#🌱 reader:gn
awkwardchick87 · 1 year
A/n - One of the 2 fics I wrote for the Summer Collab hosted by @buerriberry!!
After July,established relationship, fluff. Vash is the sweetest man in the entire world! Gn reader. Mostly 98/Trimax Vash coded, but Tristamp works too.
Wc - 890 
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Placing your hand against your forehead to shade your eyes, you scan the street for that familiar red coat and blond hair before muttering under your breath, “where the hell are you Vash?” 
You had woken up to a hastily written note on the bedside table, “Gone out for supplies. I’ll be back soon” You waited for an hour or so, showering and taking your time to get ready for your day. You knew you would both have to move on from this little oasis soon for fear of someone recognizing Vash and trying to cash in on the bounty, so you tried to take advantage of the quiet moments. You started to get worried, after no sign of him after another hour. Sighing, you grabbed your jacket and made your way to the busy street. 
“Of course” you muttered under your breath, spotting the blond mop of hair walking out of a bakery, “Hey!” you called out to him.
His face lit up as he jogged across the street towards you, holding a bag of what you just knew was doughnuts. “Hey” he said back to you, “I was just about to come get you. I have a surprise” you could see the excitement behind his eyes. 
“Oh?” you asked curiously, “What kind of surprise?” narrowing your eyes.
He just laughed, grabbing your hand and dragging you down the street, away from the inn. 
Neither of you had had much time to check out the small town when you got into it so late last night. You figure that must have been what he was doing this morning while gathering supplies. Vash was leading you outside the town, turning a corner behind a cliff. You gasped, your eyes widening, “What.. What is this?” 
Lush grass was spread across the ground replacing the dry sand. There were some trees dotting the aland, and you could smell something that you could only describe as fresh. Leaning down, you rubbed your hand across the grass. 
Vash knelt down beside you, “There is a geo plant here. The townsfolk found it a while back and built the city a little further away to help protect it from getting destroyed. Kinda helps that its hidden behind the cliffs.” His smile was wide. 
“How did you find it?” You asked him, you couldn’t pry your eyes away from the ground. 
“Found this place a while back. Helped them out and they showed me this. I always wanted to bring someone here and show them though.” Vash looked towards you and grabbed your hand “You want to see your surprise?” He asked, pulling you up. 
“Wait, this isn’t the surprise?” you asked as he guided you both further into the small field. Coming around a corner, you spotted a blanket on the ground and a small basket. “What's this?” you asked, your face lighting up. 
“This is the best place to have a picnic!” Vash replied. “Rem used to set them up on the grass all the time for us before…” his voice trailed off. 
Raising your hand, you cupped his cheek, turning his face towards you and smiling at him, knowingly, “Thank you for sharing something like this with me, Vash.” 
He tilted his face into your hand, nuzzling it for a moment before gesturing for you to take a seat. “I hope you’re hungry! I grabbed a few snacks and brought them out here earlier. I only went back into town for you, and these” He held the bag with the doughnuts up before placing them on the blanket. 
Chuckling, you sat down on the blanket, reaching a hand into the basket, you pull out a sandwich. “So what do you do at a picnic?” you questioned Vash, unwrapping your sandwich before taking a bite. 
“Well we used to eat, talk and listen to stories..” Vash grabbed your wrist, bringing your hand with the sandwich to his face and stealing a bite before you could pull away, smirking at you playfully.
“Hey!” You jerked your hand away, chuckling, taking another bite of your own before holding it out for him, which he graciously took. 
Time seemed to stop for you both, just enjoying each other's company, sharing your food with each other. Your laughter rang through the clearing while Vash shared some of his light hearted and funnier stories of his adventures on Gunsmoke. 
The breeze flew through the trees, the sound of the leaves rustling was something you had never heard before and you loved it. It was almost like a small fluttering. You closed your eyes, laying down on the blanket and enjoying the sound. You heard Vash’s coat rustling. Cracking one eye open you spotted him leaning back, his knee propped up with one arm resting on top of it, the other one behind him for support. 
“We only have a couple of days here, so we need to make the most of it.” His voice was low, like he was convincing himself he needed to leave this place. 
Reaching a hand out, you tugged his arm, pulling him down to lay beside you, “We can enjoy our time here right now.” you turned and smiled at him, “This place really is amazing.”
Settling in beside you, his hand ran down your arm, threading his fingers through yours, humming his agreement. 
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