#🌙 ✦ au : persona 4.
nanacuyin · 3 months
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Red guy (Headcanons generales)
Para tener todo ordenado, tomaré los headcanons de la serie web y de la serie de TV como contenido diferente, para no revolver este chilaquil.
Muy probablemente habrán puntos donde dejaré que se una ambas series para agregarle ese picante a los headcanons, sin embargo, aclararé cuando hayan headcanons importantes idk.
🌙━━━━━•°•°•❈•°•°•━━━━━ ⭐
Trío de protagonistas (Tv versión):
Red Guy es uno de los tres protagonistas principales de DHMIS, junto a sus amigos Yellow, suponemos, Guy/Doi y Duck/Robin. 
Durante ambas series, parece tener el rol de representar a un adulto joven, mientras que Duck representa a alguien anciano o adulto y, por último, Yellow Guy representa a un niño. Sin embargo, nunca se han mencionado sus edades canónicas, excepto en el piloto realizado para la serie de TV, donde se menciona la edad de Yellow Guy. No obstante, al ser un piloto, no se toma como la edad canónica.
En general, no admite que son amigos cuando alguien ajeno le pide que los menciona como tales. Sin embargo, se tienen el uno al otro y definitivamente no soportan estar separados. Hay varios ejemplos de esto: cuando intentó desconectar a Colin para hacerlos escapar del mundo digital, cuando los llamó después de irse del programa en el episodio 4, y cuando intentó liberar a Yellow Guy/Doi del control de Roy, entre otros. Estos momentos ocurren a lo largo de la temporada 1 en general y en los episodios 2 al 4 de la temporada 2. Este headcanon aplica para ambas series, sin embargo, su ego parece ser más marcado en la serie de TV. Mientras que en la serie web parece ser más imparcial con el tema, sabes, ansiedad 24/7.
A veces actúa como una pareja divorciada  con Duck guy/Robin durante la segunda temporada (no necesito citar pruebas lol, en cada episodio discuten algo).
Lo que opina de Duck Guy/Robin es realmente simple. A lo largo de la serie, se preocupa por él, pero debido a su ego, simplemente no lo admitiría en voz alta. Un ejemplo donde ha sido honesto con sus sentimientos al respecto fue cuando se abrió con él en el último capítulo de la segunda temporada. Además, en el capítulo dos de la segunda temporada, muestra que no soporta la idea de que Duck Guy/Robin haya muerto.
Con Yellow Guy/Doi la cosa cambia, aunque solo un poquito. También se preocupa por él; de hecho, a veces, es más amable con él que con Duck Guy/Robin. Sin embargo, lo considera más como un hijo o sobrino hasta cierto punto, buscando su seguridad. (Bueno a veces)
Durante la serie de TV, parece no recordar a ningún profesor ni sus lecciones. Sin embargo, si lo hiciera, muy probablemente tendría en mente a dos maestros como sus personas no favoritas: Coffin y Warren. No obstante, realmente no recuerda quiénes son después de unas horas, por lo cual no le afecta realmente.Por otro lado, sus lecciones "favoritas" fueron las del trabajo y el transporte, aunque esta última le agradó solo por la pequeña posibilidad de escapar de esta pesadilla, según sus propias palabras.
Dentro del "AU" o de las teorías, se menciona que están atrapados en un "bucle" o un reinicio de mentes después de cada día, sin embargo, hay momentos en los que logran recordar o "soñar" con los profesores. Este reinicio o lavado de cerebro no ocurre cuando están con Roy, por lo tanto, le temen mucho más que a Lesley. (Realmente no sabe que existe Lesley).
🌙━━━━━•°•°•❈•°•°•━━━━━ ⭐
En caso de que puedan recordar y tomar en cuenta ambas series:
En su lista de maestros “favoritos” entrarían: Paige/sketchbook (ella se veía aterrada por ellos, créanme), Briefcase, Colin (solo cuando están en la casa de Lesley) y electracey.
