#tw blood loss mention
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 9 months
The Eclipses Show
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,485 Words
Summary: The Backup wakes up a day after his death and Solar makes a deal with him.
Warnings: Injury, Eye Trauma, Limb Loss, Head Trauma, Cursing, Blood Loss (Oil), Surgery (kinda), Dead Bodies (mentioned only), let me know if I should add anything else.
Chapter 2: The Bitch Came Back
Eclipse gave a pained groan as he woke up, turning onto his side and his claws dug into the padded floor under them, eyes cracking open. Well, one of them opened. His right eye was there, the other was nowhere to be found and the wires were fizzling with sparks of violently disconnected machinery.
His left arm. He couldn’t feel it, but he could see it there. He tried to flex its fingers but, ultimately, it didn’t move. He looked at his body and found he was missing from his right thigh down and his back felt like a train had run him over.
“Oh Jesus fuck.” He heard a voice and looked up at a copy of himself. Wait…the other Eclipse? The nice one? He groaned and pressed his face into the padded floor to wince at the way his rays were bent at uneven angles and some broken off.
He tried to retract his rays to show he was in pain, that he wasn’t going to do anything. God, it was a migraine. Some were broken off and the warped metal slid into his faceplate with a high scratching sound like nails on a chalkboard. Others simply didn’t pull in at all, too warped to do so without breaking his faceplate off entirely.
“Okay. Alright. How the fuck did you survive even?” The other Eclipse asked.
“Dunno.” He answered honestly. “Put me down. Please.” Eclipse told him. He had made it easy, all the other had to do was yank out his wires from the back of his head, which was exposed to him. Maybe step on and crush his circuit board and take out and break his personality chip.
It would be so easy to just kill him and get it over with, but-
“No. Sit up.” The other demanded. Eclipse gave a look back at him and slowly sat up with his right arm as support, shaking with effort that just sitting up was for him right now.
His head pounded and his back throbbed with exposed internal workings, his right leg was stinging with pain and oil loss. He was woozy from the effects his body gave. Loosing oil was like losing blood and warnings were flashing in his eyes that he was within critical damage and his oil was at past critical low levels. He would die if he tried to move one more time probably.
“Look me in my eyes and tell me why I should let you live.” The other demanded of him.
“You shouldn’t.” He immediately told him. This seemed to take the other by surprise a bit.
“Alright. Then you sit still until I give you an oil transfusion.” The other knelt with him, moving his right stump, clamping the oil lines there with a piece of twine, probably what he had on him that would do the job. But it did stop the oil loss.
Eclipse did as the other asked, stayed where he was. Though he was questioning why he was being helped instead of killed and his dead body thrown into the portal to his old dimension for Moon to torment and destroy.
Solar came back with a machine full of a gallon of oil, which he put into an oil line in his right arm with tape over it so the needle wouldn’t simply fall out and leave an extra wound where he was leaking oil.
“Why are you helping me?” Eclipse asked.
“Look. I don’t give a fuck if you’re evil or whatever. I can’t kill you. I physically can’t. I’ll have a nervous breakdown over it and I know it. It would be like killing myself. I am not putting my mental state into that place. So you are gonna fuckin sit here, take your oil replacement, let me fix you, and you are going to be a good person after. Got that? I will fix you and you will behave. Or I will ship you to Moon otherwise. Then you get to beg for mercy he doesn’t have for you.” The other told him.
“Th-Thank you.” Eclipse sat letting the oil fix the detrimental levels in his systems. He simply let the other, maybe he could call him Solar?, look at his injuries and begin to get the parts together to go to Parts & Service.
By the time the oil was in his system, Eclipse felt less deathly sick, less trembly and dizzy with oil loss. Solar? had looked over his exposed internal machinery in his back and had thankfully not found anything damaged. Solar had also replaced his back casing already and calibrated it while the oil was transfusion was running into his system.
“Alright, up you go, hobbles.” Solar demanded him, unhooking the oil transfusion machine and took Eclipse’s right hand, hooking his other hand under Eclipse’s left ribs. Oh…his left arm was a goner of Solar wouldn’t even touch it to support him. So he was losing two limbs today.
“Don’t worry, I ain’t gonna drop ya.” Solar told him, putting Eclipse’s arm over his shoulders and letting himself be used as a can on Eclipse’s right side for his lost right leg. Eclipse winced with walking but Solar must be proving he could still use his left leg on the wait down to Parts & Service.
Eclipse gave a groan as Solar set him into the tube’s chair and put the new white and blue full right leg and a whole black and purple arm into the part machine. He also could see a new green and black faceplate and a pink left eye.
“This might be a little painful, it has to take off the remains of your right leg and left arm to attach the new ones and it’s going to take your rays out.” Solar told him.
“Solar?” Eclipse asked.
“Is that what you’re gonna call me?” Solar asked with a chuckle. “Yeah, what?” Solar asked.
“Can…Can you hold my hand?” Eclipse asked.
“Yeah, fine.” Solar stepped into the tube with him and shut the door, slipping his left hand to hold Eclipse’s right hand in his own. It made Eclipse relax to have someone with him when this process was absolutely terrifying.
He saw the machine begin to do its work, disconnecting his right leg at the hip joint and his left arm at his shoulder joint. He shut his eye tight and tried to focus on the feeling of Solar holding his hand, anything but the searing pain of disconnected limbs.
The tube connected the new limbs and started instantaneous calibration. Eclipse opened his right eye to see the machine descending an arm and taking off his remaining faceplate and rays and he squeezed Solar’s hand as it put his new left eye in and replaced faceplate.
“It’s over. Breathe.” Solar assured him and Eclipse nodded softly, taking a big breath to assure Solar.
“Alright. Let’s get back to the daycare and get you new clothes. You can’t go around with half your clothes basically.” Solar told him.
“Thank you.” Eclipse was a bit shaky on his new leg but he held to Solar’s hand still, letting Solar lead him to the daycare.
Once there, Solar threw a pair of black pants and a night cap with white constellations on them and a black shirt and new black and white ruffles. An entirely new outfit. It looked like it was a moon model’s kind of outfit.
“Yeah, we almost had a Star and Sky model here. Turns out Fazbear didn’t like their AIs and wanted to just scrap them. I kept their base models and outfits because I figured maybe I might need em. I’ll probably replace your casing for Star’s later so you match or whatever. Just so they don’t question why you’re here. I can say you just activated for some reason.” Eclipse looked at him with a cringe.
“You really kept two basically dead bodies?” Eclipse scrunched his nose at that.
“It’s not like we don’t already.” Solar gestured upstairs meaning his brothers.
“Oh…” Eclipse realized Solar must not have had an easy separation from that. He decided not to pick at it and simply went to get changed into the outfit.
