#𝓥˙˖* °⸻ ❛ must be exhausting always rooting for the anti hero. ❜⎜❲ answered .❳
livingecho · 4 months
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“ not as fun as me. because i am known for being fun. ” — @topaz-adorned
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₍ 🎞 ₎   the  great   (2020 – 2023)  rp  starters  !
❝ fun ... ❞ the word lingers on her tongue for a moment as she looks down at the other ⸻ she takes in her odd form , something foreign to the vyotous but ... most of hyrule & its neighbors where odd to her ( & this pruksakorn was odder . protected by magic ... perhaps vahymn was not the only god who protected its followers by odd means ... not that it meant the people had the love of their god , no ⸻only fear . ) . golden eyes scan her up & down as they stood before her ... a gleam in her eye , her sharp tooth caught on her lip . they seem so young :   bussaba busarahkam , was it ? such innocence should be protected ... but sole heiress to the kingdom comes with a heavy burden .
yet she smiles .
vissarion's eyes glance to the zonai's forehead at their third eye & vis feels every part of her body tense as if she had been stabbed ⸻ right through her ribs & landing on her main heart . but she did well to keep the sly smile on her lips . nothing would betray a calm & collected visage besides the slight flutter of her eye lids .
vis presses her glasses up before chuckling to herself .
the vyotous does hope she keeps that horrid third eye shut & not invoke her own god through it ⸻ although she isn't quite sure if vahymn has the ability to see through another's third eye in physical form such as an actual eye ; pictures of eyes , yes , but ... regardless , vissarion does not like being spied upon .
but connections between the kingdoms must be made . for her people .
❝ known for being fun can be quite wonderful ⸻ my late wife was known for being quite the host of parties but fun must be put to the side when duties come forward : i have come here in the name of my god - king & queen to make trade agreements . we have heard through the grape vine you have wonderfully fertile land ... & well , hyrule ... is a poor fraction of it's self now ... ❞ vissarion walks forward , her tail tucked close to her body : comforting herself .
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❝ ... continuing trade with a half dead kingdom is not beneficial . you agree ? ⸻ yes , of course you do : now ⸺ if you can just get your father to agree & trade with me⸺ valshkan , that would be wonderful ! ... or is this a matriarchy ? forgive me but getting any information about pruksakorn has been hard ... ❞ she smiles , bright & as fake as they come . that winning politician smile that reeks of how little they truly care about you & only want what you can offer that has value . its charming to those who have never seen it before .
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livingecho-arch · 10 months
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“Must I really wear this for your party?” @wolfvirago
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she helped robin into a proper corset ( made of featherbone rather than whale ⸻ much more flexible than the one vissarion wears , plus this one made perfectly for robins more muscular figure ) & a dress with a shorter hemline so she did not trip with the help of her maids .
❝ yes ! it is proper attire for a young woman your age , my little bird . i won't have the nobles look down at you through their nose ⸺ & this dress isn't covered in fur . ❞ the last words said with a hint of disdain . with robin , suddenly there is fur everywhere ... poking out of her pillow & even clinging to her own dresses no matter how many times her dresses & skirts would be washed , the fur remained in the very threads .
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❝ enchanting . simply enchanting ... ❞standing back , vissarion gazed upon robin with her smile growing & growing . she wondered softly is this was ... a part of fatherhood . seeing your child dressed up so nicely , looking like a woman ready to take on the world . was it pride ? happiness ? perhaps a mix of both . it certainly was a new feelings ⸻ one that vis would hold onto tight;y , close to her chest .