Realmente no serían sus personas favoritas en caso de estar en una habitación solo con ellos; sin embargo, los soportaría. Realmente, el peor pecado de Paige fue dañar la pintura de Yellow Guy. De hecho, ella no parece estar cerca de ellos, ni siquiera en la temporada 2. Briefcase tampoco es su persona favorita. ¿Disfrutó su momento siendo el jefe? Sí. ¿Volvería a tomar una clase con él? Tal vez. Con Colin ocurre algo similar: no tomaría una clase con él de nuevo, por lo menos no en el Día del Padre, aunque le agrada la idea del día anual del mundo digital. Por último, Electracey es agradable. Su peor acto fue dañar a un hámster y poner a Yellow Guy/Doi en una silla eléctrica. Sin embargo, también le quitaron las pilas y la sobrecargaron con otros aparatos electrónicos, so…
Si tomáramos a un Red Guy/Harry de la primera temporada con conciencia, muy probablemente la lista de maestros no favoritos se elevaría. En primer lugar, se encuentran aquellos que han causado algún daño al grupo, por lo menos que él conozca. Algunos de ellos serían Tony, Colin de la primera temporada, la pandilla saludable, Coffin, Warren, los gemelos y Chu Chu Man. Sin embargo, no todos están aquí por ser considerados aterradores. Hay casos específicos, como el de Warren, que simplemente era molesto. Chu Chu Man solo vino a morir, por lo cual tampoco conoce al tipo y sería indiferente ante él. El conflicto es más que nada con la clase, lo mismo ocurre con Coffin.
“El gusano en mi cabeza dice que no tengo el tipo de cuerpo para usar Jeans y yo solo digo que se relaje” 🗣‼‼‼
Volviendo a las personas que Red Guy/Harry teme, Roy es una de ellas. Su comportamiento es simplemente extraño al respecto, y a veces (casi nunca) se pregunta cómo terminó trabajando con él (momento Fnaf 💯‼🔥). Hace todo lo posible para mantener a Yellow Guy lejos de él y realmente odia los días del padre. 
Extendiendo la opinión general de los maestros y sus clases:
🎨🖍 Paige/Sketchbook (Clase de la creatividad): Realmente no tiene una opinión muy concreta. Durante su clase, tuvo la mayor parte del tiempo libertad; sin embargo, no mantendría una charla con ella.
🕛 Tony/The clock: Es difícil de explicar. Durante su clase fue indiferente; él sabía que no estaba en el libreto, pero aun así le siguió el juego. Mala idea, por cierto.
A veces lo odia, muy pocas veces lo ama y, la mayor parte del tiempo, no le presta atención. Sin embargo, fue difícil olvidar lo que pasó en la casa de Roy. Actualmente, solo es el reloj que habla de vez en cuando para dar la hora, no suele entrometerse en las clases de los demás maestros.
🦋♥ Shrignold: No lo conoce, no lo ubica, no. Yellow Guy parece ser un niño que se guarda mucho las cosas, especialmente en la primera temporada. Dudo que le cuente su traumática experiencia al grupo. Sin embargo, estoy pensando en elaborar algunos headcanons sobre cómo actuarían los estudiantes y su relación con aquellos maestros que no llegaron a conocer, al menos no en su clase.
🖥️🖱️Colin/The computer: Realmente considero que él se divide en dos interacciones: la buena y la mala. La buena es en los días de computadora, los días normales con Leslye. Luego están los días malos, los días del padre. Odia hacer esos especiales con Roy, pero los soporta hasta cierto punto. Colin es el punto límite.
Fuera de eso, muy seguramente Red guy podría tener algún tipo de conversación con Colin (si es que ellos puedan tener algún tipo de conversación de cualquier tipo fuera del tema de la clase).
🥩🍞Healthy Band: Al igual que Shrignold, tampoco los ubica. La única vez que los vio fue cuando intentó sacar a Yellow Guy/Doi de esa simulación, por lo cual tampoco le prestó demasiada atención en ese momento. Tampoco es que se vea durante la segunda temporada (de manera pasiva como Tony o Colin).
