#馃尭 my eternal euthymia... | personal
ei-makesstuff 2 years
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Purple/orange fox stimboard.
For myself.
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ei-makesstuff 2 years
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GNC transmasc Barbara stimboard.
For myself.
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ei-makesstuff 2 years
small update on why i havent posted anything, or responded to asks;
so life stuff came up and i had (and still have) a big "mental episode" going on, which means i havent had any motivation to work on things unless they're stuff i know really well already.
just three days ago, in the midst of everything, i had completely ditched this blog as it didnt fit my newer style of things. i wont go in-depth, but i essentially just dropped this entire thing impulsively one day and changed my entire identity.
because of all this, i think im just gonna scrap the current requests people sent in and keep my requests limited to fandoms i have genuine knowledge about. (unless it's a stimboard/moodboard, those are easy to do with limited information)
i apologize for all this- if anyone would like to send in a new request or anything, feel free to. just keep in mind im only doing fandoms im familiar with for now, with the exception of mood/stimboards, for the sake of not stressing myself further. (this isnt the fault of anyone on here btw!! so dont worry about that part <3)
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