When Eclipse came back, he saw Solar and his Moon. A temporary panic came over him as he saw Solar’s Moon.
“Eclipse, this is Crescent.” Solar introduced him.
“Hi, extra parasite.” Crescent greeted him.
“Be nice. Please.” Solar sighed.
“What? He is.” Crescent growled. Solar gave a bigger sigh and pinched his nose in annoyance.
There was suddenly a rustling in the ball pit and Solar and Eclipse looked up to see a third Eclipse in the ball pit looking panicked and confused as he looked at Solar and Eclipse.
“And now you have fucking two friends here! Worthless parasite, come get your little child!” Crescent announced angrily.
“Oh fuck.” Solar breathed out.
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slender-hero · 4 months
ughh... why does it require so much blood... I feel so weak...
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Love Deep As The Ocean
Cw: mentions of blood, bloodloss,injury,Food a minor being taken hostage ( not explicit). Implied trauma involving motherhood/becoming a mother (bcs being raised by a bad mother)
♡Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
Summary: Varun gets saved by a misterious person whom he ends up crossing paths multiple times.
->Songs: En el mar: la Sonora matancera, Sea of Love By Cat Power
(Im on Mobile. Sorry for the long post!)
♡Lovely Taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifepatrickbateman
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Varun stared at Jerico, quietly cooking lentil soup, his cheek on his hand, arm propped up on the table besides the dinner Plate.
He took a deep breath, letting the scent of the food invade his senses and make his shoulders relax.
The smell reminds him of the first time they met...
Harbor Ran holding his side, limping as his hand pressed against a wall.
REALM's men ran past the little alleyway he had hidden in, and once they are out of sight and ear reach he walks out and looks both ways.
Varun lets out a sigh of relief and walks back the way he came from, though his head feels light weight, breaths shallow and quick, the midday sun hits harshly against his skin. Has it always been this warm?.
His body slams against the wall covered in the shade of a nearby tree, sighing in relief. Blood loss is a bitch.
Looking at his bloodied hand, his vision doubles and gasps for air.
--Are you okay?--A voice asked.
He looked up, blinking to try to clear his eyes, sharp features of a face and a worried expression is all he can make out, the sun that filters through the leaves give them a sort of Halo around their head.
They say something he cant make out, and Next thing he knows he feels himself being carried away.
--Whats your blood type?--They asked.
--Huh-- wh-what was that beautiful?
He smiled seeing the blush spread across the person's cheeks-- Whats your blood type?
--type O...--He winced-- that bad huh?
--Yeah...try to stay awake--They muttered.
--Whatever you say Doc...
Well. Easier said than done, in a matter of seconds he was out like a light.
The Next time he wakes up, hes in a bed, half naked, his body felt sore, he blinks slowly regaining concioussnes.
--Wha- where am I?--He tried to sit up but the gash across his side stinged and burnt with pain.
--Easy, easy...--harbor Turned to see the misterious stranger that saved him.
Beautiful brown hair fell wildly down to where their shoulders started, green eyes, intense but warm, mildly thin lips that curled down, their expression showed worry and amusement.
--Uh...hi--He said laying back down sheepishly.
They laughed under their breath and handed him a bottle of water--Here-- varun slowly sat up with the help of his savior--You lost a lot of blood, drink water
He chuckled, eyeing his bracelet and nodding, drinkung from the bottle, the cold liquid was a relief from the brash heat. --I lost a lot of blood, where the hell did you get a blood transfusion
They sat besides him--I know a guy or two
--Works for me--He wasnt going to complain about getting his ass saved--I think I should know your name, to properly thank you
--Jerico-- they replied.
--Means city of the moon--He noted flirtly.
Jerico rolled their eyes--Alright, and whats your name?
--Varun, Nice to make your acquaintance~
--Alright, Varun, im going to make some lunch, you take it easy--They stood up, walking to the kitchen, Merely some meters away from the bed he was resting on.
Harbor soon laid down and interlazed his fingers togheter,resting his hands on his chest.
It didnt take long for the smell of food to invade the room, spices, dried herbs, Onions,bell peppers.
It feels oddly like home, and his body relaxes, was Jerico a total stranger? Yes, were they also very nice? Yes.
Varun felt like a pull towards them, an idea came to his mind but quickly dismissed it. Though a part of his mind didnt agree.
His eyes shoot Open, hearing a beautiful voice sing-- En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
Te verás bañada por las olas
Y serás sirena de mi amor
Hallarás amor entre sus aguas
Y tendrás del mar su inspiración..-- spanish,that was the language jerico was speaking while carrying him.
He Turned his head to see them, and their eyes go wide...
Warm summer breeze flowes through their hair, swaying it slowly and Gently, eyes half lidded while adding chili powder to some potatos, and he noticed the beautiful yellow dress that swayed with the same gentle breeze.
Breath leaves Harbors chest,oh. She was beautiful...
With a smile he closed his eyes and kept listening to her singing, maybe he wasnt too wrong in thinking what the thought before.
The food was great, spicy and salty, it tasted like home,and it made him feel like he had a home.
--Ever thought of doing something else than running away from guys?--Jeri teased.
--Hah, maybe, if REALM stops hunting me down..
--Maybe defend this world? I mean you have that thing--They tapped the bracelet, that seemed to react to their touch, the floating ball spins quickly, to then calm itself down.
--Hmm...well I am stuck with this for a reason..--He agreed-- this food tastes great,thank you
--Of course--Jeri smiled and varuns heart melted.
Their presence was calming, grounded, Like the calmness in the eye of the storm.
--When youre done you gotta take a bath,I need to change those bandages
He nodded--Cant move much though..
--Ill help, --they added not looking up from their Plate-- if- if you dont mind that is
--I uh...I dont--he confirmed,cheeks darkening.
During the bath, jerico Gently scrubbed the Mans chest, humming a song that made Varun feel relaxed, then she washed his hair, which almost makes him fall asleep, the caresses of her finger tips against his scalp felt right, Like this was the exact place he was supposed to be.
Soon they were sharing the only bed in the small appartment, he hugged their waist while they slept.
Harbor didnt feel right doing this at first, but the bed was relatively small, so he had no other choice.
But it also felt right, as if he was were he was supposed to be. Like some sort of karmic energy pulled him to her.
Sighing with resignation of not being able to figure out what was happening he closed his eyes and decided to join jerico in their sleep.
Jeri nursed him back to health during the following days, sharing small domestic moments, flirting and that sensation of a pull becoming stronger.
Now varun sat on the terrace of a building, a day after he left, his hair left a reminder of her scent. A part of her would be with him.