❝ now , any last minute adjustments ? is the hem short enough ? do we need to loosen the corset more ? i don't want you uncomfortable , my dear . ❞
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livingecho-arch · 10 months
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"is it me ,  or are you this nervous around all women ? " not saying that they're a woman but that they noticed it / @lunarscaled
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oh dear , the dragon had noticed her behavior ⸻ why did they always notice things vis did her best to hide ? brush under the carpet so no one can bring it up ? hide those dusty skeletons ... she tensed for a moment , choosing to look out the window the guild's house .
women are fine : it's the a certain type that makes her twitch . her tail hide between her legs but at the same time , cause the blood to rush to her cheeks & twirl her hair . it's always the same ones . the stronger ones . bullheaded . the ones who could wrap their hands around her waist so lovely ⸻ but twist her arm backwards when she disobeys . sometimes she wonders if lyric could be that type too ... they , too , would be considered a warrior , just like beau . they assure her over & over that she can take her time , speak her mind & , most importantly , say no .
her hands come to her stomach , bracing herself . vis takes a deep breath in ... then release . you can speak your truth . it's okay . they will not hurt you .
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❝ ... when i watched you work ... ❞ her nails dig into her dress , making small holes in the fabric . ❝ ... you're all quiet strong . powerful ... you do a good job i ⸻ i just ... worry you're like her . a hedonistic warrior . i - i know you're not but . ❞ she tries to turn towards lyric but finds her body reject her orders . ❝ n-never mind , forget this . ❞ vis rushes towards the door , placing her hand upon the knob but she lingers .
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livingecho-arch · 1 year
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@wolfvirago ASKED : ❛ am i not good enough? ❜
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theres a twitch ⸻ there ! right at the edge of his brow ! quick as he is to conceal his expressions sometimes there are cracks in the paintings of perfect looks . but it is terribly annoying when the ones you keep close break their character or rather , the vision of them you keep in your mind . the one that pleases you to look at and keep around . the vision you care for . the one you mould with caring hands and loving words : why are you straying from the path i have led you upon robin ? you are my daughter and my daughters are never sad . vissarion smooths his muscles to a more relaxed , ever so slightly concerned look to the small shapeshifter .
❝ oh now hush dear . ❞ he brings a hand to her cheek , brushing his thumb upon her smooth skin and admiring the shifting hues of her pink blush . he has a complete collection now : red and blue . ❝ now , what on vahymn's sea has given you that impression ? ❞
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his brows furrowed and lips pull into a slight frown . ❝ you are a stunning young woman who do all in your bloodline proud each day you continue forward . your existence alone attests to that i assure you . such thoughts are not pragmatic my dear : they will only sully your sparkling soul . ❞
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livingecho-arch · 2 years
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 @iithildim​   ASKED :   ' You may kiss me if you'd like to, that is. '  
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❛ gurth dant- bo nin.  ❜ repeated in his mind for a moment as she spoke . she had said that last time they had talked ⸻ of course he found out what it meant . in elvish : death falls on me . vissarion wondered was he the death she spoke of ? the death of her freedom if she allowed herself to kiss him ? allowed herself to be in love ? killing the embers of her fiery ambitions that allowed her to roam the world with lute in hand & a song in her heart . would he kill her love of life ? was love death ? vis had no evidence to prove otherwise : HIS LAST WIFE WAS ASHES NEXT TO HIS BED . if anything it proved how deadly such a thing can be , how it burned to be loved . fiery hot & soulding . something that can scar you with burns that you must carry for the rest of your life . the thing about fire is once it burns you once you never dare touch it again . 
then why did he feel his hearts flutter at the words ? was he not wise enough to learn the lesson the first time ? was the fifty odd years not enough to teach him this was a bad idea ? would . . . would hedona hurt him ? break him down to mold how she pleased ? perhaps she already has with each conversation she left him bewildered : rethinking his viewpoints on such intangible things such as that horrible thing called fate . how here he hands wondering about love . others claimed in unconditional but ah ⸻ IT WAS VERY CONDITIONAL . a transaction had to happen : i love you if you love me was a condition . i love you if you stay the way i like you . i love you if you do this for me . . . 
