#🌊your love is easy like the waves off the shore🌊
voidselfshipp · 1 year
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My s/I being a goblin through and through, collects a lot of trinkets and all sorts of mementos. What does she use them for? Making necklaces for their loved ones!
->only mutuals allowed to reblog.
♡lovely taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifehenrycooldown @mercuryships
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vitaminseetarot · 2 months
How are u?? It's been a long time since I saw you on Tumblr. I saw your new game. I would like to join as well. My initials are cmps. Two emoji 🌊🌅. Thank you so much for the opportunity.
Have a good day/night.💜
Hello there 🌊🌅, thank you for playing and for your patience.
Your card is Water:Waterfall:Star. Your water element is the illuminated ocean full of hidden treasures. This element is both the inner and outer beauty of the sea, from its sun dappled surface to the abundance of marine life beneath the waves. It's like the mist which casts over the ocean at daybreak, or the dew collected by wildflowers on a foggy spring morning. I thought of collecting seashells by the shores, watching the sun rise. With the butterflies in Love here, I learned about the shells of "sea butterflies". Related to sea angels, they are luminescent gastropods with winglike appendages and, unlike angels, have a hard shell. As they are deep ocean creatures, this shell has adapted to be completely see through, like glass. Their shells reveal a stunning and unexpected beauty rising from the depths. Shells represent prosperity, they were frequently used as currency throughout history. Whatever you've been working on or working through, it looks as though your efforts are beginning to pay off. The number 8 speaks of cycles, and so does Waterfall:Sun. You have been putting a lot of sustained focus in making something succeed, and you could be left wondering if your energy will be fully appreciated or if it will "go to waste" by being unnoticed. Now, I see from these cards that what you're doing will pay off in the long run, it will succeed eventually. But the message here is to disentangle from appreciating your own efforts because others haven't yet. Perhaps the past cycles you've been through have been harsh and left you feeling doubtful about what you're offering. Just know that the wheel is always turning, and things can be different than before. Sun and water are a great combo of energy, it reminds me of Temperance. It's striking the kind of balance required for healthy growth. As excited as you are to receive the blessings from this work, take some time out to relax and appreciate it for how it is right now. The fact that it's even there at all is something to feel really good about. Give yourself the pat on the back you deserve for highlighting a beauty that's been tucked away in the comforting darkness of the ocean. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it, and you'll seen the dividends you desire soon enough once you give yourself that extra self-love.
2 - Water:Waterfall:Star, 8 of Pentacles, Love
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voidselfshipp · 1 year
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Harbor taking a moment to look at me kicking ass mid battle bcs hes just SO IN LOVE
《♡♡♡♡♡♡ 》
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
->dont repost my art
♡lovely taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifehenrycooldown @mercuryships
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
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"main tumase pyaar karata hoon mere sooraj"
"What does that mean?"
"I love you, my sun"
Harbor and I sharing tea In a liddle cozy hide out in his home country!
Taglist @tex-treasures @malewifepatrickbateman
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voidselfshipp · 1 year
F/os of my current hiperfixation that would love me like hozier songs + what songs I see them as:
Cypher: movement
Harbor: would that i
Brimstone: take me to church/sunlight
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Love Deep As The Ocean
Cw: mentions of blood, bloodloss,injury,Food a minor being taken hostage ( not explicit). Implied trauma involving motherhood/becoming a mother (bcs being raised by a bad mother)
♡Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
Summary: Varun gets saved by a misterious person whom he ends up crossing paths multiple times.
->Songs: En el mar: la Sonora matancera, Sea of Love By Cat Power
(Im on Mobile. Sorry for the long post!)
♡Lovely Taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifepatrickbateman
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Varun stared at Jerico, quietly cooking lentil soup, his cheek on his hand, arm propped up on the table besides the dinner Plate.
He took a deep breath, letting the scent of the food invade his senses and make his shoulders relax.
The smell reminds him of the first time they met...
Harbor Ran holding his side, limping as his hand pressed against a wall.
REALM's men ran past the little alleyway he had hidden in, and once they are out of sight and ear reach he walks out and looks both ways.