💡🛏️Larry/The lamp: Tampoco hará falta repetirlo: tampoco lo ubica, más que ese otro maestro que aterra a Yellow Guy. Sin embargo, durante la segunda temporada tiene un rol más definido y no tan deformado.
Él se encarga de una que otra pregunta filosófica durante el sueño, por lo cual puede que hayan tenido una que otra charla breve. (Tengo la pequeña teoría que él fue quien le dijo algo respecto a su realidad al inicio del episodio de los transportes).
📕💼Briefcase: IDK. Casi no se le ve en todo el episodio. Él piensa que su clase fue algo interesante, digo, no le gustaba la idea de trabajar al inicio, pero le gusto ser el jefe y seguir haciendo nada (el trabajo de cualquier jefe si te soy sincera). Clase 10/10, excepto cuando Yellow guy pierde la mano. Not a funny Briefcase.
⚰️🪦Coffin: De acuerdo, sentimientos encontrados. Realmente esta celoso que Coffin no lo considerara lo suficientemente bueno como para estar muerto, a pesar de no saber qué es lo que significa. Sin embargo, eso cambió después de ver todo lo que conlleva. 
No tendría una conversación con él, tampoco lo odia, pero a veces tiene sentimientos encontrados por dejar a su “amigo” a dos metros bajo tierra.
👫🏼🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼 Lily y Todney: Al principio, los consideraba ciertamente raros e incómodos, pero estaba lo suficientemente interesado en encontrar una "familia" que decidió seguirles el juego. Sin embargo, no salió bien (como en todos los episodios). Simplemente digamos que se mantendría algo precavido en caso de encontrarlos de nuevo (obviamente,si los recordara).
Muy en el fondo, le gustaría que le dijeran quién fue su verdadera familia antes de Duck y Yellow Guy. No lo sé, es un sentimiento muy probablemente agridulce.
🦅🪱 Warren the Eagle: Molesto, horrible, bulleable, detestable, irritante. Lo aborrece, aunque no como para hacerlo tirar espuma. Sin embargo, es de los más irritables. Desde cómo interrumpió el día de computadora (con uno de los pocos maestros agradables) hasta cómo se quedó bailando dentro del cerebro de Yellow Guy en vez de ayudarlo.
Dentro de mis headcanons, tengo uno donde cada vez que se van a dormir recuerdan, a veces, un cachito del día y de cada clase, por lo cual se despierta de malas en caso de tener alguno con Warren.
🚂⛽ Choo Choo Man: Red Guy estaba un poquito desesperado por irse, por lo cual no formó una opinión demasiado clara del señor Choo. Sin embargo, al igual que con Lily y Todney, lo encuentra raro y un poco asqueroso por todo ese vómito negro. Aunque se veía un poco más empático y entendió, solo un poquito, que el señor Choo estaba pasando por un momento difícil.
🔌🔋 Electracey:‼️Definitivamente su maestra favorita por mucho‼️ Pensó que era un poco triste los primeros segundos por quedarse ahí atorada. Sin embargo, eso cambió cuando empezó su clase, definitivamente una de las mejores. 
Vamos, una clase interactiva como un programa de televisión, respondiendo preguntas y ESE SOLO DE GUITARRA🗣️. Definitivamente le gustaría tener una que otra charla con ella y Colin.
12 notes · View notes
riaarivic · 2 years
HATE 2: Wanted (M) I MYG x F!Reader
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🌙 Pairings YoongixReader
🌙 Genres Mafia!AU, Smut, Angst, Action, Thriller, Enemies to lovers
🌙 Rating 18+ minors DNI
🌙 Summary  You were an INTERPOL Agent assigned to infiltrate the depths of the most powerful Gang in South Korea: The Seven Moons. Your objective: to impersonate the daughter of one of their leaders and destroy the operation from within. That is, if they don't discover you first.
And Traitors won’t have the mercy of a quick death
🌙 Warnings For this chapter: mentions of death and vioence, foul language, mentions of drugs and criminal activities 
🌙 Chapter wordcount 3390 words
🌙 Series Index
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
🌙 HATE 2: Wanted 🌙
“I hope you're ready for it my dear. Don't speak the truth too loudly, might hear” 
2 months before.