❝ . . . hedona .❞ the shade spoke her name but was unsure of where to go next . yes . yes more than anything he wanted to kiss her ⸻ by vahymn he would kiss every inch of her moonlit skin & worship her until the day she expired from life . he would shower her in gifts , give his everything to her as long as SHE STAYED . stay & don’t break his heart . he can’t take another heartbreak .
in the end his body moved on it’s own — slow at the start before it turns quicker & quicker until he’s rushing towards her , dropping to his knees to be just about equal height . vis takes her face into his hands & presses their lips together in an instant . his eyes flutter shut & he stays there for a moment . then two . there is nothing in that kiss but love . it was the soft kind , one kiss you give so shyly . his nose presses into hers & his glasses shifted a bit as he slowly parted & pulled back . his face only a few inches from hers . another . he wanted another . no ⸻ HE WANTED A THOUSAND MORE . 
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he looks at her with doe - eyes , softly furrowed brows & lips still slightly agape . the shade tilts in for another but stops ⸻ ah , where did the bravery go , vissarion ? nothing left but that blue dusting on his skin & eyes full of longing . his mind is grasping for words but none make it to his tongue . instead he scans her face . . . her perfect face , still resting in his hands . 
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livingecho-arch · 2 years
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@lunarscaled​ RAISED THEIR HAND :   I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow it into the unknown.
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❝ to halt your ambitions due to fear got men nowhere in life . left them in wanting agony of ❛ what ifs ❜ . to plunge into the unknown is where we discover ourselves & our own limitations . even if this choice ends up wrong you learn from the mistakes but at least you can scream to the gods , new & old that YOU LIVED ! ❞  vis placed her hands over theirs , gripping them tightly . to hear that her little lyric was afraid pained her so . how could the dragon be scared ⸻ lyric was a boulder of interpersonal strength . it was them who people went to when they troubled . the dragon was the one sought after for their sturdy nature . even herself came to find lyrics shoulder one to cry on in her weak moments ( as shameful as it felt to cry so someone else . . . ) lyric was a safety net to all .
but who was theirs ? 
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❝ ⸻ but i want you to live a safe life . so talk it out with me . in detail . we can choice together if you wish to go into the unknown . ❞ her hand tightened . ❝ whatever you decide i will stand by you , my dear dragon . ❞ vis brought their hands to her lips & gave each a small kiss . you have to stay safe lyric . YOU HAVE TO .
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livingecho-arch · 2 years
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@wolfvirago​  RAISED THEIR HAND :  * it’s not my fault, it’s 4am and you’re fucking yelling at me! (👀)
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random (chaotic) dialogue starters.    -    accepting !
❝ i don’t mean to raise my voice at you , verkii ⸺ but you really can’t go out in your animal form at all . wolves are not native here : they will hunt you down & turn you into taxidermy ! ❞ with that , he gripped her by the scruff of the neck & began to drag her back into his manor . sure ⸺ vis had plenty of space for her to run around for her four am ❛ zoomies ❜ but was it worth it ? the eyes of vahymn walk around at the dead of night to find any deformed vyotous that may be sneaking about . anyone breaking the law in any fashion ( no matter how small ) . any one not fitting perfectly in would be sent to the bladed district to stand trial . NONE OF WHICH WHEREVER FAIR . 
of course , if they see her they would send the eyes of vahymn to his house . vis couldn’t risk that . not with his daughter in hiding . not when he viewed robin as his own . god’s help him keep them both safe . 
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❝ now change back & only use that form in my house with the curtains closed : DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR , MISS CALATIA ?! ❞ he yells because he loves you , robin . 
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livingecho-arch · 2 years
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@azurescaled​ asked ( but also needs to know i am gonna answer the other ask you sent but i’m just kinda having trouble writing IC sajdfkads -  ) : Is Vis the type to put his goals above all else? Can he be convinced to stop something if a person is close enough to him? Does he see people as a means to an end? If someone calls him out on using them, does he have any reaction to it?