Varun lets out a sigh of relief and walks back the way he came from, though his head feels light weight, breaths shallow and quick, the midday sun hits harshly against his skin. Has it always been this warm?.
His body slams against the wall covered in the shade of a nearby tree, sighing in relief. Blood loss is a bitch.
Looking at his bloodied hand, his vision doubles and gasps for air.
--Are you okay?--A voice asked.
He looked up, blinking to try to clear his eyes, sharp features of a face and a worried expression is all he can make out, the sun that filters through the leaves give them a sort of Halo around their head.
They say something he cant make out, and Next thing he knows he feels himself being carried away.
--Whats your blood type?--They asked.
--Huh-- wh-what was that beautiful?
He smiled seeing the blush spread across the person's cheeks-- Whats your blood type?
--type O...--He winced-- that bad huh?
--Yeah...try to stay awake--They muttered.
--Whatever you say Doc...
Well. Easier said than done, in a matter of seconds he was out like a light.
The Next time he wakes up, hes in a bed, half naked, his body felt sore, he blinks slowly regaining concioussnes.
--Wha- where am I?--He tried to sit up but the gash across his side stinged and burnt with pain.
--Easy, easy...--harbor Turned to see the misterious stranger that saved him.
Beautiful brown hair fell wildly down to where their shoulders started, green eyes, intense but warm, mildly thin lips that curled down, their expression showed worry and amusement.
--Uh...hi--He said laying back down sheepishly.
They laughed under their breath and handed him a bottle of water--Here-- varun slowly sat up with the help of his savior--You lost a lot of blood, drink water
He chuckled, eyeing his bracelet and nodding, drinkung from the bottle, the cold liquid was a relief from the brash heat. --I lost a lot of blood, where the hell did you get a blood transfusion
They sat besides him--I know a guy or two
--Works for me--He wasnt going to complain about getting his ass saved--I think I should know your name, to properly thank you
--Jerico-- they replied.
--Means city of the moon--He noted flirtly.
Jerico rolled their eyes--Alright, and whats your name?
--Varun, Nice to make your acquaintance~
--Alright, Varun, im going to make some lunch, you take it easy--They stood up, walking to the kitchen, Merely some meters away from the bed he was resting on.
Harbor soon laid down and interlazed his fingers togheter,resting his hands on his chest.
It didnt take long for the smell of food to invade the room, spices, dried herbs, Onions,bell peppers.
It feels oddly like home, and his body relaxes, was Jerico a total stranger? Yes, were they also very nice? Yes.
Varun felt like a pull towards them, an idea came to his mind but quickly dismissed it. Though a part of his mind didnt agree.
His eyes shoot Open, hearing a beautiful voice sing-- En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
Te verás bañada por las olas
Y serás sirena de mi amor
Hallarás amor entre sus aguas
Y tendrás del mar su inspiración..-- spanish,that was the language jerico was speaking while carrying him.
He Turned his head to see them, and their eyes go wide...
Warm summer breeze flowes through their hair, swaying it slowly and Gently, eyes half lidded while adding chili powder to some potatos, and he noticed the beautiful yellow dress that swayed with the same gentle breeze.
Breath leaves Harbors chest,oh. She was beautiful...
With a smile he closed his eyes and kept listening to her singing, maybe he wasnt too wrong in thinking what the thought before.
The food was great, spicy and salty, it tasted like home,and it made him feel like he had a home.
--Ever thought of doing something else than running away from guys?--Jeri teased.
--Hah, maybe, if REALM stops hunting me down..
--Maybe defend this world? I mean you have that thing--They tapped the bracelet, that seemed to react to their touch, the floating ball spins quickly, to then calm itself down.
--Hmm...well I am stuck with this for a reason..--He agreed-- this food tastes great,thank you
--Of course--Jeri smiled and varuns heart melted.
Their presence was calming, grounded, Like the calmness in the eye of the storm.
--When youre done you gotta take a bath,I need to change those bandages
He nodded--Cant move much though..
--Ill help, --they added not looking up from their Plate-- if- if you dont mind that is
--I uh...I dont--he confirmed,cheeks darkening.
