spicedhcrt · 1 month
GINEVRA   WEASLEY     ➻     introduction 
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welcome  back  to  hogwarts, GINNY  WEASLEY ! according  to  your  file,  you’re  a TWENTY  ONE  year  old PUREBLOOD.  as  i’m  sure  you  remember,  last  spring  had  its  challenges,  but  i’m  confident  you’ll  take  your  studies  more  seriously  this  year.  as  a  FOURTH  year GRYFFINDOR,  focusing  on POTIONS  AND  ALCHEMY,  you’ve  got  a  lot on  your  plate.  our  records  show  that  you're  STUBBORN  and  BRAVE  however,  they  seem  to  have  left  off  that  you're RECKLESS  and  EMOTIONAL. if  i’m  correct,  you’re  siding  with THE  LIGHT.  let’s  hope  you  make  it  through  the  year  in  one  piece.
an  old  DIARY  that  rests  on  a  weathered  desk,  its  pages  open  to  a  SPECIFIC  memory,  worn  and  loved  CONVERSE,  self-knit  jumpers  that  make  you  feel  LOVED,  a  wand  carefully  tucked  away  and  almost  invisible  but  EASY  to  reach,  a  collection  of  potion  bottles,  each  with  a  HAND-WRITTEN  label,  lined  up  neatly  on  a  rustic  wooden  shelf,  a  WEATHERED  broomstick  leaning  casually  against  the  corner,  its  bristles  slightly  frayed  from  countless  adventures,  a  patchwork  of  magical  knick-knacks  COLLECTED  over  the  years,  each  with  a  story  and  a  bit  of  magic  of  its  own.
i.   I  LIVED      -      OneRepublic   . ii.   LOOK  WHAT  YOU  MADE  ME  DO      -      taylor  swift   . iii.   SO  WHAT      -      pink   . iv.   QUEEN  OF  KINGS      -      alessandra   .
full  name  :  ginevra  molly  weasley nicknames  :  ginny,  gin,  birthday  :  august  11 age  :  21   sexual  orientation  :  bisexual romantic  orientation  :  pan  romantic house  :  gryffindor
Early  Life  (Pre-Hogwarts,  Ages  0-17)
Ginny  Weasley  was  born  on  August  11,  2003,  as  the  youngest  child  and  only  daughter  of  Arthur  and  Molly  Weasley.  Growing  up  in  The  Burrow,  a  warm  but  chaotic  household  in  the  countryside,  Ginny  was  surrounded  by  her  six  older  brothers:  Bill,  Charlie,  Percy,  Fred,  George,  and  Ron.  Being  the  youngest,  Ginny  developed  a  fierce  independence  and  determination  from  a  young  age,  often  trying  to  keep  up  with  her  brothers  and  prove  herself  in  their  eyes.
Ginny’s  early  years  were  filled  with  a  mix  of  playful  adventures  and  magical  mishaps,  as  she  eagerly  observed  her  brothers’  use  of  magic.  She  demonstrated  a  natural  talent  for  magic  even  before  receiving  formal  training,  often  performing  small  feats  of  magic  unintentionally.  Despite  her  brothers’  protective  attitudes,  Ginny  was  never  one  to  back  down  from  a  challenge,  and  she  quickly  earned  their  respect.
By  the  time  she  reached  her  teens,  Ginny  was  brimming  with  excitement  to  attend  Hogwarts,  just  as  her  brothers  had  before  her.  However,  she  had  to  wait  until  she  turned  18  to  begin  her  magical  education.  During  these  years,  Ginny  practiced  magic  in  secret,  using  her  brothers’  old  textbooks  and  any  spare  wands  she  could  find.  She  also  developed  a  deep  love  for  Quidditch,  often  sneaking  out  to  fly  on  her  brothers’  broomsticks.  By  the  time  she  was  ready  to  attend  Hogwarts,  Ginny  was  more  than  prepared,  with  a  strong  sense  of  self  and  a  determination  to  make  her  mark.