INTERPOL base, Lyon, France.
You strolled through the corridors of the Organized and Emerging Crime Division of INTERPOL, hurried and groggy. Morning came later than you'd planned, thanks to the never-ending line at the coffee shop. You'd chose death over the sewer water they call coffe back at the office any day.  Even if it meant losing your head by being late.  Again.
As you walked into the main building, you realized you willl never stop being amazed by it’s imposing structure. Always surrounded by a serene forest, contrasting sharply with the interior's organized chaos. Today the aftermath of a major drug bust had left everyone swamped with paperwork. Paperwork mountain? Check. Sleep-deprived agents? Double check
 Although, there was something unusual to this morning’s fuss. Something caught your attention.
There was a buzzing sensation in the building. 
Like the static right before a lighting stikes. 
"Oh, so it's true," you thought with a sly smile. Rumors hinted at intel about a big shark from Asia. "There's no rest for the wicked." 
You sighed as you turned into your office, colliding with a French wall named Emmet Beauchamp. He was a senior agent and the resident jerk with a badge.  "Good morning, Y/N. It appears you're as punctual as ever. Modern agents seem to lack responsibility, that is why we didn’t have women in the force back in the day" Emmet greeted you with a sarcastic grin, and if he weren't such a misogynistic idiot, you might have liked the guy.
"Good morning, Emmett. Sorry, got held up in bed... I was busy sleeping with your wife," you replied with a wry smile, pushing open the door to your office.
Emmet laughed heartily, seemingly amused by your response. "The boss is looking for you, chérie, and she's not in a sunshine mood. Blood's in the water today."
Blood in the water. 
That phrase sent a shiver down your spine. It meant there was information about a Clan.
There's no way this could be any ordinary day.
And if your boss, the notorious ice queen of the organized crime division was in a bad mood, that information promised to be very, very big.
Your path led you to her office, Ex-Lieutenant Alice Lucas was sitting at her desk, sipping her third cup of coffee. Her designer suits and sleek black hair gave her a commanding presence. But her most striking feature was her deep blue eyes, like a tempestuous sea. 
Looking into them for too long felt like drowning.
"Morning, Boss," you say, but thinking, "Morning, Satan."
"Good morning, Y/N. Please, have a seat," she said in her calm tone, still gazing out the window.
She didn’t have to tell you, you knew you’d be the one she'd send to Asia. 
You were an undercover agent, yes.
That and your father was korean
Was as in, both of your parents died when you were still a child from an armed robbery by members of a gang in Seoul. 
So, you’ll denfinitely could blend in whatever persona your boss was about to create for you. 
You’d look the part.
Director Lucas had known you since your days as a naïve Marine recruit. She'd practically raised you in the army. There was nothing maternal or forgiving about her, but you owed her your life.
She had also convinced you to move to France and join the Organized Crime Division. She'd been there for you, in her own chilling way, when you needed her the most.
"Director Lucas," you responded, maintaining your composure and pretending you weren't internally begging her not to send you on that mission. You play it cool, joking, "So, what is it? Tokyo? Beijing?" secretly praying it's not Seoul. 
Was the death of your parents where all your hate for crimminals started? Kind of, Yeah.
Was that the reason you joined the army when you turned 18? No.
You joined the special forces is because you were raised by your grandma in a town in the middle freezing Wyoming, where everyone knew everyone and no one looked like you. With almost no connection to the outside world.
And places like that are not very welcoming for a 6 year old orphan girl who could only speak korean. On your first day of school, You stood out like a cow wearing rollerblades on a ballet class. That’s why you had to learn self-defense from a very young age. 
The first chance you had to run from that place, you took it it and never looked back.
Despite everything, you had managed to become one of the best agents in your division. You could speak several languages, were a specialist in surveillance, counterintelligence and hand-to-hand combat. You had under your belt a dozen perfectly accomplished missions despite being so young.
You were a soldier, a true warrior...
And It had not been three days since you had returned from your last mission.