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beautiful ask ! i love this a lot as i have been meaning to write about his NPD & how it affects his relationships ⸻ now these kinda questions do relate back to his NPD but i want to stress that his personality disorder does not mean he’s a horrible person who’s constantly looking for people to use . he was the one that was abused & is trying to protect himself . that does not excuse his behavior but it does rationalize it . also murder is brought up . enjoy ♡
first & foremost : yes . his goals are above all other things that come into his life . his one true goal is to keep his daughter safe , followed by fixing the kingdom for her . everything centers around vivian von hellbert . he believes educating the world is the way to do that . vis does nothing but work towards that goal ! even in the storyline of the comic vis does not stray from his goals joining the revolution ; the methods just change . murder is on the table & he is VERY WILLING to get his hands dirty . the comics very first bit of action is vis killing a doctor performing a ‘ deformity test ’ on his daughter & when he says something along the lines of : i understand you love her but it would be best to euthanize her , she’s deformed & will never live a normal life . he loses it & stabs him to death with a pair of scissors . ( which is why i use scissors in vis icons ♡ ) the boundary of what he is willing to do for her just keeps expanding until he’s liam neeson in taken & murder / lying / cheating the government is just a normal tuesday for him . for a person who literally just wants to work on his schools his hands get very very bloody . 
if someone close to him told him his methods were bad / poor / genuinely fucked up he would continue on .  #gaslight them into believing that he is doing is the correct way ⸻ the only way . i think i’ve talked about this once before but even if vis was in love with you or valued you so highly he will not listen . having his respect does not save you . if anything , he starts to think you’re going to betray him & tries to figure out the quickest way to get rid of you , should you show signs of distrust towards him & his methods . 
a friend or a lover is also a means of attention for him ; a thing he needs to stay sane . often he will seek out people just to get compliments ⸻ hell , even negative attention makes him happy . just give him attention . but he is quick to discard you if he feels you are used up & no longer useful towards him or his goals . or at least put you in the back burner until he feels like he could use you again ( his friends see that often , mostly dr . vanus when he is used during vis narc crashes for attention . mostly in sexual sense as that gets him the attention the quickest ) .
people are indeed a means to an end . the help he keeps are ones that are beneficial to him . clara , his head maid & ladies maid , is very vital to his life & not just in the sense of ❛ oh she knows what i like ❜ but ❛ she can cover up a murder for me . she can get this past border control . she can poison someone . ❜  many of the other maids are simply good liars , or good at other tasks that benefit vis in the long run . they all also know vis will make them disappear if they wrong him . . . but why would they do that ? the pay is better here than in any other noble house : he pays them way above what any other does & often gives raises . it’s a tactic for them to stay & never leave . they know too much to leave . 
now for reaction ? i see very straight faced , maybe a raised brows like ❝ oh ??? ❞ make them think that vis using them is the last thing on his mind . he would hate that they wised up to it & try to adjust his methods because now the person is aware . manipulation is harder when they are looking for it , but that’s what doubt is for . also love bomb then pulling away is a method his wife used ; so he will try that one . praise them for speaking out & standing up for themself . be kind ⸻ then nothing . when asked he will act as if nothing has changed & they are the one acting odd . he as always been like this , don’t you know - he’s quite busy . 
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livingecho-arch · 2 years
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@hylianremnants​​  ASKED : are there any songs, musicians or artists you associate with your muse, either because they give you inspiration regarding them, or because you think your muse would vibe with them ?
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crucified by army of lovers but light yagami laugh is added in . 