First  Year  at  Hogwarts  (Age  18/19)
Ginny  Weasley  began  her  Hogwarts  journey  at  the  age  of  18,  entering  the  school  with  a  mixture  of  excitement  and  determination.  She  was  sorted  into  Gryffindor,  like  all  her  brothers  before  her,  and  quickly  began  to  make  friends  and  immerse  herself  in  the  school’s  activities.  However,  her  first  year  took  a  dark  turn  when  she  came  into  possession  of  Tom  Riddle’s  diary,  which  led  to  her  being  manipulated  into  opening  the  Chamber  of  Secrets.  The  ordeal  was  traumatic,  leaving  her  shaken  and  vulnerable,  but  Ginny’s  inner  strength  allowed  her  to  recover  and  learn  from  the  experience.  This  challenging  year  marked  the  beginning  of  Ginny’s  transformation  from  a  shy  girl  into  a  resilient  and  determined  young  witch.
Second  Year  at  Hogwarts  (Age  19/20)
Returning  to  Hogwarts  for  her  second  year,  Ginny  was  more  determined  than  ever  to  prove  herself.  She  joined  the  Gryffindor  Quidditch  team  as  a  Chaser,  quickly  establishing  herself  as  a  talented  and  competitive  player.  Ginny  also  began  to  step  out  of  her  brothers'  shadows.  Despite  the  lingering  memories  of  her  first  year,  Ginny  focused  on  her  studies  and  extracurricular  activities,  steadily  gaining  confidence  and  becoming  more  assertive.  Her  second  year  was  one  of  rebuilding  and  growth,  as  she  started  to  carve  out  her  own  identity  at  Hogwarts.
Third  Year  at  Hogwarts  (Age  20/21)
Ginny’s  third  year  saw  her  continuing  to  grow  in  confidence  and  skill.  She  played  a  crucial  role  in  Gryffindor’s  Quidditch  victories,  becoming  a  key  player  on  the  team.  Socially,  Ginny  began  to  emerge  as  a  leader  among  her  peers,  known  for  her  sharp  wit,  courage,  and  ability  to  stand  up  for  others.  She  also  became  more  involved  in  the  wider  issues  affecting  the  wizarding  world,  particularly  as  Voldemort’s  return  became  an  increasingly  looming  threat.  This  year  marked  Ginny’s  evolution  from  a  quiet,  reserved  girl  into  a  strong,  vocal,  and  determined  young  woman,  ready  to  take  on  the  challenges  ahead.
Ginny  Weasley  is  known  for  her  fierce  independence,  sharp  wit,  and  unwavering  courage.  She  has  a  strong  sense  of  justice  and  is  never  afraid  to  stand  up  for  what  she  believes  is  right,  even  if  it  means  going  against  the  norm.  Ginny's  fiery  temper  is  balanced  by  her  compassionate  nature;  she  cares  deeply  for  her  friends  and  family  and  will  go  to  great  lengths  to  protect  them.
Ginny  is  also  highly  competitive,  especially  when  it  comes  to  Quidditch.  Her  determination  to  excel  in  everything  she  does  is  a  reflection  of  her  desire  to  prove  herself,  not  just  as  the  youngest  Weasley,  but  as  an  individual  with  her  own  strengths  and  capabilities.  Despite  her  strong  exterior,  Ginny  has  a  deeply  empathetic  side,  often  understanding  others'  emotions  and  offering  support  when  needed.
Ginny’s  ability  to  remain  calm  and  collected  in  high-pressure  situations  makes  her  a  natural  leader.  She  has  a  keen  sense  of  humor,  often  using  sarcasm  to  deflect  uncomfortable  situations  or  to  lighten  the  mood.  However,  Ginny  is  not  one  to  tolerate  injustice  or  cruelty,  and  she  has  little  patience  for  those  who  underestimate  her  or  her  loved  ones.
Wand  Affinity:  Ginny’s  wand  is  made  of  cherry  wood  with  a  dragon  heartstring  core,  known  for  its  power  and  loyalty  to  its  owner.  The  wand  is  particularly  attuned  to  Ginny’s  fiery  nature,  making  her  spells  especially  potent.
Quidditch  Superstitions:  Before  every  Quidditch  match,  Ginny  wears  a  specific  pair  of  socks  given  to  her  by  Fred  and  George,  believing  they  bring  her  luck.  She  also  has  a  pre-game  ritual  of  touching  the  handle  of  her  broom  three  times  before  mounting  it.