During the bath, jerico Gently scrubbed the Mans chest, humming a song that made Varun feel relaxed, then she washed his hair, which almost makes him fall asleep, the caresses of her finger tips against his scalp felt right, Like this was the exact place he was supposed to be.
Soon they were sharing the only bed in the small appartment, he hugged their waist while they slept.
Harbor didnt feel right doing this at first, but the bed was relatively small, so he had no other choice.
But it also felt right, as if he was were he was supposed to be. Like some sort of karmic energy pulled him to her.
Sighing with resignation of not being able to figure out what was happening he closed his eyes and decided to join jerico in their sleep.
Jeri nursed him back to health during the following days, sharing small domestic moments, flirting and that sensation of a pull becoming stronger.
Now varun sat on the terrace of a building, a day after he left, his hair left a reminder of her scent. A part of her would be with him.
He snapped back to reality as he catched a glimpse of jerico's lizard tail sway to the rythm of the music in the radio.
Their sticky Hands let them Carry plenty of things, and for a moment he rememebred the second time they met.
Its late at night as varun walks through the streets, thinking of his savior, he hoped that the walk would clear his mind. Needless to say it didnt work.
--Get her!--A Man yelled, jerico ran with a young girl in her arms.
--Its okay-- jerico told the girl-- Duck your head in my chest,dont look behind
The girl obeyed and gripped her carrier's clothes.
As the men behind her prepare to shoot, a wall of water comes out of no-where and the bullets are stopped by it.
--That wall...Varun?!
--No time!--Harbor yelled putting a hand on their Lower back--follow me!
Both start running away, loosing their pursuers soon after.
--whats with the kid?--He asked out of breath
--She-- was a hostage..I was contracted to free her
He looked at the kid, Clothes and hair a mess--Are you okay?
The girl looked at him,clearly scared.
He Walked closer and kneeled to eye level--ठीक है, जवान...(its okay,young one),its okay, lets take you to your family yeah?
The girl nodded and her eyes rested on the bracelet--You like this huh? Its shiny, and guess what, its going to help us Keep you safe
Jeri giggled under her breath, she May not want to have kids of her own, but Seeing Varun like that made her melt a little.
--Do you know where her house is?
Jerico nodded--Yeah, c'mon--She picked the girl up and both started to walk.
Soon enough the girl fell asleep, jeri smiled and murmured a lullaby.
--So, how much are they paying you for the job?--He asked.
--Nothing really, her family is very poor-- she confessed-- im doing this for 'em
--Thats...very nice of you --She gave him a warm smile, fixing the girl so she was more comfortable--ill take her -- he Gently grabs the kid from her arms and lets the girls head rest on his shoulder.
In her eyes, Varun was perfect. She could see him as a dad.
--You'd be a great dad--she commented.
--Uh-uhm..Thank you-- he said,being catched off guard-- you'd be a great parent
Jerico looked away shyly,scratching the back of their neck-- dont really wanna have kids..but thank you...means a lot
He patted her back and smiled, she smiled back and both Walked closer to the other.
After handing the girl to her parents, they let them both share the spare room for the night.
--What made you take up that job?--Harbor asked, jerico's head against his chest, both looking out of the Window.
--I like helping people, making the world a better place --She admitted.
--The worlds better because you are in it--Varun said without thinking,it was genuine.
Jeri didnt reply, only nuzzled closer to him, her hand Inching closer to his.
He Gently takes their hand, and smiles,kissing the top of their head--shubh raatri (good night)
--Good night...--Jeri didnt quite get what he had said, but given the context, they figured the gist of it.
The Next day they parted ways, with longing stares and aching hearts.
Since then, Harbor took Jobs that benefitted the communities of the places he ran way to.
Some times he would lay down in bed looking out the Window, his mind revolving around the idea he had since day one of meeting them.
Lehnu,the link with another soul that causes you to keep crossing paths, positively impacting each other. It describes someone who helps you lead a life that serves a higher purpose.
That was the Hindu idea of Soulmates.
He wondered where they were now. Varun didnt think much of his life after he started to be on the run. But thanks to Jerico he wanted to make his life worth something.
But Varun also had influence on jerico, it felt good knowing that someone like him supported them even from far away, every little compliment he made to them stayed within them giving them strenght.