He snapped back to reality as he catched a glimpse of jerico's lizard tail sway to the rythm of the music in the radio.
Their sticky Hands let them Carry plenty of things, and for a moment he rememebred the second time they met.
Its late at night as varun walks through the streets, thinking of his savior, he hoped that the walk would clear his mind. Needless to say it didnt work.
--Get her!--A Man yelled, jerico ran with a young girl in her arms.
--Its okay-- jerico told the girl-- Duck your head in my chest,dont look behind
The girl obeyed and gripped her carrier's clothes.
As the men behind her prepare to shoot, a wall of water comes out of no-where and the bullets are stopped by it.
--That wall...Varun?!
--No time!--Harbor yelled putting a hand on their Lower back--follow me!
Both start running away, loosing their pursuers soon after.
--whats with the kid?--He asked out of breath
--She-- was a hostage..I was contracted to free her
He looked at the kid, Clothes and hair a mess--Are you okay?
The girl looked at him,clearly scared.
He Walked closer and kneeled to eye level--ठीक है, जवान...(its okay,young one),its okay, lets take you to your family yeah?
The girl nodded and her eyes rested on the bracelet--You like this huh? Its shiny, and guess what, its going to help us Keep you safe
Jeri giggled under her breath, she May not want to have kids of her own, but Seeing Varun like that made her melt a little.
--Do you know where her house is?
Jerico nodded--Yeah, c'mon--She picked the girl up and both started to walk.
Soon enough the girl fell asleep, jeri smiled and murmured a lullaby.
--So, how much are they paying you for the job?--He asked.
--Nothing really, her family is very poor-- she confessed-- im doing this for 'em
--Thats...very nice of you --She gave him a warm smile, fixing the girl so she was more comfortable--ill take her -- he Gently grabs the kid from her arms and lets the girls head rest on his shoulder.
In her eyes, Varun was perfect. She could see him as a dad.
--You'd be a great dad--she commented.
--Uh-uhm..Thank you-- he said,being catched off guard-- you'd be a great parent
Jerico looked away shyly,scratching the back of their neck-- dont really wanna have kids..but thank you...means a lot
He patted her back and smiled, she smiled back and both Walked closer to the other.
After handing the girl to her parents, they let them both share the spare room for the night.
--What made you take up that job?--Harbor asked, jerico's head against his chest, both looking out of the Window.
--I like helping people, making the world a better place --She admitted.
--The worlds better because you are in it--Varun said without thinking,it was genuine.
Jeri didnt reply, only nuzzled closer to him, her hand Inching closer to his.
He Gently takes their hand, and smiles,kissing the top of their head--shubh raatri (good night)
--Good night...--Jeri didnt quite get what he had said, but given the context, they figured the gist of it.
The Next day they parted ways, with longing stares and aching hearts.
Since then, Harbor took Jobs that benefitted the communities of the places he ran way to.
Some times he would lay down in bed looking out the Window, his mind revolving around the idea he had since day one of meeting them.
Lehnu,the link with another soul that causes you to keep crossing paths, positively impacting each other. It describes someone who helps you lead a life that serves a higher purpose.
That was the Hindu idea of Soulmates.
He wondered where they were now. Varun didnt think much of his life after he started to be on the run. But thanks to Jerico he wanted to make his life worth something.
But Varun also had influence on jerico, it felt good knowing that someone like him supported them even from far away, every little compliment he made to them stayed within them giving them strenght.
Harbor remembers he felt confident that he would see them again.
He never expected their Next meeting to be when both joined the valorant protocol.
Both stayed dumbfodedly at eachother, before hugging the other tight.
--You two know eachother?--Asked Brimstone.
--Sorta!--Jeri confirmed-- we ran into eachother a couple of times
They were Inseparable, between Jerico's shape shifting and earth powers and Varun's water powers they were the perfect match during combat
One night, they went up to the terrace of the base, hidden in a mountain on an island.
Both Drank from their teas, He had a chai one, and she had black tea.
Both looked at the Ocean, surrounding the island like as if the water was protecting the earth.
--Its beautiful...--He commented-- the Ocean at night...
--I love the Ocean...since I was a kid...I love the beach and the sand...
--Well I do have water powers...--He flirted looking at them, not expecting the answer they would give him
--Well, youre the embodiment of one of the things I love the most--They said, trying to mask the nervousness on their voice.
He tensed and looked away, cheeks warm.-- Well-- I uh...I dont know how to reply to that-- Harbor cleared his throat-- But thanks to you ive found out I love lizards...and flowers and plants..
They smiled standing closer to him, and he moved closer--I always feel safe around you, Like the Ocean protecting this island, I feel like im the island when im with you...,youre so calm and grounding...and nice...--He sighed, tapping his mug-- I uh...have a crush on you
Jerico pressed their head against Varun's shoulder--I do too..I wrote you a little something actually.. I really missed you...
--Can I hear it ?
--Sure...--They Drank from their cup and said-- "As an act of love the sea sent you to me.
'We spend a year appart, my shores long for your skin and your laugh,appart for such a Long time,so here,I bring him, the embodiment of that which you love so much'
And the moment your eyes laid on me, I felt the rushing waves sweep me away, and I felt the same love I do during summer near the shore.
Ebb and flow, the tide of your love, those brown eyes melt me like the summer heat, I can already feel the sand against my feet.
Youre everything I love. Everything I need.
Your calm, your flow, your shores your love"
He chuckled and hugged their waist, nuzzling their hair--I also wrote you something...
Harbor fumbled with his pocket before pulling out a piece of paper, Reading it-- "Brash sun,Hard earth.
The barren land that nothing grows, Harsh heat that blurrs my vision.
And then, gentle summer breeze, Soft dirt, the smell of dried herbs and spices, I met you just when the sun its at its highest
Calm light, warms my heart, the color of that dress you wore, while cooking lunch for an injured dog.
With you I dont have to hide, with you, the dangers of the barren land I used to run through dissapear, and I realize I want you,my dear..
My soft dirt, my warm summer breeze, my beautiful lotus flower, That Grants me rebirth.."
They take his free hand and look at him, and he leans in for the kiss, they kiss back, both smiling.
--Thanks for the food--Varun said. -- ive been thinking about our history togheter and...I think youre...youre my soulmate--He pulled jerico closer to his chest.
--I think youre my soulmate too...--Jeri agreed.
The screen that acted as a Window showed a calm beach at night, both look at it and giggle under their breath.
--In Hindu culture, there's an idea that you have a karmic connection with certain souls. In the Gujarati language, it's called lehnu: the link with another soul that causes you to keep crossing paths, positively impacting each other. It describes someone who helps you lead a life that serves a higher purpose.--He explained.