🎶 i'm crucified , crucified like my savior , saintlike behavior , a lifetime i prayed i'm crucified , for the holy dimension , godlike ascension , heavens away . . . 🎶
idk it's a vibe & it makes me think of vis especially with the manic laughter added in . he does have a god complex so like ya know ......
trrst by IC3PEAK 
🎶 mama, they say i'm a terrorist, what ? i did nothing wrong , but i got on a blacklist . mama, they say i'm a terrorist, why ? if doomsday is coming, я не попаду в рай ! 🎶
literally so on the nose . uh Грустная Сука & dead but pretty are also great songs for vis .
honorable mentions so i’m not here forever ( also songs vis would vibe with ) :
- my way ( frank sinatra )
- sway & feeling good ( michael bublé )
- you don't own me ( lesley gore )
emilie autumn . 
🎶 this is crazy, I didn't hurt anyone else but myself, which I firmly believe to be my right to do . but see, now that I've said that, you'll keep me here , I suspect several more hours than seventy-two ! 🎶
songs like opheliac , thank god i'm pretty , i want my innocence back , & we have instructions  all just scream vis’ mental state . 
lana del rey ( ultraviolence & born to die albums mostly ) . 
🎶 darling, darling , doesn't have a problem , lying to herself ,'cause her liquor's top shelf . it's alarming, honestly , how charming she can be . fooling everyone , telling 'em she's having fun . . . 🎶
songs like carmen , dark paradise , off to the races , diet mountain dew just........ his relationship with his late wife , vivian just..............lives in these songs . ( vis i need you to go to therapy  ) 
the whole god damn pathologic 1 & 2 soundtrack .
🎶 hello darkness . . . hello darkness . . . hello darkness . . . my old friend ( what took so long ? ) i've come to talk, with you . hey, hey ( what took so long ? ) 🎶
pathologic is a main inspiration for my comic so like ofc its here . so much dread , creepiness & chanting thats so sexy but please god don’t play pathologic 1 if you love urself go play 2 
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- the whole frozen soundtrack & other disney movies ( because of vivian being all of 3 she requests it all the time & they grew on him )
- any classical music with a harpsichord tbf .
siouxsie and the banshees , kate bush , stevie nicks 
............he doesn’t strike me as a person who listens to music too much . five bucks he drives in silence & his phone is filled with kids songs for vivian . 
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livingecho-arch · 2 years
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@iithildim​ ASKED : ' Vis.' She called out, as she stood by the open door frame. ' This may sound rather odd coming from me, but could I --- ' She cut herself off, trying to figure out how to word what she wanted. ' No, it would be rude, but then again, I'm already asking and I'm sure your curiosity already has spiked! Could you lower yourself down, if you're comfortable, I wish to know how your horns feel, I have a feeling they would probably feel like deer, but you never know. '
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his attention ripped away from his paperwork . snatched , like a bird plucking a fish out of the ocean waves . there , then gone the next . hedona was always an interesting person to bother him ⸻ honestly , he welcomed the distraction for once . perhaps she had some witty remark ? oh , it filled him with glee . what would it be about this time , his height again ? no . overused . perhaps a remark about how he dressed , in so many layers & so formal ? not an inch of skin to be seen . he waited with baited breath , watching her be framed by the door ; much like a painting of a beautiful woman . 
she cut herself off ? now THAT WAS OUT OF CHARACTER . hedona was always quick to the draw ! what on earth can fumble her so much that she deemed it necessary to start again ? had she come to confess that the was the better of the two ? maybe it was a confession : oh vis , you’re right ! you have consumed my thoughts ! 
instead , it was a curiosity that flounder her . she simply wanted to touch his horns . an honest request . but vis’ face burned , violently so . engulfed in blue so quickly ! TOUCH HIS HORNS ?! 
❝ e - excuse me ? ❞ vis squeaked out , all too flustered at the notion . it felt so . . . forward to him . touch his horns ⸻ such a sacred part of his body . none allowed to touch it unless he allowed it : like with his lady’s maid helping to decorate them for holidays ! sure , another vyotous may think him silly for this thought process , they were just horns but to him ? it was too much ! 
