#🌠 inspired this (missed them too hard)
crushingcasanova · 2 months
I miss you. 
I’ll always miss you when you’re away. I want to try and keep myself busy, and yet you keep me distracted, ever present in my thoughts. I cannot help but wait for you, use this time to create for you, and long for you to return. I want to be able to sit like a dog waiting for its owner: my whole life revolves around your presence. I’d sit here for as long as it takes. Let everything I do while you’re away only bring us closer together. Every memory I make without you, every meaningless thought I have, let me tell you about it all when you return. You’ll always return, won’t you? I want to know what you do when you’re away. No matter how long it takes, I’d wait for you. The seconds might stretch on into minutes, hours, days, and yet the second you come back, it will all have been worth it. Every moment without you might feel like a lifetime, yet I am not really alive when you are away. It would all be worth it, as long as you’d miss me too. 
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little-puku · 2 years
For sugi: 🌌 💐💗💌
For the kiddos: đŸ’šđŸŒ đŸŒ©
Hope it’s not too much!! You can pick and choose kiddos if it is tho! I love all of them
oh boy here I come!! I wanted to add lil draws but I don't want to make you wait so much so here I go!!
but under a read more because I know it will be a lot ahaha thank you for asking
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
It started when I was living in Spain far away from my family I was on my own because of studies, so when I was playing PLA I kinda understand how Ingo and Akari felt been an “outsider” in a different land far away from home (The only times when I was feeling welcoming was me visiting my best friend on Germany and her family) So me been a sucker and missing my family lead to me create a character that I could cope with, so I created Sugi I didn’t have a name for her yet until way later but I wanted someone to be a childhood friend of Ingo, I was reading way too much fanfics I gather ideas and I was like “yep he is a romantic nerd gotta use that” and so she was born with the other kids since I also wanted Ingo to felt at home so that how the “Papa Ingo au/Found family au” started haha
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
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If someone is giving her a bouquet it would be nice if it include some of those flower here are the meaning of each ones:
Dahlia’s meaning of a lasting bond and commitment 
Freesias meaning of trust, friendship and thoughtfulness
Forget-me-nots represent true love and giving someone this flower means you truly love and respect this person. It is a testament to your relationships and promises the other person that you will never forget them in your thoughts. They also represent long lasting connections that can exist between not only lovers, but also friends. This connection can’t be broken or shaken by anything or anyone.
(This are actually Sugi favorite flowers I am planning on making a picture or comic of Ingo giving some to Sugi because it reminder him of her Professor Laventon and Melli actually helped him to choose those flowers for her huehuehue 👀)
Daisies symbolize childhood innocence, simplicity and joy
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
Since she is a researcher and a Pokémon breeder she enjoys always finding new things about Pokemon specially when it comes to Pokemon eggs and baby Pokemon, new moves, etc. She is always excited to learn new things about that.
If it comes to PokĂ©mon battles she is always excited about them specially if one person she cares is participating in one, have for sure she will be that one person in the public cheering you up as strong as she can! doesn't matter if you lose or win she will always be proud of your effort. She rarely does battle but when she does her heart race, she actually at first will be like "me? in a PokĂ©mon battle? no haha I don't think so, you really want me to be in a PokĂ©mon battle?!!" but she will be actually excited you took her in consideration, she will try her best but she will also enjoy participating in double battle with someone she can fight along her side (cough Ingo and Sugi team battle versus Akari or Sugi vs Ingo cough cough 👀)
IF IT IS ABOUT ROMANCE!! Sugi is kinda like slow romance person, she will trust you at first when it comes to friendship and she will be very sweet, she usually loves having platonic relationship but if someone is able to make her feel safe and at home and the more you spend time with her that love will grown until it become into possible romantic feeling, she is a nerd when it comes to romance because she doesn't want to ruin the friendship she will actually think very hard if it is actually necessary to ask for a romantic relationship, so she will need a lil help to make her speak up her feeling for the other person (even tho to the person she loves deeply will actually act like they are in a relationship have for sure she will be hugging you and kissing you a lot unless you tell her is not appropriated she will stop)
💌 LOVE LETTER - do they like love letters? what kind of messages do they leave for their partner?