--Well...im glad we ended up togheter...--Jeri said.
--Me too, My lotus --He kissed them Gently, hugging them protectively.
--Thats such a beautiful petname, my Ocean...
He chuckled--Lotus mean rebirth...I think it suits you pretty well--Varun gave his lover a playful smile and closed his eyes-- Come with me my love
To the sea
The sea of love
I want to tell you
How much I love you--He started singing,caressing Their hair.
--Do you remember
When we met?
That's the day I knew you were my pet
I want to tell you
How much I love you --Followed jeri, nuzzling his chest with their eyes closed.
--Come with me my love
To the sea
The sea of love
I want to tell you
How much I love you..--He finished, noticing his lover was peacefully asleep, he chuckled and followed suit, the sound of the waves and the breath of his beloved relaxing his body and soul.
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nat-1-whump · 2 months
Whumpee was a capable magic user, having cultivated that skill their whole life. So, naturally, they took liberty in exercising it every change they got. From teleporting rather than traveling, to using telekinesis to carry heavy things, to using illusion spells to pull lighthearted tricks... it was a wonder they ever had any energy left to cast more spells at all.
However, they were injured and had to be hospitalized. The doctors put them on magic suppressants, warning them that using magic could be unpredictable, or even dangerous, in their vulnerable condition. It was safest to take their powers away for the time being.
Whumpee did not take this news well.
One evening, Caretaker went to visit Whumpee. Whumpee had seemed particularly upset with their loss of magic last time Caretaker visited, so this time, they brought them a stuffed animal. Hopefully it would comfort them, at least a little bit, as they recovered.
They expected to find Whumpee frustratedly picking at their bandages, or in a restless sleep, as usual. But when they opened the door, they found Whumpee knelt down on the floor, sobbing over a shattered mug.
Caretaker hurried to set the plushie on the bed. They crouched down next to Whumpee, and put a hand on their shoulder. "Hey, it's alright. I'll help you clean it up, and we can get you a new mug, okay?"
Whumpee sniffled. "I-I can't even fix a stupid cup..." They cried.
Caretaker instinctively glanced towards Whumpee's hands, worried that they'd cut themself trying to pick up the pieces. They were initially relieved to see that Whumpee hadn't, until they realized that Whumpee must have tried---and failed---to use a mending spell instead. That must be why they were crying now. "...Fix it? Whumpee, no... You can't. Not right now. Look, I'll go get a broom to clean up the pieces, and-"
"No, I want to do this..." Whumpee looked up at Caretaker, their eyes reddened and tearful.
"Whumpee, you can't, remember? They-the doctors, they put you on magic suppressants until you get better." Caretaker wasn't a magic user themself, so they wondered what it was like to lose magic powers after using them for so long. They figured it probably threw poor Whumpee's system all out of whack.
Whumpee considered for a moment. They looked at the broken mug, then back at Caretaker. "Wait, I think... I think I can force a tiny bit, just a little..."
"What do you mean, 'force?' Whumpee, I really don't think that's a good idea." Caretaker tried to take Whumpee's hands in their own, but Whumpee pulled away, focused on the broken mug.
Whumpee picked up a few pieces. They ignored Caretaker's protests and closed their eyes, chanting a mending spell under their breath. Their brow furrowed, as they seemed to strengthen their resolve to cast the spell.
To Caretaker's disbelief, a faint light began to flicker from Whumpee's palms, the glow peeking out from under the ceramic shards. A couple of pieces began to shudder, clinking as they seemed to gravitate towards each other.
Suddenly, the pieces went still. They clattered to the floor as Whumpee's arms fell limp. Like a reflex, Caretaker grabbed Whumpee and pulled them into an embrace before they could collapse into the pile of sharp pieces. The ceramic shards glittered in the light from the window, as if to taunt them.
"Whumpee!" Caretaker felt a warm trickle against their chest, and gently turned Whumpee's head up to see a stream of blood coming from their nose. They shakily pulled Whumpee up and took them back to their hospital bed, struggling to carry their limp body. After draping Whumpee over the blankets, they found a paper towel and began to clean the blood off their face.
Whumpee's eyes fluttered open as Caretaker wiped their bloody nose. "D-did I do it?" Their voice sounded distant and groggy.
Caretaker's heart broke. Whumpee sounded so hopeful. "No, Whumpee. Your cup's still broken. But you have to rest, okay?" They instinctively put a hand on Whumpee's chest to push them down, fully expecting Whumpee to try to pull themself out of bed.
Instead, Whumpee only stared up at them, defeated. Caretaker noticed the dark circles under Whumpee's eyes and was about to ask when they last slept, when Whumpee's gaze wandered past Caretaker to the floor.
Caretaker followed their eyes to where the fragments of ceramic seemed to glow in the fading sunlight. They felt they should leave Whumpee's side to clean it up, but now, such an action felt too... final. They figured it would only make Whumpee feel worse, watching the pieces they tried so hard to fix get swept up and dumped in the trash.
A sniffle from Whumpee pulled Caretaker back to the moment. They looked down to see Whumpee's eyes well up with tears. Wordlessly, they squeezed Whumpee's hand.
Whumpee pulled their hand away and curled themself up on the bed, hiding their face behind their knees. Their sniffling turned to full-on sobbing.
Caretaker gently stroked Whumpee's hair, trying to find the right words. "Whumpee... You need to rest. Nobody is expecting you to start casting spells again so soon. Not after all that happened."
Whumpee peeked over their knees. "It hurts. It feels like they took something out of me and it messed everything up."
"I know... But you'll feel better once you sleep, yeah? And the more you rest, the sooner you'll be recovered enough to handle your magic again." Caretaker pulled the blankets up to Whumpee's shoulder and handed them the plush toy they'd brought earlier.
Whumpee moved their legs away from their chest, exposing their face as they clutched the stuffed animal. Their momentary comfort gave way to worry. "What if I forget how to use magic while I'm in here, though? W-what if I'm never able to use magic again?" Their lip started to quiver.
Caretaker gave Whumpee a warm smile, though their eyes held a look of pity. "I'm not sure, Whumpee. I don't know a whole lot about magic... How it works, what it takes to learn it." They patted Whumpee's shoulder. "But whatever happens, I'll stay by your side every step of the way. I'll promise you that much."
A small smile formed on Whumpee's face. Though they still seemed worried, Caretaker's reassurance calmed their nerves somewhat. They closed their eyes, squeezing the stuffed animal against their chest.
The two rested quietly in the hospital room, the shadows stretching higher up the wall until the orange sunset outside had darkened to a rich purple. Once Whumpee dozed off, Caretaker swept up the broken pieces. They sat down next to Whumpee again and gently placed a hand on their cheek.