❝ i - i . . . value your curiosity , my dear . i suppose . . . i will allow it . i won’t stop the pursuit of knowledge . ❞ with that , he brought himself to his knees before her , tilting his head down slightly to allow her to grasp at his horns . ❝ you may feel some scarring . . . they’re actually my late wife's initials from our wedding days . . . & i am unsure if deer is correct . think more ram horns . w-we don’t have velvet on them nor do we lose them . . . ❞. vis was look away , wishing he could turn his head to hide how blue he had become .  . 
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❝ do . . . do avoid the base . that area is quite . . . ahem , sensitive . ❞ 
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livingecho · 28 days
" i must say , the way your skin seems to glisten is rather hypnotic . " but is it a compliment or not ? his tone of voice made it sound more concerned than anything . not disgusted , nor attracted . perhaps . . . it really is that ' hypnotic ' effect he mentioned .
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theres a small smile on her rose colored lips as the other pays her a compliment . it is one : glistening & hypnotic . enticing ... the wrinkles by her eyes becoming more prominent as she left out a small bit of laughter , her hand covering her lips with the grace of a noble . she is indeed hypnotic : squids will use color tones to woe a potential mate or to hide in plain sight & she is a squid in human skin .
❝ my my ... aren't you charming . ❞ she walks to him with even paced steps before they are but a few inches apart . looking at him is a touch difficult for her eyes ; bright white & pale skin reflects the light to strongly ⸺ you see her pupils shift from the u shape to w then back again ; soon enough it settles & she stares at him . vissarion leans down until they are face to face .
& she shifts ; the hues of her flesh move to match ghirahim's , along with his make up now perfectly reflected unto her skin . even little imperfects are copied . she blinks & again her tones shifts back to its original tone but now paired with a smokey eye of so many different colors ; purples & blues with dustings of what almost looks like specks of gold throughout . she blows him a kiss & in that her red lips return .
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❝ a fun party trick ♡ left over from my squid biology . truly makes me ... hypnotic i suppose . but i need not colors to entice anyone . my words are enough . ❞
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livingecho · 1 month
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@regnantlight ⸻ needs
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its piles & piles of paperwork again . normally on her days away from the schools & her businesses she finds herself locked away in her office before the sun has even risen to get ahead on all of these projects ... but today is a touch different . she is within her ❛ study ❜ ( less of a study & more of a mad man's lair to vivisect whatever confuses you . rip it apart until you know all of its secrets ) . upon a large metal table that feels akin to one you'd see in a morgue is a guardian leg . her god would not allow her to bring a full one to valskhan . did she want to kill her kingdom just like hyrule ? do not be a fool , vissarion .
still , she pulls it apart & analysis its parts ⸻ the purple ichor that clings to some parts of it drying out more & more every day ... malice , they called it back in hyrule . interesting word ... but why ? she flips through her papers , looking back at her notes as the leg remains motionless on the table .
subject 7 ; guardian leg . unable to move without a core . attempts to create a core have failed . oddly enough it does grow violent with twitches & flaying when exposed to some magic ; most notability light . since it has no core we are to assume this organic subsistence is the reason for the movement . they call it malice . further testing needed . amendment : twitching no longer occurs as the ' malice ' has dried out . hypothesis : too far from its source to operate . hive mind ? / climate is not proper conditions but the zoras have malice as well too cold ? unfortunate reality : vahymn kills it before i can study it . fucking bastard bless him for keeping us safe . praise be .
nothing usable . beyond the idea that light magic is a good tool & that her god kills it before it becomes a problem . can vahymn not simply destroy this calamity ganon ? perhaps ... but gods are odd . there is a reason why he refuses & has tasked vissarion with fixing it . you are old & wise ... you watched hyrule grow , surely you can fix it ... you are vyortrek vyik , are you not ? the ocean lord , highest in the caste below only god himself ! if you cannot then hyrule is surly doomed & within valskhan suffers .