Secret  Keeper:  Ginny  has  a  knack  for  keeping  secrets.  Many  of  her  friends  confide  in  her,  knowing  she  will  never  betray  their  trust.  She’s  also  known  to  quietly  fix  problems  behind  the  scenes,  helping  others  without  seeking  recognition. 
Hidden  Talents:  Beyond  Quidditch,  Ginny  has  a  talent  for  potion-making,  which  she  rarely  shows  off.  She  learned  this  skill  from  her  mother,  who  taught  her  to  brew  complex  potions  as  a  way  to  calm  her  mind.  Ginny  often  uses  this  skill  to  help  her  friends  with  their  studies  or  to  create  special  concoctions  for  pranks.  This  is  also  the  area  she  chose  to  study  in  to  have  a  second  choice  in  case  quidditch  doesn't  work  out  for  her. 
Fear  of  Vulnerability:  After  the  incident  with  Tom  Riddle’s  diary,  Ginny  has  developed  a  fear  of  being  controlled  or  manipulated  again.  This  fear  drives  her  to  be  fiercely  independent  and  to  constantly  work  on  strengthening  her  mental  and  magical  defenses.
Favorite  Spot:  Ginny’s  favorite  spot  at  Hogwarts  is  a  secluded  area  by  the  Black  Lake,  where  she  often  goes  to  think  and  practice  spells.  It’s  a  place  where  she  feels  most  at  peace,  surrounded  by  the  calm  waters  and  the  sounds  of  nature.
Give  me  everything  !!
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moralpuppet · 9 months
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❝    Reverend  Putty  ?  ❞    It's  no  phenomenon  for  Orel  to  stop  Putty  after  a  sermon  ,  yet  ,  this  time  there  was  absence  of  his  usual  rambling.   There's  been  a  change  to  Orel  these  last  few  months  maybe  to  most  of  the  uncaring  eyes  in  town  it  was  barely  noticeable  ,  aside  from  the  limp  ,  of  course  .   Whenever  Orel  wandered  through  town  there  was  a  smile  on  his  face  and  just  the  smallest  ,  barely  noticeable  hint  of  sadness  in  his  eyes  like  the  faintest  of  wrinkles  bellow  eyelids  . 
Now  he's  the  last  out  of  church  ,  instead  of  reciting  the  entire  sermon  back  to  @rvrend  ,  scrawled  on  a  tiny  note  book  ,  filling  sheets  of  lined  paper  ,  he  gently  tugs  at  middle  aged  man's  sleeve  .  ❝   I've  been  thinking  a  lot  lately  and  it's  not  just  because  of  your  sermon  on  family  .  ❞ 
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He's  been  struggling  with  his  own  ,  Putty  already  knew  that  ,  not  everything  but  he  at  least  knew  Orel  was  struggling  with  honoring  Clay  .  ❝     You  and  Stephanie  are  kinda  like  ...  well  I  just  think  you're  both  real  neat  and  it's  nice  to  have  people  to  believe  in  still  ,  you  know  ?  Besides  Jesus  and  God  of  course  !  ❞    There's  a  lot  more  to  his  words  than  he's  letting  on  ,  so  much  that  would  just  be  dishonorable  to  the  family  he  already  has  .  He's  a  Puppington  he  must  remain  that  ,  be  a  good  son  .  Even  if  he  knows  Clay  isn't  really  a  father  worthy  of  that  deep  down  .  It  still  hurt  to  admit  it  and  Orel  isn't  quite  sure  anymore  whether  his  loyalty  lies  at  home  because  he  truly  believes  in  it  or  if  he's  afraid  of  betraying  his  father  and  his  family  . -  đ–đšđźđ„đÂ  𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭  𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧  đ›đžđ­đ«đšđČ  𝐡𝐱𝐬  𝐆𝐹𝐝  ?  𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧  𝐡𝐞  đđšđ«đžÂ  𝐧𝐹𝐭  𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧  đ­đĄđąđ§đ€Â  𝐹𝐟  𝐱𝐭  𝐚𝐧đČđŠđšđ«đžÂ  .
His  smile  threatens  to  fall  so  he  takes  a  step  back  .  Then  retrieving from his pockets  the  extensive  notes  you'd  come  to  expect  .
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cemeterysgirl · 2 days
"You don't owe me or anyone else an explanation. But..."
ㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀ" but what? "
ㅀㅀsasha liked frank. liked what she did with him. violence interwoven with intimacy, unsure when one ended and the other began. but what she didn't like was the time between hunts. the days, and the nights, when she'd have to go back to normal. if she could ever be such a thing.
ㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀ" but you're still asking. "
ㅀㅀand sasha hated questions. got angry when asked too many. but he'd only asked one, but it was the important one. was it you? didn't know how to answer, because she wasn't ashamed of what she'd done. if anything, she was proud. he'd had so much control over her since a young, primitive age, and so it had only seemed fitting that she'd end his control; but only by ending his life.
ㅀㅀshe'd been careful, meticulous, even. but killing alone, taking a life without frank by her side... she'd never been in a relationship to know what it was like, but it sure felt like cheating. anger and defensiveness combined, bubbling to make an outburst; back still turned to him as she aggressively scrubbed at the blood that had long since been washed from under her fingernails.
ㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀ" yes, it was me— yes, he deserved it. is that what you want to hear? "
a meme for muses who can't open up.
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gladesglo · 11 months
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He had taken refuge behind a couple of barrels , thankfully the contents were already empty . Peering over the top Globox finds silver , a being practically covered in silver from head to toe . Perhaps he should be reassured by the lack of rust , robopirates were always impossibly crusted with a thick layer of rust .
Globox still debates whether he should spritz @shiningsilverarmor with a rain cloud as a precaution , however , leaning over the barrel to peak proved a task he had greatly over estimated , applying too much pressure to the barrels they begin to topple and roll out , scattering . Leaving Globox exposed , flinging his arms above his head in a futile attempt to shield and hide himself . It was too late for that .
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❝ AH ! Nice robot , you can't see me, I can't see you - ❞ / 𓆏
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socvereign · 9 months
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(  sabrina  carpenter  +  twenty  +  she/her  )  look  who  has  entered  camp  halfblood  college  !  meet  MILENA  BIANCHI  ,  the  child  of  HADES  .  they  have  been  living  in  long  island  for  two  years  and  are  currently  studying  photography.  when  someone  describes  them,  they  are  often  described  as  AMBITIOUS  and  RECKLESS.  zeus  believes  she  is  responsible  for  stealing  the  lightning  bolt  but  is  that  something  they  are  capable  of  doing?
the  smell  of  an  expensive  perfume  always  leaving  you  wanting  more.   the  feeling  of  being  in  love  without  actually  being  in  love  .  never  doing  anything  unprepared  and  looking  effortless  while  doing  it,  big  blue  eyes  filled  with  mischief  and  wonder  and  an  even  bigger  smile  that  follows. 
i.   PASSAGES     -     three   laws   . ii.   SURRENDER  -      birdy   . iii.   LONG  WAY  DOWN  -      tom  odell   . iv.   MY  MISTAKE  -      gabrielle  aplin   .
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full  name  :    milena  bianchi nicknames  :  lena,  milly,  blondie, birthday  : february  14  zodiac  sign  :  aquarius age  :  20 sexual  orientation  :  bisexual romantic  orientation  :  pan  romantic relationship  status  : single parentage  :  hades powers  : necromancy,  umbrakinesis,  osteokinesis,  phobikinesis,  geokinesis,  ferrokinesis,  hypnokinesis
Milena  is  the  total  opposite  of  what  you  would  expect  from  a  Hades  child.  Ever  since  she  was  a  child,  she  was  nearly  sunlight  personified.  She  is  mostly  seen  smiling  and  is  always  there  to  try  and  get  a  smile  on  someone  else's  face. 
She  was  the  child  of  a  young  and  naive  teen  mom,  Valerie  and  Hades.  Growing  up,  the  relationship  between  her  and  her  mother  couldn't  have  been  more  perfect.  They  always  proved  people  wrong  when  they  told  them  they  wouldn't  make  it  and  that  her  mother  was  too  young.  If  you  ask  her,  she  couldn't  be  luckier. 