Whumpee mumbled contentedly. For the first time in a while, their sleep seemed... peaceful.
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limonjarritos · 9 months
LITERALLY LIKE- MY MAN FELL HARD AND INSANELY. LIKE WHO DOES THAT? I wouldn't have it any other way. Just the way that as soon as Rody came into his life he was like 'I need this man to be so whole-y mine.'
When I was playing the game my pet theory was that he fell for Rody's brand of love, for how he loved Manon (he did say that he spoke of Manon when they first met) and Rody's personality.
(read more because I am so annoying about this game vv)
Something something, how Rody loves so intensely to the detriment of himself (Manon told him to stop giving, to for once in his life realise that he needed to take care of him self and be stable. He can't just account for the other person's needs <- barely know her but I get why Rody was head over heels). How Rody's love is similar to his cooking, burning, burning himself, burning and oh so overwhelming. And I do think Vince wanted the feel of that burn for himself, wanted to feel the warmth and devotion of which he had been so devoid of. To understand what it was he was lacking. How love and cooking go hand in hand in the story, how Vince's dishes were devoid of love, how he can't taste. How Rody's love surely would be strong enough, would be the missing ingredient to allow him to finally taste something. (Also lack of taste going hand in hand with what looks like depression of some sort, or perhaps just apathy for life. How bland his own life may be. How such a love, such a person could perhaps bring some taste to his life.) Vince seems to have killed Manon as a form of trying to show Rody a similar type of love. Giving him something, giving him a meal made out of Rody's own love. A gift since he couldn't give his own brand of love in a way that matters, couldn't give it without showing his own brand of devotion. I do think he 100% had an underlying jealousy and hatred of Manon, how Rody was still stuck up on her. How she never once mentioned Rody when her and Vince dated (though outside of Vince's pov I'm pretty sure Manon was just doing the healthy normal thing by not mentioning an ex?? but Vince is soooo gone) which is obviously a sin (he doesn't seem to take kindly to people who are mean to Rody. Such as the article and Rody's old college classmate) and proof she wasn't deserving enough of Rody's love. But alas she was still a gift and show of love to Rody.
On the personality topic (thought I forgot about that did you?), Rody is such a brash and kind person. A perfect foil for Vincent's more stoic nature. Rody willing to try and befriend Vincent, running into the kitchen to talk to him. He showed a bit of said love to Vince by trying to befriend him and how could Vince not want more? (why wouldn't Vince try to reciprocate in his own way. Make him happy) I mean he seems pretty feared by his cooks, and the people at the party have mentioned that Vince is pretty ruthless, not at all a person many wish to get to know. But Rody is willing to, yet Vince wants his undivided attention...
Okay wow this has gone on way too long uhh I'm 100% open to further discussion especially if I forgot something! And I haven't really looked too much into the game past playing it, so any reveals the creator may have given I'm mostly unaware of and would love to be informed of more!
Anyways tiny Vincent attack!
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bluu3berry · 1 month
cw gore
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Testing out new blood brushes and found a bite mark one, idk how I feel about it the scratching one is good and the stain one is meh tbh
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kimetsu-chan · 9 months
~”Why her?!”~
TWS ⚠️ mentions of blood and death ⚠️ please, please do not read if you are sensitive to these topics.
This was written in 3rd person.
Milo’s hands hurt.
Her fingers were bleeding.
Tears fell from her eyes, making it hard to see what she was doing.
Tanjiro watched with worry from the doorway as Milo relentlessly stitched the haori in her hands. He wanted to tell her stop, to give her hands a rest for she had been at this for hours but he knew she wouldn’t listen.
~3 Hours Earlier~
Milo was waiting in anticipation, excitement was coursing through her veins as she awaited for them to return. Milo remembered what Tanjiro told her clearly.
“Miss Yuna and I are going to head out to track down a demon, okay? If we can’t find it in three days, we’ll come back”
Milo subconsciously touched the spot on her head where he had kissed before leaving.
Today was the day they were coming back and Milo was so excited to show them how far she had progressed. She waited with a large smile while sitting atop a large bolder. She was humming a random tune when she saw Tanjiro’s crow flying overhead. That meant they were close! She leapt off the boulder and ran towards where Tanjiro and Yuna promised to meet up at.
She saw a black and green checkered haori in the distance and raised her hand high in the air to wave at the approaching person. Person? Wasn’t Yuna with Tanjiro? Maybe she went to the butterfly mansion to patch up some wounds? Milo brushed away any worried thoughts as she ran up to Tanjiro. Milo quickly noticed the way he was looking down at the ground.
That was odd….
“Tanji…? You okay…?”
Tanjiro sighed and looked up at her with a heartbroken expression. He was starting make her worried. She hesitated for a moment but decided to take a step forward. She finally noticed a few wounds grazing his body.
“Tanjiro! You’re hurt—!”
Tanjiro frowned as tears welled up in his eyes. He gently grabbed her wrist as she reached out to him
“Tanjiro? What wro—“
She stopped as soon as he started crying. He let go of her wrist and slowly reached into his haori’s sleeve.
Milo could practically hear her heartbeat in her ears and that only quickened when she saw a glimpse of lavender. The same shade of lavender that made up Yuna’s haori. But that was just a coincidence, right? Right….?
Milo felt her heart drop as Tanjiro pulled out Yuna’s haori. She felt like she wanted to throw up. That she wanted to scream, to cry, to be comforted.
Because the haori was covered in blood. And Milo had the sinking feeling it wasn’t a demons.
Milo covered her mouth with her hands with a loud gasp and fell to her knees. She let out many choked gasps as the hysteria began to set in. Her breathing picked up rapidly as tears streamed down her face with no end. Tanjiro immediately crouched down and held out the bundled up and stained haori and his own voice was starting to betray him.
“Milo I-I’m so sorry. She wanted you to ha-have this…. To remember her by…”
Milo felt so guilty. Even in her last moments Yuna— no, mother was thinking about her. A child who wasn’t even blood related, a child she cherished so dearly.
Milo reached out to take the haori with shaky hands as Tanjiro continued to speak.
“There are a fe-few rips but we can get it repaired”
Milo was treating the damaged and dirty haori with the utmost care. She froze slightly when she felt something hard and cold in the folds of the lavender material. She shakily lifted the fabric to reveal a shiny copper hand guard. Milo couldn’t help the silent sobs that left her shaking body as he held the two items close to her chest. Tanjiro crawled towards her and wrapped his arms around her, offering Milo a shoulder to cry on. She immediately accepted this offer and buried her face into his shoulder. Tanjiro was rubbing her back whilst stifling his own cries when her devastated voice reached his ears.
“Why… why did this have to happen?! It’s not fair!”