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she runs her hands through her hair before crying out ! god sees her plight but refuses to give her the answer to this problem ! what kind of test is this !? you give her a horrible hand & tell her to win ? beyond that she needs to make sure her businesses continue with the lack of trade ⸻ she's lost so much since the fall of hyrule ! the stores that buy from her stock beg for more & she does not have enough supplies . vis has to pick & chose who gets to eat .
she hates this . hate isn't even a strong enough word . as she leans on the table running her fingers through curled locks she hears a voice from behind her . its a soft one , the asks what do they need . anything they can offer to help vissarion study the machine . vis doesn't bother to truly listen nor even look . its just someone to yell at .
❝ what i need is a fucking cold drink at 10 o'clock in the morning ! would yo⸻ ❞ she turns to see it is not her maid but ... princess zelda & link trailing behind her . vissarion is quick to stand up right and fix her hair & glasses . must look proper . she puts on that cold political smile , one the princess must be used to see having lived all those years in the castle .
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❝ do excuse me but ⸻ please do not worry yourself with this . my god has assigned me the task to remove the malice from hyrule . you are here to remain safe ... ❞ vissarion is quick to approach them both , guiding zelda out of her study with her hand upon her upper back while using her tentacle to grab link & pulling him out behind them .
❝ now i know how difficult this is for you , but your job is done . just staying alive is enough ! ❞ she smiles , continuing to push the conversation away from the malice ... her god had told her zelda would be useless as she is now ( whatever that means . it obviously implied she could be useful but , has gods are , no real answers where given to vissarion . just cryptic messages . ) ⸻ so there was no point in allowing her to help her .
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livingecho · 2 months
"your decor is very nice. very... austere. it practically screams nothing fun ever happens here." octavo come to insult his best worstie some
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she takes a long drag from her cigarette before blowing out the smoke in a ' o ' shape with ease . a small chuckle leaves her before she turns her attention back to octavo , leaning back in her sofa a touch . really . nothing fun ever happens ? oh my dear little bard . this house as seen its fair share of fun ⸻ although it depends on what you believe is fun .
❝ hm . my home is decorated for my pleasure . ❞ vissarion pauses for a moment . ❝ although i suppose your right . nothing fun ever happens here now . ❞ she crosses her legs at the knee , kicking her foot a touch . the vyotous takes another pull from her cigarette .
❝ when my wife was alive we used to throw large parties . hundreds would come but that was dull ⸻ it was the small after parties with her close warrior friends that were hm , shall we say ... interesting ... i think ever room in this house has see some debauchery . ❞
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vis puts out her cigarettes & simply smiles over at octavo .
❝ but i prefer it as you put it : austere . it's better for my image . ❞
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livingecho · 4 months
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❛  i'm here, nothing can harm you.  ❜ ⸻ @volcania
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she pulled the blanket around her shoulders a little tighter . not that she was cold , her blood allowed her to withstand below freezing temperatures for much longer than any humanoid creature she knew of but ah ... she was thinking logically again . removing any emotional pull or sway . her eyes looked over side ways at the other . his expression always softened around her ... & around vivian . the two of them seemed pleased to play together until she grew tired ...
her eyes look away into the endless horizon .
there was no going back home . not for a very long time - if ever . all she had was burnt & tossed away like it meant nothing . all she worked for was removed from her ... all that remained was her & her daughter .
❛  i'm here, nothing can harm you.  ❜
her brow furrows a touch . yes he can protect her from any further pain but ... too much clouds her mind still . the past lingers behind like a shadow clawing at your heels to drag you down to the endless abyss of the ocean to in regret or fear .
❝ ... thank you , volley . ❞ her voice is soft , barely a whisper . vissarion leans closer to the dragon to place her head upon his shoulder & closes her eyes . ❝ truly . i ... i haven't had someone who was willing to protect me . i'm so used to building walls ... & now i have nothing but the clothes on my back . ❞ vis presses her cheek further into volga's shoulder & breathes in his scent ⸻ it calms her : fire ... like a fireplace to lazily sit in front of with a glass of wine & a nice book . maybe someone you love is cuddling up to you .
she sighs softly , opening her eyes to look up at him .
