astarab1aze · 2 months
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He'd been laying in his hammock for some time, arms crossed behind his head to serve as a pillow, gently swaying in what little breeze could blow in from the entrance to his cabin. Rather, he'd been staring at the ceiling, glaring into unevenly cut wood and grain, tacitly picking apart his own craftsmanship. He built this boat himself after all, but now he was thinking that if he could've done so, he would've built it differently, used different wood. Well, actually--
He was avoiding someone. How unlike him! after all, he was quite the seeker of attention - always so pleased with himself when taking on the form of a little stray cat, recieving free bits of food and a good scratching for his silly efforts. But this person was different! They were a dragon wearing the skin of a man, and Satra didn't have the best history with dragons... He'd killed lesser drakes, Dessudora herself, and plenty of gas adders. It was entirely unlikely he would get along with this strange interloper, but if he was so certain of that, why did he invite him onto his boat?
Well, he couldn't just leave the guy. Southern Yuurei was as war torn as anywhere else, littered with Fhal'Tiran Jhevan attempting to conquer more of the Mistwood Tangle and oppress Yuureian elfhen- rob, pillage, murder, destroy everything in their path. The river Satra's boat happened to be gently rocking in, was far enough away from the conflict in Kasu-Gi, up-river a few tens of miles from Tata-Suki Port. Yet still, he could hear the explosive heartbeat of the people, fighting tooth and nail with sickles and pitchforks for their honor amid the crash of Feywild magic. He could feel them, and his heart beat in time. Slowing with the passing of one, hammering in his chest at the courage of another. No, he couldn't leave him so close to the battlefield, even though... Even though, Satra shouldn't have left it himself.
Still, upon arrival, he chose to avoid the dragonkin stranger. A wordless favor, keeping him out of combat so he could find his bearings, but before long, Sati knew he would have no choice but to leave him here and rejoin the fray. People were dying. They needed someone strong enough to deal an...impactful blow, do something that could eliminate enough of the invading Fhal'Tir to put a stop to their advance. He could do that, he could do it with his eyes closed, in an instant-- if he were there! Soon, yes, soon.
He rolled out of his hammock, tail curving with his spine to keep balance, and he padded through the opening of his cabin to find the dragon standing starboard, looking out over the river. He joined him there, leaning over hand-carved wood. What did he see beyond the rush of the river? What was he thinking about in the moment? Would he tell the panther, if he asked? Distracted.
"The best place to be is in the water, rather than above it." Satra muttered, friendly tones underscoring his words. "I must leave you 'ere long, but I will guide you further up-river before then - away from the fighting. No guest of mine shall be dragged into the thick of danger, I'll not stand for it; Getting you as close to Tata-Suki as possible will ensure you find safety quickly."
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fctedivided · 9 days
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Send me a ؟ for a random thought my muse has about yours. - @azurescaled sent:
؟؟؟؟ Ren and Takane for Vic and Chloe
Vic to Ren:
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'The sake Ren shared with me is pretty good stuff. Gonna look it up for a bottle myself.'
Vic to Takane (future, 10 years later):
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'From a lowlife mercenary to the queen's bodyguard. Heh, wonder what Takane think of that.'
Chloe to Takane:
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'I s-should make another bracelet for Takane. Maybe with white and light blue beads?'
Chloe to Ren (future, 10 years later):
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'Ren should see my Rheaird! I wonder if he has ever seen one like this.'
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lex-cursus · 7 months
Often than not, Yoshika was more one to expect her wife demanding she follow in her footsteps as a dragon. Maintaining ancient traditions and apitinf humans for what it was worth. Here, instead, she was offered a gift of body armor. Bleached white and hardened with dragon scales. It almost seemed hard to believe Minerva would make such a thing for her, but then to Yoshika, she always had some air of mystery behind her actions.
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"I'm inclined to ask where the inspiration for this came from. Isn't it a little...conservative for your liking?"
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phantasmaw · 11 months
♢*   —  @azurescaled  ​/  𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝
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      〈 ☽* 〉┊  Weak light the color of crushed amethyst filters in through the broken skylight, bathing the enclosed garden in the same twighlit liminality as the rest of their homeland. They sit a few inches away from a concentrated pool of light, legs drawn to their chest, cheek resting atop one knee, not so terribly unlike the way they used to in adolescence. Sovann's gaze traces across the patterns of constellations engraved into the semi-transparent dome ceiling. Their polearm lays askew beside them. 