Milo’s wails continued as she clutched Tanjiro’s uniform shirt.
“Why her?! Why did it have to be her? Why did it have to be one of the only people who cared for me?!”
No more words left Milo’s mouth as she let out a devastated cry. Tanjiro lifted her off the ground and led her to the butterfly mansion. People looked at her with pity for they knew the price of becoming a demon slayer.
No one truly knew how important Yuna was to Milo…
But one could assume that Milo thought extremely highly of Yuna by the way a small chunk of the copper hand guard was fastened into a necklace and the lavender haori was transformed into a gorgeous kimono once restored.
~La Fin~
Once again I think I ended this poorly 😭
Why did I decide to kill Yuna off again?! 😭
I need to make a Yuna Lives!AU.
(I forgot I promised to tag @larz-barz once this was finished—)
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ceruleanmusings · 1 month
Blood Diamond; Year Three
Year Two tw: hospital mention, allergy / allergic reaction, weight loss mention note: trying something different with this one
"I can't believe you! I told you—I told you! And you didn't listen! You never listen to me!"
"I'm sorry!"
"Sorry isn't going to fix anything! You hurt our little boy!"
"I did!?"
"He can't have nuts!"
"I didn't know!"
"...You didn't know? You didn't know James, your son—the son you so desperately wanted—had an allergy? What else don't you know, then?"
"Oh, don't do this Brooke."
"No, we're going to do this! Because of you, James will be traumatized for life!"
"That's ridiculous! It's not anaphylaxis! It's a mild allergy. Even the doctors said so!"
"Because that's better! 'James, I only hurt you a little bit! But it's okay because you didn't die'."
"Don't put words in my mouth. That's not what I'm saying and you know it."
"No, I don't. I don't know what you're trying to say at all. Only that James doesn't matter to you."
"He's my son! Of course he matters!"
"Then where were you when his daycare had their 'Dinosaurs with Dads' event? Hmm?"
"I was sleeping—I had a long night, Brooke! You know shows don't end until 11 or midnight. And what about you?"
"What about me?"
"You're home all day doing nothing! You could have been watching him!"
"Excuse me, I make sure you have a nice, clean house to come home to and 'relax' in, as you say."
"We have a maid service."
"Do you know how long it takes to vet them?"
"I'm not the one who has a problem with all of them."
"I wouldn't have a problem with them if my husband could keep his eyes in his head."
"Well maybe if you dressed up a little bit I wouldn't be looking at anything else."
"I have a three-year-old crawling all over me all the time! He grabs and pulls and ruins my clothes! If I'm out of his sight for a second he comes and finds me! It never ends! I needed a break from him! So what? You never see him! And the first thing you do when you're actually home is push him away and let him eat anything he wants!"
"I said I was sorry!"
"Don't tell me. Tell James. Tell James how sorry you are for hurting him. Tell your son how sorry you are for never being there for him."
"I'm working. Someone has to provide for this family!"
"And you provided the vehicle that sent him to the hospital. You're Father of the Year, like you've always wanted. Congratulations."
"...Forget it. I'll see you at home."
"Mommy, I'm itchy."
"I know, James, I know. But everything will be better soon, okay? Mommy will make it better. Mommy knows what you need to be healthy. Your daddy doesn't. Okay? Mommy will take care of you. From now on, I'll be in charge and make sure nothing hurts you ever again."
"Okay. Thank you. I love you, Mommy."
"...Excuse me, James says he's still itchy. Shouldn't he be feeling better by now?"
"Mrs. Diamond, as I've explained before—"
"Then you need to explain it again. Maybe using better words this time since you imply that I don't seem to understand my baby boy is suffering."
"...It will take some time for the antihistamines to go through his system but they're doing their job and he'll be good as new."
"Good as new. Really? James has just gone through a traumatic experience and you think he'll be the same after this? You think he'll just be able to forget? Like he wasn't harmed?"
"It's just an expression, Mrs. Diamond. With the right support, I only meant—"
"I knew what you meant. And it's okay. Because I'll be here for him and be all the support he needs. ...Oh and nurse? While you're here, I'd like to discuss James' weight loss options."
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@raging-violets @myloveforhergoeson @witchofinterest @partiallypearl
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rauther · 5 months
> @irulean — sender stitches up receiver's wound.
if irulan had never tended to someone like this before, an onlooker would not guess; her fingers moved with a strict precision and knowing dexterity that acted in accordance with how she lived, how she spoke, how she breathed [measured by the atom, conditioned to know it by mere feeling]. it was something that didn't go unnoticed by feyd-rautha, that pompous[?] propriety of outer worlds felt something like a slight on the draconian harkonnen way— a way to darken their image across the galaxy and gesture to their savagery, in a manner that platforms their civility and all-round betterment. among other worlds, feyd-rautha was nothing more than a weapon; a blunt tool without mind nor acumen, who only acted in blood. he feels their underestimation like a dull blade that continues cutting, breaking skin in that slow, malicious manner that demands to be felt. but if anything, feyd-rautha was a performer; concealing his intuition from even the princess until his voice could be heard across the cosmos, their knees would touch the ground in professions of mercy. for now, he was fine to play the savage; giving them everything they expected and more, purging his peripheries of those who dared defy him.
as she sutures the wound with paste, his attention flickers from her dignified hand [its slight golden hue in contrast to his pallor, as though her skin had been dipped in spice and desert sands] up, up towards the ornate detail of her dress sleeves; the florid stitching and beading that created an elaborate web to conceal much of her skin, but progressive enough to allow rays of gold to peek through still. the baron traces these intricacies like a path towards her collarbones, lingering on the hollow of her throat before finally finding the rigid locks that frame her jaw; never a millimetre out of place. feyd doesn't dare venture to touch the harsh lines of her face, unsure of the deception it might bring; she was bene gesserit, he'd had fragments of time stolen from beneath him by one that bore the same beginnings, awoken as that person, whom he did not wholly recognise, stepped out from his bed, an act committed but not remembered. he pushes the piecing of vacant space from his mind, stalls instead by the resplendent ends of fair locks, wondering for a short moment how they would feel between his fingers. [but when she notices him noticing, gaze returns to the self; discerning the paste lodged into his side that promises a blemish-free healing, unlike those that litter his back and sides. this insignificant blunder in battle was not something worth keeping, a mere slice between abdominals that seem to contract with every small touch they exchange. as though indecent, forbidden.] it is the most intimate they had ever been, emotionally and physically; the togetherness in mending, her deft fingers ghosting across his blood-soaked skin is somehow worth something more than had ever been previously shared, as though this moment is as honest as things could be between them. it felt vulnerable, and yet the venomous barbs that drowse beneath his flesh do not stir at this painstaking unfamiliarity, but still as though comforted; the knife at their side glimmered for attention beneath the harsh light of his chambers, but remained untouched.