About time the director gave you a fucking raise.
Lucas cuts to the chase. "Seven Moons. We've got a lead. It's big. and I want you on that mission," the director finally looked at you.
Your heart skips a beat.
The mention of the Seven Moons meant confronting the city where your parents were killed by gang members. 
You never wanted to go back to Seoul, and now you had to.
Well, fuck your luck.
She didn’t wait for your reaction “You know perfectly well the importance of finally bringing this Clan to justice, they have gone too many years controlling the gun trade and drug trafficking of Korea” There was a small pause like she didn’t want to say the next thing “ We have spent too many years of collecting information only for our informants to end up up dead on a street in Seoul. But this time, we have an opening”
“Y/N we have a whistleblower from the inside of the organization. Right next to the head. One of the leaders Actually, Lee Kikyung”
This wasn't just blood in the water,
This was freaking Carrie amounts of blood, but with drug lords instead of possesed teenagers with superpowers.
“We are aware that you have just returned from your last mission and that you didn’t have much time to rest. But you're the best agent for this case and if I had any other option, I wouldn't ask you”  she paused to look at her “But I'm not asking you either, this is an order.” The director put her cup on the desk and since you didn't make a gesture in answering her she continued.
“Lee gave us information on Kim DoHan, the current head of the Seven Moons that he is planning to leave the position to one of his sons in two months” You tried not to let the surprise show on your face, a crime lord did not retire from his position to play golf with his other crime lord friends.
The only way out of an organization like The Seven Moons was cold, gray and very much dead.
Something was odd with this case.
The older woman's expression softened “This is where you come in; we need you to infiltrate their lines, posing as the daughter of Lee Kikyung, our man”
You wonder what the director offered this old shark to deliver to his master on a silver platter. 
Wait a fucking second...
The thought send shivers down your spine. 
You straightened your posture and smiled at your mentor “Did you just tell me that I have two months to complete the mission?” You really didn't want to hear the answer
Your boss cleared her throat and for the first time that morning  she looked concerned “Yes. You'll be in Seoul in fifteen days”
“Fifteen days? Oh, just Kill me now” You said before you could stop yourself.
“Emmet will give you all the information on the case, your new identity and documents. I suppose that your Korean isn't rusty?” You knew that was the director’s best attempt at being friendly.
She was trying to sound less: You’re about to die
You stood up from your seat “It is not. And if that’s all. I guess I’ll start preparing myself” The director nodded her head to let you know it was all.
“You should call your grandmother, before you leave” You heard the director say.
Did she think you were going to die on this mission?
“And one more thing Y/N?” you paused on your tacks to look at her “Good luck”
Oh, she deffinitely tought you were going to die on this mission.
You were going to need more that good luck to fuck with the Seven Moons and not end up with a bullet in the head.
Or worse...
Shipping Port, Incheon Bay, South Korea.
When Jackson Wang opened the heavy container doors he knew his life was over.

"This is it," he muttered to himself, "He’s going to kill me."
How do you tell your bosses you've been played for dirt? Literally
The expected cargo of new weaponry was nothing but an ocean of dirt. This wasn't just a mishap; it was a death sentence, crafted with meticulous contempt.
He shivered at the thought of The Clan Head's reaction. "This is the kind of dirt he'd happily bury me in," he murmured, a dark humor in his tone.
That, if he was lucky. 
But Jackson's fears ran deeper than his own inminent demise. Someone had the audacity to challenge the Seven Moons, a thought that seemed almost ludicrous. "No one's crazy enough to cross us. Right?" he questioned the silence.
Amidst the mundane dirt, one of his clan member found an object that chilled Jackson to his core. There, cunningly concealed like an patient predator, layed a sculpture of a dragon's head, impeccably crafted from solid gold, cradling a jade sphere in its jaws. The dragon's eyes bore into him, silently conveying a sinister warning.
Jackson's heart sank. "That's a Triad symbol. They're sending a message."
The dragon head is an emblem of unspoken power that represents the Chinese Triad’s leader and only he can send it as a message. 