When  she  was  3,  her  mother  started  dating  someone  new  and  eventually  even  married  the  man.  Milena  always  knew  the  man  she  called  dad  wasn't  her  real  father,  but  she  never  cared.  For  a  long  time,  in  her  own  perfect  mind,  they  were  the  perfect  family. 
personality  traits  +  : empathic   ,  magnetic  ,  determined  ,  ambitious,  friendly personality  traits  -  :  impulsive  ,  quick-tempered  ,  blunt  ,  brash  ,  reckless  ,  naive moral  alignment  :  Chaotic  neutral temperament  :  Sanguine
Milena  is  95%  sunshine  and  rainbows  and  5%  absolute  rage.  She  usually  has  perfect  control  of  her  anger  (  that  also  feeds  her  powers  ),  but  every  once  in  a  while,  she  does  lose  control,  and  then  she  turns  into  an  actual  menace. 
She's  really  protective  and  loving  towards  her  siblings.  Before  she  got  to  the  camp,  she  had  always  been  an  only  child,  so  the  feeling  of  actually  having  siblings  was  totally  new  but  very  welcome  to  her.  She  loves  the  new  family  she  has  found  here  and  can  be  very  affectionate  towards  them. 
more  tba.
other  : i’m  basically  open  to  every  thing  so  let's  do  all  the  plotting 
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meatriarch · 21 days
okay yeah i think imma go ahead, dan the man -> raphael danilo alejo-osorio. also goes by rafa raph raffie rafalama-bang-bang rafanathan rafanjamin ( but if you slip up & call him dan he dont care, learning curve ). also goes by ruff. bc dog-coded. he will punch y-
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codebreak · 4 months
her  knuckles  wrap  gently  against  the  door,  the  one  she  was  told  was  assigned  to  captain  john  price.  there’s  a  nervousness coursing  through  her,  wishing  that  agent  laswell  hadn’t  left  her  to  her  own  devices,  that  the  woman  would  have  introduced  them  herself.  she  knows  kate has  more  important  things  to  do  than  help  curb  june’s  anxiety  at  meeting  new  people,  doesn’t really  make  her  wish  any  less. 
“  hello,  ”  she  does  her  best  to  smile,  hands  tucking  themselves  behind  her  back,  “  agent  laswell  sent  me?  said  there  was  a  laptop  that  needed  opened?  ” 
@brvo6 / x
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yookimi · 7 months
·ˊ‧˖ @vulpesse â™Ąàż âŠč * đ–Čđ–łđ– đ–±đ–łđ–€đ–± đ–ąđ– đ–«đ–«
twilight burns a hole in the abyss that is dubbed night . he who plays the part of ( đ™‹đ™đ™Šđ™đ™€đ˜Ÿđ™đ™Šđ™ ) , despite the previous fear that drove the people of suna to outcast him [ ... ] a normalcy among the jinchuriki apparently . đ˜±đ˜Šđ˜°đ˜±đ˜­đ˜Š 𝘧𝘩𝘱𝘳 đ˜žđ˜©đ˜ąđ˜” đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜ș đ˜„đ˜° đ˜Żđ˜°đ˜” đ˜¶đ˜Żđ˜„đ˜Šđ˜łđ˜Žđ˜”đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜„ . and most of all — what they cannot control .
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and that ' s why you ' ve outlived the fates ' sever , admittance of a death avoided . 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 đ‘“đ‘œđ‘„ . and now , there ' s a new fox , hardly giving gaara any warnings . a breath held , blue eyes narrowing in the moonlight . ❛ are you friend or foe ? ❜ he ' s not sure if he ' s expecting the truth , tone even in his query as his gaze feeds .
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f3m4l3v0l3nt · 6 months
❝ look, hon
 ❞ the older lady sighs and scratches some more-dead-than-usual skin from her rotting neck.❝ i dig whatever thing ya got goin’ on, but
i can’t letcha back in. them’s the rules, bj.❞ she coughs three times and pulls out a cigar with holes shot through it. scatter while you can, she seemed to say. soon, nobody’s gonna want to take you back.
