inside the school, they wait next to his door when he sleeps, next to the entrance of common room and at the corridor during all classes. they have right to interfere at any loud noise, fight if the prince is present in the room. crown prince is the only student allowed to skip classes without giving any notice (but doing it without explanation is nearly impossible since guards make sure he is in the class if he isn't invited into royals castle). without making it visible anyone who argues, snarks, talks against crown prince is reported to queen, as mentioned the crown is heavily protected. to protect the image of the prince the drugs are banned. intoxication is not allowed during class hours. taking pictures of prince without his permission is forbidden, also is writing or posting anything about him without his permission.
; even if they host the school the travelers and new bloods are not accepted by nobles as their equals. some students among with teacher believe that allowing non noble citizens to this sacred education mansion is stain to its name.
; if all the students or more than half leave the mansion the curator and at least two teachers must be informed and given the written allowance for it. the allowance must be taken seriously if the prince is also with the leaving crowd. any damage to prince will be responsibilty of the teacher signing the allowance.
; any form of magic at prince's presence is forbidden.
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thxverenlim Β· 2 months
γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€βͺγ€€γ€€πœπ₯𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 starterγ€€/γ€€π’‡π’π’‚π’”π’‰π’ƒπ’‚π’„π’Œ .   ❫
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* 𝐰𝐑𝐨 : @pips-plants
Enquanto tirava um tempo para esticar as pernas pelos arredores do Acampamento, Verena acabou em frente a um campo de morangos e nΓ£o resistiu a ideia de se aproximar. Pretendia pegar sΓ³ um ou dois para provar β€” adorava o fruto silvestre, principalmente os suculentas e de sabor adocicado β€”, mas antes mesmo que pudesse ansiar colher o que parecia mais rechonchudo e bonito aos olhos, notou a presenΓ§a de outra pessoa por perto e retezou os dedos jΓ‘ esticados. β€œ Hum, olΓ‘... ” um tanto encabulada, se voltou para a moΓ§a com um pequeno e constrangido sorriso nos lΓ‘bios. Estava prestes a dar uma de mΓ£o leve com os morangos de outro alguΓ©m, e nΓ£o havia muito como disfarΓ§ar. β€œ VocΓͺ por um acaso sabe quem cuida desse lugar? Pergunto por que quero saber se Γ© permitido colher algumas destas belezinhas que vocΓͺs tem aΓ­... Entende? ” Explicou, gesticulando nervosamente com as mΓ£os.
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thxverenlim Β· 2 months
γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€βͺγ€€γ€€πœπ₯𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 starterγ€€/γ€€π’‡π’π’‚π’”π’‰π’ƒπ’‚π’„π’Œ .   ❫
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𝐰𝐑𝐨 : @misshcrror.
Verena estava cansada. Exausta, na realidade, ainda que nΓ£o fisicamente. Desde o dia em que seus poderes desertaram como um vulcΓ£o prestes a destruir tudo em seu entorno, tinha os pensamentos repletos de culpa e medo. Medo de usar os poderes. Medo de machucar alguΓ©m. Medo de querer machucar alguΓ©m, de novo. Por isso mesmo Γ© que se encontrava, ainda que trΓͺmula e com as mΓ£os ΓΊmidas de suadas, em frente a Yasemin.
Sabia muito pouco sobre a Solak, mas foi justamente as diminutas coisas que ouviu que fizeram com que tomasse coragem de procurΓ‘-la. Desejava, desesperadamente, encontrar uma forma de enfrentar seus temores β€” talvez pela vontade sordida de se punir, talvez pela necessidade de evoluir para evitar ser envolvida novamente pelo caos. β€œ Podemos conversar por um momento? ” perguntou, encontrando dificuldades em encarΓ‘-la. Temia soar desagradΓ‘vel e egoΓ­sta com o pedido que estava prestes a proferir, mas, ainda assim, nΓ£o voltou atrΓ‘s. β€œ Prometo nΓ£o tomar muito de seu tempo. ”
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adricnwais-archived Β· 3 years
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Was this a good idea? No. Absolutely fucken not, but all of Adrian’s common sense and sensibility went out the window when Lily basically left him for something better. He wasn’t bitter about it... he was just more so heartbroken about it. Stepping into the club, it was a little bit more sophisticated than he imagined. For a strip club, Members Only didn’t feel incredibly sleazy. Adrian ordered a drink and a lap dance. He didn’t really care who it was by, all he said wasΒ β€˜give me the prettiest girl you got’. However, whilst Adrian was waiting for this lap dance to occur, he wasn’t expecting Violet to walk in.Β β€œ... I want a refund.” he said, almost about to laugh in disbelief. @thevioletquinn​
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