That's why Jackson didn't need much explaining, he knew what it meant. 
Memories surged back, painting a vivid picture of a violent past. Two decades ago when he was still a child, a brutal war had erupted between the Korean gangs and the Chinese Triads. The Jade Dragon clan, in their attempt to take over Asia's criminal underbelly. 
They failed.
Kim DoHan and his men whipped the Jade Dragon clean, assasinating whole families and leaving hundreds of orphan children. 
Jackson was one of them.
He realized the gravity of the situation. "They're back," he whispered.
And the streets of seoul were going to turn bloody red once again.
How the young gangster would have liked that this was just some stupid petty criminal thinking he could play with the Devil. Perhaps if by some miracle he survived today, it would only be the precursor to a far greater storm. This wasn't just a heist gone wrong; it was a declaration of war.
Jackson cursed his luck for having to be the one to break the news to him.
With shaking hands, he reached for his cell phone and dialed the number of his direct leader, the head of her clan's trafficking operations. Known as The Shadow or just simply as...
“Boss, it's Jackson. The shipment arrived but we have a problem, I think you have to see this in person. They sent uh... They sent something” he spoke so fast that his words were barely understood.
“Wang, Wang, Wang. My man, take a breath and start again” Jackson heard his boss's chuckle on the other side of the line and his blood ran cold “explain yourself, did the shipment arrive or not?”
“The weapons are not here. The container arrived empty... well, not empty, full of dirt” he took a breath and closed his eyes. These were the moments when he regretted not auditioning to be an idol, because none of this shit would be happening to him if he was a rapper “But one of the boys found a buried golden dragon head. It’s made of gold and boss... 
it has a jade in it’s mouth”
He could hear the young leader's breathing stop for a second, to continue in a more serious tone, Suga was no longer laughing “Are you fucking sure of what you're saying?”
Jackson's voice was tense. "Yes, boss. I'm sure. They are back."
“We'll be there in a few minutes. Try not to die before we arrive, Wang. Make sure of that” then the line went dead.
We will be there.
We will be...
Oh shit, it meant his boss wasn't coming alone.
There was a small whisper between the Clan’s men that Kim DoHan, the Devil himself was ready to step down of his possition as the Head. 
And that made no sense to Jackson.
A crime lord did not retire from his position to play golf with his other crime lord friends.
The only way you could leave the clan was Dead.
Maybe this was the perfect time for a certain foreign dragon to send them a silent greeting.
And boy, had he done it in a colossal way, infiltrating their biggest load of weapons they had in a while. It would take the Clan at least three weeks to smuggle a shipment that size again, not counting the money they'd just lost.
Someone is going to die today because of this. Jackson thought.
The minutes dragged on like a never-ending nightmare, and cold sweat trickled down Jackson's forehead despite the autumn chill.
The sound of approaching vehicles grew louder, and as he looked up, a black G-Wagon truck pulled up right at the shed's entrance.
A mysterious figure emerged from the black vehicle, all dressed in shades that matched his car. Known as the Clan's Shadow, he possessed an intimidating presence with long, dark hair, even darker eyes, and a scar etching its way from his eyebrow down his left cheek. A single glance at him was enough to send shivers down anyone's spine, for crossing his path meant trouble, and more often than not it meant that you were going to die.
"Oh, damn, Suga looks pissed," Jackson muttered to himself as he caught sight of the imposing figure.
Following closely behind, J-Hope stepped out of the car, Suga's trusted right-hand man and the one responsible for clearing the Clan's messes. Dressed in a high-end style, he sported Gucci glasses and dark, sleek hair. 
Whenever you needed anything from drugs and guns to making someone disappear or maybe a whole group of shady businessmen. The sky was the limit to your criminal ideas.
He the one to call—no questions asked.
"Jackson, what's this about a dragon head?" J-Hope said as he joined them.
Before he could answer the roar of another engine filled the air, and trailing behind the truck was an electric blue Lamborghini Aventador, the prized possession of the Clan's collector.