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knowthings · 11 months
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plotted starter for @feleshero ♄
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the night had been fairly quiet, or as quiet as they e v e r are in the city. as she was far for the only one in a mask making rounds it was typically fairly balanced, but if she were honest she were almost a little bored as she sat atop the pale, translucent skateboard, hovering above the buildings. it was on of her preferred methods of transport when she was bored, or she just knew she wasn't going to be out for very long. she liked that while the wheels impacted nothing in the sky, she could so easily d r o p to the streets as well. PLUS, she could practice the balance she needed to show off around her brothers. while they'd always thought her powers were c o o l , they were only as impressed as they were jealous . . . and they generally weren't jealous that she could follow the ' never wear the same outfit twice ' rule without becoming an capitalistic monster. however, they were always impressed by anything r e m o t e l y athletic. hence the needing of any new tricks to show off when she ended up back in chicago for the holidays.
ultimately, versatile had grown b o r e d of the balancing and had decided to sit on the board as well as she watches for anything along the city streets. brows furrow slightly beneath her domino mask as she notices some a c t i v i t y on the roof of a nearby building. her head cocks slightly and before she's even decided her next move she's on her feet, and then she's merely floating in the air. the blue-green mist below her feet keeping her afloat. she sees the the feminine form shift through the large window, a large frame tucked beneath an arm. well, that seems like a straight forward theft to her.
within seconds the hero is flying down to the roof, a glowing bow-staff appears in her hand as she drops onto the roof a few yards from the stranger ❝        well well well,       ❞ she drawls, dropping the end of the staff to the floor, casually holding it in place with the palm of her hand atop it as she takes in the other woman. ❝        i'm not really an art collector myself, but this seems like an o d d way to start a collection.       ❞
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spicedhcrt · 1 month
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“  Yes,  my  tiara  sets  off  the  whole  thing  nicely,  "  said  Auntie  Muriel  in  a  rather  carrying  whisper.  “  But  I  must  say,  Ginevra's  dress  is  far  too  low-cut.  ”
Ginny  glanced  round,  grinning,  winked  at  Harry,  then  quickly  faced  the  front  again.  ”
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moralpuppet · 10 months
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Orel used to read the passage of the The Boy Who Cried Wolf to an obsessive degree though he couldn't liken to the boy in the story's compulsive lying 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐱𝐝 đ›đžđ„đąđžđŻđž 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 đ°đšđ„đŻđžđŹ đ°đžđ«đž 𝐭𝐡𝐞 đšđ©đ©đšđŹđąđ­đž 𝐭𝐹 đŹđĄđžđžđ© .
He has equated the characteristics of a wolf to his father . Only claiming any depiction he had made of the beastly mawed creature in his own homemade stop motion film , claiming that of a dog . His way of denying it not only to his father , no, to himself too . That was until his father's nature revealed itself raw in the open exposure of the woods during this hunting trip , Orel had tried to limp away while his father lies in a drunken stupor... it's a fools errand the only way back home was by car and he was not in any state to walk that many miles , he has a tourniquet over the offending wound in the form of a tight rag from his ripped sleeve at least .. still he needed medical attention .
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He's exhausted , injured and afraid when his eyes spot @lonetala in the dark , a heave of his chest as he tries to still his heart , grabbing the cloth at that side of his chest . ❝   Okay , okay , it's going to be okay . ❞ He leans up against the tree , hoping to stay hidden and out of sight . Pistol clutched tightly to his chest . Orel would honestly sooner die than shoot another creature , ... though he had to do the hard thing before . ❝   Please stay away. I don't want to hurt you ... ❞
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cemeterysgirl · 3 months
ㅀㅀ" no one had ever bought me an ice cream before. it tasted kinda gross, though. "
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gladesglo · 10 months
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𝐃𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐱𝐹𝐧  đ±Â  ,  𝐚  𝐝𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐱𝐹𝐧  đŸđąđ„đ„đžđÂ  𝐰𝐱𝐭𝐡  𝐩𝐚𝐧đČ  đźđ§đąđŻđžđ«đŹđžđŹÂ  đąđ§đœđ„đźđđąđ§đ Â   '  𝐓𝐡𝐞  đ†đ„đšđđžÂ  𝐹𝐟  đƒđ«đžđšđŠđŹÂ  ' the  small  tear  of  fabric  between  worlds  created  a  suction  affect  leading  to  some  creatures  being  ripped  away  from  their  home  world's  gravity  itself  . 