        "It doesn't feel the same, does it?"
         They keep their back turned toward Lars. Looking at him-- acknowledging that he's there beyond the abstract sense of knowing --would sever the taught strings of dissociation holding them together. The claws flexing against impossibly soft grass (how, they wonder, has it not wilted in this dead light?) will finish the job they started centuries ago. And it's funny, isn't it, how they would mourn a few flowers far more than the fall of an entire empire? 
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         "You know," Sovann says after some time, each word squeezing around the bitter pit of grief clogging their throat so as not to become tainted by it, "I had once hoped the next time both of us were here, it would be to dance together again." Something else begins to creep up from their guts then, something that melts their grief with acidic heat. It slithers against their tongue, knocks against the back of their teeth, plucks at their vocal chords. "I'm sure the Venerable Everlight would have been eager to offer these grounds as a wedding venue." A hollow, humorless laugh tumbles from the recesses of their lungs. "I could have offered you and your husband the first blessing of the moon seelie to be heard in nearly a milennia." 
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"Are you looking for something? I can help you find it. The library is rather vast I know." But Casimir knows every inch of it. One has to, as a Librarian.
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dogkillmoon · 2 years
the moon chooses @azurescaled​
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   ‘ APOLOGIES to be bothering you, ‘ voice deep as a canyon only sluggishly announces its words. ‘ but do you have a spare cigarette? ‘ clawed left hand to scratch idly at his pronounced cheekbone. not exactly how he’d like to be introducing himself to someone, but it’s been a long night, and will continue to be so. there’s a bit of crusted blood that travels around his jaw that he had seemingly forgotten to clean up from a previous fight.
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tenebriism · 2 years
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He's been, unbeknownst to himself, making the ' I want a kiss face ' at Izumi for quite a while now.
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ensuists · 1 year
@azurescaled ✯ s.c.
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❝ Mm, not to come off as an insecure bitch because I'm obviously not, but whatever you're currently paying attention to is CLEARLY not as fascinating as me. Do the world a favor already and just put it down in favor of me, darling. I'm bored as fuck. ❞
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madamhatter · 1 year
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"...Take 'e 'ome..." Seems Sophie continues the unfinished lyric, not breaking eye contact with Connor.
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
@azurescaled || ♫
{ ♪ } -- She blinked at him, not having expected to get this far. It didn't take long for her face to flush, eyes lighting up at the realization that he said yes!
"I, um, I figured it might be fun to just... Get dinner or something. I didn't really wanna do a regular movie theater since it'd be kinda hard to talk, but a drive-in sounds fun! I've never been to one."
Bella happily tapped her fingertips on the bar, resisting the urge to dance in her seat.
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"Oh! If we go before sundown, we could hit my best friend's cafe! It wouldn't be, like, a filling dinner but... We could get some sandwiches or something! So, like, around 5 or 6?"
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stellarhistoria · 2 years
@azurescaled ( BROKER AND IZUMI ) here
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"That's the thing about me versus other gods, in the end."
Knowledge can't help but sigh at the admittance that he's different from other gods. Softer, kinder ── MORE GULLIBLE.
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"I do not wish them harm for the things that they do. Not... anymore. I am still angry, yes, but not because they do the things they do. No... I'm angry because those on top starve those beneath of the information they need to make good decisions."
He shakes his head. "I'm not any better, then; selling what I know to whatever side has the best price, but in the end, that's my call to make, to protect myself and my kin. Perhaps I'm just that foolish, young dragon. Perhaps I'm just that naive, to believe that the world will stop getting worse for a little while, and start getting better."
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fctedivided · 8 months
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Unprompted ask. - @azurescaled sent:
"Have you been following me all this time?" (From Jensen)
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"Not really, but this path looks the best one to travel, y'know? Guess we're goin' to the same town, huh?" The earth witch replied with a little shrug.
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hexxborne · 2 years
@azurescaled liked ❤️
The unusual beast stared down the other as it thought out it's next course of action. Was that a familiar face? It wasn't sure, and that was what it offput it the most. If it gave back control there would certainly be a panic on the host's end. So instead, it just set aside the hefty book it held, and did its best to imitate the poor host.