Known simply as V, he was a tall, obscenely handsome young man, his hair dyed to match the vibrant hue of his sports car. Stepping into the warehouse, he bore a bored expression, having been pulled away from the amusement of watching his men deliver a harsh beating to a poor guy who hadn't met his obligations. V swaggered in, seemingly uninterested. "What's all the fuss about?"
"Sounds like someone's stirring the pot." Stepping out of his striking red sports car,  a Ferrari 488, there he was the owner of Seoul's nightlife, Park Jimin. He adjusted the buttons of his suit, wearing an amused expression. It had been quite some time since anyone dared to provoke his clan
If you wanted a night of fun in the city, he was likely the owner of your chosen destination.
For him, every night promised to be interesting.
Seated beside him in the passenger seat was the youngest of the Clan's leaders. His boyish smile contrasted with the array of accessories he adorned himself with—rings, chains with the clan symbol, and piercings. The full combo of "mess with me, and I'll kill you, with a side of french fries."
Young JK, a taekwondo champion and a prodigy, had a penchant for personally training the clan's members in combat. He even dabbled in underground fight rings for fun.
Although he was too young to hold a formal position within the Clan, everyone knew not to underestimate him.
With all five leaders gathered at the same location, the gravity of the situation couldn't be denied. The Clan's Head had summoned them for a reason, a display of their collective strength.
Another car arrived at the shed's entrance, a luxurious foreign van fitted with bulletproof windows. Seated within were two of the most influential and prosperous young entrepreneurs in Asia. Though their criminal background was a not so closely guarded secret, no one dared to mention it openly. 
Kim Seokjin, also known as The Nation’s Prince, was recognized for his designer suits and a haircut worth hundreds of dollars. His presence in the underworld was a rare sight, but when one of his brothers reported a dragon's head on their territory, he couldn't ignore the summons.
Walking a few paces behind him was Kim Namjoon, the Clan's Second-in-Command and the only biological son of Kim DoHan, the head of their little gangster family. 
Impeccably dressed as always, he exuded an air of authority. Although not the eldest among his brothers, his words held the weight of the Clan Head's commands. Those who dared to defy him never lived long enough to share their stories.
If anyone were to inherit the Seven Moons, it would undoubtedly be him.
"I hope whatever you've got, Wang, is worth something. If not, I swear I’ll make you pay the clan for every minute you make me lose" the second in command grumbled.
The young man replied with an air of urgency, "Boss, take a look for yourself. But I am sure of what I’m seing. This is Jade Dragon's work."
Namjoon scoffed mockingly, "Wang, are you watching old gangster movies again? The Jade Dragon Clan is long dead, and you're barking up the wrong tree."
"The only one barking up trees around here," a mocking voice broke the silence, "is you, your highness." It was clear that The Shadow was the only one audacious enough to dare challenge Namjoon 
Suga stepped up to the container and grabbed the golden head. He examined it closely, then turned it around to reveal an inscription:
The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
Suga's eyes flashed with realization. "Thia ia real, It's a declaration of war. It also means we've got ourselves a traitor."
Jackson stood rooted to the spot, dreading the potential consequences. Someone had dared to defy the Seven Moons, and betrayal was a bitter pill to swallow.
There was a traitor, among their own people.
According to the code.
They all had to die.
Suga really liked Jackson.
He was one of his most loyal men.
That’s why he just put one bullet to his head. 
A Fast death.
Sadly the rest of the clansmen that were with him didn’t have the same luck.
When Jackson Wang opened the heavy container doors he might aswell has opened the doors to hell.
But he didn’t know his life was really over.
And a new war had beggun.
“The damage is done, you're nothing but a savage. Someone, no going back to where you came from”
Yes I killed jackson wang... 
Well hi, hello Again!! 
This is actually Chapter one  and two of the series, but I decided to post the Omen separately and make it easier to read on tumblr.
There are some slight changes in the story from the original one I wrote. To begin with, this wasn’t a memberxreader story, but i kinda like this style more. 