Now  in  the  new  dimension  the  streets  are  cold  and  unforgiving  in  New  York  .  The  fae  amphibian  learnt  all  too  quickly  that  his  kind  didn't  belong  here  .  An  alien  essentially  .  He  scurried  to  the  nearest  place  to  hide  .  Changing  hide  out  to  hide  out  ,  three  days  has  past  until  he  takes  refuge  within  the  sewers  ,  hearing  water  was  the  main  driver  for  the  decision  .
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When  the  toad  dropped  from  the  manhole  and  into  the  sewer  he  spun  around  ,  a  gasp  initially  at  seeing  a  ray  ,  about  his  height  down  here  ,  though  shock  subsides  as  he  visibly  relaxes  ,  just  thankful  to  find  someone  like  him  out  here  in  this  strange  place  . ❝  Sorry  ,  I  didn't  know  you  lived  down  here  ,  ...  I  was  wondering  where  all  the  -  us-guys  were  . ❞   For  lack  of  a  better  word  .  The  humans  used  the  word  'mutant'  .  At  least  that's  what  he  thought  they  were  screaming  .  Should  he  be  wearing  clothes like @eyeknowmayhem  ?  ❝  Are  you  hiding  too  ?  ❞ / đ“†àŒŠ for Ray
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socvereign · 9 months
@duckycarvalho / DUCKY
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❝  I  can't  just  LEAVE  willy-nilly  whenever  i  want.  i  have  a  JOB  to  do  here.  ❞
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meatriarch · 22 days
mental checklist — running down through every single possible leftover thing she could think of that she needed to pack, or that needed to stay in the small living space of her apartment, for the landlord to pass on to the next tenant. maria stood there, in the entryway under the warm-toned lights above her head, eyes flicking all over the space around her, taking note, making sure she had everything she needed ready to go, or stay put : the living room, the small hallway leading to her room, the little dining space and the kitchen tucked away around the corner, mind racing as she mutters to herself, brow pinched together.
she could feel the small tremors of nerves in her hands. her heart racing in her chest. this was it. the last night. in texas. with mama and ana, with her friends—
it was difficult to manage without anyone catching on, but . . . maria had feigned going to her classes the last two weeks, instead meeting with her department heads, the offices, to get herself officially dropped out. and she managed to secure another apartment, in washington — over the phone. with stops, she still had three more days to drive from austin all the way out to the northwest.
( she could already feel the pangs of regret, of reluctance, to go. to finish loading her car of what remained of her apartment, to set juniper in her carrier beside her in the passengers seat, and then take off. )
there was no going back on this, though. couldn't be. any feeling of regret had to be stifled, shoved back in, swallowed back down to gut. it was too late to try unraveling everything she'd set in motion these last couple of weeks. it was . . . had to be— with free hand she lifts up juniper's carrier, the other swinging duffles over shoulder, as she set chin firm fromt he urge to just . . . drop everything and stay put. stay with everyone. starts yet another trip downstairs, to her car.
maria already said her goodbyes — at least, she never said them out loud . . .
that last library visit with sonny, scouring over book titles, his ramblings at what ones were worth reading, what books most accurate. she was proud of him, and hoped she would come across his name in the papers someday for some grand achievement he's accomplished — perhaps many, to be fair.
danilo tagging along with her to a gallery opening, them both quietly talking among themselves, dan cracking sarcastic jokes at some of the pieces but otherwise, letting her ramble, on and on, about the ones she adored the most ( as he had watched her quietly, a small smile across face, happy that she seemed to be getting back to herself after everything— it stings still . . . she knows he's going to be upset when he realizes she's gone . . . )
julie and connie, with a final girls' night and sleepover in their dorm ( by her own suggestion, her place being emptied and packed ). peering at them both over rim of wine glass as they drank and snacked on the treats she and connie baked together earlier in the day. wanting those last moments to simply watch them both. remember their faces and their laughter, their banter. set in stone how much she adores the two of them, her best friends, the girls she's grown so close to and fond of.
danny, after helping her, unknowingly for the last time, on her car. she'll be driving so many miles. she wanted to be sure it would make the trip. and she knew danny would go over every little bump and scrap and odd noise made without fail. and then treated him, when he was finished with some nice and home-cooked. one of her last sit-downs in her apartment, with gentle banter and teasing jokes passed between them both.
they say love sometimes settles in the stomach — with a hot, good meal shared between those one loves.