SHE DOES LOVE LOVE LETTERS!! this woman right here! give her a love letter and she will be running around like a teenage girl that her crush finally saw her in the school yard she will be like "ME!??! LOVE LETTER ARE YOU FOR SURE?!" she will be super red and flustered about it she won't be able to believe it haha
She is the kind of person that always leave tiny sweet messages, for example when she visit Ingo at the training ground and she brings food to Zisu and him she leave nice notes for both of them to have a great day or that she hopes the food gives them energy (Ingo notes will have a tiny heart or tiny inside joke both share) she will also do the same for the "fallen kids" she will give them tiny messages Or send her Beautifly with supplies they might need during their adventure for extra safety
She has actually written love letter to Ingo before arriving to Hisui but she never send them for the fear that Ingo won't feel the same, Ingo did the same but he never send them as well. So none of them made a move even tho both had feeling for each other. Later Sugi's bother and Emmet finding those love letter thinking they run away when both disappeared but realizing that wasn't the reason they are gone
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
Genba - A warm blanket, ruffled his hair, kiss his forehead and tell him how proud you are of him and the good job he did no matter how big or small was tell him you are proud
Omet - He loves hugs a loooooot, hold his hand for safety and hug him a lot
Miles - Be by his side, tell him things are going to be ok, he also likes holding hands
Wamu - Tell him stories doesn't matter what kind, he will love to listen to what you have to said, spend time with him fishing or just dancing you can even be sitting next to him in silent drinking some tapu cocoa and he will hug you back for spending time with him
Rosie - Hugs and kisses she loved those, play with her the silly idea games she has and she will feel very well loved also warm baths and brush her hair
Hazel - Eatting with people, she loves having a food with people she cares a lot
Richie - Hugs and read to him, doesn't matter what it is, after a long day he will love if you read something to him or know how was your day, Listen to his crazy super hero ideas too or sing a lullaby for him to sleep
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
everyone wants to get back to their original time but this are some things they also wish for:
Genba - for his grandma to be alive again, since she was the only person living with him it hurted him a lot that she was unable to travel with him after she died
Omet and Miles- To meet their mother, since their mother died when both where born both wished to have meet her since their dad speak a lot how wonderful she was
Wamu - he wants an bag with infinity malasadas
Rosie - For her parents to love Pokémon as much as she does
Hazel - Taking Melli with her if she gets back home because she doesn't want to lose his friendship
Richie - To be able to fly, this kid right here wants wings! he loves bug Pokémon and super heroes so he knows both will mix well he wants to fly super high! he maybe create wings and test them if he can fly with them
☁ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Genba - Loves cute things specially flowers, but because he want to give this "though guy" attitude after someone made fun of him he rarely shows his soft side, but Rosie knows he does like cute things so both hang out a lot
Omet and Miles - Omet is better at singing while Miles is better at playing instruments so sometimes they do create tiny lil tunes for the fun of it
Wamu - Loves walking barefoot on the grass, on the dirt, on the rain, sand, water, flowers, he just loves walking on things barefoot makes him feel more connected to the nature and who he is since he loves those tiny little things
Rosie - even if she can't properly express herself with words because of her Dysarthria she will hug you or make you feel like you do matter, she will give you flowers or a wonky drawing
Hazel - She loves making wooden figurines of those she like a lot or things she find on her adventures
Richie - He will try to find interesting things on his travels and give them to you, shiny rocks, weird looking seeds, pebbles, flowers, seashells, doesn't matter if it is interesting he will bring them to you (the other kids started to imitated Richie on this and so everyone always after a survey they give random items to Ingo and Sugi)
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