Harbor remembers he felt confident that he would see them again.
He never expected their Next meeting to be when both joined the valorant protocol.
Both stayed dumbfodedly at eachother, before hugging the other tight.
--You two know eachother?--Asked Brimstone.
--Sorta!--Jeri confirmed-- we ran into eachother a couple of times
They were Inseparable, between Jerico's shape shifting and earth powers and Varun's water powers they were the perfect match during combat
One night, they went up to the terrace of the base, hidden in a mountain on an island.
Both Drank from their teas, He had a chai one, and she had black tea.
Both looked at the Ocean, surrounding the island like as if the water was protecting the earth.
--Its beautiful...--He commented-- the Ocean at night...
--I love the Ocean...since I was a kid...I love the beach and the sand...
--Well I do have water powers...--He flirted looking at them, not expecting the answer they would give him
--Well, youre the embodiment of one of the things I love the most--They said, trying to mask the nervousness on their voice.
He tensed and looked away, cheeks warm.-- Well-- I uh...I dont know how to reply to that-- Harbor cleared his throat-- But thanks to you ive found out I love lizards...and flowers and plants..
They smiled standing closer to him, and he moved closer--I always feel safe around you, Like the Ocean protecting this island, I feel like im the island when im with you...,youre so calm and grounding...and nice...--He sighed, tapping his mug-- I uh...have a crush on you
Jerico pressed their head against Varun's shoulder--I do too..I wrote you a little something actually.. I really missed you...
--Can I hear it ?
--Sure...--They Drank from their cup and said-- "As an act of love the sea sent you to me.
'We spend a year appart, my shores long for your skin and your laugh,appart for such a Long time,so here,I bring him, the embodiment of that which you love so much'
And the moment your eyes laid on me, I felt the rushing waves sweep me away, and I felt the same love I do during summer near the shore.
Ebb and flow, the tide of your love, those brown eyes melt me like the summer heat, I can already feel the sand against my feet.
Youre everything I love. Everything I need.
Your calm, your flow, your shores your love"
He chuckled and hugged their waist, nuzzling their hair--I also wrote you something...
Harbor fumbled with his pocket before pulling out a piece of paper, Reading it-- "Brash sun,Hard earth.
The barren land that nothing grows, Harsh heat that blurrs my vision.
And then, gentle summer breeze, Soft dirt, the smell of dried herbs and spices, I met you just when the sun its at its highest
Calm light, warms my heart, the color of that dress you wore, while cooking lunch for an injured dog.
With you I dont have to hide, with you, the dangers of the barren land I used to run through dissapear, and I realize I want you,my dear..
My soft dirt, my warm summer breeze, my beautiful lotus flower, That Grants me rebirth.."
They take his free hand and look at him, and he leans in for the kiss, they kiss back, both smiling.
--Thanks for the food--Varun said. -- ive been thinking about our history togheter and...I think youre...youre my soulmate--He pulled jerico closer to his chest.
--I think youre my soulmate too...--Jeri agreed.
The screen that acted as a Window showed a calm beach at night, both look at it and giggle under their breath.
--In Hindu culture, there's an idea that you have a karmic connection with certain souls. In the Gujarati language, it's called lehnu: the link with another soul that causes you to keep crossing paths, positively impacting each other. It describes someone who helps you lead a life that serves a higher purpose.--He explained.
--Well...im glad we ended up togheter...--Jeri said.
--Me too, My lotus --He kissed them Gently, hugging them protectively.
--Thats such a beautiful petname, my Ocean...
He chuckled--Lotus mean rebirth...I think it suits you pretty well--Varun gave his lover a playful smile and closed his eyes-- Come with me my love
To the sea
The sea of love
I want to tell you
How much I love you--He started singing,caressing Their hair.
--Do you remember
When we met?
That's the day I knew you were my pet
I want to tell you
How much I love you --Followed jeri, nuzzling his chest with their eyes closed.
--Come with me my love
To the sea
The sea of love
I want to tell you
How much I love you..--He finished, noticing his lover was peacefully asleep, he chuckled and followed suit, the sound of the waves and the breath of his beloved relaxing his body and soul.
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