"What..?" It spoke in its uncanny imitation of the host's voice. "I didn't do something wrong, did I?" It's tone stayed as flat as it always was, adding yet another layer of strange to the whole situation.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
🔪🔪🔪 Kerb
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There was no care, for the prey was already gurgling it last breathe - as the red-headed beast, crouched over them, hands clamped to the shattered bone of forearm and wrist. Fangs of bloody ivory pierced to the gums through the throat of the escapee that dared to even think about harming this hellish guardian. The scent of sulphur was heavy in the air considering the sight though - blood puddles bubbling from the heat that Kerberos emitted with his sudden rage.
The growl was without a doubt startling to some ears, but the danger it pulled to their cores told them to never, ever look for its source. Feral - his gaze could have been witnessed as, but a dragon of Izumi's age knew true clarity of a monster as they caught sight of one another. The stillness wasn't from fright or worry - but mostly wander as to why this Dragon was yet again, seeking out the alleys Kerb' lingered to travel to and from his hellish home below.
A snort, gentle and if curious was given to that of the other's frame, whilst his jaw flexed once to tear the throat under his grasp free from the rest of the body. It would have been bloodier, but the lick of flames from Kerberos' core cauterized the vessels, making the gore much more enjoyable as his tongue worked the meat backwards into his throat. Swallowing with a lap of chin to finally huff. "Rain season already, cutie?" Though he didn't move with his comment, instead - reaching out to grab the human at his feet with his whole hand to toss into a sudden tearing of hells gate behind him.
The wall of bloody hands happy to grab onto the corpse and drag it and soul within towards the wailing layers. It closed with a sizzle of air, Kerb's tongue washing over his fingers and claws that had become slightly marred in the crimson spill. "Ah - I forgot to offer you a bit of him, shit, sorry. Anyway - s'up?"
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♚ — @azurescaled ;; Zero & Izumi. Stater Call.
"What are you doing?"
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Zero had been cleaning for most of the morning, things that were common for him and part of his usual routine. He had brought Eric tea already, checked on Adriel and if Artemis was home. He had found a bleeding, beating heart in his fridge and just about nearly had a meltdown himself. Finding body parts in a fridge that he kept fresh food in was not something Zero enjoyed. So the fridge had to be deep cleaned and sanatized which had been incredibly tedious. A waste of time. Now he needed to go grocery shopping to replace what had been in it.
He had a lot to do, not enough daylight, but had spotted Izumi on the couch and wanted to check on them. Whatever was sitting in their lap, it looked like a book, Zero had been a little intrigued. Izumi always brought something interesting with them, even Eric found whatever books they had facinating. And catching Eric's intereset was actually quite difficult to do.
So Zero leaned curiously over the couch, peering over Izumi's shoulder and tried to get a view of whatever was on it.
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tragedicna · 1 year
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@azurescaled / angst for ships | accepting
❛stop   messing   with   my   emotions   because   you’re   unsure   of   yours.   ❜
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the words sting . but perhaps , that's because it's the truth . she's unsure of her own emotions , of what she feels towards leon . she tried to reason that the attachment she felt towards the other is just something her character had . . . not her , she's tried so hard to detach herself from it and yet , every time they've crossed paths , she is inexplicably drawn into his flow , helplessly concerned for the man . palely painted lips drawn thin as she regards the blond , " then what will you have me do , leon ?? " she asks , each time they say good-bye with some sort of finality . . . they always end up back to back again . " what do you want me to say ?? how would i know what YOU'RE feeling if i'm unsure of my own ?? " she prods . what is leon feeling ?? betrayal ?? upset ?? frustration ?? she's redirecting . she doesn't know how to calm the turbulent thoughts in her mind nor the ache in her chest . she says LEON is just someone ada wong got attached to , but in truth , she knows it's much more than that . he's someone SHE got attached to , but she's unwilling to admit it . admit that perhaps she feels something more for the man , that she commit crimes in his name had she not been under the thumbs of the organization . if she admitted she has something beyond mere attachment to leon , she'll have to come to admit that she has a vulnerability for people to exploit . but that's a lie . she doesn't need to protect leon . . . she feels like she has to , but in reality , she's just trying to protect her own heart .
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