Note: I really like to describe Reader as less as I can, so It can be fun for everyone to read. But in this story in particular, reader’s origins are important ro the plot. I’m sorry if it dissapoints you ☹️ 
Note 2: Yes, every chapter is named after a song. I like Grey’s Anatomy and I got inspired from it... Im not sorry for that 🤣
Anyway I hope you are enjoying reading as much as I am re writing this story, althought I should be sleeping right now. 
That’s all for Today, 
Love, Ria 💗
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coles-scythe · 7 months
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Jay || They/He || Artist || ♤♡ || ASD + ADHD
-> This is my self shipping side blog, where I get to be so normal over fictional people. This is NOT a fandom blog, though fandom blogs are welcome to interact.
-> My main is @jay-sketchin, my art blog! However, I reblog most things to my personal blog @stfu-im-thinking-abt-blorbo. I also run @draw-your-self-ship!!
-> I take art and (MLP) base edit commissions!! See this post from my main for more information!!
-> My hyperfixations change a lot! So please don't follow me expecting a lot of one content or another. Currently I'm super invested in Pokémon (mainly Scarlet), Persona (3+4 especially), and rhythm games like D4DJ, BanG Dream, and Guitar Hero!
-> My #1 main romantic F/O of all time is Tohru Adachi from Persona 4 and I'm extremely uncomfortable sharing him! Doubles are okay to interact and follow, but please don't reblog any of my posts tagged with "🃏 Jester's Hunger" (my ship tag for him) if we share. Also, as comes with the territory, my entire blog is riddled with spoilers for Persona 4, and all other media I post about.
-> I currently don't have a main F/O that I'm hyperfixated aside from Adachi! I'm kinda just floating between thinking about most of my self ships, especially for P4, Guilty Gear, Ninjago, and Tekken. Here’s my list for all of my F/Os!! Other than Adachi, the only one I'm uncomfortable sharing is Jin Kazama!
-> I've also got a list of my self inserts! It's a massive WIP and includes some of my OCs that either appear in multiple of my AUs or are important in at least one AU. Please note that if a character is listed as an OC on this blog, then it is NOT a self insert unless specified otherwise!
-> On that note, this blog WILL include both OC x Canon and Canon x Canon ships that are included in my AUs. For filtering purposes, I will be tagging all Canon x Canon ships with an emoji and their ship name, minus the -shipping suffix in certain names. (E.G. "🌙AraShu" for Shinjiro x Minato in my Persona 3 AU and "⚔️Samurai" for Nya x Pixal in my Ninjago AU, shortened from "Samuraishipping".)
Do NOT Interact:
General DNI criteria (MAP, Zoo, TERF, exclusionist, zionist, bigot, etc.)
Pro shippers, their supporters, neutrals, and toxic anti shippers
Loli/Shotacons and their supporters
NSFW/Kink/Fetish blogs
Adults who self ship with minors
People who self ship with real people (Celebrities, musicians, YouTubers, including YouTuber alter egos and roleplay characters like MCYT creators)
Self shippers who age up/down their F/Os or self inserts are on very thin ice. This will be judged on a case-by-case basis. (General guideline is if you shipped with them while you were a minor and got older, they have a real world birthdate before yours, or if your F/O's source canonically uses timeskips to age the chatacters up, then you'll get a pass.)
Fandom DNI:
I'm fine with fandom blogs following this blog if they come across it, but I still have a few boundaries I'd like to make clear for my own comfort.
YouTuber fandoms (E.G. MCYT, BBS, etc.)
Harry Potter fandom, including those who do not support J.K. Rowling
Hetalia + Countryhumans fandoms
Yandere Simulator fandom, including those who do not support YandereDev
Your Boyfriend Game fandom
Lloyd/Ninja shippers, especially Green//flame (Ninjago)
TDI Reboot cast x any cast prior to 2023 shippers (Total Drama)
Protagonists/Adult Social Links+Confidants shippers, especially Shu//Ada (Persona)
If you engage in a lot of Naoto gender discourse. I use They/He/She pronouns for them and headcanon them as Non Binary/Genderfluid. (Persona)
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Some Userbox Stuff About Me, For The Funsies Lol
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