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diss-is-very-gay · 1 year
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A little card inspired by a speculated past “hero” GL!Charlie to celebrate the final chapter of Generation Loss! I’m so excited to see how our current hero fares against this new reality :]
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 6 months
Jigsaw/Ruin: *grabs kitten bloodmoon* The twins will love you..
Kitten bloodmoon: *flailing while pitifully crying*
Jigsaw/Ruin: I almost pity you, bloodmoon…
(can you tell that I’m pretty sure during the October takeover the kitten blood twins would be terrified & ruin would be the first to pick up that the twins are now a kitten?)
Jigsaaw just loses the other eye and his other foot too because both sets of twins just maim him.
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Whumpee stared up at the ceiling, hands weakly pressing down on the bleeding gash across their abdomen. Their chains rattled as they moved their foot to keep it from falling asleep.
They leaned their head back against the wall, closing their eyes for a moment. Whumper loved their little games and tests, like trying to see which tool got a better scream out of them. Depriving them of their senses, save for the touch of a knife. It wasn't about information anymore. Just pure pain.
Whumpee took the jagged edge of their cuffs and made another tally mark on the walls. They looked down, watching as their blood began to seep through their clothes and onto the floor.
They grimaced. There wouldn't be anymore tally marks. They felt a tear form in their eyes. They only wished they could say goodbye to Caretaker.
It was at this moment unconsciousness began to set in, Whumpee's blood forming a little river. Drip... Drip... Drip...
A loud bang stirred Whumpee slightly. They squinted as light streamed in for the first time in days. A blurry, tall figure came into view, a slender figure behind them, keeping watch.
They frowned. They knew that voice. Caretaker? Could it be?
Whumpee closed their eyes for a moment, trying to focus just on the voice. "Whumpee...?"
They smiled weakly. "Took you long enough," they wheezed, managing to open their eyes again. God, they missed that face.
Caretaker's eyes lit up. They pulled the key ring from their coat, unlocking the shackles quickly. The chains clattered to the floor, the sound shrill in Whumpee's ears. They winced, hand sliding in their blood.
Caretaker looked down, watching the crimson pool. "Whumpee..." They couldn't meet their eyes, knowing it was their fault Whumpee was here. Not that Whumpee blamed them. They chose to follow Caretaker, to protect them. "Can you stand?" They finally asked.
Whumpee gritted their teeth as they struggled to slide their feet under them. They swore as their limbs refused to get them above a kneeling position. "God, this is pathetic," they muttered, hand pressing into their side. A low whine threatened to escape but they stopped themself.
"Promise you won't be mad at me?"
Whumpee frowned as Caretaker said this, only to see why. They scooped the much smaller Whumpee up into their arms, carrying them like it was nothing. A seemed to be struggling to suppress a snicker.
Normally, Whumpee would loathe this. But right now, Caretaker was warm and sturdy and safe, and Whumpee let themself drift off into unconsciousness once again, even as Caretaker begged them to stay awake.
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In League — A Lucky Blunder, part II
Summary: (Continued from part I) Wyatt is certain the rest of the gang has been torturing interrogating the wrong boy so he intervenes (just not too quickly). Beta read by @alittlewhump!
CW: Late-19th century, explicit language, kidnapping/abduction, nudity implied (non-sexual), restraints, manhandling, torture/interrogation, taunting of prisoner, burns, knife, blood, loss of consciousness, multiple whumpers.
The similarities were absolutely striking. It was impossible to pinpoint the variations, with this boy in front of him, eclipsing any memory of the other. His mind was determined that they should be one and the same, that there wasn’t any need to count them separately. 
But there was something about this boy that was subtly, barely, yet undeniably different. The way expressions played across his face, perhaps. Muscles of his jaw tightening when Frankie prodded his chin to get him to look up. His eyes narrowing as he resisted, expecting the slap before it came. The way they filmed over with tears and his nostrils flared with the effort of keeping quiet as his head was raised for him in a pinching grip.
Facing his captors, the unfortunate doppelgänger grew red in the cheeks, flush inching down his neck and chest. There were fresh cigarette burns there and littering the undersides of his upper arms. He had his mouth set in a hard line at the moment but his face was a mess of tears and snot from whatever crying or begging he must have been doing earlier.
Wyatt took a measured step forward. “Has he confessed?” 
The boy’s eyes snapped up, gaze unrelenting as it burned into Wyatt with a bitter righteousness. This was definitely not the same boy.
“Not yet.” Alfred struck a match to light his cigarette and the boy flinched toward the wall. The poor thing overspent what slack he was hanging by and wound up losing his footing. He swung even closer to Alfred and the open flame before he caught the ground again, bare toes scuffing on the rough concrete. It was already blotched red from his prior struggling. 
Frankie and a few others laughed. “Keen for some more?” He grabbed the boy by the ankle, pulling his leg up so Alfred could hold the lit match to the inside of his knee. 
The boy yelped, trying in vain to kick free of Frankie’s bruising grasp. He panted through his nose, trying to bear the rest quietly, knuckles turning white as he clenched his fists in their restraints. When the flame neared Alfred’s fingertips, he dropped the match and the boy was likewise released. 
The display had earned more teasing laughs and he flushed even redder, chest heaving as he caught his breath. He looked as though he wanted to tear them all to shreds but his lashes were wet with tears he did a poor job of holding back.
“Claims we’re ‘mistaken’,” Frankie explained. He was one of the oldest, closer to thirty, but still clinging to a youthful immaturity you’d expect in someone a decade his junior. In keeping with that, he produced a knife and held the side of the blade just beneath the boy’s ribcage, flat against his stomach. “Isn’t that right?” 
He was underfed enough that Frankie could insert the knife clean up into his lung, a fact that the boy clearly appreciated from the way he’d visibly stopped breathing. “Please,” he whispered, tears now falling in earnest as he shook his head as much as he dared. “I swear it wasn’t me.” 
Jimmy, whose brother was still bedridden from the whole incident, jumped up, shouting, “Fuckin’ lying little prick!” and backhanded the boy across the face. 
He’d flinched with nowhere to go as soon as Jimmy had moved but Frankie hadn’t responded as quickly and in the exchange had managed to unintentionally draw blood. The boy wasn’t even reacting to the fresh cut though. His eyes were unfocused and his posture slack as he hung on his wrists.  
Wyatt took another step forward. “All right. That’s enough, surely. The lesson to be learned is ours, lads, one of diligence.” He looked around, made sure to read the others’ gazes as he continued, “we deserve what we got if our plans were waylaid by a spy that didn’t even infiltrate our ranks and merely sourced his intel on the streets.”