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❝ ... but don't protect me : protect vivian . she's taken to you . she's young still ⸻ impressionable . ❞ vissarion's hand comes to volga's . ❝ she doesn't have a masculine role model ... i think you could be that for her . ❞ maybe we can play house ... maybe it doesn't have to be pretend .
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livingecho · 5 months
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 𝓥˙˖* °⸻ tag dump / character based ...
 𝓥˙˖* °⸻ ❛ you still want it … the inner sanctity ⅋ its an evil but the evil is necessary . ❜⎜❲ ic .❳
 𝓥˙˖* °⸻ ❛ must be exhausting always rooting for the anti - hero. ❜⎜❲ answered .❳
 𝓥˙˖* °⸻ ❛ mirror mirror on the wall i see you ⅋ my skin crawls  ❜⎜❲ visage .❳
 𝓥˙˖* °⸻ ❛ did you hear my covert narcissism i disguise as altruism like some kind of congressman ? ❜⎜❲ about .❳
 𝓥˙˖* °⸻ ❛ i don't wanna feel tell me ; that im perfect ⸺ just the way i am ! ❜⎜❲ muse .❳
 𝓥˙˖* °⸻ ❛ darlin’ darlin’ doesn't have a problem lyin’ to herself cause her liquor's top shelf  ❜⎜❲ aes .❳
 𝓥˙˖* °⸻ ❛ but i am in the twilight . ❜⎜❲ dash game .❳
 𝓥˙˖* °⸻ ❛ you feelings ⅋ mine are all holy but … ❜⎜❲ dash com .❳ 
 𝓥˙˖* °⸻ ❛ i am creation : both haunted ⅋ holy . made in glory ! ❜⎜❲ music .❳
 𝓥˙˖* °⸻ ❛ but i will trust the artist molding me ❜⎜❲ clothing .❳
 𝓥˙˖* °⸻ ❛ 🦑squidtime 🦑 ❜⎜❲ crack .❳
 𝓥˙˖* °⸻ ❛ i feel you on my fingertips . my tongue dances behind my lips for you ❜⎜❲ desires .❳
 𝓥˙˖* °⸻ ❛ i know i know i know i know my love can be  …  the killing kind . ❜⎜❲ smut .❳
 𝓥˙˖* °⸻ ❛ can’t you see ? your world’s a fantasy ! ❜⎜❲ oneliner .❳
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livingecho-arch · 1 year
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❝ the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. ❞ @hishouse
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game of thrones (book) starters
there's blood in holy water , seeping into the cracks of wooden bowls & dripping into the mouth of sorrow ⸻ s he has killed once & she will kill again . it stains her skin no matter how hard she scrubs ... scrubs ... scrubs . its under her nails . it's in her cuticles ; 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋 . it was for good reason ! of course ! none kill without justification : her daughter was in danger . the doctors proclaimed her ill - fitted for the world & believe it better to remove her from it while she was still a babe ⸺ that simply would not be ! no , no , no ⸻ vissarion would not allow that sword to be swung down on her the neck of an innocent child ; least of all her beautiful babe .
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❝ ⸻ i think it better the sword be turned upon the man . cut that rot out of their minds if they believe their sentences to be true & just . not endeavors to remain powerful & formidable . ❞ she crosses her arms - place a barrier between herself & the ... person before her . something is uncanny ... slightly off but she cannot put to words what that offness was ... ❝ even if it was i who passes the sentence : swing at me first than i shall swing at them . ❞
this house has eyes . she can feel them ... feasting upon her visage like her god does ; it digests her as much as it pleases her , a kin to a double sided blade . ( love me & gawk at me like i am the perfect form of god in flesh ! / don't look ... you'll see what i hide ... you'll see my shame ! ) close them .
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