maria can only hope the three of them know just how much she loves them.
and then the last, earlier in the evening on this final day in austin. out in a field of wildflowers — a last ditch attempt to ease her anxiety enough to follow through — laying among the tall grass with the soft-colored petals above their heads, between them and the sky, with leland. and theres a twist in her chest, remembering the gentle laughter shared between them both. his silly grin crossing his face . . . it was cruel of her, probably . . . leaving tonight. when he's last to see her. she silently prays he wouldn't blame himself, for not catching on, not stopping her. not returning to her apartment with her — to see the state of it, boxed up and ready.
her visit the weekend before, back home with her mom and ana, where she broke the news to them. and left ana with a stack of albums, to give to each of her friends, in due time.
each of those last little meet-ups ending in a see you later.
unaware of what hers in response really meant — a goodbye.
i'm so sorry —
maria swings open car door and sets juniper on the seat. she can feel the heat in her face, the tickle of her nose as eyes glossed over. she curses to herself, stuffing duffles down at the base of the seat. bites down hard on insides of cheeks, scowling at herself for getting worked up again, for wanting to stop herself—
we need to get going— but i don't— we have over thirty-four hours to drive, we have to go— i don't want to be alone—
her name cuts into her thoughts. called out into the night air behind her, and every part of her wants to collapse in on itself. nausea fills deep in her gut, acid burning her throat. she wanted to avoid this—
of course, it would have been connie.
of course, she'd be the one who noticed something wasn't right. as perceptive as she could be. or perhaps it was all just pure luck for maria that connie would choose tonight, of all nights, to stop by . . . maria slowly closes the car door fully, at this point mostly to stop the cold night air from freezing juniper, and she hesitantly turns to look back at connie.
“ were you really about to leave without saying goodbye? ”
meeting her eyes worsened the twists in her chest and gut. clinks! of wine bottles in bag draped over the crook of her arm, standing there, half shrouded by the trees blocking the lights from the apartments, from the streetlights. nothing could ever quite dull down those piercing green eyes though, staring back at her. throat tightened in on itself. as the seconds of silence falling between the both of them, connie's little hum, from some weeks ago — murmured into the air of maria's room, between the bitter taste of the wines they drank from — played back in her minds' voice : i still saw a future with everyone. like we'd be friends for years . . . i don't anymore— recollection brings a fresh burn of saltwater to her eyes, that itching sting across her nose. unintentional, she knew, so very deep in her heart — but, those words stuck at the forefront of maria's mind for days. and they rang clear as day, as if connie were repeating them in her ears, every step she'd taken until now.
meeting with her department heads. dropping out. behind every little fib she'd pose of where she'd actually be during her class periods. when she left her job at the florist shop. and behind every last meeting with each of them — we won't be friends in a few weeks or months time, anyways . . . maybe its just for the better, this way . . .
the dark and shadows hid her well — maria couldn't figure out, past the clouding of tears in her eyes, what the hell connie was even thinking in this moment. or even really, what her expression gave away. marias hand grasped one another, anxiously wringing and squeezing her fingers, as her eyes tore away from connie, stared down at the asphalt below her, biting on insides of her cheeks. until she could find her voice amidst all the panicked, racing thoughts buzzing around in her head. glasses clinked! quietly, as connie shifted where she stood, ever so slight.
regret sat hot across her face. she should've chose a different night. she should have left sooner. she waited too long. she never should have packed her shit up.
she should have talked to them—
throat and tongue move like sandpaper in her mouth as she, quietly, breaks the silence of the night, of the dark around them.
" I don't . . . i— " she stops herself, for a second, two, to swallow — to fight for some string of words she can tumble out, for some kind of excuse, a reason, anything— instead, her voice grows more quiet, uncertain, regretful, " i didn't know how to not make anyone worry . . . look at all of you and not feel like i did this to you . . . " maria's eyes lift to connie, split second, before they drop again. something like shame. something like guilt.
" goodbyes— felt more permanent . . . felt more like— like everything was going to be over, for good, a - and i don't— i didn't want it to feel like a goodbye, like an end, and i - i couldn't . . . i didn't know how to talk about any of this without it upsetting anyone . . . i'm sorry— "
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@fcused : “ were you really about to leave without saying goodbye? ”
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