The room was silent for a beat, save for the thin, ragged breathing of the boy.
Only one or two of the men were new enough or plucky enough to have to lay eyes on Wyatt to read if he was serious or not. He didn’t exercise his veto power that often, after all. The rest knew better than to be told twice and were already ambling up the stairs, bottles swinging loosely from their hands. They’d make their way to the pub at the end of the corner, aptly named The Corner, and busy themselves with darts or otherwise. 
None of them were truly cruel, just easily swept up in the moment. 
Wyatt waited until the last pair of boots had cleared the parlour above before he moved closer. “You all right?” 
The boy only whined somewhere in the back of his throat and made a limp half-start at wincing away. In all likelihood, still seeing stars. Wyatt wrapped an arm under his shoulders and lifted him off the hook. The boy slumped against him, bearing none of his own weight. He’d be easy enough to carry, scrawny as he was. 
Wyatt looped the other boy’s arms around his own neck and was about to pick him up when the boy came to again. 
He panicked, backing away and dragging Wyatt along with surprising strength. His back soon hit the wall and he found himself caught between it and Wyatt. 
“Pleasepleaseplease—” He tried in vain to squirm away. Not understanding they were entangled, he pulled mindlessly at his bound wrists which only forced Wyatt nearer and pinned him further.
“I’ll not harm you—” Wyatt tried to catch the other boy’s gaze and, when that failed, made to take his chin in hand to still him. He narrowly avoided getting bitten. “For fuck’s sake, lad. I’m trying to help you.” 
Before the feral thing managed to get them both on the ground, Wyatt pulled him away from the wall with just a little more force than necessary, sending him tripping forward. 
The boy yelped as Wyatt caught him but swiftly bit down on the tail of the cry when he found himself cradled in Wyatt’s arms. He stayed still as a corpse and didn’t dare to meet Wyatt’s eyes, instead choosing the safety of silent deference. 
Upstairs, Wyatt sat the boy on his bed, ducking out from under his arms and sitting down beside him. He kept hold of his wrists, for a moment, but the boy remained subdued. All the fight left down in the cellar, it seemed. 
He pulled the boy’s hands to his knee and started working at the rope. “How about a lie-down?”
“N—” The boy bit his quivering bottom lip, eyes downcast. “Please, sir…”
Christ, could Frankie tie a knot. 
“Please—” He swallowed, his face reddening. “Be slow,” he whispered, letting one knee fall to the side. 
“To rest.” Wyatt lifted his freed hands for him to see. 
The boy inhaled sharply, eyes flicking up to Wyatt’s. He slowly began to pull his hands away, gaining conviction as Wyatt didn’t move to stop him, and then wrapped his arms around himself. It must have been tender but he gripped himself tightly, fingertips pressing into what flesh they could find. 
Wyatt reached for one of his shirts that hung over the footboard. “Here.”
“But I’m—” He looked down at himself. “Surely—”
“It’s all right, it’ll clean.” The cut on his belly was shallow after all and didn’t seem to be bleeding any longer. Wyatt held the shirt out again. The boy wavered for another moment before finally bowing his head. Wyatt slowly helped him thread his arms into the sleeves, mindful of his injuries. 
It was too large. Even with the topmost button fastened, the boy’s sharp collarbone was visible on either side but it was long enough for a nightshirt. He wrapped his arms around himself again, blinking up at Wyatt, expression something of a cross between apprehension and gratitude. 
“What’s your name?” 
“Sir—I—” His eyes darted around Wyatt’s face.
“It’s not a trick.” 
He reddened at his fear being called out so plainly. “August.” 
The boy chewed his lip, clearly mustering up courage to speak. 
“Go on then.” 
He shook his head. “I’m sorry—I—” 
“My name is Wyatt.” 
August only nodded. Wyatt wondered how long he’d err on the side of caution and keep calling him ‘sir’. Probably for as long as he imagined he might wind up back in the cellar. 
“Rest now. We’ll talk in the morning and you can wash up when it's not so cold.” He moved to stand but one of the boy’s hands made a start toward him. Almost like he was going to catch Wyatt’s arm before he’d remembered himself. He tucked it back around his middle with a mumbled apology, glancing sideways at the door.  
“No one will hurt you again.” His words didn’t seem to carry much weight, despite being as good as law, so Wyatt tried another angle. “This is my room, I’ll not be leaving.” He tipped his head toward the desk. 
The boy nodded thoughtfully. He looked grateful for each piece of information given, accepting it carefully as he stashed it away. His wide eyes scanned the room once more, just as mindfully taking everything in, before they returned to his lap. He was hesitating to meet Wyatt’s gaze. 
“You can sleep by the fire if you’d rather,” Wyatt guessed. A bed to oneself was not a comfort familiar to everyone, especially those who were only there to warm them. 
Again, August acted as if waiting to be stopped as he slipped off the bed to tread across the room. The old floorboards, which normally creaked, hardly made a sound under his feet. Once he reached the carpet, his passage was completely inaudible. He faltered beside the armchair, well-nigh looking over his shoulder to Wyatt but stopping himself before he did. 
“Take the chair,” Wyatt said quickly before the wretched thing resolved to curling up on the floor. He followed with the bedcovers. 
August sank into the chair gingerly before pulling his gangly legs up along with him and wrapping his arms around them. Wyatt settled the covers around his shoulders. 
“Thank you. Thank you, sir.” The sincerity of his thanks was not in keeping with the mistrust in his eyes. 
Wyatt looked away. 
It was plain the boy wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon. Wyatt pulled his own chair away from his desk and sat across from August, who pretended to not be wholly unsettled by the arrangement.
Part III
@whumpy-writings @writer-reader-24 @deluxewhump @no-whump-on-main @maracujatangerine @whumptakesthecake  @painsandconfusion @wolfeyedwitch @briars7 @gala1981 @redwingedwhump @whumpflash @peachy-panic @hold-him-down
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friedrocks · 1 year
Oh I hope there's so much blood and gore next stream because Ran's mask is turned off. I want to see that the 'slime' was actually blood and guts the whole time. That frank is either an actual human skeleton, or maybe worse, a body. That they actually did in fact cause so much death but he had no idea because their mask was filtering it all.
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cosmicjunkyard · 1 year
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Put these two in a room together whos coming out drenched in fake blood first
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bluu3berry · 2 months
Cw: Blood, Derealization
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Maybe I shouldn't have looked back that day....
ANYWAYS THIS is a new OC I'm calling Ripped! They have literally no lore just like all my other liminal ocs, well except the eyeball one..
@anon-coke @borisboring @scramble-eg @the-second-season
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